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Missouri Allows Spanking in Classrooms

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posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

People on this thread that seem to think its appropriate to hit one-year-olds as well by the looks of it.

Still trying to twist words, I see. Must be a hobby.

If you beat a kid at all you are an animal, unless he/she is trying to attack you, or someone else.

Then what? It's OK to shoot them?

I may be living in the 1950s, but dude, you're living in fantasy. At least the 1950s existed.


posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Where did I try to twist anything?

In the parts you deleted.

Sounds about right, the one time I don't quote a post...


Here is the deleted post:
a reply to: TheRedneck

They must be taught early that violence is not acceptable. The best way to do that is to demonstrate that violence from them begets violence toward them... just not in a manner that actually injures them.

I would be interested to know.... what violent act did your one year old daughter commit, that made you demonstrate that violence from them begets violence toward them?

edit on 30-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Still trying to twist words, I see. Must be a hobby.

Naw pal you claimed to hit your one-year-old and can't even really remember why.

Even provided a detailed account of such.

Good luck digging yourself out of that hole.

Then what? It's OK to shoot them?

Your are the one that needs guns to protect you and/or does not feel safe without them.

Please don't shoot children all the same, can only imagine what they would need to do to provoke such a wrath, trespass by the sounds of it.

I may be living in the 1950s, but dude, you're living in fantasy. At least the 1950s existed.

Well, at least you admit it.

A fantasy world where we don't allow teachers to beat up kids in school, how dare i propose such lunacy? LoL

I live in Glasgow mate plain and simple.

The past is the past, like i suggest we are supposed to learn from such and not repeat the same mistakes aka letting doss teachers beat up weans in our educational establishment for what amounts to their own sick and twisted kicks and hoots aka what you seem to imagine equates to ""discipline"" aka pain and abuse both mental and physical.
edit on 30-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

this entire thread is largely pearl clutching at it's finest. The parents have a choice to allow their children to be swatted, or not. So that one metric negates all the "that's abuse" claims full stop.

If you have actually raised kids, and you weren't a #hole parent, you likely learned that different kids have different "triggers". Some respond to a smack on the ass, some respond to having their things removed, others may respond by being set in a chair and not allowed to move for a period of time. All of those tactics are punishment. And punishment isn't meant to hurt a child, but rather to get the child's attention to understand that what they just did was wrong, and needs to not be repeated.

If there are no repercussions to doing things wrong, they will just continue to do them. Which is why kids need discipline at all. Your kids aren't supposed to be your friends. They should be treated like kids, taught how to act properly, how to treat others with respect, and how to learn without disrupting others learning.

Begging little Sammy to not smash Lisa's head with the wooden bus should just be a normal thing, but in this thread, you are apparently supposed to ask Sammie nicely, to not do that, and if he does, you should accept defeat and hope he doesn't swing that thing at your head.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:17 AM
I would not normally reply on this type of thread but I have a personal thing to share here.

Parental permission is NOT enough. Parents must be present, and proof shown of what the child did. It must be clear.

When I was small. 9y/o. We were all out in a free time in the school yard. I suppose I was a little to far away from the rest of the group, not even sure any more. All I know is that there were no rules of location I was aware of, nor told of by anyone in authority.
So my teacher called me over. Grabbed my arm, and, dragging me into the classroom, took out a paddle and beat me half to death with it. This was was back in 1959. He said I crossed over a line? What line? There was no line save the one in his own head.

Clearly today I would consider this assault, and if it happened to my child I would sue. Period. so what is the answer?

Before any teacher or person in authority is able to strike any child. Or do any other sort of punishment that involves physical contact, the parents must be notified and present during said assault. Further, no one in authority should be able to touch any child in any way that would be perceived as frightening to a child.

Often times adults do not have any idea the damage they are able to cause to a child. The impact can be felt for a lifetime.
No one touches my child without my permission.
I carried a disdain for any teacher, for many years, even through my college years. Still even today I do not trust a teacher. Not a single one. The impact can be catastrophic for some children.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: DavidsHope

He said I crossed over a line? What line?

His line i should imagine, dude probably got a kick out of it, as so many of them obviously did.

And like you suggest the experience hardly instills trust in the educational establishment.

Violence simply begets violence, and should be avoided at all costs really, especially where our children are concerned.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: DavidsHope

When I was small. 9y/o. We were all out in a free time in the school yard. I suppose I was a little to far away from the rest of the group, not even sure any more. All I know is that there were no rules of location I was aware of, nor told of by anyone in authority. So my teacher called me over. Grabbed my arm, and, dragging me into the classroom, took out a paddle and beat me half to death with it. This was was back in 1959. He said I crossed over a line? What line? There was no line save the one in his own head.

My story is very similar to yours, as are thousand and thousand of kids that got spanked. We must think, why was this form of punishment removed? We collectively all acknowledged it was wrong. In addition to physical abuse there is the emotional abuse aspect to it. Just look at this thread and the traumatic memories people have of it. I’m still mad about the witch that did it to me.

The other element we need to remember some teachers have issues. How many teachers have been found to have sexually assaulted kids. A lot, which also means a lot haven’t been caught. Do we really want these people spanking kids?
What about bias. Some teachers just don’t get along with certain kids.

A little off topic. I had a HS teacher that absolutely didn’t like me. I couldn’t figure out why because I was a quiet good student. I later found out her husband had died in Vietnam and me being Asian was probably a sore spot. I couldn’t prove it but there was no other reason. I imagine there are a lot of weird connections like that. In my own town a lot of the parents have dated the now teachers. Imagine them getting their ex lovers child in the classroom. Grudge?

edit on 30-8-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 09:38 AM

Missouri Allows Spanking in Classrooms

Now many teachers will deal out punishment without the parents consent in the heat of the moment... And many teachers will need dentures, or at least a trip to the emergency room.

And the lawyers are doing a happy dance at the chance to sue the school board.

You reap what you sow....Galatians 6:7

edit on 30-8-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I had a technical teacher who was also a guidance teacher, and whilst the days of physical punishment were done by the time i attended secondary.

What this old bastard used to do was ask you questions and give you commands whilst putting his hand on your shoulder and digging his fingers in between your clavicle and shoulder blade which was fecking agony for a 13-year-old boy.

Funnily enough, something Police do should you try to resist arrest when they have a hold of you.

Another wrong'yin i had was an English teacher, young guy at the time in his 20s, who used to stand behind me at the back of the class and make monkey noises for whatever reason i can only imagine.

Ile hold a grudge for that one i can tell you, because it was rather weird, to say the least.

Then we had a PC teacher who constantly walked about with the same grey manky joggers on with a big erection, and used to come into the communal shower to tell us that we were not allowed to wear shorts in the shower.

Warning bells should have been going off big time where he was concerned.

Some teachers are just in the profession for all the wrong reasons.
edit on 30-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: JAGStorm

When I was in grade school, the principals name was Saddlemeier…..we used to call him Paddlemeier.
I don’t even remember what I did but I got it once, he used what I would call a small cutting board with a handle on it about 1 inch thick.
Once was enough to keep me from getting into trouble again.
My father asked me when I got home if I thought I deserved it and I told him yeah I guess so and he just said don’t do it again and that was that.
I have no problem with it at all.

I too got it once and only once. I learned that I needed to plot my capers much better after that whacking!

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

My son was tougher. Like you, he tried to be defiant. However, sufficient applications of a spanking to the proper area of the backside fixed that. He soon figured out that Daddy was bigger than he was and Daddy was not going to let him get away with what he was doing. By the time he was older, he received very few spankings.

To be honest I don't think I spanked my kids more than 2 times and you can't really call it a spanking. As you suggested one slap on the diaper type stuff, more sound than anything else. I remember I tried that one time and my son kind evaded me and I whiffed air. I looked at him and said OK you got that one, but don't do that again because I'll not miss next time. Personally I thought it was funny, but he got the point. One time my oldest by 3 years was picking on his brother, they were about 5 and 2.5. I picked my oldest up off the ground and pinned him to the wall and said very closely, "this is what bigger people can to to smaller, do you want me to be this way?" He said no with some fear in his eyes, I continued to said "then don't be that bigger kid on your brother then", so spanking is just a term we are using here.

This whole violence begets violence thing others are talking about here is related to a situation where violence becomes the norm within the household and that is a completely different event. The problem with many younger people today is they have a hard time differentiating between good and bad/right and wrong, and it isn't just spanking or not. It is assuming an authoritarian role in their life. In my case I have two boys, one finished his electrical engineer degree and the other will be medical in the Army, and he has about 5 more years of school for that. They were both defensive line all-stars in high school and both know do not mess with the alpha gorilla. I see kids say FU to their mom and I look at my kids with that look and they are like ah hell no to even think about doing the same thing. We are talking about one aspect with spanking of a much bigger picture here that is seriously lacking. School is the same in the people there should fill an authoritarian role and we see teachers that want to be friends and buddies instead. That doesn't work and the kids will push boundaries and if there is no push back they just keep doing it until there is pushback and many times it ends up being the court system that pushes back and so way too late.

edit on 30-8-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake

To add to that you show me any 40-year-old that's married to a 16-year-old here in the UK and i will show you something that's skating on very thin ice.

Also, no sharia law holds sway over here Xtrozero, only the law of the land.

And so you suggest the US is different with your snarky remarks to the legal age to marry here in some states as you admit UK is about the same but defend it. I read it was changed in April to 18 there, and the part with sharia law is it is under ground from your "law of the land" as in parents DO give permission for their 16 yearold to marry a 40 yearold all legal like, BUT in the situation as you and I both detest.

I have said many of these laws are to protect the situation where a person turns 18 and the other is not yet. I also said anything past 3 years starts to get really creepy and at some point ass beating time legal or not.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

My story is very similar to yours, as are thousand and thousand of kids that got spanked. We must think, why was this form of punishment removed? We collectively all acknowledged it was wrong. In addition to physical abuse there is the emotional abuse aspect to it. Just look at this thread and the traumatic memories people have of it. I’m still mad about the witch that did it to me.

I really think that people here are comparing two totally different situations. None of my kids remember anything about getting a spanking, hell my one son asked me when he was 10 when will I take him to Disneyland and I was like you been there 3 times already, and he was like oh ya... They don't remember crap when they are young in a normal environment. What you suggest above is something that no one here is talking about even supporting this state ruling.

Using words like "emotional abuse, traumatic, physical abuse" etc is something well beyond anything here and if you are suggesting a simple spanking that is on a controlled level causes all these issues then you are part of the problem we have today with parents/teachers thinking that they want to be friends to their kids and not assume a authoritarian role as they should in the child's development.

Humans are not fragile little flowers as so many today think.

edit on 30-8-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Just pointing out thats what it sounds like when you marry children to other children or old men.

Child marriage is currently legal in 44 states (only Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver.

UK is far from perfect but we don't promote or tolerate child marriage or let parental decrees circumvent the minimum age.

Say what you please, your laws are antiquated and allow religious nutters to marry children in some states.

Now Missouri wants to allow beasting weans with wooden paddles???

So back on topic.

Sounds to me like some of your Christian religious sorts are rather synonymous with their Muslim cousins.

I mean they sure seem to wish to follow a similar set of laws where their children are concerned aka of the Sharia sorts perchance?

It is what it is but the comparison is self-evident.
edit on 30-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I'm worried that you think it's ok for an adult to hit a kid.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

You took your child to Disneyland 3 times, and she could not remember being there before, when she was 10?

Unless you took her there when she was an infant, or before she was about 3 years old, i would be checking for lead in the water.

My weans are 10 and 15 now, and can remember just about everything, word for word, and things that happened years ago to the tune of about 3 years old...........its frightening. LoL

Humans might not be fragile little flowers but molesting children with wooden paddles in school sure as # is never called for.
edit on 30-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: network dude

The parents have a choice to allow their children to be swatted, or not. So that one metric negates all the "that's abuse" claims full stop.

That's not enough.
You know what I say. We have cameras in every single aspect of our lives, why not live streams of classrooms?
It's not that they don't want you seeing your kid act like a jack>>> it's that they don't want you to see the teachers!

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake

Sounds to me like some of your Christian religious sorts are rather synonymous with their Muslim cousins.

I mean they sure seem to wish to follow a similar set of laws where their children are concerned aka of the Sharia sorts perchance?

It is what it is but the comparison is self-evident.

Seems like this is your perspective that has a lot of hyperbole mixed in. I just find it funny you wanted to imply that all this is based on some Christian religious part and so aligns with Sharia law in some way while you are in a country where there are real no go zones of Sharia law... All kind of ironic don't you think.

edit on 30-8-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Xtrozero

You took your child to Disneyland 3 times, and she could not remember being there before, when she was 10?

Unless you took her there when she was an infant, or before she was about 3 years old, i would be checking for lead in the water.

My weans are 10 and 15 now, and can remember just about everything, word for word, and things that happened years ago to the tune of about 3 years old...........its frightening. LoL

Humans might not be fragile little flowers but molesting children with wooden paddles in school sure as # is never called for.

She is a he...

Was like 4 or 5 on the third time. No lead in the water and that dumb kid is like a 3.8 GPA to be a doctor so go figure.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Praytell, where are these ""Sharia law no-go zones"" in the UK, and please be specific?

Sounding like a Qanonanut now buddy.

None of which changes the fact that.

Child marriage is currently legal in 44 states (only Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver.

Or that hitting children on the posterior, or anywhere else for that matter, with wooden bats amounts to child abuse.

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