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This is why abortion, particularly late term abortion, is so important to the democrats

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You do.

To lie or not to lie......

You do not have to be pro-abortion to support Right of Choice.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

How many abortions a woman has is irrelevant.

Her business — her choice. Not yours or anyone else’s.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:29 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:34 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:34 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:55 PM

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 06:02 PM

SECOND ATTEMPT...please read before posting further....
In case you have not noticed...
this is NOT a Social Issues thread.

It is a WHISTLE BLOWER thread


Failure to address the OP WILL RESULT in post removals and/or a thread closure...........
YOU are responsible for your own posts

And, as always...
Do not reply to this post.

edit on Fri Aug 9 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Democrats lied and make money off Infanticide.

Didn't you see the expose video about the baby and fetus parts being sold? They have a list of the prices for!

It was a huge freaking deal a few years back, if any one could pay attention with all the propaganda bs.

So yeah, democrats have been using Planned Parenthood as a money funneling scheme, by donations which are kicked back. The money just keeps going in circles.

They are basically skimming the "proceeds" and cycle the money back into politics around campaign seasons.

It's documented and has been hushed in news for obvious reasons.

Any one can search and see, if they're not in denial of course.

It's advised to not take any one person's word for it, dig and see, beware though, videos are not always blurred out, fyi...

Horrible evil greed, that's why the world needs Jesus.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

How many abortions a woman has is irrelevant.

Her business — her choice. Not yours or anyone else’s.

So if a dad doesn't want to raise his child he is a deadbeat dad but if a women doesn't want to raise her child she's pro-abortion.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

How many abortions a woman has is irrelevant.

Her business — her choice. Not yours or anyone else’s.

So if a dad doesn't want to raise his child he is a deadbeat dad but if a women doesn't want to raise her child she's pro-abortion.

I think we’re supposed to address the political aspect of abortion by state. Per your OP.

I have answered that question before. This is not the right thread.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You do.

To lie or not to lie......

You do not have to be pro-abortion to support Right of Choice.

What if you're anti-abortion? The "Right of Choice" goes right out the window right? ✅

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You do.

To lie or not to lie......

You do not have to be pro-abortion to support Right of Choice.

What if you're anti-abortion? The "Right of Choice" goes right out the window right? ✅

Is that on topic?

Someone who does not support abortion can still support Right if Choice.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

If you're anti-abortion you don't have one. That's your "Right of Choice".
edit on 9-8-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:27 PM
Catholic nun and medical doctor Teresa Forcades says women should make their own abortion decisions.

Sister Forcades’ take: “I don’t believe the state can impose an absolute ban on abortion. The fetus or the embryo, it’s a very particular form of life because it’s within another. It’s within a mother who has to be able to make decisions in her life as a full human being.”

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:38 PM
that does NOT BELONG to you
IS Plain Out MURDER.


posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: network dude

OK, so at viability, the child inside the mother, is a person, is that right?

At that point the fetus could live outside its mother's womb. At that point the fetus can be delivered if the mother can't physically carry it to term. There's no need for an abortion, unless there's some kind of emergency situation where the fetus is stuck in the birth canal.

Nobody is advocating for aborting viable, healthy fetuses. NOBODY!

If so, at what point does that person have the rights the rest of us enjoy?

You mean Americans? Or the rights any newborn infant has? Rights have to be accessed to be enjoyed.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

How many abortions a woman has is irrelevant.

Her business — her choice. Not yours or anyone else’s.

So if a dad doesn't want to raise his child he is a deadbeat dad but if a women doesn't want to raise her child she's pro-abortion.

I think we’re supposed to address the political aspect of abortion by state. Per your OP.

I have answered that question before. This is not the right thread.

I think it's fair to mention other issues like this double standard since it is all closely related to how the abortion issue is manipulated in many ways. Identifying dead beat dad's as such helps justify and helps support the pro-abortion side of the issue. This is the right thread, overall the abortion issue is multifaceted.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Catholic nun and medical doctor Teresa Forcades says women should make their own abortion decisions.

Sister Forcades’ take: “I don’t believe the state can impose an absolute ban on abortion. The fetus or the embryo, it’s a very particular form of life because it’s within another. It’s within a mother who has to be able to make decisions in her life as a full human being.”

It's not up to Nun's, it's a states rights issue and is rightfully in the hands of the people. Each state will have their own laws as determined by who the people vote into the state legislature and govenorships, it's not complicated.
edit on 9-8-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: Annee

You can say it, doesn't make it true nor truthful.

Like I said, that argument was lost with the women chalking up their trips to planned parenthood.

How many abortions a woman has is irrelevant.

Her business — her choice. Not yours or anyone else’s.

So if a dad doesn't want to raise his child he is a deadbeat dad but if a women doesn't want to raise her child she's pro-abortion.

I think we’re supposed to address the political aspect of abortion by state. Per your OP.

I have answered that question before. This is not the right thread.

I think it's fair to mention other issues like this double standard since it is all closely related to how the abortion issue is manipulated in many ways. Identifying dead beat dad's as such helps justify and helps support the pro-abortion side of the issue. This is the right thread, overall the abortion issue is multifaceted.

There should not be any deadbeat dad’s.

Imagine — the amount of money spent in denying women autonomy — spent on securing the sperm donor is held accountable.

Other: I know 2 women who carried to term then signed custody over to the father. But laws, as they are, can undo that and/or go after the birth parent.

They can even go after sperm donors.

With abortion it’s “done & over”.

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