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Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking

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posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: Wattt6

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: SirHardHarry

we used to teach young people to not put yourself into a position to provide opportunity to one of those people with bad intentions.

Now we no longer seem to do so and people are shocked when horrible things happen, when different choices could have alleviated the risk.

She shouldnt have to worry about a guy, but a woman cant control the choices a guy makes, she can only control the risk she herself takes.

....but we go OTT with children, by deeming it unsafe for them to walk to school and play out. I just don't understand modern society.

Sometimes over the top is necessary. Not long ago, I had two children abducted from a bus stop and assaulted. All in one month. A 14 year old in the suburbs, and a 16 year old in the city.

14 year old in the suburbs, happened early morning before school, when Brother that normally is with her was sick. The 16 year old, early evening after school. Lured with the promise of a ride home.

The two occurrences were over 75 miles apart.

You don't know when or where the wolf is going to strike, but you know it is out there.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

He has made rather a few nasty misogynistic and downright incorrect statements about the fairer sex.

Take for instance.

"If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bare some responsibility."

"Why would you be with a woman whos not a virgin anyway? She is used goods. Second hand."

"By extension, if I have responsibility over her, then I must have a degree of authority."

"I’m not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."

I mean alarm bells are fecking ringing there and then some regarding how he chooses to see women.

End of the day though he's not being held down to his opinions on women, but because of an ongoing investigation that surrounds sex trafficking and rape allegations/ charges.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 10:40 AM
What is most important to share with your daughter is not so much giving her speeches before she goes out into harms way, but to emulate to her the type of man she should find appeal to by her father showing it by how he loves her mother.

This leads to later in life making better choices.

Most women and young girls today were not raised by any man around and if she is it most likely is not her natural father.
This is where the nasty cycle of bad choices begin.

Women today are only sleeping with 20% of the males available.
On tinder this shows to be true as over half the men get swiped and never considered.
Over half the male population in the west gets no sex and the women only seek out the unattainable accepting just the sex.
20% (I believe it is higher) of children in marriage are not of the father's seed unbeknownst to the father raising the child.

Women make bad choices a lot without the guidance for a young girl that experiences and sees a 2 parent natural love the inevitable and worst simply manifests.
Girls with daddy issues become women with daddy issues.
They seek excitement over foundation.

Every single woman including the average and even ugly can get laid at any time they choose yet over half the males get zero.
And every woman that wants to get married has a nice guy and solid man that they pass over for possible husband because they feel they deserve a 1% alpha type that spins them on emotional rollercoaster using them openly, just for sex.
And they all accept this.
Statistics prove this.

And it only gets worse.
The #1 fantasy for women is rape fantasies. Like it is the top fantasy for 75% of women.

It is like the game is rigged for women to only make bad choices in regards to sex.

Of course it is not their fault.
But their choices are.

Women learn early how to game men.
But if it becomes practiced their natural inclinations to be drawn to the top % of alphas include the narcissistic predator type that have risen to the top in present society and they get gamed in return.

It is a vicious cycle perpetuated as a result of fatherless homes.

You can all just accept the inevitable outcome for the future of "modern" society.
Mass surveillance.
Robotic enforcers.
Cameras in every bedroom.
Men and women chosen for breeders.
Sexual perversions accepted and perpetuated through sex dolls and automoton metaverse relationships.
No more fathers.
No more mother's
No more blame.
No need for morals, just acceptance.

The inevitable is obvious.

Forget about love.
In a world centered around sex love cannot exist but instead love will mean lust....period....

In the sexual marketplace women hold all the keys to the bedroom.
And the nice guy men that are good fathers are shut out.
The game is rigged against them.
The game is rigged to allow women to make bad choices.

The State has become the father figure for women to replace the need for men by these women and sex has become the tool by which society falls into an authoritarian state by which to govern.

If Andrew Tate raped a woman and trafficked her he should be prosecuted.
But he has done nothing but tell the truth in regards to men and women in today's society.
And this makes him an enemy of the State.

Do the Tates game women?
Do women game men and the system to exploit the system and men?
Yup, yup.

The Tates are an amazing view into this dilemma.
All the women love him that meet him.
None of them claim to feel threatened.
They have access to many high value women.
Their message goes against Statist rule but still truth.

If you guys really want to address this issue with trafficking women can we start with all the Saudi princes?
This is openly done in that world.
There are something like 20 million slaves in Africa, most of them for sex.
And Andrew Tate has one accuser.

And I most certainly do not approve of the Tates being involved in the porn industry, though be it legal.
Porn becoming the foundation for 1st amendment free speech is retarded.
Absolutely retarded and is the biggest reason for a Nations moral retardation and the source of retarded marriages and retarded relationships and retarded fatherless homes that breed retarded boys and girls that perpetuate this retarded cycle.

The only option aside from morality being taught at home in order to raise stable children is drones and surveillance everywhere.

And just about every post in this thread shows the latter outcome in a sureity.
Top G is tipping the apple cart.

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Do you have daughters? Do you know the worry? You have to lecture them when they go to freaking Target or the mall. Make sure you're aware of your surroundings, make sure you are not being followed in the store, when they are in college, make sure you're with someone, try not to ever walk alone when it's dark, always watch whatever you are drinking, no matter what never separate from your friends, etc. Even though I'm depending on the way I've raised them, if they are attacked at a party, it's not their fault. And I'll tell you what, a young woman who grew up in a very dysfunctional household, who meets a man who takes care of her and treats her like a princess, but then withholds that "love" or beats her until she does what he wants is not at fault either which are the likely victims of these type of sex trafficking crimes.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
What is most important to share with your daughter is not so much giving her speeches before she goes out into harms way, but to emulate to her the type of man she should find appeal to by her father showing it by how he loves her mother.

This leads to later in life making better choices.

Most women and young girls today were not raised by any man around and if she is it most likely is not her natural father.
This is where the nasty cycle of bad choices begin.

Women today are only sleeping with 20% of the males available.
On tinder this shows to be true as over half the men get swiped and never considered.
Over half the male population in the west gets no sex and the women only seek out the unattainable accepting just the sex.
20% (I believe it is higher) of children in marriage are not of the father's seed unbeknownst to the father raising the child.

Women make bad choices a lot without the guidance for a young girl that experiences and sees a 2 parent natural love the inevitable and worst simply manifests.
Girls with daddy issues become women with daddy issues.
They seek excitement over foundation.

Every single woman including the average and even ugly can get laid at any time they choose yet over half the males get zero.
And every woman that wants to get married has a nice guy and solid man that they pass over for possible husband because they feel they deserve a 1% alpha type that spins them on emotional rollercoaster using them openly, just for sex.
And they all accept this.
Statistics prove this.

And it only gets worse.
The #1 fantasy for women is rape fantasies. Like it is the top fantasy for 75% of women.

It is like the game is rigged for women to only make bad choices in regards to sex.

Of course it is not their fault.
But their choices are.

Women learn early how to game men.
But if it becomes practiced their natural inclinations to be drawn to the top % of alphas include the narcissistic predator type that have risen to the top in present society and they get gamed in return.

It is a vicious cycle perpetuated as a result of fatherless homes.

You can all just accept the inevitable outcome for the future of "modern" society.
Mass surveillance.
Robotic enforcers.
Cameras in every bedroom.
Men and women chosen for breeders.
Sexual perversions accepted and perpetuated through sex dolls and automoton metaverse relationships.
No more fathers.
No more mother's
No more blame.
No need for morals, just acceptance.

The inevitable is obvious.

Forget about love.
In a world centered around sex love cannot exist but instead love will mean lust....period....

In the sexual marketplace women hold all the keys to the bedroom.
And the nice guy men that are good fathers are shut out.
The game is rigged against them.
The game is rigged to allow women to make bad choices.

The State has become the father figure for women to replace the need for men by these women and sex has become the tool by which society falls into an authoritarian state by which to govern.

If Andrew Tate raped a woman and trafficked her he should be prosecuted.
But he has done nothing but tell the truth in regards to men and women in today's society.
And this makes him an enemy of the State.

Do the Tates game women?
Do women game men and the system to exploit the system and men?
Yup, yup.

The Tates are an amazing view into this dilemma.
All the women love him that meet him.
None of them claim to feel threatened.
They have access to many high value women.
Their message goes against Statist rule but still truth.

If you guys really want to address this issue with trafficking women can we start with all the Saudi princes?
This is openly done in that world.
There are something like 20 million slaves in Africa, most of them for sex.
And Andrew Tate has one accuser.

And I most certainly do not approve of the Tates being involved in the porn industry, though be it legal.
Porn becoming the foundation for 1st amendment free speech is retarded.
Absolutely retarded and is the biggest reason for a Nations moral retardation and the source of retarded marriages and retarded relationships and retarded fatherless homes that breed retarded boys and girls that perpetuate this retarded cycle.

The only option aside from morality being taught at home in order to raise stable children is drones and surveillance everywhere.

And just about every post in this thread shows the latter outcome in a sureity.
Top G is tipping the apple cart.

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Do you have daughters? Do you know the worry? You have to lecture them when they go to freaking Target or the mall. Make sure you're aware of your surroundings, make sure you are not being followed in the store, when they are in college, make sure you're with someone, try not to ever walk alone when it's dark, always watch whatever you are drinking, no matter what never separate from your friends, etc. Even though I'm depending on the way I've raised them, if they are attacked at a party, it's not their fault. And I'll tell you what, a young woman who grew up in a very dysfunctional household, who meets a man who takes care of her and treats her like a princess, but then withholds that "love" or beats her until she does what he wants is not at fault either which are the likely victims of these type of sex trafficking crimes.

Well said and the truth of things.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 11:40 AM
What a creepy dude. Also stupid. All those blows to the head must’ve really done a number in him.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

Not hard to find the Tate fans here.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Not hard to spot the freaky little incels nether.

A few of them about these days here at ATS creepy bastards that they are.

The thing is the shameful little no-marks might be better served actually venturing outside their parent's basements and speaking to some real females.

As opposed to judging them from a distance and assigning blame to them because they cannot muster enough courage to try and get their end away.

The same type of peeps who would rather entertain the misogynistic guff spewing forth from the puss of the likes of Tait and his ilk.
edit on 1-1-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 04:50 PM
Don't know if it's been mentioned yet but maybe teaching both boys and girls self-defense would be a good idea?!
Also, I believe a good number of trafficked are young boys!5

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: LordAhriman

Same thing.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Smokeygurl

Don't know if it's been mentioned yet but maybe teaching both boys and girls self-defense would be a good idea?!

Teaching people self-defense is always a good idea.

Also, I believe a good number of trafficked are young boys!5

Linked to this incident and Tait?

He doesn't come across as that way inclined although anything is possible i suppose.

Seems more like teenage girls is his level, stoat the ball that he is.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Not hard to spot the freaky little incels nether.

A few of them about these days here at ATS creepy bastards that they are.

The thing is the shameful little no-marks might be better served actually venturing outside their parent's basements and speaking to some real females.

Guess what this type of dialogue doesnt help either, you are doing exactly what you complain about them doing.

They didnt just wake up one day "creepy little incels" there is usually a long string of behavior that was perpetrated against them that lead to this behavior.

But we never bring that up because then we might have to question how all women are being taught from an early age to only chase the top 1 or 2% of men, and in many cases outright playing the mean girls card against those same boys.

Boys being mocked relentlessly and bullied daily because they dont fit into the current stereotype of what a guy should be, yea lets just mock them more I am sure that will fix things.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Well if the cap fits Irishhaf would be my thinking there.

They deserve to be mocked relentlessly if indeed they choose to see women as they do.

Because that's what the majority of them choose to do to women aka mock them and blame them for their own misgivings and shortcomings.

If you wish to sing their praise or attempt to understand their way of misogynistic misguided thinking be my guest.

What they require is interaction with real women as opposed to reading about what other people think about them online and then adopting that sad pathetic rhetoric as their own by my guess.
edit on 1-1-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

Not hard to find the Tate fans here.

Ya, that was mildly f#cked up.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: andy06shake

Not hard to spot the freaky little incels nether.

A few of them about these days here at ATS creepy bastards that they are.

The thing is the shameful little no-marks might be better served actually venturing outside their parent's basements and speaking to some real females.

Guess what this type of dialogue doesnt help either, you are doing exactly what you complain about them doing.

They didnt just wake up one day "creepy little incels" there is usually a long string of behavior that was perpetrated against them that lead to this behavior.

But we never bring that up because then we might have to question how all women are being taught from an early age to only chase the top 1 or 2% of men, and in many cases outright playing the mean girls card against those same boys.

Boys being mocked relentlessly and bullied daily because they dont fit into the current stereotype of what a guy should be, yea lets just mock them more I am sure that will fix things.

So the sad little incels are this way because women made them that way? All women are being taught to chase the top 1 or 2%? I'm not sure what kind of fantasy world you live in. I can assure you that all women are not being taught that from a young age. Nor are all the poor boys being bullied and mocked daily by girls.

Yeesh. Sounds like some poor boys have emotional problems and might be interacting with females in ways that somehow cause the females to get a very bad vibe and respond appropriately.

But yeah it's "all the women taught at a young age" and "mocking and bullying" that causes misogynistic incels. Gotta blame someone I guess instead of looking inward.
edit on 1-1-2023 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You love to put words in peoples mouth huh, not singing their praises pointing out the fact that 95% of the people called incels now were bullied to this point, they didnt choose their path.

But hey you do you boo, sit there and beat your chest about how awesome and manly you are... Mmm who does that sound like.

Just continue mocking and belittling these people rather than try to figure out why they are this way and how to possibly fix the problem.

Like I said keep doing you I am so certain that will help.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Another clown with reading comprehension issues, no not just women but whatever keep mocking and bullying people to make you feel better about yourself, says much more about you than you apparently think.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

You love to put words in peoples mouth huh

If you say so.

Better than that foot you seem to have in your own mouth.

not singing their praises pointing out the fact that 95% of the people called incels now were bullied to this point, they didnt choose their path.

See that just sounds like you are apologizing for them again.

But hey you do you boo, sit there and beat your chest about how awesome and manly you are... Mmm who does that sound like.

I'm not an incel apologizer so there is that.

And how am i beating my chest or apparently "manly" pray-tel?

Just continue mocking and belittling these people rather than try to figure out why they are this way and how to possibly fix the problem.

They are the way they are because they choose to listen to fools like Tait online and refuse to talk to real people like women for instance.

Its not rocket science Irishhaf.

They mock and belittle woman Irishhaf, why should we not return the favor?

Like I said keep doing you I am so certain that will help.

I will indeed as its the only way to travel.

As to what you are certain of, well that remains to be seen.

Everybody is a product of society Irishhaf, but that doesn't mean treating people in a certain manner is acceptable.

Incels should be held with contempt because that's what they choose to harbor towards other people aka woman.

They are in the same to similar bucket as homophobes or racists by my guess.

They don't need to be understood, they need to be educated.
edit on 1-1-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: frogs453

Another clown with reading comprehension issues, no not just women but whatever keep mocking and bullying people to make you feel better about yourself, says much more about you than you apparently think.

Ok, I have a reading comprehension problem? What did I not comprehend from these statements:

They didnt just wake up one day "creepy little incels" there is usually a long string of behavior that was perpetrated against them that lead to this behavior.

But we never bring that up because then we might have to question how all women are being taught from an early age to only chase the top 1 or 2% of men, and in many cases outright playing the mean girls card against those same boys.

Boys being mocked relentlessly and bullied daily because they dont fit into the current stereotype of what a guy should be

And you now believe you are being bullied because there was pushback against blaming women for the fact that a man is an incel?

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Another clown with reading comprehension issues

Seems to me you think its ok for "you" to call other people names. LoL

Yet choose to pull other people for calling it how it is regarding nasty little incels.

Is that not bullying people?


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Nope as a gen x born, I learned to fire back when people are being obnoxious bullies, what's priceless is you then go and double down on your rhetoric proving my point.

I would wager you and Frog are 2 grand examples of the bullies that helped create the present problem, yet you are too proud of your actions to ever have an actual moment of introspection and realize maybe you should have shown an ounce of compassion, rather than be a persistent source of pain for people that needed a hand.

So again, you do you boo, that will undoubtedly "help" the problem.

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