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Shooting Audio Visual Analysis, Butler, PA

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posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 07:37 AM
With the ESU video released, there have been some questions about the empty rounds found when the team got there. Some estimates are that it took the ESU Team about 10 minutes from the time of the shootings until they arrived at the body on the roof. They where not a part of the first group of security that had to break down the fence to get there.

When first arriving on the scene, 5 empty rounds are counted. About 20 minutes later another count is done with 8 empty rounds counted, some of them much further away and on the southern slope of the roof. Mike Adams does present one theory based on the side mounted sights on the rifle. The first three shots where done with a horizontal mounted rifle to keep a low profile on the roof. This would throw the rounds further away. The kid then mounts the rifle in a vertical position for the next 5 shots. Maybe this posture accounts for the audio variations? Many questions still remain.

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 31, 2024 - Single shooter theory gains steam with identification of off-axis iron sights on Crooks’ rifle

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 07:47 AM
Multiple Shooters? | John Cullen & Clay Martin (TPC #1,538)

This presentation really shakes up the narrative by identifying an extra 14 shots from a suppressed rifle, sub sonic 300 Blackout is the suspected ammunition used. One of these rounds is captured on video along with its audio signature. This event occurs about 8 seconds before the first shot.


Have counted 6 suppressed shots so far in the time around the other shootings, have not gone through all the audio yet. With so much suppressed gun fire going on that day it does make one wonder what really went on. Was there some kind of Spy V Spy games going on that day? How many people really got shot, inured or locked up that day?

In a 3D model put together by John Cullen and others, it does show a view from window #3 that lines up with Trumps head and the position David and James where standing.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:21 PM

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 02:05 AM
New ATS thread:

Counter Snipers and Trump

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 02:12 AM

This video is based on the work by Tore Says, It contains some videos locations from around Trump at the time of the shoots.

There are some witness reports and blurry images of a well known camera man also killed that day. It has not been verified or reported.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 11:27 PM

This is one theory that does fit with the trajectory and audio data compiled so far. It is expected that any such snipers nest setup in such a location would of been quickly dismantled along with the rest of the stage. It is possible there still maybe some gunfire residue or other forensic evidence still present, or signs of a recent rebuild. This image was compiled from the recent presentation by Chris Martenson:

Shot #6, the middle shot from the 5 quick shots is the one that killed Corey Comperatore.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: kwaka

That’s not the only hole…


posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 08:35 AM
Chris Martenson has put together a collection of better quality videos around:

Dropbox Link

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:10 AM

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 03:12 AM
One audio analysis using 4 different microphone sources.


posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 07:51 AM

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 09:08 AM
ICYM I: Grassley Oversight Unveils ‘Most Detailed Picture Yet’ of Trump Assassination Attempt

WASHINGTON – Text messages, bodycam footage, law enforcement briefing materials and an after-action report – all obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) – paint the “most detailed picture yet” of the security failures surrounding the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 04:36 AM

There are some problems with this photo being a bullet.

1/ The timing of Trumps position is wrong, he is like this after the first shot and before the 2nd shot.

2/ The length of the bullet. As a rough estimate, call it 1 foot, might be a few inches out. The shutter speed is 1/8000th of a second. This means this bullet is traveling 8000 feet per second. A rough number for a .223 is 3000 feet per second. Despite the error in this calculation, things are still way off here.

What this photo could actually be is the splatter of Trumps ear as it gets pulled into the vacuum trail left by the bullet. This splatter trail does not travel as fast as the bullet, stretches out and disperses over time.

This also helps explain how the photographer could of made such a lucky shot to catch a bullet. Has a bit more time and chance to catch the vapor trail that the bullet leaves in its wake.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 04:45 AM
For the record, these images are the exact frame that the audio from each bullet is first detected:

Shot 1

Shot 2

Shot 3

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:06 AM
Bodycam footage from two of the responding officers around building 6.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Ever identify your hole from a wall?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 05:47 AM

This gif is compiled from the following TMZ video to take out the camera shake.

X Link

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:10 AM
Greg Nichols from the recent audio analysis posted above has done an update of his results:

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:11 AM

posted on Aug, 12 2024 @ 07:16 AM
12 bodycam videos from the officers that day:

Dropbox Link

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