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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

An image from the 1986 film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2:

It is connected to this card from the game Illuminati:

Both are alluding to the Assassins, a secret order active in the Middle East during the XI-XIII centuries of the Common Era, which was most probably created by the conspirators.

More cards from this game that also contain a hidden 88:

In my opinion, “The Bermuda Triangle” card is hinting to the Axis invasion tunnels, since the bifurcation of these tunnels would be on this imaginary triangle or near it.

The conspirators are going to release two works of fiction related to the Assassins this year:

• The 100-cards set of Assassins Creed belonging to the Universes Beyond “sub-brand” of the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. It will be released on 5 July 2024.

Assassins Creed Shadows, a video game set in the feudal Japan of XVI century. It will be released on 15 November 2024.

In relation to this, let’s remember the King Kong shown in the “New York” card from the Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) game:

It is linked to another work of fiction, which was released this year:

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, a monster film released on 25 March 2024.

The “New Empire” from the title is a clear allusion to the three real Axis Powers: The Spanish Empire, the German Empire and the Japanese Empire.

In conclusion: The connection between the Illuminati (1980s) and INWO (1990s) cards with these three works of fiction released this 2024 is the conspiracy revealing itself.

edit on 18-6-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Typos

posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 04:36 PM
The system of this website does not allow me to edit my last message in this thread, so I will tell it here: The correct spelling of the MTG set of cards is Assassin’s Creed, while the correct spelling of the video game is Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

posted on Jun, 18 2024 @ 04:46 PM
If the Reactionary Conspiracy succeeds do I get one of those SS Hugo Boss uniforms?

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

There is another one of these mysterious hands in Illuminati, the card game on which “Illuminati: New World Order”(INWO) is based.

The cover of Illuminati, first edition:

On it we can see a hand managing a puppet.

The “Hollywood” cards from Illuminati, first edition (above) and second edition (below):

On them we can see actor-looking puppets being managed.

Finally, to solve this puzzle we must examine the “Hollywood” card from INWO:

33 in this case means CC = Catholic Church.

Deciphered meaning: The inner level of the conspiracy controls the film industry and, by extension, all the entertainment industry.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The “Secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know” cards from Illuminati, first edition (above) and second edition (below):

This same card, from the expansion of Illuminati Bavarian Fire Drill:

The two “Pentagon” cards from Illuminati, first edition (above) and second edition (below):

The two “New York” cards from Illuminati, first edition (above) and second edition (below):

Notice how the 1st edition card has two airplanes on it (like the “New York” card from INWO) while the 2nd edition card has three airplanes on it. King Kong appears in all three cards.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

This hand managing a puppet also appears if we put together the two designs of the reverse of the INWO cards:

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The two “Texas” cards from Illuminati, first edition (above) and second edition (below):

Texas is one of the two U.S. states (alongside California) that unequivocally has a card in the Illuminati game, since it is unknown if the “New York” card is referring to the city or to the state.

Also, notice how both Texas cards have a 46 on them, a clear reference to the Joseph Biden presidency.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Most people have hands, man.

Not chatbots and programs programmed to auto-generate mental poison, nonsense and crap to fill your mind with and keep you occupied with as you are distracted and consequently ignore the only global conspiracy that is of actual consequence and any "beneficial teaching" that might wake you up to it and protect you from it.

“For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* [Or “healthful; beneficial.”] teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* [Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”] They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3,4)

Then again, these chatbots and programs designed to keep you busy and distracted from the more important things and associated beneficial teaching, are not people.

Some 'people' (let's talk about the programmers then) take the concept of "information overload" to a whole new level.

The Manipulation of Information (Awake!—2000)

AS MEANS of communicating have expanded—from printing to the telephone, radio, television, and the Internet—the flow of persuasive messages has dramatically accelerated. This communications revolution has led to information overload, as people are inundated by countless messages from every quarter. Many respond to this pressure by absorbing messages more quickly and accepting them without questioning or analyzing them.

The cunning propagandist loves such shortcuts—especially those that short-circuit rational thought. Propaganda encourages this by agitating the emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending rules of logic. As history bears out, such tactics can prove all too effective.


Next page in my signature.
edit on 22-6-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Texas is mentioned in the Illuminati card of the Assassins:

Eight of these Illuminati cards (much bigger than a regular card) can be found only in the second edition of Illuminati, which was released in 2018.

There is also an expansion of INWO called Assassins, which was released in 1995.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:56 PM
The 2nd edition of that game is way lamer than the 1st one. I doubt the reactionary conspiracy would waste their time on it tbh. They’ve got enough on their plate with the maglev invasion tunnels, making all the movies in the world and grooming serial killers after all.

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 02:14 PM
I have deciphered a very important information from an episode of Star Trek in which another one of these mysterious hands appear.

Who Mourns for Adonis? is the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Star Trek. It was first broadcast 22 September 1967. It is about the Enterprise finding a planet a planet where an humanoid with apparent superpowers lives.

At the beginning of it we can see a gigantic hand:

(As in the rest of the cases, this hand symbolizes the reactionary conspiracy)

This humanoid is called Apollo:

His name is a reference to the Apollo program.

The number 12 is mentioned by Captain Kirk while on board of the Enterprise:

This twelve is an indirect allusion to the Apollo XI, the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon.

Apollo says that he left Earth 5,000 years ago:

This number, five thousand, is repeated several more times throughout the episode, like for example:

This means the conspiracy was able to land humans on the Moon five thousand years ago.

The stardate of this episode:

In my opinion, there is a year hidden on it: 3,468 BCE. The 1 would mean “first time”.

The 22s related to this episode (2nd episode of 2nd season, broadcast on a 22nd) are references to the 22nd letter of the alphabet, that is the vee:

V stands for Veritas, a Latin word meaning Truth. This means the information provided by the conspirators here (the year of their Moon landing) is accurate, truthful.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspirators are announcing/confessing here that they were able to first land humans on the Moon in the year 3,468 Before Common Era.

• Given the fact that they had needed some time to develop the knowledge needed to reach that level of technological sophistication, it is logical to conclude that the conspiracy predates that year for several centuries, maybe a millennium. Therefore, the origin of the conspiracy would be in the fifth millenium BCE, perhaps around the year 4,500 BCE.

• This information fits perfectly with a conclusion I had already reached before watching this Star Trek episode. I have never talked about this here on ATS, but according to my investigations the Conspiracy would have started in the Indus Valley Civilization.

• The Indus Valley Civilization is probably the first human civilization. It was a type of civilization that today would be called “socialist”: No clergy, royalty or nobility. Slavery was unknown. Poverty, hunger and diseases had disappeared. Crime was almost nonexistent, and war was likely almost never used. Income disparities would be minimal, since all houses of this civilization have a similar size. This system surely made happy more than 99% of the population living on it.

• The conspiracy most likely arose among the very small minority that didn’t like this system: the sociopaths that got “bored” by living in a society without major problems.

• Thus, this first group of conspirators somehow meet each other (maybe they lived in the same location) and started the reactionary conspiracy. Over time, the conspirators left the Indus Valley and went to another place (likely an uninhabited area) where they could develop quietly the knowledge needed to dominate the world and a plan for doing it. For this purpose they invented their more important weapon: religion. And slavery, the monarchy, the nobility and most (if not all) infectious diseases. They also expanded war and crime and made them permanent at a worldwide level.

• They have created all the subsequent civilizations, starting with the first two around the years 3,300-3,000 BCE: Sumer and Ancient Egypt.

• A very easy rule to know if one civilization was created by the conspiracy:

A) If a civilization has religion, it was created by the conspirators.

B) If a civilization has clergy, monarchy or nobility, it was created by the conspirators.

C) If a civilization has slavery, it was created by the conspirators.

edit on 30-7-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Corrections

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 02:18 PM
Jeez.....give it up, mate?

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I have found more information about the origins of the conspiracy in another source:

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is an action-adventure video game released on 10 May 2016.

On it, we can see this image:

A closer view:

Spanish translation of the text:

From this image we can decipher two data:

1) The place where the conspiracy went in order to advance their scientific and technological knowledge is Madagascar.

2) There is a date hidden in the first number (blue underlining): 6251. This means they went to Madagascar 6,251 years before the “present”, this last one being the year in which this video game was released, that is 2016. So the year in which the conspiracy established a settlement in Madasgar is: 4,235 Before Common Era

Nathan Drake, the protagonist of this video game, finds this symbol in the forest:

A closer view:

It is a reference to the Roman Catholic Church, since two crossed keys appear in the coat of arms of the Vatican:

A very important part of the plot of this video game is about the twelve founders (all of them pirate captains) of a secret city in Madagascar in late XVII century:

At the beginning there were only two founders, but subsequently ten more pirates joined the project.

An image from Nathan’s diary that can be seen in this game:

Decoded meaning: Perhaps the conspiracy was originally founded by two people around the year 4,500 BCE, but by the time they established their Research&Development project in Madagascar (4,235 BCE), the conspiracy was composed by twelve families or clans (groups of families linked by a common ancestor).

Another image of this video game:

There is another date hidden in that number:

It is 5,916 years before 2016, that is 3,900 BCE. The pirate Henry Avery died in 1699 CE in this video game (in the real world, he disappeared around the year 1696 CE). Therefore, by putting the 5916 between the year this pirate died, the conspiracy are announcing the opposite of a death, a birth, as a metaphor of a beginning: The beginning of their plan of world domination.

A letter alluding to “Hindu gold”:

In this document, Hindu is spelled Hindoo.

Spanish translation of this text:

In the epilogue of this game, another reference to India can be found:


A closer view:

This hand (representing the conspiracy) is covering the area where the Indus Valley Civilization was located:

This hand belongs to the young daughter of two of the main characters of this video game. Therefore, the conspirators are symbolizing with this that the conspiracy was born in the Indus Valley Civilization.

Another page of Nathan’s diary that can be seen in this game:

It is a symbolic representation of the two levels of the conspiracy:

The bucket goes at the top (red arrow). To solve this part of the puzzle, we must remember also that the Spanish word cubo means both “bucket” and “cube”. In addition to that, the four question marks (blue circles) represent the tetrarchy (or the four leaders) that rule the inner level of the conspiracy. A tetrarchy can be represented symbolically as a cube:

(The Black Pope is the popular name of the leader of the Opus Dei)

The three crosses represent the three Axis Powers (the Spanish Empire, the German Empire and the Japanese Empire), which form the bulk of the conspiracy’s outer level

Summary diagram of the information deciphered thus far about the origin of the conspiracy:

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

As I said several times, all my content about the reactionary conspiracy is a working draft about an ongoing investigation, for this reason some parts of it can change as my knowledge of the conspiracy gets better over time.

And this is a good example of what I am referring to in the above paragraph: In April 2023 I thought the conspiracy originated around the XV or XVI centuries, now in August 2024 I am convinced it originated in the mid 5th millennium Before Common Era.

Therefore, the Roman numerals that appear in a monument called Monolito del origen (“Provenance Monolith”, in the English version) towards the end of Resident Evil 4 should be converted to our numbers, and then this date should be read from right to left.

This way, we can decipher a very important date: 4551 Before Common Era is most certainly the exact year in which the original founders of the conspiracy decided to start it.

posted on Aug, 21 2024 @ 03:19 PM
I have deciphered more information about the origins of the conspiracy, thanks to mainly two sources:

Aliens is a science fiction film, it was released on 18 July 1986, exactly forty years after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

On it we can see this scene in which the number 57 is mentioned:

And an allusion to thousand:

One half of the verification code 92/28:

Then we hear another cipher:

It is a reference to the number 34. The first two digits of a year.

Then we hear another two data. The first one, in an indirect way:

66 + 2 = 68, which joined with the 34 from above, it gives us the reference year: 3468 BCE

The second one:

The number 11. When 11 is joined to the 34 from above, it gives us the year 3411 BCE (57 years after 3468)

Thanks to this film, we can also learn how the conspirators call humans living out of the Earth:

They call them exterráqueos, a Spanish word that I think can be translated to English as “exterrans”.

This word, exterráqueos, appears only in the Spanish (Spain) dubbing. In the original English these people, who live on LV-426, are called “terraformers”.

And in the Spanish subtitles, they are called constructores (“builders”):

LV-426 is a moon. It appears at the beginning of the 1979 film Alien, and it’s the main setting of its 1986 sequel, Aliens.

The conspirators left in this film their most usual signature:

Although this time, it seems more a salute than a signature.

Hadleys Hope = HH = Heil Hitler

Pop = the Pope

15 = AE = Arriba España (Up with Spain).

8 = H = Hitler

Later on, the conspirators left a hidden figure inside a code:

It is a reference to the number 123.

At minute 68, there is a very revealing dialogue:

It is a direct allusion to the nuclear fusion technology.

The number 57 is mentioned again:

All these images and dialogues are from the Aliens version available in Amazon Prime Spain, which was released on April 2024:

• The 2016 video game Uncharted 4.

On it, we can see this note::

It contains hidden information:

This letter is from 14 April 1808.

U.S. president Abraham Lincoln was shot exactly 57 years later.

The Spanish Second Republic was proclaimed exactly 123 years later.

Between 1865 and 1931 there are 66 years.

66 = FF = Francisco Franco

Decoded meaning:

The starting point to be able to decode this part of the puzzle is the year 3468 BCE, first human landing on the Moon. From this year, the conspiracy achieved the following technological milestones:

1) Controlled nuclear fusion, in 3411 BCE. (57 years after 3468 BCE).

2) First human colony outside Earth, in 3345 BCE (123 years after 3468 BCE).

posted on Aug, 21 2024 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

Aliens is a science fiction film, it was released on 18 July 1986, exactly forty years after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

I meant fifty years after the start of the Spanish Civil War.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 05:02 PM
I have decoded more information about the conspiracy’s first human colony outside the Earth:

Prometheus is a science fiction film released on 31 May 2012. It is a prequel of Alien.

At the beginning of it, we can see this scene where one character is learning a language:

It is the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language, the reconstructed common ancestor of all Indo-European languages.

Version in Spanish:

PIE is supossed to be a dead language.

Later, we can hear a date:

22 June 2091 is exactly 150 years after the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.

Then, we can see where this spaceship, named Prometheus, is headed:

LV-223 is another moon, like the above-mentioned LV-426 from Aliens. Both moons orbit the gas giant Calpamos.

In my opinion, the LV found in the names of these two fictional moons means “Land V”, that is the fifth planet.

Finally, we can see this scene in which a female character says a line that contains decisive information:

The English version:

She is saying that they are at 800 million kilometers from Earth, even though at the beginning of this film it is stated that the Prometheus is much more far away from Earth.

That is 327 trillions of kilometers.

The only planet in our solar system that meets the criteria of being 800 million kilometers away from Earth is Jupiter:

Moreover, Prometheus is also the name of a moon of Saturn.

Interesting enough, some moons of Jupiter and Saturn are believed to contain water:

J = moons of Jupiter

S = moons of Saturn

N = moon of Neptune

The ESA has a current mission to study three icy moons of Jupiter: Ganymede, Callisto and Europa:

It was launched on 14 April 2023. That is:

158 years after the shooting of U.S. president Abraham Lincoln.

158, like the population of the colony Hadleys Hope from Aliens:

And 92 years after the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.

Again, one half of the verification code 92/28, the same one that appears in Aliens.

(This mission will reach its objective in 2034)

Decoded meaning:

• The conspirators established the first human colony outside Earth most likely in one of the moons of Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun.

• After mastering space flight (3468 BCE) and nuclear fusion (3411 BCE), they combined these two technologies and searched for a celestial body with sufficient water.

• The largest moons of Jupiter meet the criteria of having plenty of water and being far enough from Earth, thus being safe from indiscrete eyes of earthlings with good telescopes. (Maybe Mars has water too, but Mars is too close to Earth)

• This way, in 3345 BCE, 66 years after developing controlled nuclear fusion, the conspiracy was able to set a human colony in a Jovian moon.

• Proto-Indo-European (PIE) was the language of the Indus Valley Civilization, and therefore, the language of the original founders of the reactionary conspiracy.

• PIE could be a secret language of the conspiracy, being still spoken by some conspirators natively.

edit on 22-8-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 01:16 PM
I have found more information about the human colonies established by the conspiracy outside the Earth.

Metro Exodus is a video game released on 15 February 2019, nine days short of the ninety-nine anniversary of NSDAP’s foundation. It is about the survival of a group of Moscow Metro dwellers in a post-apocalyptic Russia.

It is the third installment of a trilogy that started with Metro 2033 (2010) and its sequel, Metro: Last Light (2013). These two video games take place exclusively in Moscow.

On Metro Exodus we can see this scene in the chapter Moscow:

It is set in a radio station.

At this point, only Moscow is illuminated in the background map.

Suddenly, more illuminated points start showing up on this map:

This map contains hidden information:

Apart from Moscow, which symbolizes the Earth, there are 28 illuminated points in total.

One of the main characters, colonel Miller, the leader of the group, explains further the situation of Moscow:

This “Invisible Watchers” are a subtle reference to the real life conspirators.

Later, in the chapter Yamantau, we can hear the following dialogue.

Yamantau is the location of a secret government bunker in the Urals, but characters in this game usually refer to it as “the Ark”, after a radio transmission coming from this location.

(Artyom is the protagonist of the Metro trilogy)

(The nickname of this character is based on the novel The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which was first published serially in 1868-69)

This scene is a clear reference to colonies outside the Earth.

Throughout this video game, we can several times see this poster with a 86 on it:

It is a hint to the film Aliens, which was released in 1986 and has a female protagonist.

As we know, in Aliens we can find the first half of the 92/28 verification code:

Thus, the 28 illuminated points found in the radio station map from above are the second half of this code. And this is a confirmation that this information is truthful, and not a mere coincidence.

In this trilogy, a nuclear war took place in 2013, and the protagonists are living twenty years after that event. I am quite sure this amount of time is connected to the “radio silence” in which this fictional Moscow is surrounded. But in the real world, I estimate the actual amount of time is one order of magnitude bigger, that is 20 x 10 = 200 years.

This is confirmed by a piece of paper found below the 86 poster:

In addition to that, the year in which Metro 2033 was released, 2010, is a second confirmation of this finding: 2010 = 20 x 10 = 200.

This is the version of Metro Exodus that I played:

(I bought it on Amazon Spain)

Interesting enough, there is a very easy mode of playing this video game, that is called “Reader” in the English version:

But it is called Historia (“History”) in the Spanish version:

With this, the conspirators are telling us that the information gathered here is a true historical account.

Finally, this map can be seen in Metro: Last Light:

The Polis would represent the inner level of the conspiracy, with the cube symbolizing the Tetrarchy that rules it, while the three Reich bases would represent the 3 Axis Powers (the Spanish Empire, the German Empire and the Japanese Empire), which combined form the bulk of the conspiracy’s outer level.

Decoded meaning:

• The conspiracy has established 28 colonies outside the Earth. A number of them are located within our Solar System, significantly in watery moons of Jupiter and Saturn, but other colonies could be situated outside our Solar System.

• The conspiracy has had a strict rule of “radio silence” (no communications between conspirators living on Earth and the 28 outer space colonies) in place since 1833, to avoid being detected by outsiders. This rule is probably planned to end 200 years after that date, that is in 2033.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Sci fi and video games?

None of this is real, man.

The Alien films are not real.

They are not documentaries.

"The conspiracy has had a strict rule of “radio silence” (no communications between conspirators living on Earth and the 28 outer space colonies) in place since 1833, to avoid being detected by outsiders. This rule is probably planned to end 200 years after that date, that is in 2033."



posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 07:08 PM
I have decoded more information about the technological level of the conspiracy.

Stargate is a science fiction film released on 28 October 1994.

At the beginning of it we can see this excavation in Giza:

1928 + 66 = 1994

Then we see this conference about the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt:

(In my opinion, it is a reference to a period of time: 4 millenniums.

Later, in the government bunker, there is a 28 in an elevator:

It is one half of the verification code 92/28.

Then, we see the artifact they found in Giza in 1928:

The number fourteen is heard:

And a two:

(In this case, the two is connected to a scene with an X-shaped table from the film of the next point)

Main protagonist, Dr. Daniel Jackson, explains the real meaning of the figures found in the artifact:

The number seven has a role in the finding:

Another device is seen:

There is a secondary character resembling Ernesto “el Che” Guevara (yellow arrow):

(The name Chevron is not coincidental)

A view of this character from another angle:

He is alluded because El Che was born on 14 June 1928, so this would be references to the numbers 14 and 28.

This device working as a “stargate”:

A brief description is given:

A character going through the stargate:

The last names of these two soldiers are heard several times:

One is a Polish surname, the other one is an Italian surname.

Two obelisks are seen at the exit of the place where the other stargate is located:

In 1994, the year this film was released, the Catholic Church was led by a Polish Pope named John Paul II.

Moreover, there is an Egyptian obelisk in the Vatican.

So this would be a signature left by the inner level of the conspiracy.

Finally, the world where they arrive to is desertic:

With this the conspirators are symbolizing the exact opposite: their 28 colonies are most likely located in celestial bodies with abundant water.

Event Horizon is a science fiction horror film released on 15 August 1997.

At the beginning of it, we can see this three texts:

15 + 32 = 47

The 53 is a reference to the year 1953.

2047 - 2040 = 7

This seven is the one mentioned in the finding of Stargate.

The space station is orbiting the Earth:

Egypt, Gaza and Israel can be seen:

This is a hint to the start of the Phase 5, the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023.

The spacecraft has an unusual name:

It is an allusion to the two founders of the conspiracy.

One character has a tattoo on his back:

It is an ancient Egyptian symbol called Ankh.

A better view of it:

The number 56 is seen:

56 backwards is 65

1928 + 65 = 1994

Both the Ankh and the 56 are hints to the film Stargate.

Another reference to the number seven:

One character can be seen watching a video recording of a birthday party:

The date (29 March 2047) contains a reversed 92, one half of the verification code 92/28, and the number 2047.

This is alluding to an anniversary related to the number 2047.

There is a meeting of all the crew (eight people) in a room with an X-shaped table:

This is connected to the film Stargate, as explained in the first point, and the whole meaning is: 8 twice, that is 88.

This character explains the secret nature of the spacecraft they are trying to rescue, the Event Horizon:

He is talking about what we call a wormhole, or an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, although neither expression is ever used in this film.

Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our Solar System, is mentioned:

The figure 334 is heard:

This same number also appears in Aliens:

Then, the number 14 is alluded three times:

It is connected to the 14 from the film Stargate, and the solution to this puzzle is 1488.

They arrive to the “gateway”, which is at one end of the Even Horizon:

A view of it from another angle:

This rescue party is led by a captain surnamed Miller:

Same last name than Colonel Miller of Metro Exodus.

The code 123 is seen:

It is a reference to October 2023, the start of phase 5.

Finally, this patch can be seen on the uniform of the scientist:

It has six stars:

They are linked to the six stars that play an important role at the beginning of Prometheus:

• The puzzle-platform video game Portal was released on 10 October 2007.

10 + 10 + 20 + 07 = 47

(I think I have reached the limit of characters for a message, because I can’t write the conclusions, so I will write them in the following post)

edit on 26-8-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: (no reason given)

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