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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Bamboo is not very nutrient dense, for that reason It's not unreasonable to believe there is an alternative that would allow them to survive the journey on the ark."

"Fruits like apples, mangoes, and berries
Vegetables such as carrots and ginseng
Eggs, small birds, small animals, and some insects
Man-made foods like pumpkin, kidney beans, and wheat"

That's cruel to the pandas, Cooperton.

You could at least give them foliage native to the Sichuan province. Your geriatric magic man traversed the earth collecting theses animals, he can collect bamboo too. Pandas need like 80 pounds a day, they are evolved created by your god to solely subsist on it. Don't just give them crap the horses eat. "Learn to eat hay, Ling Ling! It's pretty much the same."

You're starving those pandas! They couldn't switch to a new source of food. Assuming you have a breeding pair, you need to have 6,800 pounds of bamboo for 40 days. And they don't eat or do well health healthwise when they get upset, so you have to be very careful with captive pandas.

They tend to... um... die.
edit on 22-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: cooperton

They're literally floating in a massive pool filled with fish, one of the most nutrient dense food sources on the planet. All you can eat fish buffet.

How do you fish for millions of pairs of animals in what i imagine to be a storm or rather aggressive seas with only 8 people on board?

Lady luck did it, the good ol' Darwinian plea. Blind dumb luck does everything, the apex creator of everything. Void of intelligence. There, is that better?

Blind dumb luck eh?


On that note, it's half 3 here in the UK and somewhat past my bedtime, so im afraid i will have to bid you fair well for the time being as im back up in a few hours.

I'm sure others will keep you entertained all that same.

Goodnight ATS.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33

That's cruel to the pandas, Cooperton.

You could at least give them foliage native to the Sichuan province. Your geriatric magic man traversed the earth collecting theses animals, he can collect bamboo too. Pandas need like 80 pounds a day

For efficiencies sake, it would be easier to give them more nutrient dense food.

You're starving those pandas! They couldn't switch to new source of food. Assuming you have a breeding pair, you need to have 6,800 pounds of bamboo for 40 days. And they don't eat or breed when they get upset, so you have to be careful with captive pandas.

They tend to... um... die.

Pandas eat fish. I'm sure they didn't mind the daily catch of the day. If it is big enough, one bluefun tuna could cost nearly 100,000$ in today's market. The animals were spoiled on the ark.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: cooperton
For everyone else it sucked, that is why. That isn't a trait of a just god.

Don't come at me with that apex creator thing you tried in the thread where you claimed you were not pushing the god of the bible.

edit on 22-12-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake

How do you fish for millions of pairs of animals in what i imagine to be a storm or rather aggressive seas with only 8 people on board?

Ahh still supposing that the Bible was referring to the same taxonomy we use today? They weren't.

Blind dumb luck eh?


On that note, it's half 3 here in the UK and somewhat past my bedtime, so im afraid i will have to bid you fair well for the time being as im back up in a few hours.

I'm sure others will keep you entertained all that same.

Goodnight ATS.

Good night fellow ATS member

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: cooperton
For everyone else it sucked, that is why. That isn't a trait of a just god.

Don't come at me with that apex creator thing you tried in the thread where claimed you were not pushing the god of the bible.

I never said I was not Christian.

Would you show a cancerous tumor mercy? Maybe just leave a little bit of it? it will probably learn its lesson? Nope, you have to remove the entirety of the cancer to protect the whole

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: cooperton

They wouldn't eat it.

Pandas eat almost nothing but bamboo shoots and leaves. Occasionally they eat other vegetation, fish, or small mammals, but bamboo accounts for 99 percent of their diets. Pandas eat fast, they eat a lot, and they spend about 12 hours a day doing it.

Your god made them exist on bamboo 99% of the time. You need bamboo. You need the dietary requirements of every animal as close to their native habitat as possible. Yeah, you can do what the Zoo does and give pandas apples, but zoos give them mostly bamboo as well.

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to report Noah to the ASPCA for animal cruelty and hoarding. He's taking their main staple away out of laziness of stockpiling bamboo, and forcing them to live on supplements and treats. You may keep them alive, but their malnutrition would lead to them rejecting food, and their mental health suffering immensely.

I'm too animal conservation for that.
edit on 22-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: andy06shake

The thing is Pandas do indeed primarily rely on bamboo as their main source of food, and it is a crucial component of their diet.

Meaning if you take it away, or cannot source it, they are not going to get some of the required nutrients that the giant grass provides.

Bamboo is not very nutrient dense, for that reason It's not unreasonable to believe there is an alternative that would allow them to survive the journey on the ark. If humans can survive eating mcdonalds and the average western diet, then I would imagine most other animals have a high degree of adaptability based on circumstances. Cats and dogs can even survive eating the dried up processed homogenized meat kibble that most people feed them...

Was it decided here that a panda is a special bear or just one of the variants found in the bear kind?

We have polar bear that are totally carnivorous, they live in the arctic where there are no veggies.

We have grizzly bear that eat both meat and plants.

Then we have the panda that eats plants.

They are all bears, derived from the original bear kind.

It may not have even been a panda on the ark, there were only two on the arc and the others descended from them.

Due to the environments that they wandered into certain genetic traits became dominant. The polar bear is white and eats meat because it lives in an environment that is kind to those dominant traits.

Same with people. How long would a person from Mexico survive on a northern diet of whale blubber?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
I never said I was not Christian.

But that Apex creator schtick is what you used to try to say you were not talking about that one particular god. Of course, it was transparent.

Would you show a cancerous tumor mercy? Maybe just leave a little bit of it? it will probably learn its lesson? Nope, you have to remove the entirety of the cancer to protect the whole

Don't leave any of it, but the flood would have been throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Is your god so poorly equipped that they could not just remove the tumor?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: cooperton

Pandas wouldn't eat fish.

Yeah they would: Pandas eat fish in the wild

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
But that Apex creator schtick is what you used to try to say you were not talking about that one particular god. Of course, it was transparent.

You must have misconstrued what I meant, I always vouch for Christ as King.

Don't leave any of it, but the flood would have been throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Is your god so poorly equipped that they could not just remove the tumor?

Sheesh there's always a critic for everything. You realized He saved the planet? What was thought to be an incurable cancer, fully engrained in all tissue, was surgically removed to allow a fresh start.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Why can't Noah just stockpile 6800 pounds of bamboo for them? If you can fit all the freaking dinosaurs and elephants and walruses and sh*t,, you can have a place to stockpile their bamboo. Clearly, space is not an issue. In the wild, 99% of their diet is bamboo.

I, I just don't understand why Noah is so obstinate. You get a horse you stockpile hay, you get pigs you feed them corn and soybeans, you get seals you feed them fish, you get seagulls you feed them whatever. It's common sense. You need to have the dietary requirements as close to the natural habitat as possible.

He's sorta coming off trailer park here. He's feeding his kids pop tarts for dinner and has a family of 8, and several dogs in a single-wide.

edit on 22-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: NorthOS
Was it decided here that a panda is a special bear or just one of the variants found in the bear kind?

Good question, and I think modern genetic analysis can tell us more about these animal "kinds". Chromosome count is a clear indicator of what 'kind' an animal is. It appears as though apes are a 'kind' of animal because they all have 48 chromosomes. Feline-kind all has 38 chromsomes. Wolf-kind has 78 chromosomes - this is why wolves and dogs can mate, even wolves and coyotes: they're all a part of wolf-kind. Bear-kind all has 38 chromosomes, and interestingly pandas are an anomaly according to contemporary taxonomy and they only have 22 chromosomes, so I would suppose pandas are a different 'kind', not being able to mate with the rest of bear-kind.

This actually presents a remarkable challenge for evolutionary theory. If pandas evolved from some common ancestor, how is it that they have 16 less chromosomes than the rest of bears? Given how unfathomably improbable it is to viably reduce the number of chromosomes in a creature, let alone having this same improbable event happening in the same population and also having those two specific miracles mate, it is absurd. Not only that, but this would have to happen 8 times to bridge the gap between pandas and the rest of the bears: the improbability of changing the number of chromosomes through random mutation

For this reason, despite their outward similarities to bears, I believe pandas are separate from bear-kind.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: cooperton

Why can't Noah just stockpile 6800 pounds of bamboo for them? If you can fit all the freaking dinosaurs and elephants and walruses and sh*t,, you can have a place to stockpile their bamboo. Clearly, space is not an issue. In the wild, 99% of their diet is bamboo.

At this point Noah has to look at it pragmatically, they're gonna eat fish, and, since they eat it in the wild, I'm sure that's fine by the pandas too.

I, I just don't understand why Noah is so obstinate. You get a horse you stockpile hay, you get pigs you feed them corn and soybeans, you get seals you feed them fish, you get seagulls you feed them whatever. It's common sense. You need to have the dietary requirements as close to the natural habitat as possible.

Noah probably subordinated HR complaints to one of his sons or daughters...

He's sorta coming off trailer park here. He's feeding his kids pop tarts for dinner and has a family of 8, and several dogs in a single-wide.

Fresh Bluefin tuna is not pop-tarts !!!!!!!!!

edit on 22-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:34 PM
Or grow it with all the soil they make from manure.
Some species of bamboo can grow 3 feet per day

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: cooperton

Why can't Noah just stockpile 6800 pounds of bamboo for them? If you can fit all the freaking dinosaurs and elephants and walruses and sh*t,, you can have a place to stockpile their bamboo. Clearly, space is not an issue. In the wild, 99% of their diet is bamboo.

I, I just don't understand why Noah is so obstinate. You get a horse you stockpile hay, you get pigs you feed them corn and soybeans, you get seals you feed them fish, you get seagulls you feed them whatever. It's common sense. You need to have the dietary requirements as close to the natural habitat as possible.

He's sorta coming off trailer park here. He's feeding his kids pop tarts for dinner and has a family of 8, and several dogs in a single-wide.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
Or grow it with all the soil they make from manure.
Some species of bamboo can grow 3 feet per day

They definitely would have had phenomenal plant growth with all that fertilizer

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: cooperton
From your "There's not enough time in the world for mutations to create new proteins" thread:

Just wanted to make sure before getting into it.. I think many people throughout time and space have praised the Most High God, the apex Creator. Not just Israelites and Christians have properly held this Being in high regard.

Not just Israelites and Christians, implying "the Most High God" could be what others are praising, other than Christ?

That is what I meant by you trying to imply it wasn't just about the biblical god, but in the end it really was.

You realized He saved the planet?

Sure, you can stop someone's headache buy shooting them in the head. He saved the planet by killing almost everything on it. Do you even stop to think what you are typing?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
From your "There's not enough time in the world for mutations to create new proteins" thread:

"Just wanted to make sure before getting into it.. I think many people throughout time and space have praised the Most High God, the apex Creator. Not just Israelites and Christians have properly held this Being in high regard."

Not just Israelites and Christians, implying "the Most High God" could be what others are praising, other than Christ?

That is what I meant by you trying to imply it wasn't just about the biblical god, but in the end it really was.

Oh I see how you could have misconstrued that. I meant self-proclaimed Christians and Old Testament Israelites were not the only ones who worship the Most High God. The Most High would certainly have been able to reach anyone in the world. even if they did not know about Jesus of Nazareth, Christ could have revealed himself to them. If Christ found Abraham in the desert without a Bible, then He could have found anyone anywhere without a Bible as well. So Christians, those who know Jesus of Nazareth, are not the only ones who have experienced or have heard of a Christophany.

Sure, you can stop someone's headache buy shooting them in the head. He saved the planet by killing almost everything on it. Do you even stop to think what you are typing?

Apparently the surgery worked because the earth replenished as well as the rest of animal-kind. Your shooting in the head metaphor therefore is not accurate. Also, why do you view death as so horrific? You know everyone is headed to death right? A caterpillar cannot become a butterfly unless it forfeits its old form.
edit on 22-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
Oh I see how you could have misconstrued that. I meant self-proclaimed Christians and Old Testament Israelites were not the only ones who worship the Most High God. The Most High would certainly have been able to reach anyone in the world. even if they did not know about Jesus of Nazareth, Christ could have revealed himself to them. If Christ found Abraham in the desert without a Bible, then He could have found anyone anywhere without a Bible as well. So Christians, those who know Jesus of Nazareth, are not the only ones who have experienced or have heard of a Christophany.

I guess he just never told them his name.

Come off it, you were trying to make it seem like the basis of that thread, and probably most of your threads, is an analysis not biased by your religion. Paraphrasing "I'm not talking about the god of the bible, I'm talking about an apex creator".

Apparently the surgery worked because the earth replenished as well as the rest of animal-kind. Your shooting in the head metaphor therefore is not accurate.

Well, there is still sin so apparently the surgery, despite being FUBAR, didn't really work.

Like I said, do you even stop to think what you are typing?

Also, why do you view death as so horrific? You know everyone is headed to death right?

Actually, I don't view it that way at all. It is stories like Noah's that place great value on death and punishment and the kindness of the apex creator to warn the koalas to move from Australia to the middle east so they won't die.

Me, I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.

edit on 22-12-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Pragmatism it is.

What about the Patagotitan mayorum? The Titanosaurus!

The food/space requirement for the freaking Sauropods needs explaining. Some are 115 feet long! You need two of those. And the wood boat built by a 600 year old needs to support them. Along with all the other 60 feet long + dinosaurs. And there were several.

I mean these are animals that existed. And once more, because you don't believe in science, they all existed 4,500 years ago. And people rode them. And made figures of them.

So, can you explain how the Sauropod habitat would work? How did Noah house those dinos?

And how big of a boat would you estimate one including that habitat need be?

edit on 22-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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