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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
paleomagnetism shows continental drift

"These geographic variations are called apparent polar wander paths, and they are thought to be artifacts of continental drift."

Well I couldn't find any papers that directly measure this, but I asked google bard whether or not paleomagnetism is consistent in iron-bearing minerals and here was the answer:

Here are some examples of data where magnetite doesn't align with the Earth's magnetic field:

-Sedimentary rocks: Magnetite in sedimentary rocks often shows more scatter in its direction compared to igneous rocks. This is because sediments can be transported and deposited from various locations, potentially mixing particles with different magnetic orientations.

-Volcanic rocks: Rapid cooling of volcanic rocks can sometimes trap magnetite in a non-equilibrium state, resulting in a magnetization that doesn't accurately reflect the Earth's field at the time of eruption.

-Metamorphic rocks: The intense heat and pressure associated with metamorphism can partially or completely destroy the original magnetization of magnetite, making it difficult to reconstruct the ancient magnetic field from these rocks.

So yet again there is an inconsistent science that it is relied upon for the theory of tectonic plates. There's just no clear-cut proof, otherwise these brittanica articles would be able to point to the research articles that show this is the case, without ambiguity. These theories perpetuate due to blind belief, people supposing these science overlords have a special power of infallibility, reminiscent of the supposed powers of the Catholic pope. Empirical investigation time and time again shows that there is too much potential error for these methods to be considered reliable.
edit on 19-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 10:16 AM
I got a hard time with the Global flood theory If it was to happen all the water would have mixed there would be no fresh water . To me It sounds like there was civilization on Pangea and the stories come from it breaking apart .

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
I got a hard time with the Global flood theory If it was to happen all the water would have mixed there would be no fresh water . To me It sounds like there was civilization on Pangea and the stories come from it breaking apart .

I had the same question, but I found some science videos that shows how fresh and salty water will layer when the two are mixed:

I suppose the oceans are homogenous now because they've been undisturbed for a while. Also consider river deltas where it is a transition zone between salty and fresh conditions. I think the organisms can perceive where to go to avoid too salty or too fresh of conditions

This video also shows how boundaries can form due to salt water having higher density. The salt-less, low density rain during the flood likely would have created a freshwater-like environment towards the top of the flood water.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Take it you have read the like of William Cooper's "Behold a Pale Horse" and Branton's stuff, "The Omega Files", and whatnot?

All the stuff you allude to is contained within or thereabouts.

Great sci-fi and good reading, but as to the veracity of the tales........not quite so sure.

As to the location of the testing facility or Naval Undersea Warfare Center.

Its worth considering that while the location may seem unusual for a naval facility, the work apparently conducted there is not necessarily dependent on proximity to the ocean.
edit on 19-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 11:31 AM
* Officially tapping out *

Have fun raping geology everyone. What do I know?

Here's some sorcery for the road. Afterall, this video dares talk how the Appalachian mountains were really formed over millions upon millions of years in several events. Which is relevant, because it is when some of the evidence used in this thread was also created. Just remember the part about upright fossils being adjacent to volcanism and land deformation. Like during continental collisions or break-ups.

Starts on the Himalayas, also touched on in this thread.

Good video for actual geology satanic deception sorcery.

edit on 19-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I think you can make up something to try to cover the actual facts and you fully believe it.
The inconsistances here are in your understanding of the facts and attempts at trying to pass christian websites off as scientific proof.

Paleomagnatism is fact

Sedimentary rocks: Magnetite in sedimentary rocks often shows more scatter in its direction compared to igneous rocks. This is because sediments can be transported and deposited from various locations, potentially mixing particles with different magnetic orientations.

-Volcanic rocks: Rapid cooling of volcanic rocks can sometimes trap magnetite in a non-equilibrium state, resulting in a magnetization that doesn't accurately reflect the Earth's field at the time of eruption.

-Metamorphic rocks: The intense heat and pressure associated with metamorphism can partially or completely destroy the original magnetization of magnetite, making it difficult to reconstruct the ancient magnetic field from these rocks.

I thought all these rock layers didn't exist and were only caused by flooding?

edit on 19-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: cooperton

I think you can make up something to try to cover the actual facts and you fully believe it.
The inconsistances here are in your understanding of the facts and attempts at trying to pass christian websites off as scientific proof.

Paleomagnatism is fact

It is a fact that paleomagnetism is inconsistent. Unless you can find a paper that says otherwise? I think you're over-estimating your science lords fallibility.

I thought all these rock layers didn't exist and were only caused by flooding?

Sedimentary rock is known to be caused by mud/sand lithifying. Igneous rock is solidified magma. Never said all geological layers occur from flooding. Not sure what you're getting at?
edit on 19-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
I got a hard time with the Global flood theory If it was to happen all the water would have mixed there would be no fresh water . To me It sounds like there was civilization on Pangea and the stories come from it breaking apart .

I had the same question, but I found some science videos that shows how fresh and salty water will layer when the two are mixed:

I suppose the oceans are homogenous now because they've been undisturbed for a while. Also consider river deltas where it is a transition zone between salty and fresh conditions. I think the organisms can perceive where to go to avoid too salty or too fresh of conditions

This video also shows how boundaries can form due to salt water having higher density. The salt-less, low density rain during the flood likely would have created a freshwater-like environment towards the top of the flood water.

It really doesn't work that way I work in a industry that deals with water there are some freak things out there you mentioned even a place underwater thats separated almost like a forest . But a sudden clamistic down fall of freshwater would have only produced a brackish type of water if the ocean's overflowed most water would be around 4.2 salainity Half or less saltwater they would mix . look at the dead sea it's high salinity is because of lack of rainfall and evaporation . a global flood would have made each water body the same salinity due to the fact there's more salt then fresh .
edit on 19-12-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher

It really doesn't work that way I work in a industry that deals with water there are some freak things out there you mentioned even a place underwater thats separated almost like a forest . But a sudden clamistic down fall of freshwater would have only produced a brackish type of water if the ocean's overflowed most water would be around 4.2 salainity Half or less saltwater they would mix . look at the dead sea it's high salinity is because of lack of rainfall and evaporation . a global flood would have made each water body the same salinity due to the fact there's more salt then fresh .

The water needed to reach everest would mean that the amount of water unleashed was more than is currently in the oceans, in terms of volume there could have been plenty of freshwater added to the ocean. Meaning more fresh than salt
edit on 19-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Tapping back in..

The water needed to reach everest

Is a lot.

If all the water on earth melted.

+885 feet (looked up: added Radius)

Add all the water in atmosphere

+ 31 feet (looked up: added Radius)

** Now the myth should die right here, 28,116 feet short, but let's have fun...

If you somehow extracted all the water in the mantle out of the olivine, wadsleyite, and ringwoodite (same amount as oceans) and transported it to surface without losing any volume in the mantle.

Total water in oceans = 320.3 million cu miles
Volume of earth = 260,744,946,000 cu miles
Diameter = 41,851,049 feet
If you add another ocean volume (from mantle) to the oceans:

New volume = 261,065,246,000 feet
New Diameter = 41,868,178.7 feet

Added diameter = 17,129
Radius = 8,564 ft


All water in all forms in liquid form on surface:

+ 8,564 + 885 + 31 = 9,570

Total available water on Earth adds 9,570 ft to sea level.

Need more water. Have to borrow some.

Volume of water on Europa = 719,738,275.73 cu miles
New total volume of earth = 261,784,984,275 cu miles
Landmass above Sea level volume offset = 30,015,389 cu miles
Adj total volume of earth = 261,814,999,664

Converted to diameter = 41,908,220 ft.

Added diameter after offset = 40,042 ft
Radius = 20,021 ft

All Water on Earth in all forms on the surface + (all Europa's water + volume of above sea level landmass) = 9,570 + 20,021 = 29,591 ft of added sea level.

Mt. Everest Elevation = 29,032 ft.

Mt. Everest covered by = 559 ft

There! Mt. Everest is covered.

You may not like the methodology, funny none the less.

Made this same argument for the movie Waterworld (AKA: Mad Max with boats)

* Note *

I added the landmass offset after the fact which made the water cover slightly more. To make it easier I added it after Europa's water like dropping the mountains backing into the glass of earths water. It's not much, but it added around 800 feet.

edit on 20-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
The water needed to reach everest
Is a lot.

If all the water on earth melted.

+885 feet (looked up: added Radius)

Add all the water in atmosphere

+ 31 feet (looked up: added Radius)

** Now the myth should die right here, 28,116 feet short, but let's have fun...

If you somehow extracted all the water in the mantle out of the olivine, wadsleyite, and ringwoodite (same amount as oceans) and transported it to surface without losing any volume in the mantle.

Total water in oceans = 320.3 million cu miles
Volume of earth = 260,744,946,000 cu miles
Diameter = 41,851,049 feet
If you add another ocean volume (from mantle) to the oceans:

New volume = 261,065,246,000 feet
New Diameter = 41,868,178.7 feet

Added diameter = 17,129
Radius = 8,564 ft


All water in all forms in liquid form on surface:

+ 8,564 + 885 + 31 = 9,570

Total available water on Earth adds 9,570 ft to sea level.

Need more water. Have to borrow some.

Theres more than 3x the amount of water in the mantle as there is on the surface, and that's only the water that has been detected. You said before you are a deist, believing in a supreme God, do you doubt this supreme Being can alter that which they created?

“We should be grateful for this deep reservoir,” says Jacobsen. “If it wasn’t there, it would be on the surface of the Earth, and mountain tops would be the only land poking out"

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:49 AM
Hello ATS,
My first post and on my phone so bear with with me please.
I love this site, avid lurker since 2011 but this particular subject has become of great interest to me in recent years and I think I have something of merit to contribute to the discussion. We'll see....

I'll start by stating I'm an atheist, also that I don't understand how educated and rational adults haven't come to the same conclusion as I and many others have......perhaps they need more time or just refuse to question the validity of what is obviously fiction. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, however I find it absurd that anyone reading a scientific based discussion thats carpet bombed with supporting evidence would feel it was nessecary to say because god did it. It's intellectually lazy is the most polite way to put it. No offense intended...

The waters below....
I do a lot of residential well work, providing potable water from the earth for homes that is. A well is a drilled hole, 6 to 8" in diameter, that range in depth from 200ish to over 800 feet deep that an electric submersible pump is lowered into and piped into your house. This water, aside from a bit of sediment, comes up clean and bacteria free. I'm in northeast Georgia but I've done work in several neighboring states and its always the same. No matter where you drill into this planet you hit water about 60 to 70 feet most cases its a nearly inexhaustible amount of water.

My 2 cents...

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: SuiStoic

I'm in northeast Georgia but I've done work in several neighboring states and its always the same. No matter where you drill into this planet you hit water about 60 to 70 feet most cases its a nearly inexhaustible amount of water.

Apparently, the depth of the water table in the United States varies widely across different regions due to geological and hydrological factors.

So in some areas, the water table may be relatively shallow, making it easier to access groundwater, while in other regions, it may be deeper, requiring deeper wells to reach water.

I would imagine there are local geological and hydrogeological studies that indicate the water table depth depending on the state.

edit on 20-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: cooperton

It is a fact that paleomagnetism is inconsistent. Unless you can find a paper that says otherwise? I think you're over-estimating your science lords fallibility.

And I think your belief in a imaginary friend who's able to magicially create water 5.5 miles above sea level, world wide so able to cover Everest is crazy talk.
By the way which imaginary friend did it? The Christian God, who's just a rip off of the Jewish God, after all Jesus was a Jew, and the belief in a Messiah was a Jewish belief, or was it the Babylonian or summarian Gods?

Tectonic plates are proveable as is Paleomagnatism, but proof of a flood at least 5.5 iles high is not.

edit on 20-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

And I think your belief in a imaginary friend who's able to magicially create water 5.5 miles above sea level, world wide so able to cover Everest is crazy talk.

No the water was brought from beneath the earth where it is known to exist. Are you reading my responses?

By the way which imaginary friend did it? was it the summarian Gods?

The mighty gods of summary are certainly a good candidate for having control over the physical laws of the system. But I think most definitely the God that created the system would have the ability to manipulate it. But yeah those summarian gods, the gods of summary, phew, they're a close second.

Tectonic plates are proveable as is Paleomagnatism

Show proof that paleomagnetism is consistent with a study that analyzes new samples from freshly deposited volcanic rock. Otherwise just admit you're blindly believing what other people say and letting them think for you, just like 1500s Europe was super seriously certain that the earth was flat and you were crazy for believing otherwise.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Otherwise just admit you're blindly believing what other people say

How do you have got the gall to post that? post 1 single piece of proof of God and that this magical flood you claimed happened from a actual scientist and not someone pretending to be from a bible bashers website??

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: cooperton

No the water was brought from beneath the earth where it is known to exist. Are you reading my responses?

Where did you say all the water came from??

That means that there had to be 813,875,076 miles³ of rain for the biblical flood. To put that in perspective, the oceans have about 321,000,000 miles³ of water. All the water on earth only adds up to about 332,500,000 miles³.

edit on 20-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

How do you have got the gall to post that? post 1 single piece of proof of God and that this magical flood you claimed happened from a actual scientist and not someone pretending to be from a bible bashers website??

Lol look you couldn't do it, shocker... so now you have to try to return it to me. Here's the evidence I compiled, both from history and empirical science (science is more than just believing the allegedly infallible white coats) :

Mostly every major ancient civilization makes mention of the global flood that covered the entire world.

One may argue that it was simply the spread of myth, but the fact that these accounts also exist in the Americas indicate that the entire world was aware of this global event. Here are some specific examples:

called “Llocllay Pachacuti” by the Quechua, meaning “universal flood.”

So if there actually was a global flood, we should have worldwide evidence supporting such an event. We do (Thanks to the ATS user edmc2 for making me aware of this). They are called erratics, or in other words, super large boulders that are inexplicably in the middle of nowhere. The conventional explanation for these is that glaciers during the ice age moved them, yet the supposed ice age barely reached Europe and the northern tip of the United States.

So what is the explanation for these super large boulders in the middle of nowhere all throughout the earth? If we listen to the recorded history of our ancestors, we would know it was due to the global flood:

and mostly everywhere else on the planet. Most people have seen out of place super large boulders somewhere at some point in their life. They are everywhere. And there is no better explanation than a global flood. Can't imagine how water can move boulders? Here's an example of water's effect on large rocks

(at 15 seconds)

originally posted by: Kurokage

Where did you say all the water came from??

"That means that there had to be 813,875,076 miles³ of rain for the biblical flood. To put that in perspective, the oceans have about 321,000,000 miles³ of water. All the water on earth only adds up to about 332,500,000 miles³."

Bro I've posted this so many times now. The water also came from underground vents, not just rainfall. I'll include this part again because you keep saying I am claiming the water magically appeared... A recent study in 2014 (link) found massive reservoirs of water deep beneath the earth's crust. This reservoir is holding enough water to fill the volume of the earth's oceans 3x over.

One researcher was quoted saying:

"We should be grateful for this deep reservoir... If it wasn't there, it would be on the surface of the Earth, and mountain tops would be the only land poking out."

This is exactly what was said to have happened to cause the global flood. Not only rain from the sky, but also the reservoirs of the deep were opened and water gushed out onto the surface of the earth:

A global flood would also explain the universal phenomenon of aquatic life being found on mountaintops:

Dating the flood is also possible thanks to ample clues in the Biblical writing:

The Hebrew date of 2,304 BC matches closely with the Chinese global flood date:

We can also estimate the date of the global flood as told in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In this Mesopotamian account of the global flood, Gilgamesh was said to have slain the celestial bull

(terra cotta image estimated from between 2,250 - 1,900BC)

The celestial bull is a clear reference to the constellation Taurus. slaying the celestial bull is an allusion to the end of the age of Taurus, which occurred around 2,300BC, which matches the Hebrew account.

The Peruvian global flood account was also recorded by the Incan Historian Fernando de Montesinos to have occurred around 340 years prior to the conclusion of the second sun in 1,957 BC, which is 2,297 BC according to the Gregorian Calendar source. Again, this is very close to the Hebrew, Mesopotamian and Chinese date for the global flood.

Given that the Peruvians are on the other side of the world, it is surely not a mere diffusion of myth, but an honest record of an actual event

Giant boulders in the middle of nowhere, fossils of aquatic organisms found on mountaintops, and vast reservoirs of water underneath the earth show that the global flood is also supported scientifically.

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Where's all the water come from??


Firmament done it.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake

Firmament done it.

"water did it", makes more sense than "the ocean floor raised 5 miles above sea level". Imagine the absurdity of supposing those marine fossils would have remained on the surface all throughout those hundreds of millions of years that it theoretically took Everest to emerge out of the ocean.

The only reason you all believe it is easier to raise earth 5 miles high than it is water is because you were told so growing up. Believe it or not the secular narrative is the official creation story of the United States, and most of the Western world.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

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