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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

If the pressure valve were released and it was allowed to go to the surface then this would only further explain the force that made it go to the surface.

Then they probably would have been more concerned with boiling to death than the rising waters. Besides, that amount of water, that amount of pressure...not my field, but I'd expect there to be more explosive reaction than a release.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: WaESN

originally posted by: cooperton Mostly all of this is my own research, besides some of the flood accounts that I found from other researchers.

How can there be more than one flood account? The only people (and the only animals) that survived the Flood were in Noah's big wooden box. Everyone and everything (tens of billions of animals, fish and insects) died. There can only be one flood account: that of Noah. Unless either a) there was never a global flood or b) God is a scoundrel and a liar .....

(I'll ignore the more obvious issue that the Noah story is derived from earlier Mesopotamian stories about a big storm

If you're the children of the guy who built the ark, then you bet you're going to have some boat building and sea-faring capabilities. Without any rival tribes, population growth would have been exponential. 10 kids for each generation would reach a population of a million in just 7 generations:

1st generation: 2 parents
2nd generation: 10 children per couple, so 20 children (10 couples)
3rd generation: 10 children per child, so 200 children (100 couples)
4th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000 children (1,000 couples)
5th generation: 10 children per child, so 20,000 children (10,000 couples)
6th generation: 10 children per child, so 200,000 children (100,000 couples)
7th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000,000 children (1,000,000 couples)
Therefore, by the 7th generation, if each couple continues to have 10 children, the population would exceed a million people.

Well firstly an ark isn't exactly a seagoing vessel (why didn't God tell Noah to build a boat?). It's just a big rectangular box.

Secondly, are 8 people enough for a viable gene pool? I don't think so. Especially given that all of the males are directly related. We're talking some really serious inbreeding here!

Thirdly, what did everyone eat? Remember, everything not in the wooden box had died. Including every single plant on the planet.

Fourthly, you're ignoring the elephant: how can there be more than one flood story if the only survivors where in Noah's wooden box? The very fact that flood myths are found all over the world, and describe different people surviving in different ways, proves that either there wasn't a single global flood or else God was a scoundrel and a liar.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

Then they probably would have been more concerned with boiling to death than the rising waters. Besides, that amount of water, that amount of pressure...not my field, but I'd expect there to be more explosive reaction than a release.

Not if its buffered by an entire ocean

originally posted by: FlyersFan

National Center for Science Education - The Impossible Voyage of Noahs Ark
The ark was roughly half the size of the Titanic. Ship building skills at that time couldn't pull it off. Additionally, Noah and his sons had no ship building skills at all. They could not have fallen the trees, gathered and created the lumber, and built the ark in the time allowed. By the time they got to a new section to work on, the previous section would have rotted away. The amount of pitch needed to cover the ark wasn't available.

Your sort of doubt reminds me why I turned atheist from Catholic back when I was 12. I fell for the secular narrative, but continual objective pursuit of knowledge brought me back to intelligent design and Christ as King.

Anyway, the Nephilim had taught people all sorts of tech, including metallurgy. your assumption that they were techless morons does not match historical record.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
There's no reason to believe this would be a solid layer, there are likely crevasses and veins for the water to move around.

You just proved you don't understand geology at all. That's NOT what his information showed. It's NOT water trapped in rocks. You seriously need to reread the information and then spend a lot of time investigating what he posted. You are way off.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: cooperton

So the Nephilim taught man how to build the Ark like a Tardis.....

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: WaESN

Well firstly an ark isn't exactly a seagoing vessel (why didn't God tell Noah to build a boat?). It's just a big rectangular box.

Secondly, are 8 people enough for a viable gene pool? I don't think so. Especially given that all of the males are directly related. We're talking some really serious inbreeding here!

I explained in a prior post that in-breeding is only biologically harmful if there are genetic weaknesses in the gene pool because it exacerbates recessive hidden traits. Noah was over 500 years old, so this implies very strong genetics to have such longevity, therefore it would be safe to marry your cousin. In this day and age I would not recommend even thinking about it lol.

Thirdly, what did everyone eat? Remember, everything not in the wooden box had died. Including every single plant on the planet.

Probably a lot of fish. Fishing nets or whatever would have been a must. Easily Storable grains too.

Fourthly, you're ignoring the elephant: how can there be more than one flood story if the only survivors where in Noah's wooden box? The very fact that flood myths are found all over the world, and describe different people surviving in different ways, proves that either there wasn't a single global flood or else God was a scoundrel and a liar.

Even the Peruvians have a global flood account. They likely kept this in oral tradition before writing it down, but you certainly would remember what grandpa told you about the flood that destroyed all humankind besides your own family. They then migrated around the earth claiming their own territories without any rivals to worry about.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

Then they probably would have been more concerned with boiling to death than the rising waters. Besides, that amount of water, that amount of pressure...not my field, but I'd expect there to be more explosive reaction than a release.

Not if its buffered by an entire ocean

Thinking on it, I actually reckon most of it would remain in it's solid form, a geyser of rocks as it were, some water as a propellant.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Anyway, the Nephilim had taught people all sorts of tech, including metallurgy.

Noahs ark was supposedly made of wood. Not metal. And there is ZERO evidence that there were Nephilim and that they were teaching people skills. The fact remains that, even if they had the knowledge, which they DID NOT, it would have taken many many decades for Noah and his three sons to build the ark. The ark would have decayed and fallen apart before they finished.

your assumption that they were techless morons does not match historical record.

It's not an assumption. It's a historical fact. They did not have the shipbuilding skills at that time to build a boat half the size of the Titanic. They didn't have the manpower to cut the trees, gather the wood, make the lumber and build the ark in the time allotted. They didn't have the amount of pitch needed to cover an ark that size. It wasn't available there.

THAT is the 'historical record'. And no, so called Nephilim are not historical record.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Ice Corp and Glacers Read Here

Recently an ice core nearly two miles long has been extracted from the Greenland ice sheet. The first 110,000 annual layers of snow in that ice core (GISP2) have been visually counted and corroborated by two to three different and independent methods as well as by correlation with volcanic eruptions and other datable events. Since the ice sheet would have floated away in the event of a global flood, the ice core is strong evidence that there was no global flood any time in the last 110,000 years.

Yeah and they also found a WWII plane buried beneath 300 ft of ice in that same area.

Yes, it fell into a crevasse in a glacier

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
Even the Peruvians have a global flood account. .

NONE of any of the flood stories in the world match the Noahs Ark flood story. If the stories all came from the same source, the 8 people in Noahs boat, then they'd match. They do not. Therefore, any flood story in the world is debunked as the 'Noahs Flood'.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Noahs ark was supposedly made of wood. Not metal.

I know, but the fastening nails and rivets, as well as the saws to cut the wood would require metallurgy.

And there is ZERO evidence that there were Nephilim and that they were teaching people skills.

That sounds like dogmatic hyperbole to me. It wasn't just the Hebrews who claimed divine beings came and taught them stuff they couldn't handle... It is also this same story with the Anunnaki and the Greek Titans (remember Prometheus)?

Just because you don't believe our ancestors doesn't mean they were lying.

originally posted by: FlyersFan
NONE of any of the flood stories in the world match the Noahs Ark flood story. If the stories all came from the same source, the 8 people in Noahs boat, then they'd match. They do not. Therefore, any flood story in the world is debunked as the 'Noahs Flood'.

People in Hawaii still refer to him as Nu-u, phonetically like "Noah". Centuries of oral tradition will tend to slip a few details I would imagine, but the general over-arching theme remains strong among all the cultural depictions.

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis
Thinking on it, I actually reckon most of it would remain in it's solid form, a geyser of rocks as it were, some water as a propellant.

Basically a volcano.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

Basically a volcano.

Yeah that's kind of what I am thinking. If pressure from earth's core can make magma emerge from deep places, then it certainly could do the same with water.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Noah was over 500 years old

Where's the proof that Noah was over 500? You keep claiming all the proof posted by others is wrong but other than a made up book about a mythical figure who was killed a approx' 100 years before, there's not a single piece of evidence for that?
edit on 20-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
You just proved you don't understand geology at all. That's NOT what his information showed. It's NOT water trapped in rocks. You seriously need to reread the information and then spend a lot of time investigating what he posted. You are way off.

Ahh then you don't understand chemistry. OH- and H+ will happily reform to create water. This is the classic acid-base buffer reaction. This sort of chemical desire for OH- and H+ to form water may have actually insisted upon this event occurring, thanks for mentioning that! The pressure required to prevent this beloved bond acid-base bond from occuring, once released, would initiate a mass formation of water.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:53 AM
The plants would all have been killed off. The soil would be completely ruined with salt and poisons and incapable of supporting plant life. And there would be no insects for pollination. etc etc

Post Flood Plant Survival

In line with the usual bias that people totally forget about non-animals when it comes to talking about life (i.e., Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria, or whatever the current version of taxonomical structure says), no one thinks what happens to the plants? Apart from the context of feeding the animals, plants are almost completely ignored. This might be hand-waved, as the story concludes with Noah sending out a dove to search for land. It subsequently returned with an olive branch (Genesis 8:10), as if somehow the plants had all miraculously survived and the water left no mark as it drained away (one of the massive plot holes in the Genesis story). Often enough, plants do survive intense flooding, and flood plains may even benefit from it. However, with the massive turbulence, excessive sediment, the 8.84 km depth of water[note 5] that would have blocked out all sunlight to the dry land, and the year-long duration of the flood, this simply doesn't work. Everything would have been completely wiped out.

After this, many species of non-animal life would go extinct as at no point in the story is Noah concerned with preserving seeds, cultivating bacteria or keeping specimens of fungi. Assuming he was, and that this was just left out of the Bible for some reason, then that only heaps more work onto an already hilariously implausible task. Plant life would undoubtedly have been eradicated along with animal life on Earth, so the only hope for any future plant life would have been from any seeds that had survived. Seeds of land plants tend to spontaneously germinate in water and, without good soil to embed in, die pretty quickly. Aquatic plants have mixed results when their seeds are stored in water: while they are certainly in the right environment, many do not remain viable after more than 6-7 months soaking in water without germinating — so how could they possibly have survived the flood?[43]

Even then, assuming that seeds survived, the conditions would almost certainly not have been amenable for the regrowth of vegetation. The masses of silt and debris would have been fairly uniform across the world — the flood was global, remember? — yet different plants have adapted for different conditions and different soil types. In order to reproduce and spread, many plants need a symbiotic relationship with animals or insects for pollination and seed dispersal. Often this can be remarkably specific, with only one species of plant working with one species of insect. While some plant species can pollinate and disperse seed just with the wind, an environment reduced to only a few individuals spread across the entire planet, in hostile conditions, is hardly conducive to this.

In short, the problems with the animals are actually the least of the problems with the flood story. Plants are the first rung of the trophic scale, directly photosynthesising solar energy into food, and as a byproduct are what convert choking carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen. Without the ability to sustain a full plant-based biosphere throughout the flood, Noah's task would be futile!

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: cooperton
Even the Peruvians have a global flood account. .

NONE of any of the flood stories in the world match the Noahs Ark flood story. If the stories all came from the same source, the 8 people in Noahs boat, then they'd match. They do not. Therefore, any flood story in the world is debunked as the 'Noahs Flood'.

Especially if they were all inbreed motherhumpers, they'd all now the same story.

Also the evidence that the Gilgamesh Epic is older than the Torah.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

Where's the proof that Noah was over 500? You keep claiming all the proof posted by others is wrong but other than a made up book from about a mythical figure who was killed a approx' 100 years before, there's not a single piece of evidence for that?

The Sumerian King's list loosely corroborates the longevity of pre-flood kings. They give ages much older than the Hebrew's give, but the Jewish scribes were much more pragmatic in their writings so I tend to believe them.

originally posted by: Kurokage
Especially if they were all inbreed motherhumpers, they'd all now the same story.

I suppose they would be smarter than humans who's ancestors were four-legged fish f$%^ers

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Kurokage

Where's the proof that Noah was over 500? You keep claiming all the proof posted by others is wrong but other than a made up book from about a mythical figure who was killed a approx' 100 years before, there's not a single piece of evidence for that?

The Sumerian King's list loosely corroborates the longevity of pre-flood kings. They give ages much older than the Hebrew's give, but the Jewish scribes were much more pragmatic in their writings so I tend to believe them.

originally posted by: Kurokage
Especially if they were all inbreed motherhumpers, they'd all now the same story.

I suppose they would be smarter than humans who's ancestors were four-legged fish f$%^ers

And if you take that list literally it proves your myth didn't happen! Thanks for that

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
I know, but the fastening nails and rivets, as well as the saws to cut the wood would require metallurgy.

Which they didn't have. Therefore it did not happen.

That sounds like dogmatic hyperbole to me.

It's the historical record. YOU brought up 'historical record'. Nephilim are not historical record.

Just because you don't believe our ancestors doesn't mean they were lying.

Just story telling. Myths. Inventing stories to explain that which they did not understand.

originally posted by: FlyersFan
People in Hawaii still refer to him as Nu-u, phonetically like "Noah". Centuries of oral tradition will tend to slip a few details I would imagine, but the general over-arching theme remains strong among all the cultural depictions.

The stories do not match. Just because Hawaii starts their mythological figure out with an N doesn't make it match the Bible story. The fact that the stories do not match shows that they are not talking about the same event and in fact show that the stories are likely MYTHS.

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