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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

• After the 5th phase, the population of the three Axis powers is planned to have a demographic composition of 30% males and 70% females.

I think I got this one wrong. The three figures given by The Architect are 23, 16 and 7. Seven is about 30% of 23, but 23+7 is equal to 30 too. These are too many thirties to be just one segment of the population.

At this point, I remembered a work of fiction in which the age of 30 plays a very prominent role: Logan’s Run.

The novel was published in 1967. So this date has a 16, a 7 and a hidden 23 (9 is three squared).

The film based on this book was released on 23 June 1976. So this date also contains a twenty-three, a sixteen and a seven.

In the dystopian society described in this film, people are killed by the government when they reach the age of thirty.

Taking into account all these clues, I have to conclude that the 30 in this puzzle is not alluding to the percentage of males, but to the age of thirty. Therefore, my previous statement needs to be changed by this new one: If the conspirators win, after the 5th phase (2023-2032), the vast majority of the population will be under 30 years old.

Interesting enough, the ancient Egyptian symbol called Ankh, that plays a role in the film Logan’s Run, can also be seen tattooed in the back of one character from the 1997 film Event Horizon.

edit on 10-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

More hidden clues left by the conspiracy:

Dark City is a science fiction film released on 27 February 1998.

On it, we can see this postcard from a place that plays an important role in this film:

We can see in the front side of this postcard a name written in the roof of a fishery:

It is K. Harris.

The initials of this name also appear in a suitcase:

The main character is seen searching for this fishery in a telephone directory:

There is much information hidden in this image:

Harris Karl (green underlining) is the name he is looking for. Karl has three letters in common with the name Kamala.

64 (blue rectangles) is a reversed 46, a hint to Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States.

Dale (blue underlining) has three letters in common with the name Donald. Also, two 45s (blue underlining) can be seen. These would be references to Donald Trump, who is the 45th U.S. president..

There are at least two 28s (purple rectangles), an allusion to the 28 space colonies.

Three 95s (black underlining), which are hints to the 95% target.

A quite centered 8 (red rectangle).

And many 555s and aitches. Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP membership card was 555.

Main character takes the subway/metro:

Blue is the color most commonly associated to the U.S. Democratic Party.

There, he meets a secondary character who reminds of the The Trainman:

The Trainman in turn is a secondary character from the film The Matrix Revolutions, the video game Enter the Matrix and the MMORPG The Matrix Online.

Main character is going to the subway station Shell Beach:

Shell is a wordplay meaning “cell”, which in turn is referring to “cell phones”.

Eventually, the true nature of this city is shown:

With these pictures the conspirators are symbolizing that the Earth is being controlled from outer space, and also that the existence of water is a necessary prerequisite in order to establish a colony in other planets or moons.

• Contrary to what many fans/aficionados believe, The Matrix does not take place in 1999 exclusively. The first third (more or less) of this film is set in 1998, as can be seen in this image from the beginning of it:

Apart from that, it contains more hidden information:

The date shown in this screen is 19 February 1998. Dark City was released eight days later, on 27 February 1998.

As it is explained in the above image, the time (13:24:18) is a hidden allusion to November 5, 2024, the date of the next U.S. presidential election.

Additionally, these two films (Dark City and The Matrix) have more points in common:

A) Both motion pictures begin in a hotel.

B) In both films the hero is living in a false world.

C) In both, there is a subplot involving one Subway/Metro station.

D) In both movies, the hero ends up with superpowers.

Mobil Avenue is a subway station that appears in The Matrix Revolutions.

On it, the main character meets a family composed of two parents and a child. The mother is called Kamala.

Mobil is a hint to “mobile phones”, which are called “cell phones” in the United States. So this is how the two subway stations from these two films are connected.

• At the end of Dark City, one character points to where Shell Beach is:

Shell means “concha” in Spanish. The Beach of La Concha is a famous beach of the Basque city of San Sebastián.

The name of Portugal contains the word “portal”.

There is a basque locality called Portugalete. Its name also contains the word “portal”.

Gu is Basque for “we”.

In Spanish “ete” sounds exactly like the acronym “E.T.”.

Summary diagram with all this information:

In this case, E.T. stands for “exterran” (or exterráqueo, in Spanish), not extraterrestrial.

We can also find more information in this image from the film Dark City:

The Place S City (black underlining) seems to be pointing to the location of an important place.

The letters of the word “portal” (blue underlining) can be found on this picture.

The word “north” appears several times. The Basque Country was also referred colloquially as El Norte (“The North”) by many people in Spain, specially when ETA was active.

On the right side, there are two letters (blue arrow) that look like Ea (see previous page for context).

Those two Ss (red underlining) seem to be the initials of San Sebastián.

Portal is said “ataria” in Basque language:

One character from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet is named Altaira.

A robot called Robby the Robot also appears in this film.

U.S. president Joseph Biden’s middle name is Robinette, which sounds in Spanish exactly like the words “Robin/Robyn” and “ete”.

• The film Perdita Durango was released on 31 October 1997.

The word “perdita” contains four letters of the word “portal”.

By the way, I don’t know what “perdita” means, I have never heard this word apart from the title of this movie. It is not standard Spanish, it seems to me more like a misspelling of the word “perdida”, which is Spanish for “lost” or “lost one” (feminine, in both cases).

Durango is a town in the Basque Country,

Decoded meaning:

• The conspirators put the name of Kamala Harris in a puzzle hidden in the films Dark City, The Matrix and The Matrix Revolutions.

• They did it to prove their control of the system is so great, that they can put the name of the current vice president of the United States, and presidential candidate, in a work of fiction twenty-six years in advance.

• The portal of Spain/Portugal could be located in the Basque Country, maybe around this area:

edit on 11-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2024 @ 04:23 PM
María Soledad Iparraguirre, the second woman to be a member of ETA’s executive, was nicknamed Marisol before 1994, and Anboto thereafter.

Marisol is a Spanish actress, very famous in the 1960s, who in that epoch resembled Altaira Morbius, the above mentioned character from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet.

As sol means “sun”, Marisol could be translated as “Marisun” or “Mari Sun”. Mari is also a shortened version of the name María (“Mary”).

Mari is the name of the main goddess of the ancient Basque mythology.

Mari was also the name of an outlying Sumerian city in northern Mesopotamia.

And Mari is the name of a 1st-century saint venerated by several denominations of Eastern Christianity.

Anboto is a mountain located about ten kilometers to the south-east of Durango. Anboto is its Basque name, the Spanish spelling is Amboto.

This mountain reaches 1331 meters (4367 feet). Both figures could be alluding to the Section 13, since the height in meters has the number 13 twice, while the height in feet has three numbers found in 3437 BCE, the year in which Section 13 was created.

Next to Anboto, there is a town called Santiago, whose postal code is 48291. This figure has the verification code 28/92 and 14. Santiago is Spanish for “James”, and let’s remember that Saint James the Great is the patron saint of Spain.

In conclusion, Anboto could be related to the portal situated in Spain/Portugal.

edit on 13-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have discovered more data about the conspiracy, thanks to two interconnected films:

Poltergeist is a supernatural horror film released on 4 June 1982. It is about a family of five (the parents and three kids) whose house is invaded by malevolent ghosts.

At the beginning of it we can see a twelve on the clothes of one of the men watching the football game:

And another one on the clothing of the son:

It is a reference to the twelve clans of the conspiracy.

A hand emerges from the television:

The little daughter somehow can communicate with the ghosts.

The hand represents the reactionary conspiracy.

Some moments earlier, she put both hands on the screen of the TV:

It is symbolically alluding to two persons.

The working class is shown in a very negative way in this film:

He is one of the men working outdoors.

We can see a 23 in one of the investigators’ devices:

It is alluding to 2023, the start year of phase 5.

The son leaves the house in a taxi (the small daughter has already disappeared, the eldest daughter is in another location):

The number plate contains hidden information:

51 is connected to 45, combined they form 4551 BCE, the year in which the original founders of the conspiracy decided to start it. The nexus of union between 45 and 51 is the number zero (red underlining).

2054 is the year in which Minority Report is set. 203 (black underlining) means “20 years, three persons”. (This part is going to be explained in the following point).

The woman who leads the trio of investigators is seen talking about some objects thrown by the ghosts:

It is hinting to someone “working with precious metals”.

The Spanish version:

(I had to look up camafeo in the dictionary, I had never heard this word before)

She mentions another object:

The watch is a symbolic allusion to time, as in “a long time ago”.

A brief scene with the mother:

Three figures (1 + 2) are shown in the background:

The one in the left (blue arrow) seems to be a girl.

Two heads are shown in the same poster (black arrow).

There is also a reference to royalty (KING).

O would mean: original, the first one.

This film ends in a motel:

The room number is 209:

It is a secret way of putting 92, one half of the verification code 28/92. The other half, 28, is in the year of release (1982).

Poltergeist ends in a hospitality business, same place where Dark City (1998) and The Matrix (1999) begin.

[To be continued in the next post]

posted on Sep, 15 2024 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


These are two very revealing scenes from Poltergeist:

1) The first one:

The boss of the father pays him a visit:

The lamp is a code used by the conspirators, it means: “pay attention, this scene about to start is important”.

A direct mention of Phase 5.

A double hint to 2024, since 1982 + 42 = 2024, and 42 is a reversed 24.

A reference to the more than 7,000 million of people they are planning to kill during Phase 5 (2023 - 2032).

(They didn’t put $7 billion in the script because, apart from being too obvious, it would have been a far too high figure. But even $70 million seems to me quite high for 1982).

Another reference to three people.

There are some tombs in the foreground:

The name Thomas (lower left corner) etymologically means twin.

A female name, Becky, can be also seen. A closer look:

1955 has three numbers in common with 4551.

They are in a cemetery:

It symbolizes that the conspiracy killed most (if not all) of the original inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The S from Thomas (blue arrow) is deliberately kept on sight.

The cross from above the name Becky symbolizes the letter T.

And I think that, to solve this part of the puzzle, the T and the S should be united in TS, and this diagraph is meant to modify the name Becky, converting it to Betsy, a short form of the name Elizabeth.

The 76 is a reference to the 95% target: 7,600 millions, or 95% of the current world population (around 8,000 million people).

In the middle of Thomas and Becky's tombstones there is a third one:

A closer view:

In my opinion, the name on this tomb (Joseph Alber) is an allusion to the names of the parents of the original founders of the conspiracy.

We have to take into consideration that in that epoch, mid 5th millennium BCE, people only had given/first names.

2) The second one:

The investigators bring to the house a woman, who is presented as a clairvoyant, to help them.

Tangina is a woman of short stature, that’s why the mother kneels in front of her:

The leader of the investigators raises one finger:

Eventually, all the others kneel in front of this woman:

Tangina Barrons represents one of the three original founders of the conspiracy: the woman called Elizabeth or, more precisely, the original version of that name.

Minority Report is a science fiction film released on 21 June 2002. It is set in 2054.

This motion picture was released twenty years after Poltergeist, and on it three clairvoyants (a woman and two twins) play a prominent role.

So the 203 and the 2054 from the image shown above come from the data found in this film:

This would definitely confirm that the conspiracy was indeed founded in the year 4551 BCE.

The nexus of union between Poltergeist and Minority Report are the clairvoyants, and that Steven Spielberg worked in both.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspiracy was originally founded by three persons, not by two as I previously thought.

• These three persons could be a woman and two twins.

• The name of the woman is perhaps an early version of the name Elizabeth.

• While other options shouldn’t be discarded, I estimate that the three were likely siblings.

• The founders’ parents could be a couple called a version of the names “Joseph” and “Alber”.

• The Indus Valley Civilization is probably the first civilization the conspiracy destroyed.

• These five people, like their contemporaries, had one-word names, and these words were probably monosyllabic.

• The word “cameo” also means “very short role”, so this could mean that while these three persons founded the conspiracy, their role in the development of the plan of world domination is likely quite small.

• The short stature of the clairvoyant in Poltergeist is not coincidental. The actress who played her, Zelda Rubinstein, stood 4 feet 3 inches (1.30 meters). Apart from a reference to Section 13, I suspect this was the median stature of the women living in the Indus Valley Civilization in the mid 5th millennium BCE. If this is the case, then median stature of the men living in this era should be 10-20 centimeters taller.

• The mentioned actress who played the clairvoyant in Poltergeist died at 76 years of age, a reference to the 95% target. The child actress who played the little daughter in this same film, died in 1988 at the age of 12. These would be hints to 88 and the twelve clans of the conspiracy.

edit on 15-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 02:56 PM
• The cameo shown in Poltergeist very probably means that the three founders of the conspiracy worked with precious metals, that is they were metalsmiths or jewelers.

Map of the area thought to be part of the Indus Valley Civilization:

Mining sites and trade networks of this area:

Notice how close is Oman to this civilization’s area.

Pictures of gemstones from the Indus Valley Civilization:

Ten centimeters are around 3,9 inches:

(All the above photos, except the first and last ones, are from

• The northern part of this civilization corresponds to what is nowadays known as Punjab, which is also called the Land of the Five Rivers.

Harappa could have been the capital city of the Indus Valley Civilization or, at least, the place where this culture was born.

Map of the Land of the Five Rivers:

Five Rivers is also the name of a river in the U.S. state of Oregon.

Oregon seems to be a code for “Origin”.

Moreover, Oregon was the 33rd state admitted to the United States of America.

Oregon was admitted on 14 February 1859, exactly seventy years before the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, in which seven people were murdered.

The conspirators very often kill people to send a message, or as a way of confirming some information, like a violent version of the verification code 28/92.

In conclusion, the above puzzle would be another hidden clue left by the conspirators pointing to the Indus Valley Civilization as the origin of their conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:39 AM
The Crash of ‘29, that started the Great Depression, took place exactly 8 months and 10 days after the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre.

81 is HA, the reversed initials of Adolf Hitler.

In the official story, the Great Depression was the main factor in the rise to power of the NSDAP.

(In reality, however, the main factor was that the elections were rigged).

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

• The religious stages of the conspiracy were alluded in a secret way by the English writer J.R.R. Tolkien in 1958:

“about 6,000 years” would be a hint to the founding of the conspiracy in the year 4551 BCE.

The “Sixth Age” is a reference to Stage 6 (Islam).

The “Seventh” is a reference to Stage 7, the future sole religion that would be created by the conspirators after the end of Phase 5 (2023 - 2032), and whose backbone would be a synthesis between Catholicism and Islam.

1958 + 75 = 2033

2033 would mark the end of Stages 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the beginning of Stage 7.

J.R.R. Tolkien passed away at the age of 81.He was born in 1892, and died on the 2nd of September, that would be two 92s, one half of the verification code 28/92, twice.

• The conspiracy left another hidden clue about its origin in the map of the Austronesian languages:

The east end is the Easter Island, whose original name is Rapa Nui.

Rapa = Harappa

Nui = New

So Rapa Nui would be a code for New Harappa.

The west end is Madagascar, the place where the conspiracy established a settlement for R&D in 4235 BCE.

Thus, the map of the Austronesian languages is a symbolic representation, using the axis east-west (Easter Island and Madagascar), of the real axis north-south (Harappa and Madagascar), being these two last places the northern and southern ends of the geographic area in which the conspiracy was born.

• The conspiracy marked, in 1833, the start of the “radio silence” with its 28 space colonies, with two historic events that began the same day (29 September 1833) in Spain

1) The reign of Isabel II (known as Isabella II in English). She is the only queen regnant in the history of unified Spain.

2) The First Carlist War, a civil war between liberals and “carlists”.

29 is a reversed 92.

The names Isabel and Isabella are variants of Elizabeth. And I believe that one of the three founders of the conspiracy was a woman called an early (and shorter) version of those names.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Updated summary diagram of the information discovered so far on the origins of the conspiracy and its main milestones:

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