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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Sep, 26 2024 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

So what?

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have discovered what the conspirators did to the Indus Valley Civilization.

Poltergeist II: The Other Side was released on 23 May 1986, 56 days before the release of Aliens on 18 July 1986.

At the beginning of Poltergeist 2, we can see this landscape:

The difference of height of these two hoodoos is not coincidental.

These two hoodoos symbolize the two tombs found in the Taj Mahal:

The taller is the tomb of the Emperor, the smaller is the tomb of his wife.

We can see a Native American next to a campfire:

He represents the inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). The bonfire symbolizes that they were punished for being sinners.

He is on top of the taller hoodoo:

This means that the Taj Mahal is related to the punishment suffered by the inhabitants of the IVC.

We can see a sign:

Mesa = Table.

555 is the NSDAP card number of Adolf Hitler.

And the name of the town::

Cuesta Verde = Green Slope or Green Hill.

Tangina Barrons is standing next to a hole in the ground:

There is a secret burial site beneath the graveyard:

Later, we see Tangina talking to the mother:

The photographs mean that the conspirators took pictures and videotaped the entire event.

This burial site is well hidden:

Tangina says a very revealing dialog:

This “religious sect” represents the conspirators.

The conspirators most probably used their advanced technology to intimidate the inhabitants of the IVC.

She is saying it reversed. What really happened is that the conspirators killed the inhabitants of the heartland of the IVC.

The T-shirt that the mother is wearing in this scene is not coincidental:

It is a hint to Sumer, which I am convinced it was the first colony of the IVC, and that the Sumerian region was so important that was considered part of the heartland of the IVC, alongside its capital (or main city) Harappa.

The Spanish Empire reproduced this course of action when it invaded the Aztec Empire in the 1520s. The Spanish destroyed the Aztec/Mexica heartland (first the religious center Cholula, and then the capital Tenochtitlan), but spared (mostly) the other Aztec areas.

Towards the end we can hear the mother say this:

She is referring in a symbolic way to a constant the conspirators have encountered for more than five millennia. A big portion of their victims, (including many of the fifteen million Spanish republicans murdered by them) died waiting for a help that never came. I think this happens in large part because their plan of world domination is designed to provoke this sentiment.

• The Tagus is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula. It is called Tajo in Spanish.

The birth of this river is located in the Montes Universales, they are called in English by their Spanish name.

Montes Universales means literally “Universal Mounts”.

Catholic etymologically means “universal”.

The Montes Universales are located in the Aragonese comarca (shire) of Sierra de Albarracín.

Map of the Aragonese comarcas (shires) with Sierra de Albarracín underlined in green:

The Cinco Villas (“Five Towns”) is underlined in blue.

The Navarrese enclave of Petilla de Aragón is highlighted with a blue circle.

The Hoya de Huesca shire is underlined in black. Hoya sounds like a colloquial version of the Spanish word hoyo (“hole”).

La Jacetania (red underlining) is the place of the origin of the Kingdom of Aragon, that in turn is the origin of the larger Crown of Aragon.

• There is a town in Guadalajara province named Majaelrayo.

The Tagus also flows through Guadalajara.

There is hidden information in the names Tajo and Majaelrayo:

Map of this area with the approximate distance between Harappa (or part of it) and the Taj Mahal:

The number of inhabitants of the IVC killed by the conspiracy can be found in a line from the 1982 film Poltergeist:

I think the truth is one order of magnitude lower.

• The name Aragon is not coincidental. I believe it has a meaning, this time in English:

Aragón = Ara gon = Ara gone

Therefore, I estimate the original name of Harappa is Ara.

This would explain the references that can be found in the Lord of the Rings. The shire is the home of the Hobbits. Aragorn is Aragon plus one ar (R = 18). And Bilbo is the Basque name of the largest city of the Basque Country (seven provinces).

• During the investigation of this puzzle, allusions to Valley/Hill/Mount have appeared many times.

Arana is a Basque word meaning “the valley”. I think na = new, so Arana (or Na Ara) would meen New Ara.

“Na Ara” could have ended up sounding like “Nara”.

[To be continued]

edit on 27-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


In conclusion:

• The conspirators killed about seven million people from the heartland of the Indus Valley Civilization, that is Harappa and Sumer.

• They buried their victims in an underground mass grave, below where today is located the Taj Mahal.

• To his end, they used their advanced technology to dig a very big and very deep hole.

• Using their superior technology, some of them posed as supernatural beings (probably impersonating the Sumerian gods) to intimidate their victims.

• I estimate this genocide happened in the 31st century BCE.

• Harappa’s real name would be Ara.

• Sumer’s real name would be Arana or, more likely, Na Ara/Nara, meaning “New Ara”.

• I estimate Na Ara/Nara is both the name of a city in Mesopotamia, and also the name of its surrounding region.

• The city of Na Ara/Nara perhaps was the first major colony of the Indus Valley Civilization. Over time, it most certainly became an important city of this civilization, maybe the second one after Ara (Harappa).

edit on 27-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 01:05 PM
More data about the secret mass grave of the murdered inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization that would be located under the Taj Mahal:

Six Feet Under is a TV series that aired between June 2001 and August 2005.

I think the name give us the clue as to how deep the mass grave is.

Six Feet Under = Six Miles (of Kilometers) under.

Miles Morales is the new Spider-Man in the fictional Marvel Universe.

His first appearance took place in the fourth issue of Ultimate Fallout (August 2011).

His name has a hidden meaning:

Miles = Miles

Morales = More or less

Miles was made a character in the main Marvel Universe, named Earth-616.

This designation comes from a variation of the so called number of the beast: 616 versus the more common 666.

This is another clue pointing to the secret mass grave: The distance between Ara (Harappa) and the Taj Mahal is about 630-640 Km, a figure that would be a middle point (more or less) between 616 and 666.

We must take into account the following points:

1) Everything (or almost everything) we can see in the whole world regarding ancient civilizations is a scene prepared by the conspirators in order to deceive all scholars (historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, theologians, sociologists, political scientists, etc) who do not belong to the conspiracy and, by extension, the general public.

2) As a consequence of that, we do not know neither the exact location nor the precise size of the city of Ara (Harappa).

So here, associated to Miles Morales, we can find 4s and 6s.

4 miles = 6,4 Km

6 miles = 9,6 Km

• I remember perfectly how in the 90s and 2000s they said the Roman Empire had a population of 25 millions, and now they say it has a population of about 60 millions.

The Survivors is the third episode of the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was originally aired on 9 October 1989.

Here we can find a 33 and a 666 (999, in the date) upside down.

In this episode one character confesses committing a genocide with 50,000 million victims.

Additionally, it is very likely that the Prime Directive found in the fictional universe of Star Trek is based on a real conspirators’s rule. I estimate this rule would be something like: “Keeping the conspiracy hidden to outsiders supersedes all the other rules”.

Decoded meaning:

• This mass grave could be at a depth of about 4-6 miles (or 6-10 Kilometers) under the Taj Mahal.

• While my first estimate was some 7 million victims, a higher figure (up to 50/60 millions) should not be discarded.

• The location of the burial site makes it impossible for the conspirators to operate on the surface, but they could have very advanced machines able to work underground, and following their “Prime Directive” they could use them to destroy evidence.

edit on 28-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


The Prime Directive:

"The Prime Directive, also known as Starfleet Command General Order 1, the Non-Interference Directive, or the principle of non-interference, was the embodiment of one of Starfleet's most important ethical principles: noninterference with other cultures and civilizations. At its core was the philosophical concept that covered personnel should refrain from interfering in the natural, unassisted, development of societies, even if such interference was well-intentioned."

So, no. Just, no.

posted on Sep, 29 2024 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

So what?

So this:

Ziad Jarrah.

posted on Sep, 29 2024 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Nothing to do with Star Trek's Prime Directive.

posted on Sep, 29 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The number 158 can be found hidden in Logan’s Run:

The novel takes place in 2116.

The film is set in 2274.

2274 - 2116 = 158

The number 158 can also be seen in the 1986 film Aliens (extended version):

Also, I have noticed that the conspirators left a hidden signature in this billboard:


As can be seen on previous pages of this thread, hands/palms/claws symbolize the conspiracy, but this is the first time I see it written.

By the way, the English word “claw” sounds exactly like the Catalan word clau (plural: claus), which means “key”.

Cover of the Spanish edition of this book that I bought in Amazon Spain:

It arrived this week and it’s a first edition from 2012:

The year 2012 is not coincidental: 2012 + 21 = 2033

The conspirators plan that by 2033, after killing 95% of the world population, most of the people still alive will be under the age of twenty-one.

Cover of an English language edition of this book:

edit on 29-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2024 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2


• The name Aragon is not coincidental. I believe it has a meaning, this time in English:

Aragón = Ara gon = Ara gone

Therefore, I estimate the original name of Harappa is Ara.


I have found another source confirming this finding: Gone with the Wind.

The novel was published on 30 June 1936.

I have just noticed that the Normandy landings (the D-Day) took place exactly 24 days before the 8th anniversary of the publication of this book.

The D from D-Day is just the first letter of the word “day”, and a day has 24 hours. The 8 = H, first letter of the surname Hitler.

So this would be another proof of the existence of the conspiracy.

The film was released on 15 December 1939.

In both, many of the main characters live in a fictional plantation called Tara.

So this would be another indication pointing to Ara being the original name of Harappa.

The current Spanish Constitution was created on 31 October 1978, that is forty-five days before the 39th anniversary of the release of Gone with the Wind.

It was ratified on 6 December 1978, that is nine days before the 39th anniversary of the release of that film.

And it came into force on 29 December 1978, that is fourteen days before the 39th anniversary of that film’s release.

Observe the following mathematical operations:

31 + 6 + 29 = 66 = FF = Francisco Franco

66 is also an allusion to the years that passed between these two milestones of the conspiracy:

45 + 9 + 14 = 68 = FH = Franco and Hitler or, read from right to left, Hitler and Franco.

39 + 39 = 78 (only two 39s because there are only two artworks of Gone with the Wind, and also because the last two dates, 6th and 29th of December, are the most important ones in Spain).

1978 + 45 = 2023

9 + 14 = 23

Apart from that, notice how 1936 and 1939 are the first and last years of the Spanish Civil War.

By the way, the winners of this war were not “nationalists” as Wikipedia falsely claims, they were national-catholic fascists.

edit on 29-9-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

More sources confirming this finding:

• The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, the fourth most populous city of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Haryana is an Indian state bordering Uttar Pradesh.

Delhi, whose official name is National Capital Territory of Delhi, is totally surrounded by Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

Map of this area:

Delhi’s official name is a symbolic allusion to the fact that Ara (Harappa) and Nara (Sumer) were the heartland of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC).

Chandigarh is a city and union territory that serves as the shared capital of the Indian states of Haryana and Punjab. Thus, this capital city would be the symbolic nexus of union between Haryana+Agra and the IVC.

The later forms part of the larger Punjab region, also know as the Land of the Five Rivers, the area where Ara (Harappa) was located, which nowadays is part of Pakistan and India.

Map of this region:

Ara (Harappa) and its surroundings are very probably the place where the IVC originated. I also think that Ara was the capital, or at least the main city, of the IVC. In addition to that, I estimate that Ara was more populated than its supposed remains show. I suspect it might have had a population of around one million, reaching this figure four millennia before Rome.

Hyatt is a hospitality company headquartered in the Riverside Plaza area of Chicago. It was founded on 27 September 1957.

Riverside would be an allusion to the fact that both Ara (Harappa) and Agra are situated next to a river.

The date 27 September 1957 contains two hidden numbers: 999 and 157.

999 comes from: 2 + 7 = 9, September = 9, and the 9 from the year.

157 is a number mentioned in the 1986 film Aliens:

Tara is the name of a fictional plantation that serves as the main setting in the novel Gone with the Wind and its film adaptation.

Gara is a Basque newspaper. Its name means “We Are”.

This newspaper was first published on 30 January 1999, exactly 66 years after the day in which Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Germany.

66 = FF = Francisco Franco.

66 is also a reference to the sixty-six years passed between these two milestones of the conspiracy:

ARAA are the initials of the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, a scientific journal that was first published in 1963. This would be a hint to the conspirators’ space empire.

1963 is the 5,400 anniversary of the Section 13, as I decoded here (third message).

The mountains of Ararat appear in the Book of Genesis, the first book of both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible.

The Mount Ararat is located in eastern Turkey. It has been identified with its biblical homonym since the Middle Ages.

All these names contain hidden clues pointing to Ara (Harappa) and Nara (Sumer), as it can be seen in the following summary chart:

posted on Sep, 30 2024 @ 02:29 PM
Please, seek help. I mean this sincerely?

posted on Oct, 2 2024 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


• The film Perdita Durango was released on 31 October 1997. The word “perdita” contains four letters of the word “portal”.

By the way, I don’t know what “perdita” means, I have never heard this word apart from the title of this movie. It is not standard Spanish, it seems to me more like a misspelling of the word “perdida”, which is Spanish for “lost” or “lost one” (feminine, in both cases).

Durango is a town in the Basque Country,


• The film Perdita Durango premiered on 25 September 1997 in the San Sebastián Film Festival, in the Spanish Basque Country.

• The TV series Lost first aired on 22 September 2004, that is 3 days before the 7th anniversary of the release of Perdita Durango.

The End is the last episode of this series. It aired on 23 May 2010.

On this episode it can be seen a symbolic representation of the future sole religion in this room (of a church) that is shown towards the end of the chapter:

On the stained glass there is one symbol for each one of the six main religions: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism.

If the conspirators don’t change the year, this religion is planned to be revealed to the world in 2028, being established after phase 5, that is around 2033.

posted on Oct, 2 2024 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have discovered the exact number of inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization killed by the conspirators:

Seven Years in Tibet premiered on 13 September 1997 in a film festival. It was released on 10 October 1997. It is about an Austrian sergeant of the SS who travels to British India to climb the Nanga Parbat (one of the 14 eight-thousanders) in the Five Rivers Region, and he ends up in Tibet being one of the tutors of the 14th and current Dalai Lama, when His Holiness was 8-14 years of age.

On this film there is a strange dialogue about some distances:

This could mean 20 Km deep.

So 68 is the right number.

We can see a brief scene involving one golden ring:

It’s the nexus of union between this film and the Lord of the Rings.

The Lord of the Rings premiered on 10 December 2001, 4 years and 2 months after the release of Seven Years in Tibet. This gives us a 42.

The 68 from above is connected to a 67 that appears next to a blackboard:

The 67 is indicated (blue arrow) by a piece of chalk below it.

67 and 68 form a short sequence, one of the methods used by the conspirators as a signature.

In this same scene, there is an allusion to the September 11 attacks:

This aircraft strangely has four wings that look like two skyscrapers.

An image of the Statue of Liberty sideways is shown:

Then, the young Dalai Lama says the name of the city where this monument is located:

The 9/11 happened 2 days before the 4th anniversary of the premiere of Seven Years in Tibet. This gives us a 24, which is linked to the 42 from above.

Later, the front page of a newspaper can be seen:

It is announcing the Normandy landings:

In a very revealing gesture, one character takes this newspaper and puts it near his rear:

It is a symbolic way of confessing what side they truly supported in the Second World War.

A flyer of the 1936 Winter Olympics can be seen:

The 616 found in the date is a hint to the above-mentioned connection between Miles Morales and the so called number of the beast, which in turn is referring to the distance between Ara (Harappa) and the Taj Mahal.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspiracy could have killed 68 million people from the Indus Valley Civilization.

• The mass grave could be at a depth of 20 Kilometers.

• The number seven is related to the amount of time it took them to commit this genocide. Although other options should not be discarded, I estimate seven years is the most likely figure.

• Like the verification code 28/92, the conspirators use more methods to authenticate the information they announce:

1) Short sets of sequential numbers.

2) Allusions to the Normandy landings.

3) Fiction works interconnected with each other.

edit on 2-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2024 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

A 68 and a 67 can be found in the 1997 film Seven Years in Tibet:

They could be connected to the 67 and 68 found in the “Pentagon” and “New York” cards of the 1994 collectible card game Illuminati: New World Order (INWO):

In addition to that, Seven Years in Tibet was released on 10 October 1997, and there are two other INWO cards (“Early Warning” and “Terrorist Nuke”) related to the above-mentioned two, on which a 10 can be seen on each (blue underlining).

10 = October

Tibet could mean T = Time.

And As I told on X (formerly called Twitter) the number 6 is a secret code used by the conspirators meaning 24, therefore one of the 6s found in the above cards could be referring to 2024.

I learned this (6 = 24) from the INWO card “Saddam Hussein”:

Saddam Hussein died in 2006. 2006 = 06 = 6.

Also, New York is alluded twice in this film:

edit on 3-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have found another source confirming this finding:

Inglorious Basterds was released on 21 August 2009. It is about a group of American soldiers in a secret mission within occupied France.

Towards the beginning of it, we can see one character smoking in a pipe:

This extravagant pipe is a hint to the one used by Gandalf:

So these pipes would connect this film with The Lord of the Rings.

One character is from Austria:

He is also a sergeant:

The main character of Seven Years in Tibet, named Heinrich Harrer, was also an Austrian sergeant.

A front page of a newspaper covering this sergeant’s deeds can be seen:

We can see here two short sets of sequential numbers, both connected to Seven Years in Tibet:

A) 12 and 13 (blue underlining), they are linked to the above-mentioned 14s found in Seven Years in Tibet.

B) 1940 (green underlining). The main character of Seven Years in Tibet traveled to British India in 1939.

In Inglorious Basters there is a Parisian cafe in which some characters meet a few times:

The book she is reading contains a reference to New York:

The stained glass depicts some flowers:

They are allusions to the flowers that can be seen in decoration of the tombs of the two persons buried in the Taj Mahal:

A German soldier/actor tells the story on which his film is based:

He killed a number of American soldiers during three days.

First day:

This 68 is another connection to Seven Years in Tibet:

Second day:

(150 = 15 = AE = Arriba España)

Third day:

(32 is a hint to 2032, the planned last year of phase 5)

68 + 150 + 32 = 250

So he killed 250 American soldiers in total.

2026 will be the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States (1776 + 250 = 2026).

Also, the Blue Division, the nickname of the Spanish troops that fought with the Axis, was formally called 250 Infantry Division.

Later, we see an scene in London with a big map on the wall:

The main British character remains standing in front of southwestern France:

A broader view:

It is the place where Aquitania is located.

The name Bay of Biscay can be clearly seen.

Biscay (named Vizcaya/Bizkaia in Spain) is the name of one province of the Spanish Basque Country, but in the early Modern period (16th and 17th centuries) the whole Basque Country was known as Biscay.

The actor who plays this British soldier, Michael Fassbender, is the same one that plays the android who is shown learning Proto-Indo-European in the 2012 film Prometheus:

So this would be a second and definitive confirmation of the Pre-Proto-Basque being the language spoken in the Indus Valley Civilization.

Prometheus is also the name of a natural satellite of Saturn.

There is an important meeting in a tavern:

The name of this tavern is La Louisiane:

It seems to be a reference to Louisiana, a territory that belonged to France and Spain before it was purchased by the United States in 1803.

In this tavern, a group of characters play the “Guess Who” game. The SS Major is the first to play:

This reference to King Kong is connected to the Kong that can be seen in the INWO card “New York”:

And to the Kongs seen in the two editions of the card game Illuminati:

(First edition above, second edition below)

Lastly, this dialogue can be heard in the premiere:

These two seat numbers would be allusions to 2023 and 2024.

In conclusion:

• The language spoken in the Indus Valley Civilization was the language we call Pre-Proto-Basque.

• Consequently, this was the language spoken by the founders of the conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 8 2024 @ 02:42 PM
I have no words, other than, seek help, now.

posted on Oct, 9 2024 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have discovered a very important information hidden in Inglorious Basterds:

• The character played by Michael Fassbender is a British soldier in a secret mission within occupied France, that’s why he is wearing a German uniform. There is one scene in which this character is standing next to a window:

It is a way of signaling the importance of the SS insignia he is wearing in the collar:

This means that his surname Fassbender contains hidden information, since it has an “ss”.

So we have to investigate the elements before and after the “ss” of his surname, like this: Fa-ss-bender, which have the following meaning:

Fa is a reference to the TV series Futurama.

ss is the indicator that separates the two elements.

bender is a hint to the robot Bender B. Rodríguez, one of the main characters of Futurama.

This series first aired on 28 March 1999, and it tells the story of one deliveryman who is accidentally cryopreserved in 1999 and wakes up in the year 3000. So this show is very linked to the year 1999.

There is a second allusion to 1999 in Inglorious Basterds, it is said by another character, who is also a member of the SS:

(Concretely, he is a member of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the “Security Service”)

Also, 1999 is the third millennium of the take-over of Section 13 (see the message I am replying to for context).

• This character is wearing a uniform of the Waffen-SS, instead of wearing a uniform of the regular German Army, the Wehrmacht.

His uniform has a cuffband of the SS Division Das Reich, one of the most emblematic units of the Waffen-SS.

Apart from that, Das Reich means “The Empire”:

This would be an allusion to the conspirators’ country, the Sacrum Latinum Imperium, or Holy Latin Empire.

• As can be easily deducted from this chart:

The conspirators reached the technological level that we achieved in the 20th century in the 35th century BCE, that is, about 5,400 years before us.

Decoded meaning:

• Despite achieving our current technological level more than 5000 years before us, the conspirators’ technology is not 5000 years ahead of ours.

• According to their own calculations, their technological level is only one thousand years ahead of ours.

• In my opinion, this means that they have nothing unknown to us. Everything they have are just better versions of technology we have already developed, designed or theorized (or seen in science fiction works).

edit on 9-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2024 @ 03:59 PM
Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born on 23 October 1491 in the town of Azpeita, located in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa. He is the co-founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), a religious order in the Catholic Church.

Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y Albás was born on 9 January 1902 in the town of Barbastro, located in the Aragonese province of Huesca. He founded the Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church, in 1928.

(Josemaría is usually written separately in Spain, like this: José María. His is the only case that I know of in which this given name is written as a single word)

Map of this area:

(In the above map I have used the terms “Jesuits” and “Opus Dei” for clarity purposes, and also because I don’t like to use personal names if it is not strictly necessary)

The Jesuit Order was founded on 27 September 1540.

The Opus Dei was founded on 2 October 1928.

• The Spanish autonomous community of Aragon is subdivided in three provinces, the northern one being called Huesca. I strongly suspect its name is not coincidental.

Map of Aragon with its three provinces:

Ka is the most commonly used interrogatory particle in Japanese.

I suspect “ka” had the same meaning in the language spoken by the inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), that is the language now called Pre-Proto-Basque.

Therefore, Huesca or Uesca/Ueska, would be a question (or the second half of a question) in the IVC language: Ues ka?, meaning “[Do you] speak Ues?” or perhaps more adequately, “Do [you speak] Ues?”.

This is why I estimate the Pre-Proto-Basque language could have been called “Ues” by its original speakers.

posted on Oct, 15 2024 @ 04:05 PM
The conspirators left two more indications about Ara and Nara in two place names situated in the Spanish Pyrenees:

• The Ara River is located in the Aragonese shire of Sobrarbe, in the province of Huesca.

This would be a direct allusion to Ara, the main city (and maybe the capital) of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC).

The Aran Valley, or simply Aran, is a shire located in the Catalan province of Lleida. Its name is Valle de Arán in Spanish, Vall d’Aran in Catalan and Val d’Aran in Aranese Occitan. It is one of the very few places in Spain that has three official languages.

Aran is a Basque root word meaning “valley”. So etymologically its name seems to be redundant, meaning something like “Valley of Valley”.

Let’s remember that Arana means “the valley”, since the suffix “-a” is the article “the” in the Basque language.

Aran backwards is “nara”, so this would be a hidden reference to Nara, the city that was perhaps the second most important in the IVC.

Additionally, I think the name Lleida has a hidden meaning, since llei is Catalan for “law” and da is Basque for “is”. So Lleida could be understood as meaning “is law” or “[it] is [the] law”, similar to the sed lex from the Latin expression dura lex, sed lex.

The distance between the Ara River and the Aran Valley is about 65 Km (~ 40 miles), as can be seen in this map:

A broader map of this area:

A map of this area with the name of the main roads:

Observe the 22s, 23s and 26s which seem to be alluding to 2022, 2023 and 2026.

posted on Oct, 15 2024 @ 04:08 PM
For goodness sakes

Stop this madness. Seriously, get help?

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