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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Oct, 16 2024 @ 04:14 PM
I have discovered another procedure of the conspirators:

• In southern Mesopotamia the coastline was further inland in the 4th millennium BCE than it is today, as can be seen in this map:

Ur was then a port town.

Ur is the root word meaning “water” in the Basque language.

A more detailed map:

In my opinion, the inhabitants of the culture now called Ubaid were the original settlers of Mesopotamia that came from the Indus Valley and founded the colony of Nara.

The Animatrix is an animated anthology film released on 3 June 2003, that is three days before the 59th anniversary of the Normandy landings. It belongs to The Matrix franchise.

One of the segments of this film is titled Kid’s Story.

On it there is a scene in a classroom where many maps can be seen. They are a puzzle containing hidden information.

Observe this map of Africa, West Asia and southern Europe:

A closer view:

Notice the following geographic features:

Africa and the Arabian Peninsula look too much closer (green arrow).

Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula look as being contiguous (blue arrow).

Africa is strangely shaped, with its southern half looking more narrower than it really is.

India seems to be shorter than it actually is.

In my opinion, this means that the Bab-el-Mandeb, the strait between Yemen and the Horn of Africa, didn’t exist when the conspiracy began in the mid 5th millennium BCE. Its very name (Gate of Lamentation, Gate of Grief or Gate of Tears) is quite strange.

Therefore, I estimate that six thousand years ago the Red Sea was a lake.

So the conspirators, using their highly sophisticated technology, built a channel or strait between Africa and southern Arabia, and they used the excavated land to advance the coastline in southern Mesopotamia. A schematic map showing this idea:

Then, we can see a map of the United States:

A closer view:

Maps of the whole world can be seen too:

A closer view:

They have done this (modify the coastline and thus, the shape of the continents) all over the world, and they will do it again if they win.

• The conspirators left clues of this event (the building of a channel between Arabia and Africa) in two place names located in the U.S. state of Florida:

1) Mar-a-Lago is a resort in Palm Beach. Its name is Spanish for “Sea to Lake”.

The conspirators put it reversed, in reality they converted a lake into a sea.

Also, the palm is a tree commonly associated to the Middle East and adjacent areas.

2) There is a Red Lake in Orlando.

Orlando is located in Orange County. In Spanish “orange” is said naranja, which contains the word Nara.

Decoded meaning:

• My current estimation is that the conspirators killed 68 million inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) in the 32nd century BCE, not in the 31st BCE, as I previously thought. That figure (68 million) probably represents most people from the IVC, not just those from the heartland, as I initially estimated.

• Some time after committing this crime, the conspirators built a channel between Africa and Arabia, and then they used the excavated land to advance the coastline in southern Mesopotamia.

• I estimate that the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea were all lakes in the 5th millennium BCE. I also think that the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea were larger than they are nowadays, or that they formed a single (very big) lake.

• Thus, the conspirators have changed the shape of continents since they had the appropriate technology to do it, that is maybe since the 32nd century BCE.

• In my opinion, they changed the face of the Earth, the continents, for two reasons:

1) As a very extreme form of Damnatio memoriae (“condemnation of memory”).

2) To confuse the future generations of their enemies, that is us, so they couldn’t know how was exactly the Earth just six millennia ago.

• The conspirators could modify the shape of continents thanks to understanding plate tectonics perfectly, and having very advanced computer modeling (probably using what we call supercomputers and later, quantum computers), more than 5,000 years before us. This way they have been able to deceive all the scholars working in this area of knowledge.

edit on 16-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Monte Perdido is a mountain located in the north of Huesca Province. With an altitude of about 3,355 meters, it’s the third highest mountain of the Pyrenees.

Its name is Mont Perdito in Aragonese.

The title of the television series Lost looks like a hint to the English translation of its name (“Lost Mountain”).

The title of the 1997 film Perdita Durango seems to be a hint to “Perdito”.

Monte Perdido is about 12/13 kilometers away from the Ara River:

As I said in the previous page, the Ara River would represent the city of Ara (Harappa), while Aran would represent Nara (Ubaid/Sumer).

A larger view of this area:

Notice how the Ara River and Monte Perdido are closer to each other, while Aran is a distant third element. These three places appear to be reproducing the relation between Ara/Harappa, the Taj Mahal and Nara/Ubaid, in which the first two are closer to each other, while the third one is afar from them. Therefore, I estimate Monte Perdido symbolizes the Taj Mahal.

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"The title of the television series Lost looks like a hint to the English translation of its name (“Lost Mountain”.

No, it really doesn't.

Please....just stobbit!

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

• The scene in the 2009 film Inglorious Basterds where the German soldier/actor tells the story on which his film is based has a very important second hidden meaning:

On this scene, he recalls how he killed a number of American soldiers during three days.

First day:

Second day:

Third day:

That is, 68 + 150 + 32 = 250

I am convinced these are the millions of people the conspirators killed in three periods throughout the 32nd century BCE.

They replicated these three massacres in the three most catastrophic events of the 20th century, which are the following ones:

1) The First World War and the 1918-1920 flu pandemic: 68 million deaths.

2) The Second World War, including its two preludes, the Axis invasion of China (1931 - 1945) and the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939): 150 million deaths.

3) The HIV/AIDS pandemic: 32 million deaths in the 20th century.

The conspirators are extremely precise with statistics, even more so when it comes to demography. Therefore, these figures above should be considered the real ones, despite what the official data may say.

• There is a scene in the 1982 film Poltergeist in which the number seven is mentioned three times:

In my opinion, this is a secret allusion to the three periods of the 32nd century BCE, in which the conspirators committed the massacres.

• Seven times three equals twenty-one, the age at which people are forced to die in the 1967 dystopian novel Logan’s Run.

Naqada III is a period of Egypt often referred to as Dynasty 0. According to official historiography, this period saw the unification of first Upper Egypt, and then the whole Egypt. It is dated from approximately 3,300 BCE to 3,000/2,900 BCE, so it covered the 32nd century completely.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspiracy killed throughout the 32nd century BCE a total of 250 million persons.

• For this purpose, they used their highly advanced technology (equivalent to what we would have in the 23rd century CE) to attack the inhabitants of the Earth. Also, some of the conspirators probably impersonated the gods of the Sumerian/Egyptian pantheons to intimidate their victims.

• I estimate the conspirators would have started introducing religion to these peoples in the year 3,900 BCE. Thus, by the 32nd century BCE everyone had heard of these polytheistic pantheons.

• I suspect that back then (4th millennium BCE) these pantheons had far fewer gods (5-7, at most) than the version known to us.

• They committed this genocide in three periods (of maybe seven years each one), with the following breakdown:

1st period: 68 million, from the Indus Valley Civilization.

2nd period: 150 million.

3rd period: 32 million.

• I estimate they killed 95% of the world population during this genocide in three acts.

• I suspect that, after committing this crime, the conspirators had a period of about 100 or 200 years, in which they killed people when they reached the age of twenty-one. They did this to erase from the collective memory the societies and cultures they had destroyed.

• Thus, when the conspirators ended the policy of killing people at 21 (maybe in the 29th century BCE), no one remembered what the world used to be like.

• The first group of 68 million are interred below the Taj Mahal. So there could be at least two more secret burial sites somewhere in our planet.

edit on 18-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"I estimate they killed 95% of the world population during this genocide in three acts."

Do you?

Literally no one else thinks that.

I give up on this literal insanity.

Please, seek help?

posted on Oct, 18 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

"I estimate they killed 95% of the world population during this genocide in three acts."

Do you?

Literally no one else thinks that.

I give up on this literal insanity.

Please, seek help?

The only insanity here is that of the conspiracy.

If you really thought I am crazy, you wouldn’t waste your time coming back again and again to my threads, you would just ignore me and go somewhere else.

You are just trying to divert attention away by posing as a troll.

edit on 18-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

More precise information can be obtained if we look into both works of Logan’s Run:

• The 1967 novel is set in 2116, and on it people is forced to die at the age of 21.

The 1976 film adaptation is set in 2274, and on it people is forced to die at the age of 30.

There is also a 1977-1978 TV series with the same parameters than the film.

2274 - 2116 = 158

The number 158 plays a role in the 1986 film Aliens (extended version):

So these two years (2274 and 2116) are indicating us that the event happened in two centuries, but didn’t last 200 years.

More precise decoding:

• Indeed, this genocide in three acts took place in the 32nd century BCE. If they killed 95% of the world population (250 million), then this means that the total population of the Earth was about 263 million at that time.

• After this crime, the conspirators set a transitory period, maybe of 158 years, that ended at some point of the mid 30th century BCE.

• They put the survivors (about 13 million) in a number of controlled environments distributed over a wide geographical area. I estimate the number of these places to be between several dozens and a few hundreds.

• In these places, throughout the transitory period, they proceeded to kill people when they turned 21.

• The survivors didn’t rebel because they were too intimidated by the technology and methods of the conspirators, but perhaps some survivors did try to escape, like it is shown in Logan’s Run.

• The conspirators used this transitory period to erase from collective memory the societies they had destroyed, and also for making the survivors (now prisoners) to learn the new languages invented by them, that is the early ancestors of the languages we speak nowadays.

• They replicated their crimes of the 32nd century BCE in the 20th century CE. That’s why the year 2032 is so important for the conspirators and was chosen to be the last year of phase 5 and thus the deadline for achieving the 95% target.

• In the 32nd century BCE they killed 250 million, which was the 95% of the world population at that time. But the replication of this genocide was planned to be done in two centuries: in the 20th century they killed 250 million in the three above mentioned events, and in the 21st century they are planning to kill 95% of the world population during phase 5 (2023-2032).

edit on 19-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2024 @ 03:01 PM
• The conspirators left several clues about the world they destroyed, but these clues are very distorted, since they include at least one layer of disinformation. We can see a very good example of this with the concept of “Five Rivers”.

Nowadays, this concept is alluded in the alternative name of the historical region of Punjab.

Map of this region:

But I strongly suspect that originally, that is before the 32nd century BCE, this concept alluded to the five main rivers in the area between the Indian subcontinent and northeast Africa, as can be seen in this map:

They were the Indus River, most certainly the birthplace of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), the Ganges River, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Nile River.

These five rivers are shown symbolically in the flags of two polities:

1) The flag of Israel:

The two horizontal blue stripes symbolize two rivers, which are, in my opinion, the Indus and Ganges rivers.

2) The flag of the French region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine:

The three blue wavy bars represent three rivers, which are, in my opinion, the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile rivers.

In this flag, the red lion gives us an indication, since it appears to be alluding to the Tigris (whose name is etymologically related to “tiger”). Therefore, if two of these bars symbolize the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the third one can only be the Nile, since the other two options (Indus and Ganges) are too far away.

Map of this part of the world with the area (blue circle) I estimate was the territory of the IVC circa the year 4000 BCE. Its two main cities (Ara and Nara) are also shown:

In conclusion:

• The territory of the culture now called Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was much larger than our maps show.

• I suspect that the body of water located between southern Eritrea and the Indian state of Gujarat was solid ground before the 32nd century BCE.

• “The Land of the Five Rivers” was perhaps one of the ways in which the inhabitants of the IVC referred to their own country.

edit on 23-10-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

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