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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Decoded meaning:

• Wormholes were theorized by someone within the conspiracy in 3535 BCE.

• 1488 years later, in 2047 BCE, the conspiracy was able to build a wormhole that allows them to teleport from one place to another.

• They can teleport between planets/moons using this technology, thus achieving a form of faster-than-light travel.

• These devices are most likely called portals by the conspirators.

• They can only teleport from one portal to another, they cannot teleport at will to any place, like the fictional teleportation shown in Star Trek.

• There is at least one portal in each one of the 28 space colonies.

• They have some portals in the Earth, but I don’t think they have many of them in our planet.

• They do not have wormholes capable of time travel. So at least they cannot travel back in time and kill the grandparents of their enemies (I have gathered this one from sources within my country).

• They haven’t been outside our galaxy.

• I estimate that all their 28 space colonies are in our Solar System and nearby solar systems.

• The numbers 14, 88, 66, 33, 45 that they so often use are allusions to milestones of their conspiracy.

• The two original founders of the conspiracy were called Adam and Steve, or their equivalent names in Proto-Indo-European.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

Stargate is a science fiction film released on 28 October 1994.


Then we see this conference about the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt:

(In my opinion, it is a reference to a period of time: 4 millenniums.


Event Horizon is a science fiction horror film released on 15 August 1997.

At the beginning of it, we can see this three texts:

15 + 32 = 47

The 53 is a reference to the year 1953.


With these clues, the conspirators are alluding to the four millennia that have passed since they mastered the wormholes/portals technology in the year 2047 Before Common Era.

1st millennium: 1047 BCE

2nd millennium: 47 BCE

3rd millennium: 953 CE

4th millennium: 1953 CE

1953 + 41 = 1994 (41 is a reversed 14)

1953 + 44 = 1997 (44 is one half of 88)

Joseph Stalin, a very famous member of the conspiracy, died in 1953. This is how the conspiracy signaled the 4th millennium of this achievement.

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 01:56 PM
I have found more information about the origins of the conspiracy:

• Thanks to the 2016 video game Uncharted 4, we learned that by the time they established a settlement in Madasgar in 4235 BCE, the conspiracy was composed by 12 extended families or clans.

On it, we can see this image:

In which each symbol represents one of the twelve clans:

• Towards the end of the 2019 video game Metro Exodus, we can see this box of medical supplies:

It contains hidden information:

It is giving us a date: 5456 (6545 backwards) - 2019 (year of Metro Exodus release) = 3437 BCE

The 12 (green underlining) is alluding to the 12 clans of the conspiracy.

And the 13 (black circle) is hinting to a new group of conspirators, which would be the thirteenth one.

(Notice how 3437 seems to be a fusion of the numbers 33 and 47)

• The fictional Section 31 from the Star Trek franchise is a secret organization that protects the United Federation of Planets, commonly referred to as the Federation, by using any means necessary, even means disapproved by both the Federation’s leadership and most of its citizens, and including means deemed illegal by the Federation’s laws.

31 is reversed 13.

• The Council of Trent ended on 4 December 1563.

The second period of the Second Vatican Council ended on 4 December 1963:

Decoded meaning:

• The most extremist elements among the conspirators created a secret organization within the conspiracy in the year 3437 BCE.

• They created it to control the other conspirators, in order to ensure that the conspiracy was headed towards the objectives set by these sociopathic extremists.

• The name of this organization could be “Section 13’ or the “13th Clan”.

• Five millennia have passed since then:

1st millennium: 2437 BCE

2nd millennium: 1437 BCE

3rd millennium: 437 BCE

4th millennium: 563 CE

5th millennium: 1563 CE

5,400 years: 1963 CE

• The assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy in 1963 is very probably related to the 5,400 anniversary of this organization. In this regard, we should remember that the USA were originally called the Thirteen Colonies.

• I suspect this organization has killed many conspirators throughout history.

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Revising The Main Plan thread, I have found another source confirming this finding:

The Train is a 1973 film about the Second World War.

On it we can see this train:

Its headcode contains hidden information:

It is the start date of the phase 5: 7 October 2023

The number 4 (blue arrow) is telling us this clue is composed of four digits.

And there is also a reference to the wormholes/portals technology:

The 353 is complemented by another 5, which is implied by the above date referring to the 5th phase, and also by this nearby symbol (black arrow) that looks like a five.

So this would be a reference to the year 3535 BCE, in which wormholes/portals were first theorized in the conspiracy.

The two headlights would symbolize the two portals needed for conducting a teleportation. (Maybe the conspirators call them gateway portal and exit portal).

I didn’t realize this last information the first time I analyzed this image because back then, February 2024, I still hadn’t found out the actual origins of the conspiracy.

edit on 28-8-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"They can teleport between planets/moons using this technology, thus achieving a form of faster-than-light travel."

So, how did they manage to get these portals out to these 28 colonies?

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"The two headlights would symbolize the two portals needed for conducting a teleportation. (Maybe the conspirators call them gateway portal and exit portal)."

Err...two headlights are pretty much standard.

Do you have a car?

posted on Aug, 28 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Reviewing my analysis about the connection between Rudolf Hess and Michael Jackson, I have noticed it is related to the wormholes/portals technology (original post can be seen here):

14s, a 47, and the 88 is implied in the fact that both events (the passing of Rudolf Hess and the release of Bad) took place in August.

Moreover, Bad was released on the 31st of August. So this 31, a reversed 13, is a hint to Section 13. And a special edition of this album was released in 2001, and as the zeros don’t count, it is equal to 21, which in turn is a reversed 12, an allusion to the 12 clans of the conspiracy.

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The conspiracy’s control over the entertainment industry is also shown symbolically in the back cover of the box of the second edition of Illuminati, which was released in 2018:

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have gathered more data about the “Section 13” using several sources:

• The Process 1001, in which the leadership of the syndicate Comisiones Obreras (Workers’ Commissions) was sentenced to distinct prison terms, took place in 1973 in Spain.

• Three films with “thirteen” on their title were released in 1999:

1) The Thirteenth Year was released on 15 May 1999.

2) The Thirteenth Floor was released on 28 May 1999.

3) The 13th Warrior was released on 27 August 1999.

So here we have three films in a year that has three nines. Let’s remember that Metro Exodus was released nine days before the 99th anniversary of NSDAP’s foundation. Also, nine divided by three is equal to three.

• According to tradition, the Israelite nation was formed by twelve tribes plus one tribe of priests:

Tribu de Levitas = Tribe of Levi (The men of this tribe were the priests of the Israelites)

12 Tribus de Israel = Twelve Tribes of Israel

Tabernáculo = Tabernacle

Of the twelve lay tribes, ten disappeared when the Neo-Assyrian Empire invaded the Northern Kingdom.

• The Twelve Imams from the Twelver Shia doctrine. Of these:

A) The first eleven have already passed away.

B) The 12th and current one is believed to be the Mahdi, a figure in Islamic eschatology who is believed to appear at the End of Times to rid the world of evil and injustice.

• The Thirteen Colonies that formed the United States of America. Here the message is “the thirteen became one”.

Decoded meaning:

• The “Section 13” took full control of the conspiracy in the year 1001 BCE.

• They did this most certainly by provoking and winning an internal conflict within the conspiracy.

• As a consequence of this conflict, most clans (10 or 11) were destroyed, with the remaining survivors (if any) forced to join the winners in a single unified entity.

• Three millennia have passed since then:

1st millennium: 1 BCE

2nd millennium: 999 CE

3rd millennium: 1999 CE

edit on 29-8-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2024 @ 09:58 PM

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

More data deducted from several sources:

• The Levitical Cities were 48 cities set aside for the tribe of Levi, who were not allocated their own territorial land when the Israelites entered the Promised Land.

Among these 48 cities there were six Cities of Refuge. These cities were places where a person could go to be protected if they had killed someone accidentally.

4 + 8 = 12

6 is one half of 12

• The United States of America was officially called the United Colonies for a short period of time.

• The European Union had 28 members before Brexit. This would be a definite confirmation of the number of space colonies.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspiracy built twelve settlements in Madagascar, one for each one of the twelve clans.

• Over time, these clans (or extended families) likely evolved into guilds. Each guild would be tasked with working in one area of knowledge.

• The name of the political entity encompassing the 28 space colonies is United Colonies, or maybe this was its name at some early stage and later it was renamed Federation of the United Colonies.

• The official and national language of the 28 colonies is most likely a modern version of the language we call Proto-Indo-European.

• The official currency of these colonies is probably called Credit of the United Colonies, or Credit of the Federation of the United Colonies; although in everyday speech they are probably called just “credits”.

edit on 30-8-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 07:58 PM
Lunacy. Seek professional help. For real.
edit on 3082024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Lunacy. Seek professional help. For real.

Indeed, they are really professional lunatics.

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

More decoded information about these portals:

The Matrix is a film released on 31 March 1999.

At the beginning of it we can see this website on a computer’s screen:

An-Nahar (“The Day”) is a Lebanese newspaper which has been described as the newspaper of record for the entire Arab world. It was founded on 4 August 1933, a date with references to both Hitler and 1933.

A few later, this book can be seen:

The initials of the title are SS.

The main character, Thomas A. Anderson, wants to know what is the Matrix:

Morpheus, another character, explains what is the Matrix:

The dialogue continues:

And then he says this line precisely when a nun is walking towards us:

The Matrix is connected to the 1994 film Stargate due the fact that in both motion pictures there is a line of dialogue about the taste of chicken.

The one from Stargate:

The one from The Matrix:

The fictional portal shown in Stargate symbolizes the real-life one found in Oman:

The Matrix’s credits end with more hidden information:

Here we have four territories (red underlining), repeated three times. (When the conspirators repeat something three times, they mean it’s important)

The Matrix Reloaded was released on 15 May 2003.

On it we can see this Council, which is composed of twelve people:

It seems to be a hint to the twelve clans of the conspiracy that settled in Madagascar.

A dialogue with a character named The Keymaster in which the number 27 is mentioned:

It is a reference to the 28 space colonies. I have been calling them these way, but after more than 5,000 years of being inhabited permanently, they are very probably not called “colonies” by the conspirators anymore.

Later, a character named The Architect, which is the program that created The Matrix, explains it a little further:

He mentions it is the sixth version:

Now he is talking about the 99% of a population:

He is not talking here about this fictional Matrix nor the real-life conspiracy.

He is talking about the percentage of people (99%) that was happy with the socio-economic system of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The key to solve this part of the puzzle is the name of the ruling party of Burma from 1962 to 1988: Burma Socialist Programme Party.

Let’s remember that Burma, now called Myanmar, is a country bordering India.

He mentions the number six again:

Then, he tells the main character what he is supposed to do:

Here The Architect is not talking about the fictional world of the Matrix either, but about the real world. The 23 is a hint to 2023, the starting year of the 5th phase. Seven out of 23 is about a 30% of the total population.

This next scene is very important because it symbolically shows the location of two portals:

The first one is on this side of the door:

Those swords in the wall, which look like claws, are a reference to a villain that appears in the video game Resident Evil 4 (both in the original and in the remake): the Garrador (“The Clawer”).

This video game takes place in Spain, but the setting also looks like Portugal. So the first secret place is Spain or Portugal.

The second one is on the other side of the door:

It is a mountainous country.

This castle looks like the ones found in several European countries.

This castle is a hint to a Germany or Austria.

Thus, the second secret place is Bhutan, the Himalayan country in which Adolf Hitler have been cryopreserved since the end of the Second World War.

• Both The Matrix Reloaded and the video game Enter the Matrix were released on 15 May 2003.

They were released exactly four years after the above mentioned film The Thirteenth Year.

In my opinion, this means that there are four portals in the Earth.

The Matrix Resurrections was released on 22 December 2021.

On it we can see this scene:

I think it is alluding to this flood from Southern Brazil, in the state in which Porto Alegre is located.

In conclusion:

• The conspirators could have a total of four portals in our planet.

• These portals could be located in:

1) Bhutan.

2) Oman.

3) Spain or Portugal.

4) Southern Brazil.

• The A from the middle name of the main character of The Matrix could be Adam, a hint to the name of one of the two persons who founded the conspiracy in the year 4551 BCE.

• The number 6 mentioned by The Architect is a reference to the six religious stages that the conspirators have created throughout history:

1) Sumer.

2) Ancient Egypt.

3) Israel.

4) Rome (This one has two sub-stages: 4A: Pagan Rome, 4B: Christian Rome).

5) Islam.

6) The future sole religion (after phase 5).

The first five have already been created, while the sixth one obviously only will be created if the conspiracy wins the Third World War.

These stages are not consecutive time periods, but religious stages that can overlap. Like for example the present time, in which Israel, Christian Rome and Islam still exist.

• After the 5th phase, the population of the three Axis powers is planned to have a demographic composition of 30% males and 70% females.

edit on 3-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2024 @ 08:18 PM
Zerp gerp bad troll goes derp.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Another source confirming my finding regarding the year 1001 BCE.

In the Matrix universe, the new city built by the humans after the destruction of Zion is called IO.

Likewise, the new city built by the machines after the destruction of the original Machine City is named 01.

Thus, if we join both names, we get IO01, a reference to the year 1001 BCE, the year in which Section 13 took over the conspiracy.

As the binary numbers would have been known by the conspirators for more than two millenniums by then, it seems obvious to conclude that the year 1001 BCE was not selected randomly, but because its four digits are zeros or ones.

Interesting enough, 1001 in binary corresponds to the number 9:

And 9 is equal to the letter i in this code often used by the conspirators:

The conspirators most certainly use a calendar that started in the year in which the conspiracy was originally founded, that is 4551 BCE in our calendar. (Their current year is 6575)

4551 - 1001 = 3550

Therefore, the year in which Section 13 took full control of the conspiracy was the year 3550 in the conspirators’ calendar.

Notice how this year seems to be an amalgamation of the numbers 55 and 30. Hitler was the 55th member of the NSDAP.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

• As the sixth Matrix was eventually destroyed in this fictional universe, the following classification of the religious stages created by the conspirators makes more sense to me, and therefore should be considered more accurate than the previous one:

Stage 0: Animism/Shamanism.

Stage 1: Sumer.

Stage 2: Ancient Egypt.

Stage 3: Hinduism. This one has three offshoots:

3’: Jainism

3’’: Buddhism

3’’’: Sikhism (The first syncretic religion)

Stage 4: Israel.

Stage 5: Rome. Divided in two consecutive sub-stages:

5A: Pagan Rome

5B: Christian Rome

Stage 6: Islam.

There is another clue about these stages in the number of versions of Matrix, in which the first two are called prototypes, symbolizing the now defunct Stages 1 and 2, while the four others (not named in the films, but implied) which are called versions of the Modern Matrix, would represent the still existing Stages 3, 4, 5 and 6. (For this purpose, Stage 0 does not count)

• There are allusions, among others, to Section 13 and to the portals technology in the last election of the Weimar Republic:

(Official turnout of this election was 88%)

33 and 47 (blue underlining) are hints to the year in which Section 13 was created: 3437 BCE.

14 and 88 (black underlining) are references to the 1488 years that passed between 3535 BCE, the year in which wormholes were theorized, and 2047 BCE, the year in which the portals technology was mastered by the conspiracy.

Thus, it can be concluded that, when the conspirators put the number 47, they are alluding to both 3437 BCE and 2047 BCE.

92 is one half of the verification code 92/28

This 92 comes from adding the seats of the two Catholic parties: the 73 seats of the Zentrum plus the 19 seats of the Bavarian People’s Party.

The 14 comes from adding the seats won by other parties distinct from the six big parties, as can be seen in the following image:

Diputados = Deputies

Exterior = Foreign

Hacienda = Treasury

Trabajo = Employement

Correos = Postal service

Ministro sin cartera = Minister without portfolio

Cascos de Acero = “Steel Helmets”

Notice how Paul Joseph Goebbels (black arrow) joined the cabinet on 13 March 1933, a clear allusion to Section 13. On top of that, he died the 1st of May 1945, aged 47.

As I said in another thread, this election (like all elections) was rigged, therefore the official results are not the real results. In this sense, I am totally sure the Nazis never won this election, nor any other. Maybe they got a good result, but far away from the 40%.

On the contrary, I strongly suspect the left-wing parties, the Social-Democratics (SPD) and the communists (KPD), polled better than what the official results show, and that they are the real winners of this election.

• That character from The Matrix Reloaded is actually called The Keymaker, not The Keymaster, as I erroneously said above.

• The current year of the calendar used by the conspirators could be 6574 or 6575, depending on which month in 4551 BCE the conspiracy was founded.

• Similarly as how the A from the middle name of Thomas A. Anderson seems to be a reference to Adam, the name of one of the two original founders of the conspiracy, the S from the middle name of the U.S. president Harry S. Truman could be hinting to the name of the other founder, Steve. (Or, in both cases, to their equivalent names in the language we call Proto-Indo-European)

• There are too many allusions to the figure 999. While part of them are explained by the 3rd millennium of the Section 13 take-over, I do not think this anniversary explains them all. Instead, I believe they are referring to the real percentage of people that liked the socio-economic system of the Indus Valley Civilization: 99.9%. Therefore, the conspiracy arose among the 0.1% that disliked this system.

Matrix could be the name given by the conspirators to the manipulation to which they have subjected the entire population of the Earth. This real-world Matrix should not be confused with the fictional Matrix shown in these films.

• Regarding the real-life Matrix, I suspect several of the world’s supercomputers are being used by the conspiracy to run their manipulation. There is a TOP500 list of these machines, but they aren’t all the supercomputers of the world, just the 500 most powerful publicly known. What exactly do we need so many supercomputers for? I have been thinking that the “proteins” they are studying could be a secret way of referring to us (the outsiders) by the conspirators.

edit on 5-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2024 @ 02:33 PM
More clues left by the conspirators:

• This is the flag of Madagascar:

It looks like a combination of the flags of the Vatican City and Oman:

Vedic Sanskrit is the early form of the Sanskrit language.

Vedic comes from the four religious texts called Vedas (the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda), which are the oldest scriptures in Hinduism.

Veda is a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge”. It contains hidden information:

Veda is composed of one syllable from each one of the names of the two persons (Adam and Steve) who founded the conspiracy in 4551 BCE.

These two names in English, Spanish and Catalan:

I think that Esteve, the Catalan version of the name Steven/Stephen, is itself another clue pointing to these founders: Esteve = Est Eve. (Est is Catalan for “East”)

“Est Eve” would be connected with the name of the American actor Adam West. So this one would be another hint to the original founders of the conspiracy.

The initials of the original founders, in both Spanish and Catalan, are EA or AE.

Ea is the name of a town in the Spanish Basque Country.

Also, a Basque political party named Eusko Alkartasuna (“Basque Solidarity”) has the initials EA.

And the Francoist motto Arriba España (AE, “Up with Spain”) could be a secret way of alluding to these two men.

• The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has divided the world in 27 Major Fishing Areas.

This is a map of those areas:

It contains hidden information:

The 31 Area is bordering the United States. 31 is a reversed 13.

The 27 Area is bordering the European Union. This is a reference to the 28 Space Colonies, like the total number of these Major Fishing Areas.

We can find also the usual 88.

Another possibility is that there are only 27 Space colonies, with the 28th one being the Earth.

The nearby areas 34 and 37 are hinting to the year in which Section 13 was founded: 3437 BCE

The fishing area covering both the Western part of the Indian subcontinent (where the Indus Valley Civilization was located) and Madagascar, is the 51. 51 = EA = Esteve and Adam

In this sense, it seems logical to conclude that the USAF facility known as Area 51 is named that way also after the original founders of the conspiracy.

The list of these Major Fishing Areas:

edit on 6-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 03:37 PM
I have learned more information about the conspiracy:

• These are five interconnected events:

1) The elder son of Pompey, named Gnaeus Pompeius, died on 12 April 45 BCE.

His father, Pompey, was one of the members of the First Triumvirate.

In Spanish Gnaeus Pompeius is called Cneo Pompeyo, so as the c is silent, his first name is pronounced “Neo”.

2) The U.S. president during the Second World War, Franklin D. Roosevelt, died on 12 April 1945, exactly 1,900 years after the passing of Gnaeus Pompeius.

3) The Gunpowder Plot, discovered the night before, was planned for 5 November 1605.

4) The last multi-party election in interwar Germany took place on 5 March 1933.

5) The 2024 U.S. presidential election will take place on 5 November 2024. That is 419 years after the Gunpowder Plot, and 91 years and 8 months after the German election officially won by the Nazis, so this would give us a 918.

All the relevant data in a chart:

• The film Doctor Strange was released on 4 November 2016, one day and eight years before the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

(Dr. Strange’s first name is Stephen)

On it, we can see this scene in which four book titles are named:

The number four is alluding to four millennia.

Decoded meaning:

• Maybe the names United Colonies and similars were used at the beginning of the conspirators’ space colonization, but the name of the political entity encompassing the 28 celestial bodies controlled by the conspiracy has been called Imperium (“Empire”) for a very long time.

• This Empire was probably established in the year 1984 BCE. Therefore, four millennia have passed since then:

1st millennium: 984 BCE

2nd millennium: 16 CE

3rd millennium: 1016 CE

4th millennium: 2016 CE

4007 or 4008 years (depending on which month it was established): 2024 CE

• Accordingly, the current conspirators’ calendar could count the years since the establishment of their Empire, maybe using the expressions “Before Imperial Era (BIE)” and “Imperial Era (IE)”, or their equivalent names in the language we call Proto-Indo-European.

• 1984 BCE is the year 2567 in the “old calendar” used by the conspirators.

• Section 13 took full control of the conspiracy in 1001 BCE, that is the year 983 IE (if they use this notation), seventeen years before the first millennium of their Empire, that is the year 984 BCE in our calendar. So this would be another example of the use of short sequences (983, 984) by the conspirators.

• A third possibility for the 28 space colonies could be the following one: One colony could have a special status and be the capital of the Empire, while the other 27 could be normal colonies. Earth would be the 29th one. This seems to me the more accurate of the three, since it contains the verification code 28/92.

edit on 7-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 04:09 PM
• We can find out the name of the conspirators’ Empire by combining the information hidden in three sources:

1) This book title from the 2016 film Doctor Strange:

Codex Imperium is Latin for “Imperial Code”.

2) The Club Hel from The Matrix franchise.

Club Hel appears in the film The Matrix Revolutions, which was released on 5 November 2003, and in the video game The Matrix: Path of Neo, which was released on 7 November 2005, that is 2 years and 2 days after The Matrix Revolutions. This would give us a 22.

This club also appears on a online role-playing game named The Matrix Online, which was released on 22 March 2005, and was shut down on 31 July 2009. So here we find another 22, and one half of the verification code 28/92 (2009 = 29).

It is assumed by many fans of The Matrix original trilogy that the name of this club is a pun about the Hell. But apart of that, I believe that Hel has another meaning:

HEL would be the initials of Holy Empire Law.

3) The Holy Roman Empire was a political entity that existed from the early medieval period until 1806.

This empire is the First Reich.

In Spanish, this empire is called Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, literally “Holy Roman Germanic Empire”.

This is the Quaternion Eagle:

This Quaternion Eagle (or Quaternionenadler, in German) has been a symbol of the Holy Roman Empire since 1510.

It contains several clues pointing to the conspiracy:

The two heads of the eagle and its eight talons gives us a 28, a hint to the 28 celestial bodies controlled by the conspirators.

The twelve feathers would represent the twelve clans/guild of conspirators that formed the conspiracy until the seizure of power by Section 13 in 1001 BCE.

There are six feathers in each wing. This would give us a 66, that is a reference to the years that passed between them achieving controlled nuclear fusion (3411 BCE) and the establishment of their first space colony (3345 BCE).

There is one Jesus crucified.

There are eight larger shields in the first row.

There are four smaller shields in each one of the twelve feathers: four times twelve is equal to forty-eight.

And the result is 1488, that is alluding to the years passed between 3535, when wormholes (or black holes) were first theorized by the conspiracy, and 2047 BCE, the year in which they mastered the portals technology.

There is a shield (blue underlining) hinting to the Vatican.

And one of the larger ones (green underlining) looks like a wheel of dharma, a symbol of the Indian religions, and in turn a hint to the origins of the conspiracy in the Indus Valley Civilization.

This last symbol would be the third one in the first row, counting from left to right. This would be a confirmation of my last classification of the religious stages, in which Indian religions hold the third stage.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspirators’ empire is probably called Holy Empire or, in Latin, Sacrum Imperium.

• This empire could have a compendium of laws called Codex Imperium or, in English, Imperial Code, in a similar way like the United States has a codification of its federal laws called U.S. Code.

• This empire could have actually two official languages: one for liturgical and government matters, and another one for everyday speech. My first hypothesis about this: the first one could be a modern version of the language we call Proto-Indo-European, while the second one could be Latin.

edit on 9-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

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