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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 02:28 PM
Recapitulation of all the clues left by the conspiracy pointing to the Roman Catholic Church:

Flag and coat of arms of the Vatican City:

The first above image is from a letter connected to the Zodiac killer, which I wrote about in this thread. The other ones have been explained in this same thread and in Composition.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 10:57 AM

a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

An alternative version of the tetrarchy:

I think this version is more adequate, since Adolf Hitler would have been cryopreserved all this time (apart from being awakened a month every ten years) and therefore could not run the conspiracy.

After phase 5 (likely span: 2023-2032) the world would be ruled in secret by the inner level of the conspiracy, whose leadership is the above mentioned Tetrarchy, but in public it would be ruled by the outer level of the conspiracy, that is the three Axis Powers:

Which in turn would be ruled by a triumvirate:

Another possibility is that the German empire would be ruled by a member of the German-Austrian royalty or nobility, whereas Hitler could play the role of warrior prophet of the new sole religion, similar to the figure of the Mahdi of islamic eschatology.

Interesting enough, one of the Bavarian nicknames of Adolf Hitler was “Adi”, a noun that reminds of Mahdi.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 03:18 PM

a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Notice the similarities between the former flag of South Africa:

And the flag of the non-binary movement:

Decoded meaning: The non-binary movement is an invention of the conspiracy, made with the purpose of spreading confusion through the world. With it the conspirators want to create reactionary tendencies among the global population.

The Archbishop symbol:

The feminist flag:

This flag is just the Archbishop symbol upside down, with only one bar instead of two, and with purple as the background color.

The feminist flag variant with a fist:

The emblem of the 17th Waffen-SS Division:

This division was named after Götz von Berlichingen, also known as Götz of the Iron Hand, a Imperial Knight who was born on 15 November 1480, and died on 23 July 1562, aged 81.

We can find in those dates several of the usual codes employed by the conspirators:

15 = AE = Arriba España (Up with Spain)

Almost a 1488 (1480)

23, a reference to 2023, first year of phase 5.

And the initials of Adolf Hitler backwards: 81 = HA

Decoded meaning:

The feminist movement is being controlled by the reactionary conspiracy in order to propagate division among the working class, following once again the principle of “divide and rule”.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 07:58 PM
Feminists = Catholic Nazis.

Alright then.

Who else is a Catholic Nazi? The Jews perhaps? Jehovah's Witnesses? Communists? The Association of Canadian Lighthouse Keepers?

They must be stopped!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Another hand can be seen in the 1939 film Gunga Din:

Time 1:25 would be a reference to 2025, the year of the planned return of Adolf Hitler.

It is worth mentioning that din is an Arabic word often translated as “religion”.

More decoded information from this picture can be found in this thread.

posted on Mar, 25 2024 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have found another reversed 1488 in a comic book about the Russian Revolution:

La Revolución rusa contada para escépticos (“The Russian Revolution told for skeptics”) is a graphic novel published in October 2023:

On it we can see this vignette in which Karl Marx is defined as “the founder of the last great monotheistic religion”:

I remember how, a couple of decades ago, the reactionaries said that communism was an “atheistic religion”, now they can go further and say it is a “monotheistic religion”.

Another vignette with a religious theme:

Left: “Bakunin began his career as a disciple of Marx, but then began to develop his own current of thought. Marx never forgave him”.

Right: "In this is manifested the religious character of communism: from the very beginning deviations are considered heresies to be severely punished”.

Also, the maps used for explaining the First World War in this graphic novel do not show the borders of 1914:

Instead, they show the current borders, except in the cases of Poland, Romania and Italy. Apart from that, the border between Denmark and Germany is missing.

It is worth mentioning that the word “empire” is almost never used in this work, not even when talking about the First World War, when one of the more important consequences of this war was that it marked the end of four empires: the Russian Empire and the Central Empires.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 01:29 PM
I have found another one of these hands left by the conspirators (see page 2 onwards of this thread for context).

Enter the Dragon is a martial arts thriller released on 26 July 1973.

On it we can see this scene where the owner of the island shows his private museum to one of the fighters:

(Note the 88 from the glass door in the background)

(The fist represents the working class. The hand on the left looks like a feminine hand)

More 88s can be seen:

Finally, they look at this skeletal hand, which is “a souvenir” according to the islands’ owner.

In conclusion:

- The conspirators used this film to announce/confess that they have created all warrior groups from the last 2,500 years.

- These include the Roman Army, Greek warriors, European Knights (called “crusaders” in the Spanish-dubbed version of this film) and Samurais.

- They put several 88s as a signature, using as a camouflage the fact that the 8th of August is a lucky day in the Chinese culture.

- The fist inside the crystal urn is a projection to the future. As the conspiracy is planning to kill 95% of the world population during the phase 5 (2023-2032), at the end of it the working class would be “a thing from the past”, thus its place would be a urn in a museum.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Additionally, the name of the fictional science fiction writer (Kilgore Trout) is an anagram:

I have decoded the full meaning of this part of the puzzle:

In one scene, Kilgore Trout is shown exploiting a group of children who work for him selling newspapers:

In other words, Trout is shown acting like a psycho. So the true solution of this puzzle is the following one:

My interpretation:

• Kilgore Trout represents the reactionary conspirators, specifically the inner level.

• The children represent the working class.

• And the information hidden in his name is what the conspirators do when they are interacting with the working class: psychological torture.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

At minute 13 we find the second reference to September 11:

If we put the license plate upside down, the allusion to the September 11 attacks is more clearly visible:

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 12:06 PM
Huh, I thought they had carted you off to Arkham. hope you're doing well Marxist.

Still no proof of your reactionary conspiracy I'm afraid.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 01:49 PM
I have found more of these hands (see page 2 onwards of this thread for context) in three horror films:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was released on 22 August 1986.

On it we can see this scene:

Decoded meaning: The fictional family of serial killers of this franchise is a symbolic representation of a extreme-right terrorist cell that belongs to the reactionary conspiracy.

That mural with three figures looks like a depiction of the Battle of the Alamo.

Towards the end, we can see the mummified corpse of a large woman with a chainsaw on his lap:

Above the woman there is another skeleton:

This second skeleton is a symbolic representation of Jesus of Nazareth in the cross.

The woman represents the Catholic Church, and the whole picture means that this organized religion controls the reactionary conspiracy.

New Nightmare was released on 14 October 1994.

On it we see this scene with two characters talking:

That hand looks more like a claw.

A closer view:

Decoded meaning: The conspiracy controls the horror fiction.

Later on, we can see these books:

It means that the conspirators use the entertainment industry to manipulate the public.

The Blair Witch Project was released on 14 July 1999.

Towards the end we can see this rubble next to an abandoned house:

The rods in the wall make an H, a hint to Hitler.

A few later, inside this house, a symbol can be seen (blue arrow):

It is the sig rune, an allusion to the SS.

Finally, we can see these hand prints in a wall near the stairs:

Decode meaning: All criminals kidnapping and killing minors are extreme-right terrorists who belong to the reactionary conspiracy. They sometimes put a supernatural layer (by spreading disinformation) on their crimes in order to try to scare the inhabitants of the areas where they have acted.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


You know dude, I really can't imagine how the reactionary conspiracy would be served by kidnapping and killing minors. Most people are against that sort of thing and it just makes them out to be cartoonishly evil.

I mean, more cartoonishly evil than they already are. Being Catholic Japanese Nazis with Robot Zombie Hitler and underwater Maglev trains.

I'm pretty sure Goebbels would veto this. He was their PR guy last time. At least doing it publicly.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 07:21 PM
Double post. Plz delete.
edit on 752024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 07:23 PM
double post. please delete.
edit on 752024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2024 @ 03:48 PM
I have found another hand in another horror film:

Society was released on 12 June 1989. It is about a group of members of the high society who kill outsiders in bloody rituals.

Above image: “The rich have always sucked up low class sh*# like you” (From the English original).

The head of the psychiatrist transforms into a giant hand:

A very revealing dialogue:

“Hailing from Beverly Hills”

“with lineage dating to Julius Caesar”

“and Gengis Khan”.

This would mean that both Julius Caesar and Gengis Khan belonged to the reactionary conspiracy.

Regarding Julius Caesar, there is a 1899 picture of him by French painter Lionel Royer where another hand can be seen (blue arrow):

(Notice that there is an eight near the hand)

Detail of the painting:

Finally it is worth mentioning that the main character of Society wears, for half of the film, white-soled sneakers that look like the ones that are in fashion now:

In conclusion: Society is a fictional representation of the reactionary conspiracy. The gruesome rituals that the antagonists of this film make symbolize all the diseases, wars, famines, man-made disasters and all kind of calamities that the real conspirators have created throughout history to inflict death and pain on the working class of the world.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 03:08 PM
Sounds like the reactionary conspiracy has already won tbh.

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 03:31 PM
I have found more of these mysterious hands in a collectible card game called Illuminati: New World Order, which was released in 1994, exactly thirty years before 2024. I purchased a 36-packs booster box of it (not the complete game) from an independent seller through Amazon in 2017, but I only opened the booster packs a couple of weeks ago. It is worth mentioning that this card game is probably the most famous conspiracy-themed game of the world.

The conspiracy revealing itself:

The 5 in the “Religious Reich” card represents the 5th phase of their main plan.

The two famous cards “Terrorist Nuke” and “Pentagon”:

Notice how in the “New York” card there are two planes. Detail of this card:

It is a reference to the two planes that crashed on the Twin Towers in the 9/11.

Three cards that show the class nature of the conspiracy:

The one in the left represents the burguessy, the owners of the means of production.

The one in the middle represents the royalty and the nobility, and how the reactionary conspiracy has been poisoning the working class with sugary foods since the XVIII century.

The one in the right shows a blue-collar worker and a white-collar worker fighting. It symbolizes how the conspirators promote infighting within the working-class.

The following three cards seem to be a good representation of the current war in Gaza:

Notice how the “Israel” card has two eights and a camouflaged 33 on it. They are hints to 88 and 1933 (the year the Nazis took power in Germany) respectively.

Apart from igniting wars, the conspirators are also using economic collapse and natural disasters in order to create an artificial Apocalypse (or artificial extinction event) that kills at least 95% of the world population:

Finally, three cards showing how the conspirators are promoting extravagant looks among the population of their enemy countries:

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 01:26 PM
I have found more of these hands, this time they are connected to another one of the weapons the conspirators use against the working class: the contagious diseases.

12 Monkeys is an apocalyptic thriller film released on 29 December 1995. It is about the investigation of who released a virus that killed 99% of the world population.

Towards the beginning of it, at minute four concretely, we can see this scene:

Decoded meaning: The conspirators have created all pandemics of history.

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 06:37 PM
I have found another hand:

Angel Heart is a mystery horror film released on 6 March 1987. It is about a private investigator hired to find a disappeared man and who suddenly gets involved in a series of murders.

On it we can see this scene:

And another one with a dialogue about this hand:

(I have translated directly from the English original, not from the Spanish dubbing).

“I know, I found a mummified hand in a room”.

“The hand of glory. It is supposed to be able to open any lock”.

“It was the right hand of a convicted murder. It was cut off when his neck was still on the noose”.

Several references to Adolf Hitler can be found in this film. The first one:

18 = AH

Hitler has a 47 on his signature.

Second one:

A closer view:

HH = Heil Hitler.

Third one: Main protagonist, the private investigator, was born in 1918.

The character representing the devil chooses a Catholic church to meet the private investigator:

Then, the P.I. says a very revealing line:

“There is a lot of religion going around in this thing, it’s very strange”.

Finally, this film is connected to another one released in 2005, The Skeleton Key, (I talked about the latter on page 4 of this thread) which is also set in Louisiana (Angel Heart takes place mostly in this state too).

In both motion pictures, ritualistic roots play a role, although in Angel Heart it is much more secondary, just a brief scene inside this herb store:

It is worth mentioning it that in Angel Heart (1987) these roots are said to be related to Voodoo, while in The Skeleton Key (2005) they are said to be related to hoodoo.

Decoded meaning of the hand found in this film: All serial killers in the history have belonged to the reactionary conspiracy”.

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 07:11 PM
Most people have hands, man. And very few of them support Nazism.

I really don’t see how serial killers serve this conspiracy. Like how would having Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy on your side help take over the world?

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