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Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking

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posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:32 AM
Does anyone know where he got all his money ?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: wdkirk

Innocent until proven guilty indeed.

Public opinion did not remand him for 30 days through that was a Bucharest judge.

And i'm speculating the judge did not choose to hold him for the 30 days without good reason.

That being he was a flight risk or that he may attempt to destroy/delete evidence or intimidate witnesses.

Anyhoo it's the Romanian justice system and laws that are applicable in this instance and not our own.
edit on 31-12-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: bluemooone2

He has apparently made a decent amount of money from the fitness industry.

With a net worth of around £290 million.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: wdkirk

Innocent until proven guilty indeed.

Public opinion did not remand him for 30 days through that was a Bucharest judge.

And i'm speculating the judge did not choose to hold him for the 30 days without good reason.

That being he was a flight risk or that he may attempt to destroy/delete evidence or intimidate witnesses.

Anyhoo it's the Romanian justice system and laws that are applicable in this instance and not our own.

Don’t redirect what I said to support your agenda.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: wdkirk

I did not say anything to you that's not true.

And if the judge did not have evidence or reason to hold Tait he would have been released.

As to my agenda, what would that be? LoL

My opinion of the man aside i don't have anything to gain from his incarceration.
edit on 31-12-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: bluemooone2

I don't know much about this guy. From what I was able to find around the internet, it looks like he is a shock jock, that has developed some level of fame over the internet.

I could be wrong as two left shoes, but this has the feel of theater about it. I would not be surprised if this ends up being contrived. 

Especially with the Greta thing. It just does not have the feel of truth about it, and is too over the top.

If the authorities were really looking for him, I think they wouldn't need a tweet and a pizza delivery to find him.

I believe it is just more internet theater because they know what draws the attention of the masses, and they know how to play for the traffic and how to make something go viral.

Just my personal opinion.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: frogs453

Tate thinks women who were sexually assaulted should share a measure of blame.

Vile doesn't even begin to cover how that man feels about Women.

Isn't this true for everything that happens to a person though? I mean; quit the feminist agenda already.

If I go flaunting diamond chains and 30,000$ watches, and then I wear them at 2 AM while I walk through central park in the darkest alley under the bridge and I get robbed; isn't that my fault?

Like it doesn't make the robber right, but I also could have not put myself in danger to begin with -- right? That's called personal responsibility.

A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?

Take the same woman but a different scenario...

She's shopping for groceries, she's loading the jeep with her purchase, she gets nabbed by bad guys in a van.

See how those two scenarios are completely different, in scenario A; she put herself in danger, she has to take responsibility for that.

In Scenario B, she did nothing wrong; she needed eggs so she went to buy them -- she's not responsible for any of that.

It's not "Victim" blaming, it's being honest. Don't do dangerous things, and then cry like it's not your fault when the danger hits.

What's the opposite of misogyny? Because the entire "Victim blaming" ideology is that. We're being too soft on women, telling them it's not their fault for making bad decisions. It IS their fault when they make bad decisions.

When a victim does things that increase their chances of becoming a victim, that is indeed their fault. The bad actors that victimize that person are ALSO wrong. Both statements are true, it's not an either or.

Stop white knighting all people with vaginas.

If you put yourself in violent situations, you don't get to cry when violence occurs. You could have easily made better decisions. Again, this doesn't absolve the other party from any wrong doing or responsibility for their also equally terrible decisions. Y'all both made bad decisions, and if either one of yall made different ones than it wouldn't have happened.

That's called personal responsibility. When did we stop teaching this?
edit on 31-12-2022 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

isn't this true for everything that happens to a person though? I mean; quit the feminist agenda already.

Mate Tait has compared women to dogs, children, and objects, his agenda and feelings regarding the fairer sex is rather apparent in the extreme.

And the fact of the matter is that he is not being held down to his feeling towards women but in connection with sex trafficking and rape charges.

A girl is at a party, doing drugs with nothing but frat boys she doesn't know, and she gets raped, why isn't she responsible for being in the dangerous situation she put herself in?

Surely you are not trying to claim that a woman that gets raped or assaulted its because they choose to dress or act in a certain manner?

Because that is just wrong in the extreme.

No means No RPrime no two ways about it, no matter the scenario.
edit on 31-12-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SRPrime

isn't this true for everything that happens to a person though? I mean; quit the feminist agenda already.

Mate Tait has compared women to dogs, children, and objects, his agenda and feelings regarding the fairer sex is rather apparent in the extreme.

And the fact of the matter is that he is not being held down to his feeling towards women but in connection with sex trafficking and rape charges.

Surely you are not trying to claim that a woman that gets raped or assaulted its because they choose to dress or act in a certain manner?

Because that is just wrong in the extreme.

No means No RPrime no two ways about it.

Don't shift the goal posts. You made an argument, it was defeated. You're wrong. You want to make another argument, you can; but I will not address you until you acknowledge personal responsibility and quality of decisions matters.

I am claiming a girl who makes low quality decisions, advertises her sex organs, is responsible for how people formulate opinions on her. Her actions there after also matter. So she can't be acting suggestive, while advertising, and then claim after the fact that she wasn't interested.

That's not how things work. Take the same woman, dress her respectfully, and have her make higher quality decisions, she wouldn't be giving opportunists and opportunity.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

Don't shift the goal posts. You made an argument, it was defeated.

By who you. LoL

Your sound a lot like a potential rapist yourself now with the views you seem to harbor regarding how women choose to act or dress, and the blame you seem to wish to subscribe should something terrible take place.


Again no means no, your sad little scenarios aside, that's the law.

Seek help son if you fail to be able to comprehend that simple concept would be my advice there.

Blaming a woman because a man cannot keep his tackle in his pants and chooses rape as an option after being told no don't bode well.

edit on 31-12-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: SRPrime


posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Sounds like you want to believe he's innocent.

And yet, as has been already pointed out by a few peeps now the investigation has been ongoing long before Tait decided to troll Thunberg or order pizza.

Nothing to do with the United States or big tech far as i can establish and all to do with sex trafficking and rape allegations.

In the police press release it talks about being influenced by British and Americans. How many times have you read a press release by American police saying they were doing it because of Romanian interest? Again we have on record girls already lying. For me to believe, and this is just me, the others are going to have to have videos for me to believe them. Part of the official police press release talked about these girls feeling that they thought they were in a more serious relationship in hopes of maybe getting citizenship. Or the official verbiage of the police calling it the “lover boy” game.

Pardon me if I don’t give a crap what someone feels. What’s the charge for girls using a guy with a hope for sex but not ever giving it up? Oh there is not one? Listen it sounds like he is finding girls to do cam shows and making money all while paying them. Some have hopes of a relationship others are cool with the cash. It’s the porn industry but oh well. We know that the US government is up to its ears in sex trafficking. I’m sorry if I don’t buy their claims. That’s what happens when you lie, cheat and steal.

Even Jeffery Epstein with the full protection of the United States and other western governments didn’t put himself out in public like this guy. Me personally, I would believe sex trafficking would be done with more privacy.

I’m just not buying it and I could be wrong but my BS meter is pegged out on this. If he is sex trafficking then he is getting prosecuted because he isn’t state sponsored and they are getting rid of the competition. They did not just shut down Epstein’s business.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: SRPrime


I’m curious, could you break down what you disagree with?

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

They don't hold you for no reason iwanttobelieve70.

I guess time will tell as to whether or not Tait will be charged with anything significant.

So about 30 days or thereabouts and im sure further information will materialize.

Just need to wait and see what comes from all this.

But like i suggest it seems to have been an ongoing investigation in play long before Tait got pwned by Thunberg.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

They don't hold you for no reason iwanttobelieve70.

I guess time will tell as to whether or not Tait will be charged with anything significant.

So about 30 days or thereabouts and im sure further information will materialize.

Just need to wait and see what comes from all this.

But like i suggest it seems to have been an ongoing investigation in play long before Tait got pwned by Thunberg.

In Romania they can hold you while they look and decide. Don’t base another country’s law on ours.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:11 AM
Well this thread is enlightening about other members, that's for sure. Yikes.

Anyway, it's been noted he and his brother have been charged with sex trafficking and creating a criminal organization. Another person arrested with them has been charged with rape. They aren't being held just for the heck of it.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:18 AM
This looks like a psy-op and this Tate an actor.
edit on 31-12-2022 by Robert Reynolds because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:21 AM
like like tate might be,

ooh ooh oooooh
ooh ooh oooooh
ooh ooh oooooh
ooh ooh oooooh

tate will be kick box fighting
as his sphincter is tightening
he's says it's little bit frightening
cause romanian convicts are fast as lighting

there are horny gypsy men
and horny romanian mafia to
all checking out andrews boo boo
wanting to make him their brand new bytch

tate will be kick box fighting
as his sphincter is tightening
he's saying it's little bit frightening
cause romanian convicts are fast as lighting

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SRPrime

Don't shift the goal posts. You made an argument, it was defeated.

By who you. LoL

Your sound a lot like a potential rapist yourself now with the views you seem to harbor regarding how women choose to act or dress, and the blame you seem to wish to subscribe should something terrible take place.


Again no means no, your sad little scenarios aside, that's the law.

Seek help son if you fail to be able to comprehend that simple concept would be my advice there.

Blaming a woman because a man cannot keep his tackle in his pants and chooses rape as an option after being told no don't bode well.


Does NOT come off as a potential rapist. Its high time society puts some onus on personal responsibility, all around. Instead, its dancing to the decades old script of men are pigs.

I've come to learn that "victimhood" is used as a weapon, more often than not.

Re Tate, he's always come off as trying too hard to underline he's an Alpha. and in that over-the-top thrust, handed me some doubts. I have come across MANY equally loud, boisterous Betas who thump their chest and act violent-ready aggressive towards a threat, or regarding a victory, perceived or otherwise. The volume and the stance too many times from Tate does make me wonder about him.

Remember something. Actors act.
edit on 31-12-2022 by BiffTannen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 09:36 AM
I didn’t read anywhere someone saying that a rapist is innocent because girls are promiscuous. Any rapist should be sterilized permanently. Hell turn them into a eunuch for all I care. But the burden of proof should be pretty high.

Girls have been taught that money is all that matters and that belief along with the feminist movement have done more to destroy the fairer sex than anything Andrew Tate could ever do. 99 percent of the women are after 10 percent of the men and that competition forces them to make bad decisions after bad decisions. When they realize this after the fact they then start to blame others for their bad choices.

Andrew Tate may be guilty but if I was on a jury the bar would be pretty high because of the reasons I stated. If he is trafficking then there are John’s right? Where is the arrest reports? Same place the Epstein clients are located? Maybe Tate has a list of prominent people consuming his product and they are pinching him to work for them?

If he is guilty of rape castrate him but bring the evidence because I’m a realist and I know how the world really works. How many times have we seen peoples lives ruined because feelings were hurt? Now this goes both ways. Sometimes people like Tate and Duke lacrosse deserve a large chunk of what they get for associating with girls willing to do the things they do.

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