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Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking

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posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:52 AM
It's just another distraction folks. His dad was CIA lol.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: jidnum
It's just another distraction folks. His dad was CIA lol.

Really? Links? Changes everything.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

He says it himself in one of his podcasts. His dad is Emory Tate, ex CIA and grandmaster chess player.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 10:08 AM
I think that most here can identify the problem. While the problem is clear, we seem to be blind to, or choose to ignore, the root of the problem.

We are a society that teaches that sex is at the center or everything that we desire. From a hamburger, to a car, to even the home you purchase. Everything is sold with either a seductive woman expensively clothed, walking through the house or apartment, directing you to the bath or bedroom, or a nearly nude women with the come hither look inviting you into her space.

Our children grow up listening to music making them view all women as biotches, and for purchase. They are taught that men are either female wantabees, or masters of their realm, and able to do whatever the hell they chose.

We endorse the education our children are receiving. How we got from "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn", being the worse thing ever spoken in the movies, to any vile words or images being streamed 24/7, is because we did not stop it. We allowed free speech and personal rights to be bastardized, and hijacked. This is what we ended up with.

It is no longer "cool" to be the parent that is responsible for their child, making him/her responsible for their actions, and discipline is a dirty word, while really vile words and behaviors are acceptable.

We did this. We have made our children vulnerable to the wolves that infest our communities. Some of those wolves are wolves in training, and we keep sending them new members to the pack and lambs for the slaughter, because we can't expect our children to behave any other way than the way they were taught.

Yep. We did this.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

So using your logic, even if Tate is found innocent, it's his fault that he got arrested because he was acting like such a "low quality" POS that it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for him to be involved in sex trafficking?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

They don't hold you for no reason iwanttobelieve70.

Tell that to the thousands of poeple wrongfully convicted, wrongfully arrested and wrongfully remanded. It happens and it happens in the so called free world.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 11:35 AM
originally posted by: SRPrime

An idiot says "A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?"

So a woman is not allowed to expect not to be raped, no matter what she does? The rapist is the one who is responsible not her.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 11:36 AM
Lot of incels out to speak up for Tate, well at least they are not shy.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
I’m curious, could you break down what you disagree with?

A woman should be able to walk into a room full of drunk dudes naked and not get raped.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: TH3K1N60FK1N65
originally posted by: SRPrime

An idiot says "A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?"

So a woman is not allowed to expect not to be raped, no matter what she does? The rapist is the one who is responsible not her.

Nobody said that. In fact the opposite. Speaking for myself I am saying a girl in that situation will have to meet an extremely high evidentiary burden to prove those claims and if she does castrate him. She has responsibility for her actions just as he does. If the girls lied because they are gold diggers he bears a lot of responsibility for surrounding himself with hoes.

Why is saying that everyone needs to be personally responsible controversial. I am quite sure if I had my life savings in a suitcase in the back seat of a car and I parked it in San Francisco while I went to eat and it got smashed and grabbed then would you feel sorry for me or would you think I was stupid?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Dancingflames
a reply to: didntasktobeborned
Traveller is authentic in the uk yes, yes we do use signs and symbols and we have a lot of ‘the old ways’ we still use. We have no written language only oral so family histories and information, our traditions and ways are passed generation to generation or lost. If anything is written in rrom it is just spelt phonetically so can be different person to person. My family were and are big on keeping it all passed down, my grandmother is quite the Romani historian. Around half s million Romani were also executed in the holocaust. I may start a thread if there is interest, there is a lot of Romani involvement throughout history. It’s also speculated that that’s also the reason for a lot of hate and being outcast. We carry a lot of secrets.

Interesting... one of the hands down funniest movies I ever saw was Snatch - were they supposed to be Romani?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
I’m curious, could you break down what you disagree with?

A woman should be able to walk into a room full of drunk dudes naked and not get raped.

She shouldn’t have to.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

They're supposed to be Irish Travellers. Not sure of their links with Romany Travellers.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: TH3K1N60FK1N65
Lot of incels out to speak up for Tate, well at least they are not shy.

Nobody is standing up for him. Nobody has evidence including you. The comments are being made about society and responsibility. A girl should be able to walk naked and be ok but if she was your daughter would you advise them to try?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 12:39 PM
Always weird how people defend people who have loose associations to their “team”.

I would have distanced myself long ago purely because he’s cringe and a grifter. But with stuff like this, just cut him lose and say if he did something wrong (once convicted) it’s bad.

I get he hasn’t been convicted and everything is early, but I don’t see this sort of debating discipline when people on the left are accused. I saw a thread the other day about SBF, Madoff, and some other person. The title was basically calling them all pedophiles and I’m not even aware of any serious allegations for them. Granted, they’re frauds and horrible people by other proven metrics, but why use hyperbole when everyone agrees they suck anyways? I don’t recall anyone in that thread saying “they have never been charged of that”.

No, hyperbole is fine for certain groups here. Even manufactured accusations.

But if Andrew Tate who is a cringe grifter gets arrested, it’s clearly Romania super concerned with US domestic politics which Tate doesn’t really have anything to do with anyways.

The mental gymnastics are getting lazy.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: TH3K1N60FK1N65
originally posted by: SRPrime

An idiot says "A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?"

So a woman is not allowed to expect not to be raped, no matter what she does? The rapist is the one who is responsible not her.

Nobody said that. In fact the opposite. Speaking for myself I am saying a girl in that situation will have to meet an extremely high evidentiary burden to prove those claims and if she does castrate him. She has responsibility for her actions just as he does. If the girls lied because they are gold diggers he bears a lot of responsibility for surrounding himself with hoes.

Why is saying that everyone needs to be personally responsible controversial. I am quite sure if I had my life savings in a suitcase in the back seat of a car and I parked it in San Francisco while I went to eat and it got smashed and grabbed then would you feel sorry for me or would you think I was stupid?

You are comparing a non personal non violent crime, broken window, money stolen, to a violent personal assault. I can assume leaving money in plain view in a public space may be stolen. However attending a frat party or going to a bar, even if wearing a short skirt, should not have the assumption that a man cannot control himself, and will violently take something not offered or given to him.
edit on 31-12-2022 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: frogs453

In a perfect world you are correct the woman should never have to expect that, but a quick glance over the statistics and its obvious some guys either have a serious mental problem, or were raised in such a way they cant control themselves.

At this stage a woman needs to expect that in a room full of guys at least 1 will want to rape her, thats the safest way to approach the problem until society pulls a cranial rectal inversion and starts putting those people under the jail rather than in it.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: frogs453

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: TH3K1N60FK1N65
originally posted by: SRPrime

An idiot says "A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?"

So a woman is not allowed to expect not to be raped, no matter what she does? The rapist is the one who is responsible not her.

Nobody said that. In fact the opposite. Speaking for myself I am saying a girl in that situation will have to meet an extremely high evidentiary burden to prove those claims and if she does castrate him. She has responsibility for her actions just as he does. If the girls lied because they are gold diggers he bears a lot of responsibility for surrounding himself with hoes.

Why is saying that everyone needs to be personally responsible controversial. I am quite sure if I had my life savings in a suitcase in the back seat of a car and I parked it in San Francisco while I went to eat and it got smashed and grabbed then would you feel sorry for me or would you think I was stupid?

You are comparing a non personal non violent crime, broken window, money stolen, to a violent personal assault. I can assume leaving money in plain view in a public space may be stolen. However attending a frat party or going to a bar, even if wearing a short skirt, should not have the assumption that a man cannot control himself, and will violently take something not offered or given to him.

So crimes don’t count if nobody is physically hurt. Want to stick with that?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: jidnum

He says it himself in one of his podcasts. His dad is Emory Tate, ex CIA and grandmaster chess player.

CIA means nothing as there are like a 1000 specializes there. I know about 5 people that are also...wait for it.............CIA!

They live like the most humdrum life and their work is

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

A woman should be able to walk into a room full of drunk dudes naked and not get raped.

And I should be able to walk up to a sitting girl pull my wanger out and swing it around in front of her without getting slapped or arrested, but hey both lines sound kind of ridiculous.

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