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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

In conclusion:

- The conspirators used this film to hide the real figure of Jewish people killed during the Holocaust: that is, eight million.

- Therefore, a number of the victims of nazism that were alive at the end of WW2 were not Holocaust survivors but extreme-right actors playing the role of Holocaust survivors.

- Due to their intrinsic characteristics, these roles were lifelong roles.

- These actors very probably prepared their characters for many years (learning Yiddish, some Hebrew, Jewish liturgy, etc) in safe locations, before and during the war, and probably spent the last months of the war in the camps, in order to make their characters more credible for when the Allied troops arrived to their camp.

- I believe that those fake survivors could have assumed the identity of real Jews murdered during the Holocaust, and thus, after the end of the war, would have passed themselves off as these real Jews.

- After the war, these false survivors most likely had orders for going to Israel, the United States and other places.

- The conspirators did this, in my opinion, for two motives: First, to wage psychological war against Jews and the peoples of the Allied countries. Second, for helping ignite a Third World War (one of the main ingredients of the Phase 5).

- As I said in another occasion, the Allied nations and their citizenry underestimated greatly the evilness and intelligence of the Axis powers.

An example of an extreme-right actor playing the role of a rabbi:

Why would a rabbi bring up the Holocaust in 2015 to say that? Why would he use a so controversial word like goyim?
Even the name of his web, “”, looks very similar to the expression “disinformation”.

And mentioning 80% twice in the same sentence is a hidden way of saying 88. And it is also a hint to the figure of 8 million Jews murdered during the Second World War.

By assuming the identity of a Jewish person, a conspirator can spread disinformation about the Holocaust, blame the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and attack other Jews without fear of being labeled a fascist.

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 02:08 PM
Another example of a conspirator posing as a Jewish artist:

Maus is a graphic novel about the Holocaust, probably the most famous one of its kind. It was published between 1980 and 1991. On it, Jews are presented as mice and Germans as cats.

After its original publication, later editions are usually sold in two volumes.

This is a 40 years special edition of Maus published in Spain:

The catchphrase of this edition seems to be “El pasado se cierne sobre el futuro”:

The Spanish verb cernir/cerner is not very used in everyday speech, but in this context it means “to stalk” or “to threaten closely” (see meaning eight):

Thus, El pasado se cierne sobre el futuro could be translated as “The Past stalks the Future” or “The Past threatens closely the Future”.

In one of the back covers we find the code 28/92:

(The 92 is written backwards, and the zero should be ignored).

This code is one of the signatures of the conspiracy.

This edition was made exclusively for a publisher called SD Distribuciones:

That publisher has the same initials (SD) than the Sicherheitsdienst, “Security Service”, which was the intelligence agency of the SS and the Nazi Party.

Also, there are two 88s in each one of the two ISBNs. And one code 28/92 appears again in we look closer to the Depósito Legal of each volumen, a 28 in the first one and a 92 in the second one.

There is also a reference to the 95% target in the 5th chapter of the first volume:

The number five is an obvious reference to the phase 5 of their main plan.

El jeque means “The Sheikh”

La luna de miel, “The Honeymoon”.

Prisionero de guerra, “Prisoner of War”.

El nudo se aprieta, “The knot is tightening”.

Madrigueras, “Dens” or “Lairs”.

Ratoneras, “Mousetraps”.

edit on 13-11-2023 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Improved post.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Full improved version of this message:

Important points for understanding the conspiracy:

• The conspirators are a very small minority, this can be easily deducted from the fact that they are plotting to kill 95% of the world population.

• Their actual number can be estimated from two clues:

1) The 1% the U.S. senator Bernard Sanders talked about on several occasions. It would mean 1% of the world’s population, that is 80 million.

2) The 60 million inhabitants they say now the Roman Empire had, when just 20 years ago they said this empire had about 25 million inhabitants.

So these two clues would give us a number of 60-80 millions of conspirators. But I think this number is an overstatement done by the conspirators to magnify their own numbers. They are including here people they are expecting will join them in the future, thus forming the bulk of the conspiracy (the outer level). In my opinion, the real figure is an order of magnitude lower.

• Therefore, my estimate regarding the number of conspirators belonging to the inner level of the conspiracy, that is the anti-proletarian classes (clergy, royalty, nobility and burguessy) led by the Roman Catholic Church, plus their immediate collaborators, would be somewhere between 6 and 8 million members in the entire world.

• In my opinion, this inner level would have greatly infiltrated the following professional sectors:

1) Clerics from all religions, sects, cults, spiritual/esoteric movements and the so-called new age groups. Clergy is both a social class and a professional occupation. Furthermore, magical thinking in general and religion in particular are the main methods used by the conspirators to manipulate the working class, that’s why I have included the cleric class in this list.

2) “Elected” politicians (through rigged elections) in all levels of government.

3) All the entertainment industry, including the film industry, the music industry, the publishing industry and the adult entertainment industry.

4) All media, including newspapers, magazines, television industry, radio industry and all the internet social networks/media.

5) Leaders and mid-levels of all secret societies (like the Illuminati) and discreet societies (like Masonry).

6) All conspiracy theorists. I am sure they all belong to a department of the Axis tasked with the job of spreading disinformation and FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt) in their respective linguistic areas.

7) Most (if not all) popularizers/communicators/sellers of the phenomenons known as paranormal (notably the so called ufology) and parapsychology.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Maus is a graphic novel about Władysław (Vladek) Spiegelman, a Polish jew who survived the Holocaust and went to live to the United States.

• On this comic book we can see this page where four Jews are hanged for trading without coupons:

Implied subliminal idea: A number of Jews were killed just for being common criminals.

• A swastika can be seen on page 125:

It could be related to the expected return of Adolf Hitler in 2025.

• This is the author drawing himself:

Here he is confessing he’s not a Jewish artist but a conspirator pretending to be a Jewish artist.

• I have found another instance of the code 28/92:

On page 28, it is shown a comforting encounter between a priest and the protagonist of Maus:

1. Protagonist: “He was a catholic priest”.

Cura is an Spanish colloquial term for catholic priest:

2. Priest: “And look! They all add up 18. That is, Chai, the Hebrew number of life”.

3. Priest: “I don’t know if I am going to survive this hell, but I am sure you will come out of this alive!”

4. Protagonist: “I started to believe on it. I am telling you. He/it gave me live”.

5. Protagonist: “And when I was feeling bad I looked at it and told to myself - Yes! The priest was right. It adds up 18 -“.

6. Protagonist’s son (The author of Maus): “Wow. He was a saint!”

My commentary: A very surprising encounter. It seems designed to spread magical thinking and, at the same time, trust in the Catholic Church. And 18 is AH, meaning Adolf Hitler. Too much of a coincidence.

• Finally, one scene shows the protagonist surviving a selektion by simply hiding in the bathroom:

It is hard to believe one could scape a selection in Auschwitz by just sitting in the bathroom.

In conclusion: The real Władysław Spiegelman was killed during the Holocaust. A member of the conspiracy assumed his identity and went to the United States to play the lifelong role of a jewish survivor whose son would write Maus.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

An alternative version of the tetrarchy:

I think this version is more adequate, since Adolf Hitler would have been cryopreserved all this time (apart from being awakened a month every ten years) and therefore could not run the conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 02:48 PM

edit on 14-11-2023 by MarxistDebunker2 because: duplicated post

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 03:00 PM

Thus, El pasado se cierne sobre el futuro could be translated as “The Past stalks the Future” or “The Past threatens closely the Future”.

I think a better translation would be “The past is stalking the future” or “The past is threatening closely the future”.

posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 04:57 PM
The Believer is a drama film that premiered on 19 January 2001. It is about a Jew who becomes a neo-Nazi. It is based on a real story.

The date of the premiere is the first reference to the 9/11 attacks, since January 19 = 1 19.

At minute 13 we find the second reference to September 11:

The UU symbolize two buildings upside down, while 611S represents the date of the attacks, both in the American format (month-day, the six would be a nine upside down) and the European format (day-month).

Third reference to these attacks:

On the right side we can see scribbled 911 bl, meaning: nine eleven Bin Laden.

At minute 42 we can see another example of a extreme-right actor playing the role of a jewish survivor of the Holocaust:

Here the conspirators used again a fictional film to announce/confess what they did in real life. In this case, the job of this type of fake survivor would be to tell other people, specially other jews, that God created Hitler to punish the Jewish people for not being religious enough.

Fourth reference to the 9/11:

On it we can see an explosion near a construction that looks like a tower while one character is singing My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.

An interview on the television with a 8 clearly visible:

8 = H = Hitler.

Another hand, symbolizing the conspiracy, can be seen in this film:

The protagonist reads an article about himself:

With those headlines the conspirators are confessing that there are false jews who work for the reactionary conspiracy.

edit on 4-12-2023 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Improvement.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The Believer is based on the story of Dan Burros, a real life Jewish man who became a neo-Nazi.

He was born on 5 March 1937 in New York and died in Reading, Pennsylvania on 31 October 1965, aged 28. So here we find one component of the 28/92 code.

By his name and the statements he made while being a nazi, specifically his fantasies about torturing other jews, it can be concluded that he was another member of the conspiracy posing as a jew.

Dan is a reference to the Gush Dan, the conurbation composed by Tel Aviv and its metropolitan area. A region that could be described as the heartland or the core of Israel.

Burros is an Spanish word meaning donkeys, but colloquially burro (donkey) means fool or idiot.

Thus, the name Dan Burros, in a symbolic way, could be understood as meaning “Jews fools” or “Israelis fools”.

Apart from that, the strange fantasies he claimed to have seem to me too violent to be true. He most likely made them up with the purpose of spreading fear and/or loathing, a tactic resembling the ones used by the Anti-pleasure Division.

In conclusion:

- Daniel Burros was another case of a extreme-right conspirator playing the lifelong role of a jewish man.

- The reactionary conspiracy sent these operatives to the United States and other countries tasked with the job of carrying out psychological operations inside target countries.

- This practice of using false jews started, without any doubt, well before the Second World War.

- In relation to this, I am sure that the conspirators have used as operatives in foreign countries not only false jews, but also people from other ethnicities, like for example Italian immigrants, belonging to the conspiracy, who were sent to the United States to commit crimes in this country camouflaged as members of the Italian American Mafia.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 02:33 PM
I have found another hand in a film about Francisco Franco.

• The Spanish film Espérame en el cielo (“Wait for Me in Heaven”) was released on 28 February 1988. It is about a man kidnapped and used as double of General Franco.

On it we can see this scene where Franco’s double kneels in front of a hand:

Decoded meaning: Francisco Franco belonged to the reactionary conspiracy.

edit on 20-12-2023 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Improved post.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 03:39 PM
More evidence supporting my finding of Joseph Stalin being a member of the reactionary conspiracy:

• The French graphic novel The Death of Stalin was originally published in two volumes in October 2010 and May 2012.

Cover and back cover of this graphic novel in Spain:

In the ISBN and the Depósito Legal we can find the 28/92 code:

(And the omnipresent 88)

On page 67 we can see an Orthodox church inside the walls of the Kremlin (yellow arrows; red circle) and a hand (red arrow):

On page 88 we can see two Orthodox clergymen partaking in Stalin’s funeral procession:

These same clergymen appear in the last drawn page of this graphic novel (additional content section) just below an image of Stalin with a hand opening his right eye:

Also, despite this graphic novel using the real names of all main characters, Marshal Zhukov is nonetheless called Marshal (Mariscal) Yukov in this work:

I think this is due to the fact that Georgy Zhukov is the most popular Soviet Marshal of all times and the publishers of this book do not want to promote him.

In conclusion: As I have said in other occasions, Joseph Stalin was a deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church and a member of the reactionary conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

In conclusion: As I have said in other occasions, Joseph Stalin was a deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church and a member of the reactionary conspiracy.

Objectively incorrect.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

The last drawing of this graphic novel is an image of Joseph Stalin raising his left hand:

In the footnote he is named Generalísimo (“Generalissimo”), the same military rank that Francisco Franco had.

This page would be another indication that Stalin was a member of the reactionary conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Stalin rejected the use of the rank of "Generalissimus of the USSR" because he viewed it as too grandiose. Preferring to continue to use the wartime title of Marshal.

Also i'm pretty sure Stalin and the USSR fought a war against the Nazis. It was the most important front in Europe. Later he declared war on Japan, and before all that he aided the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War against Franco... Hardly seems like the sort of guy to get in on a Catholic-Nazi conspiracy, being a Communist and all.

I suppose Chiang Kai Shek was also in on this conspiracy? He did use the same title as Franco after all. In fact there was a rank created for Chairman Mao of "Grand Marshal of the PLA" but could also be translated as "Generalissimo of the PLA" (though he never used either). Maybe both Chiang and Mao were in on it?!?! OOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!

Just ridiculous nonsense that you continue to draw upon works of fiction to defend this truly asinine and non-existent conspiracy.

You should watch the film Death of Stalin though. It's pretty good. Got Michael Palin in and everything.

posted on Jan, 5 2024 @ 03:24 PM
I have found another hand linked to the new sole religion the conspirators would bring after the 5th phase.

Slaughterhouse-Five is a war science fiction film released on 15 March 1972, it is based in a novel published in 1969. It tells the story of an American Second World War veteran named Billy Pilgrim, who is apparently abducted by time-traveling extraterrestrials.

In September 2020 it was published a graphic novel adaptation titled Slaughterhouse or the children’s crusade. This is the Spanish version I bought on Amazon Spain:

Edelvives (black arrow) reminds of edelweiss, a flower regarded as a national symbol in Austria.

Hidden information can be found in the barcode:

A 1488 backwards and a 18 (blue underlining).

A 28 (red underlining), one half of the 28/92 code.

A 25 backwards (green underlining), which could be a hint to 2025, the year of the expected return of Adolf Hitler.

Note how there is another reversed 1488 (blue underlining) in the barcode of the above mentioned Maus 40 years edition:

The secondary characters of this comic:

Nuestros secundarios = Our secondaries.

These hands with eyes appear several times in this graphic novel (they are supposed to be extraterrestrials), but this is the more revealing scene involving them:

Here the conspirators are using the device of story within story.

El evangelio del espacio exterior = The Gospel from Outer Space.

The alien creates a new version of the Gospel called La Biblia II (The Bible II).

Blue asterisk = Earthlings! I bring you all a New Testament!

Decoded meaning of this scene: This new religious book symbolizes the new sole religion the conspirators would bring to the survivors of the 5th phase (planned to be around 400 million, or 5% of the current world population).

Additionally, the name of the fictional science fiction writer (Kilgore Trout) is an anagram:

Strangely, the pages of this graphic novel are not numbered, but another 67 (see previous messages for context) can be seen in one vignette (on the right side):

There is also a reference to the September 11 attacks:

The four singers would represent the four airplanes involved in this terrorist attack.

The last two pages of this work:

edit on 5-1-2024 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Typo.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker2

Hidden information can be found in the barcode:

A 1488 backwards and a 18 (blue underlining).

A 28 (red underlining), one half of the 28/92 code.

A 25 backwards (green underlining), which could be a hint to 2025, the year of the expected return of Adolf Hitler.

Note how there is another reversed 1488 (blue underlining) in the barcode of the above mentioned Maus 40 years edition:

There is another reversed 1488 (blue underlining) in the barcode of The Death of Stalin:

Here they used the number 67 to conceal the one from 1488, since 7 minus 6 equals 1.

There is also a 92 (red underlining), one half of the code 28/92.

I still haven’t decoded the full meaning of the number 67, but it seems that the conspirators use it when they are announcing something important, at least in the comic book medium.

67 (FG or GF) possibly has a concrete meaning, but I haven’t found it yet.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 09:37 PM
This thread should be moved to hoax bin and locked. The pic spamming of copyrighted material must be responsible for an inordinate amount of storage space.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Notice the similarities between the former flag of South Africa:

And the flag of the non-binary movement:

Decoded meaning: The non-binary movement is an invention of the conspiracy, made with the purpose of spreading confusion through the world. With it the conspirators want to create reactionary tendencies among the global population.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2


posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

I've never met a nice South African, but I have met pleasant enough non-binary people. Decoded meaning invalid.

Also why exactly would the Catholic Church and it's Nazi Remnant allies promote this "non-binary movement"? The Church is a rather socially conservative organisation even to this day and the Nazis weren't big on non-traditional gender roles. There are far better ways to sow confusion that don't violate the core beliefs of their (mutually contradictory) ideologies.

Also South Africa was in the allies back in the day...
edit on 1122024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

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