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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

No I'm literally just reposting what our ancestors said, and you're claiming they're all just lying lol

So our ancestors knew all the scientific discoveries that were yet to happen? Come on, they thought untill God gave Noah his rainbow, it had never excisted before?

In researching my book The Rocks Don’t Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood, I looked into the history of thought about the biblical flood. What I found surprised me on two levels. First, most of the early workers who pioneered what we now call geology were clergy dedicated to reading God’s other book — nature. Second, in pitting science against Christianity, today’s young Earth creationists essentially ignore centuries of Christian theology.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Phantom42338
Once again, stop smoking that stuff. Fried brains are irreversible but whatever you have left should be salvaged.

Lol I can't believe you're back! you literally just asked where they would store the fish when the whole world was engulfed in an ocean. Priceless example of being totally incapable of picturing the scenario being described! Phantom that was literally one of the dumbest things you have ever said, even more stupid than when you thought a measuring device the size of a planet was a real thing. Let's see it again:

originally posted by: Phantom42338

What about all the species in the sea, including two of these:

While regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators to have ever lived, megalodon is only known from fragmentary remains, and its appearance and maximum size are uncertain. Scientists differ on whether it would have more closely resembled a stockier version of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) or the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus). The most recent estimate with the least error range suggests a maximum length estimate up to 20.3 meters (67 ft), although the modal lengths are estimated at 10.5 meters (34 ft). Extrapolation from a vertebral centra with dimensions based on the great white shark suggests that a megalodon about 16 meters (52 ft) long weighs up to 48 metric tons (53 short tons), 17 meters (56 ft) long weighs up to 59 metric tons (65 short tons), and 20.3 meters (67 ft) long (the maximum length) weighs up to 103 metric tons (114 short tons). Extrapolating from a vertebral column and reconstructing a 3D model with dimensions based on all extant lamnid sharks suggests that a 16-meter-long (52 ft) individual may have been much larger than previous estimates, reaching an excess of 61.5 metric tons (67.8 short tons) in body mass; an individual of this size would have needed to consume 98,175 kcal per day. Their teeth were thick and robust, built for grabbing prey and breaking bone, and their large jaws could exert a bite force of up to 108,500 to 182,200 newtons (24,390 to 40,960 lbf).

Noah must have built one hell of an aquarium. You really need to stay off the hard stuff, Coop.

You even posted a bunch of math thinking it would bolster your point lol. Thanks for continually reinforcing your apparent inability to think critically.

edit on 23-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: cooperton

It would not be difficult to chop up 5 bluefin tuna per day

Noah is the inventor of sushi!! Who'd a thunk??

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: Phantom42338

Noah is the inventor of sushi!! Who'd a thunk??

"WhErE wOuLD NoAh PuT ThE FisH?!?!"

Bro, the whole world was literally an ocean. Let's see your comment again:

originally posted by: Phantom42338

What about all the species in the sea, including two of these:

While regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators to have ever lived, megalodon is only known from fragmentary remains, and its appearance and maximum size are uncertain. Scientists differ on whether it would have more closely resembled a stockier version of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) or the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus). The most recent estimate with the least error range suggests a maximum length estimate up to 20.3 meters (67 ft), although the modal lengths are estimated at 10.5 meters (34 ft). Extrapolation from a vertebral centra with dimensions based on the great white shark suggests that a megalodon about 16 meters (52 ft) long weighs up to 48 metric tons (53 short tons), 17 meters (56 ft) long weighs up to 59 metric tons (65 short tons), and 20.3 meters (67 ft) long (the maximum length) weighs up to 103 metric tons (114 short tons). Extrapolating from a vertebral column and reconstructing a 3D model with dimensions based on all extant lamnid sharks suggests that a 16-meter-long (52 ft) individual may have been much larger than previous estimates, reaching an excess of 61.5 metric tons (67.8 short tons) in body mass; an individual of this size would have needed to consume 98,175 kcal per day. Their teeth were thick and robust, built for grabbing prey and breaking bone, and their large jaws could exert a bite force of up to 108,500 to 182,200 newtons (24,390 to 40,960 lbf).

Noah must have built one hell of an aquarium. You really need to stay off the hard stuff, Coop.

hahaha. Thanks for posting that math, you must science really hard!!!!!

edit on 23-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: cooperton

LolI can't believe you're back! you literally just asked where they would store the fish when the whole world was engulfed in an ocean. Priceless example of being totally incapable of picturing the scenario being described! Phantom that was literally one of the dumbest things you have ever said, even more stupid than when you thought a measuring device the size of a planet was a real thing. Let's see it again:

Tell that to the scientists who did the research. You're off the cliff, Coop. Quit while you're ahead.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: Phantom42338

Tell that to the scientists who did the research. You're off the cliff, Coop. Quit while you're ahead.

Who did what research? Are you referring to the research that shows that fish exist in the ocean??? bahahaha. Dude I'm sorry I gotta lose my cool on this one. Absolutely comedic gold.

**Phantom wondering where they put the fish during the global flood.**


edit on 23-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:43 AM
This site is a great read......

Most creationists simply breeze through this description of the size and requirements of the ark without a second glance...

Ancient shipbuilding.
In the first place, the analogy with the Seven Wonders does not hold. Only one, the Great Pyramid of Cheops, comes within two thousand years of Noah's day, and it is really the only one whose construction could conceivably approach the level of sophistication of the ark. But the Great Pyramid did not spring de novo from the desert sands; rather, it was the culmination of over a century of architectural evolution, beginning when the "experimenting genius," Imhotep, inspired by the ziggurats of Babylon, built the Step Pyramid around 2680 BC, passing through some intermediate step pyramids to the Bent Pyramid of Snofru, then the first true pyramid, and finally the masterpiece at Cheop

On the other hand, in an era when hollowed-out logs and reed rafts were the extent of marine transport, a vessel so massive appeared that the likes of it would not be seen again until the mid-nineteenth century AD. Before he could even contemplate such a project, Noah would have needed a thorough education in naval architecture and in fields that would not arise for thousands of years such as physics, calculus, mechanics, and structural analysis. There was no shipbuilding tradition behind him, no experienced craftspeople to offer advice. Where did he learn the framing procedure for such a Brobdingnagian structure? How could he anticipate the effects of roll, pitch, yaw, and slamming in a rough sea? How did he solve the differential equations for bending moment, torque, and shear stress?

Yet Noah's primary contribution to humanity, his incredible knowledge of naval engineering, vanished without a trace, and the seafarers returned to their hollow logs and reed rafts. Like a passing mirage, the ark was here one day and gone the next, leaving not a ripple in the long saga of shipbuilding.

God told the patriarch to coat the ark, both inside and out, all 229,500 square feet of it, with pitch, and, in fact, this was a common practice in ancient times. But when Noah hurried to the corner hardware store, the shelf was bare, for pitch is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon similar to petroleum (Rosenfeld, p. 126), and we know that oil, tar, and coal deposits were formed when organic matter was buried and subjected to extreme pressure during the flood

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Bro, the whole world was literally an ocean. Let's see your comment again:

"Bro", If your deluge happened as quickly as the bible claims, then the PH and salinity/gravity of the seas would change dramatically, pretty much killing all things in the sea...

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Dinosaurs eating sushi. I love it. But this guy didn't have the patience to make it. Too bad for the tuna.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Cooperton doesn't do science. He does crackpot religion. Just a head's up.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: cooperton
It really is a good read, full of real science!!!

In reality the ethnic complexity found throughout the world cannot be derived from the flood survivors in the few centuries since that time. The human genetic pool was reduced to five individuals—Mr. and Mrs. Noah and their daughters-in-law (the three sons don't count because they only carry combinations of the genes present in Mr. and Mrs. Noah, unless creationists are willing to admit to beneficial gene mutations). And even if, by some freak coincidence, the five people never had a variant in common, there would still be far too few alleles to account for humankind's diversity. Nearly a third of human genes are polymorphic (Bodner and Cavalli-Sforzi, p. 589), and some, such as the two controlling A and B antigens, with thirty varieties (p. 589), would require substantially more people than Genesis makes available.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Phantom42338
a reply to: Kurokage

Cooperton doesn't do science. I science so hard, I ask the hard good science questions like asking where the fish go during a flood

They say the best gifts during the Christmas season aren't material things

edit on 23-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Phantom42338
a reply to: Kurokage

Cooperton doesn't do science. He does crackpot religion. Just a head's up.

Yeah, I noticed

If Coop' wants to believe in a magical invisble friend, then who am I to say he's gone mad. But the fact that these nutcase creationists are trying to pass the bible off as science is just pure crazy talk.
It's got more holes in it than Noah's wife underwear!

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: cooperton

God told the patriarch to coat the ark, both inside and out, all 229,500 square feet of it, with pitch, and, in fact, this was a common practice in ancient times. But when Noah hurried to the corner hardware store, the shelf was bare, for pitch is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon similar to petroleum (Rosenfeld, p. 126), and we know that oil, tar, and coal deposits were formed when organic matter was buried and subjected to extreme pressure during the flood

So whats the twisted facts you're going to use to fudge this? Remember your thread title? Global Flood explains Oil Deposits....
edit on 23-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
I was not biased towards Christ when I began my search for answer, it just so happens that all the objective assessment of the scientific world made me realize the secular narrative is vastly incorrect. Now I know that by assuming Christ is correct, that I will be able to go down a trail of many realizations that connect the dots to make a more cohesive picture, rather than just waiting for scientists to tell me what I am.

Doesn't matter, you are now and your threads show that and the point was that every now and then you try to claim you are being objective, when you no longer are.

Sin eventually re-entered the world. When you do a surgical procedure on someone with free will, and cure them, but they eventually go back to mcdonalds and coca-cola, is it the surgeons fault that the diseases re-emerge? No.

But it wasn't the fault of the perfectly fine leg the surgeon amputated either. In this case god killed many more than were needed. That is all, you can't argue against that.

Would you let someone into your house who hates you, and continually berates you and your friends, a total ideological enemy?

You mean like the god in the OT?

edit on 23-12-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

The real question is what Noah and his sons got up in the depths of that magic boat with the poor missing Unicorns.

After all, they were rather ""horny"".

edit on 23-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: cooperton

And what about the poor hippopotamus?? A semi aquatic animal? Did Noah make any plans for them? Maybe he had a diving board where they could dive off, swim around and climb back up? And, and what about the water buffalos, the beavers, and the dozens of other semi aquatic species? I'm really upset with Noah. He forgot the "P" Principle: Piss Poor Planning Makes Piss Poor Results.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: andy06shake

No I'm literally just reposting what our ancestors said, and you're claiming they're all just lying lol

So our ancestors knew all the scientific discoveries that were yet to happen? Come on, they thought untill God gave Noah his rainbow, it had never excisted before?

In researching my book The Rocks Don’t Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood, I looked into the history of thought about the biblical flood. What I found surprised me on two levels. First, most of the early workers who pioneered what we now call geology were clergy dedicated to reading God’s other book — nature. Second, in pitting science against Christianity, today’s young Earth creationists essentially ignore centuries of Christian theology.

Just looking at 6th grade tests. People were smarter on average than today.
We have been dumbed down so much we think we are wayyyyyyyy smarter.
Now of course the outliers are very very intelligent today.
But on a whole we are a lot dumber.
The same goes for the past though.
We think we are so .uch smarter than the backwards pre delusion peoples or post.
But when you look at all the amazing architecture, monolithic structures and stone work they did things we have no idea how to do today.

Noah had skillets acquired from living 100's of years.
Agriculture and building methods were fine tuned and not passed down like we do in mentoring through trades, but refined and added upon skillsets.
Not only that but they did it remaining in tune with nature instead of polluting everything and inundation life with disposing of so much garbage and waste.

I know people like to thing they were stoneage idiots but their architecture that still remains today tells another story untold to most.
Noahs ark and it's maintenance is small potatoes compared to the pyramids at Giza and it's Spanx and labyrinth of connecting tunnels which show surviving 2 floods, not just one.
They were said to have been built by Adam, Seth and Enoch.
And still today there is no technology by man that could replicate it

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:27 AM
Here is something else not taken into account in the simplistic formulation of the story, at great altitude the temp is much lower, especially after weeks without sunlight.

At 8,000 m above sea level the temp is -22ºC. There is a reason high peaks are covered in snow. Guess Noah knew how to ice fish, with a net.

ETA: Kinda puts the kibosh on the jungle paradise on the deck as well.

edit on 23-12-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Just looking at 6th grade tests. People were smarter on average than today.


My 11-year-old is becoming rather proficient with languages, the likes of "C++" and also "French" for some reason(go figure).

Let's see Noah's weans keep up with that.

Back in those days I'm led to believe education was only for the very lucky few, like the priest cast and royalty, same with literacy, never mind common basic hygiene.

And do we need to mention the horrendous infant mortality rates that probably go hand in hand with a Bronze Age existence?
edit on 23-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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