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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
You are blindly posting other people's research. You don't know the depth of it, and you are easily fooled

YOU are blindly posting other people's notions. You don't know the depth of it, and you are easily fooled.

I am posting credible information from people who are educated in the fields and who know what they are looking at and what they are investigating. Just the facts. No preconceive notions or desired outcomes. You can't say the same.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: cooperton

813,875,076 miles³ of water to be above Everest, your clutching at straws now....

997,500,000 miles³ > 813,875,076 miles³

These aren't my numbers, these are the researchers who discovered water in the mantle that is 3x more voluminous than earth's ocean.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
YOU are blindly posting other people's notions. You don't know the depth of it, and you are easily fooled.

This is mostly all original content that I am posting

I am posting credible information from people who are educated in the fields and who know what they are looking at and what they are investigating. Just the facts. No preconceive notions or desired outcomes. You can't say the same.

Ahh yes trust the science, and be sure to get your 8th jab. If you were born in 1500s Europe you'd be a flat earther because of 'trust the sciene'

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: FlyersFan

Because of personal experience, I believe in a God ... but that doesn't mean I have to turn my brain off and believe that the Noahs Ark story is literal truth. It obviously isn't. The evidence against it is overwhelming. Since this thread is only supposed to be about the rocks, I have refrained from posting the mountains of other evidence that prove beyond any doubt that Noahs Flood didn't happen. I'm itching to though ...

You are blindly posting other people's research. You don't know the depth of it, and you are easily fooled

Your the one blindly posting myths and stories as fact and then complain about people posting others research. Whaat do you want? for us to go out and do the research ourselves?
I'll do that if you can go and meet God and get him to pop down for a few hours?????

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

Your the one blindly posting myths and stories as fact and then complain about people posting others research. Whaat do you want? for us to go out and do the research ourselves?
I'll do that if you can go and meet God and get him to pop down for a few hours?????

I wouldn't criticize if they weren't criticizing. They're acting as though its obvious and berating people for thinking different, yet they don't even know the depths of what they're posting. That's irony.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: cooperton Mostly all of this is my own research, besides some of the flood accounts that I found from other researchers.

How can there be more than one flood account? The only people (and the only animals) that survived the Flood were in Noah's big wooden box. Everyone and everything (tens of billions of animals, fish and insects) died. There can only be one flood account: that of Noah. Unless either a) there was never a global flood or b) God is a scoundrel and a liar .....

(I'll ignore the more obvious issue that the Noah story is derived from earlier Mesopotamian stories about a big storm

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: cooperton

813,875,076 miles³ of water to be above Everest, your clutching at straws now....

997,500,000 miles³ > 813,875,076 miles³

These aren't my numbers, these are the researchers who discovered water in the mantle that is 3x more voluminous than earth's ocean.

And yet like all your plagiarist post of others work you're now claiming is yours, you post no links to back up your claims

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:27 AM
Ice Corp and Glacers Read Here

Recently an ice core nearly two miles long has been extracted from the Greenland ice sheet. The first 110,000 annual layers of snow in that ice core (GISP2) have been visually counted and corroborated by two to three different and independent methods as well as by correlation with volcanic eruptions and other datable events. Since the ice sheet would have floated away in the event of a global flood, the ice core is strong evidence that there was no global flood any time in the last 110,000 years.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: WaESN

originally posted by: cooperton Mostly all of this is my own research, besides some of the flood accounts that I found from other researchers.

How can there be more than one flood account? The only people (and the only animals) that survived the Flood were in Noah's big wooden box. Everyone and everything (tens of billions of animals, fish and insects) died. There can only be one flood account: that of Noah. Unless either a) there was never a global flood or b) God is a scoundrel and a liar .....

(I'll ignore the more obvious issue that the Noah story is derived from earlier Mesopotamian stories about a big storm

If you're the children of the guy who built the ark, then you bet you're going to have some boat building and sea-faring capabilities to reach the various continents on earth. The language differences that emerged over time would have different pronunciations, despite this, the Hawaiian translation remains quite similar, and refers to Noah as "Nu-u":

Without any rival tribes, population growth would have been exponential. 10 kids for each generation would reach a population of a million in just 7 generations:

1st generation: 2 parents
2nd generation: 10 children per couple, so 20 children (10 couples)
3rd generation: 10 children per child, so 200 children (100 couples)
4th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000 children (1,000 couples)
5th generation: 10 children per child, so 20,000 children (10,000 couples)
6th generation: 10 children per child, so 200,000 children (100,000 couples)
7th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000,000 children (1,000,000 couples)
Therefore, by the 7th generation, if each couple continues to have 10 children, the population would exceed a million people.

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: WaESN

How can there be more than one flood account? The only people (and the only animals) that survived the Flood were in Noah's big wooden box.

Maybe God got a bit lazy half way through drowning thw world!

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Ice Corp and Glacers Read Here

Recently an ice core nearly two miles long has been extracted from the Greenland ice sheet. The first 110,000 annual layers of snow in that ice core (GISP2) have been visually counted and corroborated by two to three different and independent methods as well as by correlation with volcanic eruptions and other datable events. Since the ice sheet would have floated away in the event of a global flood, the ice core is strong evidence that there was no global flood any time in the last 110,000 years.

Yeah and they also found a WWII plane buried beneath 300 ft of ice in that same area. so given 70 years / 300 ft deposition rate, and 4300 years since the flood: 4300 x (300ft/70yr) = 18,000 ft of potential deposition since the flood. Now let's check the tallest ice sheet on the planet: wow look at that, it's only 16,000 feet thick. So there was enough time to reset the ice caps after the flood melted it all. It's like the event actually happened!

I know I am on the side of truth because empirical science continually reinforces what I say.

edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: WaESN

originally posted by: cooperton Mostly all of this is my own research, besides some of the flood accounts that I found from other researchers.

How can there be more than one flood account? The only people (and the only animals) that survived the Flood were in Noah's big wooden box. Everyone and everything (tens of billions of animals, fish and insects) died. There can only be one flood account: that of Noah. Unless either a) there was never a global flood or b) God is a scoundrel and a liar .....

(I'll ignore the more obvious issue that the Noah story is derived from earlier Mesopotamian stories about a big storm

If you're the children of the guy who built the ark, then you bet you're going to have some boat building and sea-faring capabilities. Without any rival tribes, population growth would have been exponential. 10 kids for each generation would reach a population of a million in just 7 generations:

1st generation: 2 parents
2nd generation: 10 children per couple, so 20 children (10 couples)
3rd generation: 10 children per child, so 200 children (100 couples)
4th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000 children (1,000 couples)
5th generation: 10 children per child, so 20,000 children (10,000 couples)
6th generation: 10 children per child, so 200,000 children (100,000 couples)
7th generation: 10 children per child, so 2,000,000 children (1,000,000 couples)
Therefore, by the 7th generation, if each couple continues to have 10 children, the population would exceed a million people.

So 8 people all from the same family all interbreed? Didn't realise God was into that kind of thing, I bet he liked to watch too, the pervert?

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Most of that water isn't in an "available" form though, and hasn't been available for a very, very long time.

This water is not in a form familiar to us — it is not liquid, ice or vapor. This fourth form is water trapped inside the molecular structure of the minerals in the mantle rock. The weight of 250 miles of solid rock creates such high pressure, along with temperatures above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that a water molecule splits to form a hydroxyl radical (OH), which can be bound into a mineral's crystal structure.

Schmandt and Jacobsen's findings build on a discovery reported in March in the journal Nature in which scientists discovered a piece of the mineral ringwoodite inside a diamond brought up from a depth of 400 miles by a volcano in Brazil. That tiny piece of ringwoodite — the only sample in existence from within the Earth — contained a surprising amount of water bound in solid form in the mineral.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:34 AM
Since we were talking about rain and water ... the amount of water needed to be in the air for the Noahs Ark story to be true would have made the air UNBREATHABLE.

I read somewhere that the water would have had to come down at 6 inches per minute. Noah and his family would have drown simply by trying to breath. And the ark wouldn't have stood up to the pounding. I'll have to search and see if I can refind that information.

Unbreathable Air

The conventional flood story states that the flood waters came from rain that lasted 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12).[note 1] Rain appears when the atmosphere can no longer support water in the vapor phase and it becomes saturated. Normally, the atmosphere is on the brink of saturation, and the variations in temperature and pressure caused by weather fronts are capable of altering the threshold at which precipitation will form quite easily. What about the amount of water vapor suspended in air needed for the 4.5 billion cubic kilometers of water needed for the global flood? The water vapor currently in the air is only around 2 to 3 percent on average, with a maximum of 4% limited by temperature and pressure.[6] The change in atmospheric conditions required to support enough vapor for 112 million cubic kilometers of rain per day — about 120,000 times more than the current daily rainfall worldwide[7] — would have rendered the air unbreathable.

Indeed, the atmosphere really couldn't sustain that much water even under the most extreme temperature and pressure conditions the planet can produce. If the conditions were right for that much water to be in the atmosphere, humans and virtually every other animal would have drowned through the simple act of breathing, as well as turning the earth into the equivalent of a pressure cooker with atmospheric pressure at nearly a thousand psi instead of the standard 14.7 or so that we have today. In fact, the pressure would have to be at least a thousand atmospheres to fit the 15 kilograms of water per cubic meter required to produce that much rain, which is 1) greater than the pressure at the bottom of the ocean and 2) enough to crush a human so five of them would fit in a soda can. Barring the goddidit escape hatch (a tried and tested fallback for creationists everywhere), this is impossible.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

So 8 people all from the same family all interbreed? Didn't realise God was into that kind of thing, I bet he liked to watch too, the pervert?

inter-breeding only exacerbates genetic deficiencies, as shown in your British throne. With good genetics, as implied by their longevity, it would not have been a biological threat to marry your cousin.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

And the ark wouldn't have stood up to the pounding.

Unlike Noah's wife by her sons to repopulate the world!

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis
a reply to: cooperton

Most of that water isn't in an "available" form though, and hasn't been available for a very, very long time.

"This water is not in a form familiar to us — it is not liquid, ice or vapor. This fourth form is water trapped inside the molecular structure of the minerals in the mantle rock. The weight of 250 miles of solid rock creates such high pressure, along with temperatures above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that a water molecule splits to form a hydroxyl radical (OH), which can be bound into a mineral's crystal structure.

Schmandt and Jacobsen's findings build on a discovery reported in March in the journal Nature in which scientists discovered a piece of the mineral ringwoodite inside a diamond brought up from a depth of 400 miles by a volcano in Brazil. That tiny piece of ringwoodite — the only sample in existence from within the Earth — contained a surprising amount of water bound in solid form in the mineral."

If the pressure valve were released and it was allowed to go to the surface then this would only further explain the force that made it go to the surface. There's no reason to believe this would be a solid layer, there are likely crevasses and veins for the water to move around.
edit on 20-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: [post=27254760]cooperton[/post
If you're the children of the guy who built the ark, then you bet you're going to have some boat building and sea-faring capabilities

National Center for Science Education - The Impossible Voyage of Noahs Ark
The ark was roughly half the size of the Titanic. Ship building skills at that time couldn't pull it off. Additionally, Noah and his sons had no ship building skills at all. They could not have fallen the trees, gathered and created the lumber, and built the ark in the time allowed. By the time they got to a new section to work on, the previous section would have rotted away. The amount of pitch needed to cover the ark wasn't available.

Without any rival tribes, population growth would have been exponential. 10 kids for each generation would reach a population of a million in just 7 generations:

Genetic diversity of the human population shows that humanity didn't all come from 8 people 4,400 years ago. (2400 BC is when Noahs Flood was supposed to have happened). You can't argue with DNA.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
I know I am on the side of truth because empirical science continually reinforces what I say.

The science continually proves you wrong. The ICE SHEETS would not be here if there was a world wide flood. Yet they survive and have layers dating back 100,000 years. None of those years shows a world wide flood. Science proves you wrong.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: [post=27254760]cooperton[/post
If you're the children of the guy who built the ark, then you bet you're going to have some boat building and sea-faring capabilities

National Center for Science Education - The Impossible Voyage of Noahs Ark
The ark was roughly half the size of the Titanic. Ship building skills at that time couldn't pull it off. Additionally, Noah and his sons had no ship building skills at all. They could not have fallen the trees, gathered and created the lumber, and built the ark in the time allowed. By the time they got to a new section to work on, the previous section would have rotted away. The amount of pitch needed to cover the ark wasn't available.

Without any rival tribes, population growth would have been exponential. 10 kids for each generation would reach a population of a million in just 7 generations:

Genetic diversity of the human population shows that humanity didn't all come from 8 people 4,400 years ago. (2400 BC is when Noahs Flood was supposed to have happened). You can't argue with DNA.

Add to the Ark approx' 30 million x2 different species of animal and the food they consume , also the feces they produce.
edit on 20-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

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