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Shooting Audio Visual Analysis, Butler, PA

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posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I personally am not in agreement about the 2nd shooter theory (yet) (so we agree on this point), primarily because I see no valid reason for a 2nd shooter...especially if they're going to be shooting at the same target.

What about the JFK assassination with the multiple shooters and patsy all set up? There is only a small window of time to make the hit once it all starts. Having multiple shooters does increase the odds that one of them will be on target.

With what the evidence indicates so far, the first three shots where from inside building 6 and are the shots that done damage. Where the next 5 shots from an outside location went is still unknown. By the time these next 5 shots started, Trump was already covered by SS staff.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:02 AM

Another video angle that shows the location of Corey.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

Since most muzzle speeds are faster than the speed at 100 yards, wouldn’t the bullet reach 450 feet faster than my guesstimation and faster than your .22 seconds.

To better clarify the sequence of events of the first shot, it actually takes 0.38 seconds for the sound of the gun shot to reach Trump.

Time sequence:
0 sec: Bullet and gunshot noise leave gun.
0.16 sec: Bullet reaches Trump with sound of super sonic shockwave.
0.38 sec: Noise from gunshot reaches Trump, 0.22 seconds after the sound of the bullet.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

Since most muzzle speeds are faster than the speed at 100 yards, wouldn’t the bullet reach 450 feet faster than my guesstimation and faster than your .22 seconds.

To better clarify the sequence of events of the first shot, it actually takes 0.38 seconds for the sound of the gun shot to reach Trump.

Time sequence:
0 sec: Bullet and gunshot noise leave gun.
0.16 sec: Bullet reaches Trump with sound of super sonic shockwave.
0.38 sec: Noise from gunshot reaches Trump, 0.22 seconds after the sound of the bullet.

Off what. Off what speeds. Can you even answer what ammunition was used. For what velocities. We only have the sound reaching the microphone you will not give specs on. Where the bullets supposedly used are supersonic, where the bullet would be well down range before the sound got to the microphone. And you can hear the explosion of the gun powder like a hand hun with subsonic rounds setting off can easily be heard 200 yards away. So, yes. Time zero would be the setting off the gun power factoring in the time the sound would get to the microphone being used for analysis.

You didn’t answer the question.

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

450 feet away


450 feet / 2800 fps = .161 seconds to travel 450 feet at 2800 fps.

Since most muzzle speeds are faster than the speed at 100 yards, wouldn’t the bullet reach 450 feet faster than my guesstimation and faster than your .22 seconds.

kwaka, sadly your cherry pick facts and your arguments are made off assumptions that can be anywhere from 30 percent off.

From this ballistics table, using the 100 yard velocities as an average velocity.

The fastest at 100 yards.. 3367 fps?

The slowest at 100 yards…. 2464 fps?

You keep pulling .22 seconds out for no real reason.

With a velocity of 3367 FPS at .22 seconds, places the round down range at 246 yards.

With a velocity of 2464 FPS at .22 seconds, places the round down range at 180 yards.

kwaka, what round and velocities are you using in FPS for those cherry picked calculations.

edit on 27-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: kwaka

That doesn’t answer the question. Does Trump’s ear, the bullet photographed, and the equipment lined up when placed in line with Crooks position. Yes it does. Conclusive evidence the shot was fired from Crooks higher position. Sorry. Not from a lower position.
edit on 27-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

kwaka, what round and velocities are you using in FPS for those cherry picked calculations.

I am using your first calculation of 0.16 seconds it takes for the first bullet to reach Trump. Maybe it is 0.15 or 0.17 ? It is a kinda close starting point till better data arrives. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

kwaka, what round and velocities are you using in FPS for those cherry picked calculations.

I am using your first calculation of 0.16 seconds it takes for the first bullet to reach Trump. Maybe it is 0.15 or 0.17 ? It is a kinda close starting point till better data arrives. Thanks.

I’m guessing the speed of the bullet. For any “analysis” to be valid provided by your sources, there must be a number of things answered.

One. The exact make and model of the round and the correct ballistic chart for the round that hit Trump provided. As proven, there is a varied assortment of bullet weights and speeds.

Two. What sound recording from who at what location was used. Is it a recording off the internet that might be a compressed version.

Three. The make and model of the microphone and if it was directional.

Four. What happened to the microphone during the shooting. Was it turned. Did people get between the source of the shooting and the microphone. How much was the microphone moved. Did a hand or something end up over the microphone.

edit on 27-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

Does Trump’s ear, the bullet photographed, and the equipment lined up when placed in line with Crooks position. Yes it does.

I do agree Trump's ear and the bullet photograph do line up. This is based on the evidence of Trump's body position at the time of shot #1, the only bullet to touch Trump.

Are you able to prove where on the equipment it did get hit and how this lines up? How many times did the equipment get hit being in the general line of fire? Where where the bullets located? Have they looked? Are some bullets still missing?

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

Are you able to prove where on the equipment it did get hit and how this lines up?

It was in a video you provided. Are you posting videos with false information? Is the video wrong,

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 08:09 AM


Found an image of where the fork lift truck got hit. The image is a little bit rotated, can tell from the lean of the poles. After straitening it up and seeing how it aligns with the bleachers rail where David got hit:

It does provide evidence that this shot was taken from a ground floor location, through an open window and not from a higher roof top location.
edit on 28-7-2024 by kwaka because: edit image

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: kwaka


Found an image of where the fork lift truck got hit. The image is a little bit rotated, can tell from the lean of the poles. After straitening it up and seeing how it aligns with the bleachers rail where David got hit:

It does provide evidence that this shot was taken from a ground floor location, through an open window and not from a higher roof top location.

Especially when the shot that hit Trump’s ear is the one that hit the equipment according to your provided video.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: kwaka


The entrance hole in the equipment and the resultant direction of the spray from the entrance hole literally points to a shooter on the roof. Not a person level with trump. Not a person below Trump.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 10:38 PM
Alleged new shooter captured on video and audio at Trump shooting

A new video has surfaced from someone at the rally where they capture gun shots coming from the windows on the ground floor of building 6.

New ATS threads on this event:

Warning Graphic Images – Close-up of DJT’s wounded ear to debunk naysayers

Senator Ron Johnson Gives New Details on Trump Assassination Attempt

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

Not a person level with trump.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88
a reply to: kwaka

To use the angle that the oil sprays out does not fit with a 2 degree declination shooter on the roof. The oil draining from a location below the hydraulic line breach does account for some upward pressure as the oil spray exits.
edit on 29-7-2024 by kwaka because: grammer

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: kwaka

To use the angle that the oil sprays out does not fit with a 2 degree declination shooter on the roof.


This literally points to the shooter on the roof. For the fluid to spray out, the bullet had to make a hole in the equipment that acted like a nozzle. The metal is going to deform in a conical / concave pit around the bullet in the direction of the bullet’s travel. Until the bullet can punch through.

Like this..

Notice the “nozzles” are parallel to the ground that matches the shooter’s weapons fired parallel to the ground.

So for the bullet to make a hole and have the fluid spray upward like this.

The bullet had to start higher than Trump and hit the equipment downward.

Like your video stated. Which lines up with Crooks position, Trump’s ear, the picture of the bullet after it passed Trump, the hole left in the equipment.
edit on 29-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:05 AM

Another analysis from a different position.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Doesn’t mater. You have the hole in Trump’s ear, the photo of the bullet, and the spray from the equipment from a bullet hole pointing to the direction of travel by the bullet that lines up with Crooks on the roof. As outlined by the video provided by you.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 07:57 AM
Suspect #5

Images taken from the video in the previous post. Pictures of security clearing out in front of the windows before the shootings started. They are meet by the Sherriff on the other side of the fence once clear.

On questions about foreknowledge, why else would they clear out that section of the crowd? Where the shooting starts before it starts, but know one knew anything about the Kid on the roof?

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: kwaka

I see people standing at a fence with some animated guy in a Carhartt t-shirt waving his arms like my drunk uncle?

The video has mute in red letters? What was actually being said? Can you cite a transcript?

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