a reply to:
Ummm...you're still not seeing the whole picture...Whether that's due to ideology trumping logic...I have no idea...
Let me explain...The entirety of the world...beyond the west...the vast majority of Earths population...view the west and especially the US as war
mongers...whose foreign policy is dictated at the point of a sword...
The west imposes it's preferred view...it's..."rule of law"...on countless other countries...sponsors and executes color revolutions...instigates
war...overthrows and decimates sovereign nations...and decapitates their leadership...
This is what you prefer...you prefer Libya...Iraq...Afghanistan...Serbia...Yemen...Somalia...Venezuela...and now...Russia...
You prefer the forced grind of western ideology as it marches across the face of the world...
270,000 dead Civilians in Iraq...70,000 dead civilians in Afghanistan...15,000 dead civilians from Ukrainian shelling in Ukraine...
This is what you prefer...
The rest of the world is tired...sick to death of the US and it's 208 conflicts since WWII...This is...NOT...what the constitution and the Founders
envisioned...We have not kept our republic...we have shat upon the very ideals that the founders fought and shed blood for...
Then the warmongers turn as they planned to do to Russia...instigated the Ukrainian crisis and pushed Russia into conflict...Yet Russia is the boogie
Tell me...how many wars has Russia instigated...?
How many Wars has China instigated...?
You go ahead...swallow the hyperbole and rhetoric...feast on the propaganda...wave that flag and shout ooh rah...
I would take a thousand Vladimir Putin's...over every leader the west has to offer...
100 Billion for Ukraine...
0...for this failed disunity we call the United States of America...
Look those people in the eye that are at the end of their rope because everything cost beyond double what it normally would...
Tell them...S-okay...Critical Stinker prefers things this way...and they should just STHDASTFU...cause weeze on the side of Truth...Justice...and the
American way...
Bad form dude...truly bad form...
edit on 7-1-2023 by YouSir because: I effed up...