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This is why abortion, particularly late term abortion, is so important to the democrats

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Demonic and disgusting. Good luck in the afterlife.

You think I'm going to "Hell"?

All those babies who were slaughtered are going to be there looking at you and asking why you celebrated their murders with smiles and inane shouts of 'fwee!'.

If you think the loving God, that you claim to worship, sends aborted "babies" to "Hell", then I think I'd rather be there than in "Heaven" with you and "Him".

edit on 5520242024k27America/Chicago2024-08-09T14:27:55-05:0002pm2024-08-09T14:27:55-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Moon68

That's just putting words in people's mouths Moon68.

Which is silly never mind bad manners.

A woman's body is her prerogative, just like your body is your prerogative.

So keep guessing, again my feelings on the matter are rather plain.

It's no different than you stating, "You know where i stand, a woman's body is her own concern, anything else, and she a second-class citizen and piece of chattel."

Were you exhibiting bad manners?

Just trying figure out the rules you are trying go by here.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: network dude

It almost sounds like at some point in the pregnancy, that clump of cells becomes a tiny human.

At what point would that be?

I'm asking, not telling. You don't seem to have any limits, so who can make this call?

Then you're deaf, blind and dumb, with a very short memory. I've consistently and loudly advocated for "Viability", the same standard that set by Roe.

You guy disingenuously keep acting like there were no limits, and abortion was rampant under Roe. But Roe did set a limit, and that limit was viability. Also, at the time of the Dobbs ruling, abortion statistics were the lowest they had been since 1973, when the Roe ruling became the "Law of Land".

OK, so at viability, the child inside the mother, is a person, is that right? If so, at what point does that person have the rights the rest of us enjoy? Only after the first breath of our air, or perhaps when it can survive without the mother?

I'm just tired of the dehumanization in all this. I get that it's a wartime tactic. Had to dehumanize the viet cong in order to be able to kill them as we did, and now, a child is dehumanized so more killing can happen.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
You think I'm going to "Hell"?

That's for God to decide. I'm stating that your behavior is demonic. Celebrating the slaughter of children with smiles and yells of 'fwee' .... disgusting.

If you think the loving God, that you claim to worship, sends aborted "babies" to "Hell", then I think I'd rather be there than in "Heaven" with you and "Him".:

Aborted children don't go to Hell. But they will be in the afterlife to greet you at your judgement. So you'd rather be in Hell than in Heaven with God? I'm sure He will accommodate you. You play with fire and have no idea what you are saying. The ignorance is pitiful.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
f that offends you as a man. So be it. Name calling and casting aspersions on women here won't change a thing.

FlyersFan is a woman.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Anyone see this? ....sorry if already posted ...didn't have time to read full thread yet.

California bill seeks to train emergency room workers to commit abortions - LINK

AB 2490, “Reproductive Health Emergency Preparedness Program,” would create an incentivized training program for emergency room medical professionals to learn how to commit abortions. Essentially, this bill aims to turn emergency rooms into abortion facilities, and holds a competition to see which emergency department most achieves this goal.

The proposed bill requires local governments to approve applications for the development of community clinics that provide reproductive health services, including abortions, without discretionary review if they meet certain criteria

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Moon68

Well let's start with the rule, dont put words in other people's mouths.

As it can be considered offensive.

And won't work with me.

I am entitled to my opinion, and I've stated my reasons why, Same as you are entitled to yours.

If you wish to see how Women really feel about the matter in the US, well the coming election may very well tell.

edit on 9-8-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha


Kamala wants us all to pay for it.
How shall we pay for it when we already sold our souls?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm stating that your behavior is demonic.

I don't know what that means. Aren't demons mythical beings that are just basically trolls for Satan? I assure you, I am not a mythical being. I am 100% human.

If you mean that my posting behavior reminds you of a mythical tale of demons luring women into sex orgies and abortion slumber parties where half naked women celebrate their abortions with flimsy feather pillow fights, I didn't see that movie. But a lot of guys here on ATS apparently did!

On an observational note, your posting behavior doesn't remind me of any mythical angelic tale that I've seen or heard about, either. You might want to take a look in the mirror and give that halo of yours a good polish. It's got some smutz on it.

edit on 0220242024k54America/Chicago2024-08-09T14:54:02-05:0002pm2024-08-09T14:54:02-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Aren't demons mythical beings...


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Well i suppose if one were to subscribe to the likes of "The Lesser Key of Solomon".

But is there really any evidence to suggest such entities exist anywhere other than in the minds of man and/or in religious text or art/symbology?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
But is there really any evidence to suggest such entities exist anywhere other than in the minds of man and/or in religious text or art/symbology?

Topic for a separate thread.

But yeah ... evidence ... personal experience. I've encountered them. So have many others. They are real. I had heard they existed and considered that they existed, but then when I encountered them I was in total shock that they were real. And in total shock at just how evil and unrelenting they are.

I'd tell ya' stories that would turn your hair gray and make it fall out. But like I said .. that's for another thread.

ETA ... on second thought ... I dont think I'd want to relate those events. That's how bad those things are. I can't even think about it.

edit on 8/9/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

That's a shame i would have been interested to hear your tales and accounts.

Keeping an open mind and all that jazz.

And with a "There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" ethos.

Just to add, I've seen true evil in this world, and it did not take mythical entities to perpetrate such, just man as unfortunate as the case may be.

edit on 9-8-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 04:00 PM

ATTENTION...please read before posting further....
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edit on Fri Aug 9 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

Newly Released Undercover Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Employees Joking and Laughing While , Allegedly Admitting to Selling Aborted Baby Organs and Dismembered Parts

Ulterior motives

This has been exposed a few years ago, maybe this new video will have an impact. Abortion is a states rights issue, maybe this will help voters decide what limits abortions should have. There is an attempt to make abortion an issue for this presidential election, it is just a way for Kamala to avoid the real issues the next president will need to grapple with. The economy, open borders and global stability are what this presidential election is about, not abortion.

Peddling flesh, literally.

May they experience hell here, before arriving in Hell after suffering a miserable death in this body.

Now Care, you can do this out of love of the ones wanting this if only to hope Agape love will overcome them and help them see the light. As a Libertarian Christian I am of the opinion it is very bad to do after the 1st trimester, but God himself gives them the freedom to begin with to make this choice. It is on us to call it out for what it is and rebuke it. Well done, and remember the parable of the wheat and the tare teaches us the harvester of the field is the decider on what is kept. How to save their very souls is not on their minds here at all.

edit on 9000000503120248America/Chicago08pm8 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 04:48 PM

a reply to: Sookiechacha

Nobody is pro-abortion.

The issue is Abortion; people are pro-abortion and anti-abortion, or somewhere in between.

"Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Life" are just comfortable euphemisms people cloak themselves in order to shield themselves from the uncomfortable aspect of their opinions.

edit on 9-8-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3

a reply to: Sookiechacha

Nobody is pro-abortion.

The issue is Abortion; people are pro-abortion and anti-abortion, or somewhere in between.

"Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Life" are just comfortable euphemisms people cloak themselves in order to shield themselves from the uncomfortable aspect of their opinions.


It is Pro-Right of choice.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Annee


It's pro and ant abortion.

The argument of choice and womens rights went away when women came out to declare how many abortions they had.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee


It's pro and ant abortion.

The argument of choice and womens rights went away when women came out to declare how many abortions they had.

NO — it’s about having the Right to choose.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: Annee

You do.

To lie or not to lie......

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