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Deaths hundred plus days after vaccinations

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posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I cant, all I know is that they will cover it up to the best of their ability, when this nurse died they covered it up until someone searched out the obituary. These tragic deaths were covered up. How many nurses have you heard about that have died shortly after the vaccine.?
Loads of nurses have died after the shot, the only place it gets posted is in noncorporate sites, this is just a page. Tiffany Dovers was the poor girl's name and on this page is a posting about how hard to find out that she had
You might even be right I concede that, but have a look at this, it might be a psyop.

Now it’s nurses dying in numbers from vaccines..?
I can’t & won’t entertain this insanity with you any longer. Have a good evening
ps: I mean no disrespect to you, but all our news is filled with lies . Common sense is what cuts through the bs .
BitChute is an alt-right entity just as Mother Jones is a progressive entity , but both are horrible places to find truth & reality.
edit on 26-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are free platforms that must be judged on merit, and have a good life.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Well lets start here so you can look over what's currently trending on twitter
look it over good that's right scroll! It appears even twitter and you tube
are no longer censoring the truth.
Yes lets start on Twitter . Twitter is made up of people who claim millions of things . For every post that supports your theories , there are posts that debunk it .
If you claim Twitter as valid on this topic, then why is Twitter not all valid ?
Reason being is , because anyone with a smartphone can post their ideas every second of the day on Ywitter.
When there are local newspapers that post obituaries with names of all these young people dropping like flys , then there is something to look at .
Death rates in America went up in 2020 , but now in 2022 are settled in at the typical rate pre-covid so far.

edit on 26-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality


Really dude I'm sorry the truth sucks for you and if in your shoes
it would be a tough thing to face. So the cog dis should be understood
on my part with a tad bit more empathy. I hope you got the placebo.
edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

oops my bad.
All I see is private citizens parroting ideas & opinions . None of the people you linked who posted on Twitter cary any weight or real credentials on covid or vaccines. They are opinions & nothing more .
Proof comes from local news sources … Not Betty the Cat lady on Twitter.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Twitter and you tube have stopped censoring it.

That's the point. I'm sorry dude but the walls are closing in
on the possibility of denying what's going on. And i don't half
to argue with you what the truth is. All I care about is that
it's abundantly clear to me and not just me. As you dishonestly
tried to portray from the get go.

sorry forgot to proof read
edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Twitter and you tube have stopped censoring it.

That's the point. I'm sorry dude but the walls are closing in
on the possibility of denying what's going on. And i don't half
to argue with you what the truth is. All I care about is that
it's abundantly clear to me and not just me. As you dishonestly
tried to portray from the get go.

sorry forgot to proof read
What are you going to do in another year from now , when still death rates are normal as the pre covid numbers.
There is no help for you . You are more dangerous to yourself than a vaccine.
I just checked my State’s death rates of kids age 5-18 & they have been consistent from 2018 - to 2022 so far .
Next you will say that all the States data has been changed in a giant covid coverup by SPECTRE .

I know Im speaking on behalf of our Nation when I thank you for being a 00-19 Secret Covid Agent that is hot on the trail of Klaus Schwab & The Vaccine Death Brigade of SPECTRA .
edit on 26-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: d

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: TWS1969
a reply to: Mantiss2021

They don't was us all dead, just less of us and more obedience

But they are only killing the obedient ones. So less of us and less obedient. How does that benefit them?

Good observation! But I don’t think the possible scenarios are as binary as good vaccine/evil vaccine. It’s probably all about corporate profit and the kick backs the politicians get for facilitating this; the vaccines a piece of crap - doesn’t really protect you and adverse effects consist of known and known unknown, as in just as a proportion die in the short term a proportion will die in the mid and long term. None of this is important to those making the profit - they just want the strains to keep appearing so they can keep flogging the vaccine to countries everywhere to the end of time. That’s the most likely goal for these greedy sh!tes, just like the tobacco industry trying to cover up fatal side effects.

And add to that if tptb really believe climate change is an immediate threat (and unless you live in a fridge it’s hard to ignore), then depopulation would be seen as necessary for the greater good. In such a scenario trying to roll out a solution that only kills the disobedient, sparing the obedient is probably a luxury they wouldn’t have time to come up with and implement. It’d simply be about getting rid of as many as possible, but not in an instantaneous manor that’d give away what’s happening. That’d make folk stop taking it and the plan fails, not reaching enough folk. Best way to do that is give them something that takes a couple years and scare as many as possible into taking as much as possible before mortality reaches a point that the penny drops for the masses.

I’m not saying any of this is true, just that there’s these and many other possibilities besides the simplistic scenarios that are more easily denied. Another completely plausible scenario is that it’s all above board and all is as the authorities claim. However, looking at the track record of the public being told the truth and corporate entities acting against the best interests of the public it seems naive to think, ‘yeah, but this time they’re telling us the truth’.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I know Im speaking on behalf of our Nation when I thank you for being a 00-19 Secret Covid Agent that is hot on the trail of Klaus Schwab & The Vaccine Death Brigade of SPECTRA .

Shhh dude I'm so undercover I don't even know. Don't let the neighbors know.

What are you going to do in another year from now , when still death rates are normal as the pre covid numbers.

OMG you poor thing the numbers aren't even normal now.

Let me guess the info isn't good enough for ya! lol

What are you going to do in another year from now , when still death rates are normal as the pre covid numbers.

I'm sure I could find away to be happy with that.

edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Is you tube good enough for you?

That's thru life insurance companies.

You want more?

Having no suspicions at all is looney,.
edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I know Im speaking on behalf of our Nation when I thank you for being a 00-19 Secret Covid Agent that is hot on the trail of Klaus Schwab & The Vaccine Death Brigade of SPECTRA .

Shhh dude I'm so undercover I don't even know. Don't let the neighbors know.

What are you going to do in another year from now , when still death rates are normal as the pre covid numbers.

OMG you poor thing the numbers aren't even normal now.

Let me guess the info isn't good enough for ya! lol

What are you going to do in another year from now , when still death rates are normal as the pre covid numbers.

I'm sure I could find away to be happy with that.
Your link to BitChute is of a Team Enigma video . They don’t list one person’s name on their channel info & list a very janky website were they are already talking about monkeypox vaccines damaging peoples hearts ?
Give me some names of doctors or virologist that claim there are people dropping like flys from vaccines .
ps: Monkeypox vax has been around for a very long time as it is the smallpox vaccine, but according to the goofs behind your video they now have evidence of that causing heart damage .
I know that you prefer obscure sources on covid & vaccines, because all the doctors/nurses in the whole world are in on a big coverup .
Im sorry, but I reject your BitChute video as evidence.
Keep trying… ill look at whatever proof you have .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Is you tube good enough for you?

That's thru life insurance companies.

You want more?

Having no suspicions at all is looney,.
Dr Kelly Victory has been debunked as a quack & she is a consultant for emergency situations for a profit based company . She worked for a small time over 15 years ago as an emergency room doctor , but has been a consultant & medical/legal review doctor working for a law firm . She claims to be board certified in emergency medicine, but her name is no were in the database of the The American Board of Medical Specialties . Now those are provable & researched truths about the Doctor in your YouTube video .
Dr. Victory does not practice medicine, but is a corporate supervisor instead. She does not even show up on the medical board of any hospitals in her home State of Colorado were she does have a medical license .
Dr.Kelly Victory has as much medical care practice as a Boy Scout & deals with mass casualty protocol on a corporate end .
She also works with health protocol for private companies. She is a business women who for a couple of years almost 20 years ago worked as an emergency room doctor.
Mario Andretti is more qualified to tell us about vaccines.
Nice try though… I can see how yourself & others get sucked in by goofs like Dr Kelly Victory

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 08:46 AM
Nothing to see here, move along

Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta's top killer: province

Alberta is reporting an unprecedented increase in ill-defined and unknown causes of death in 2021.

That category is leading the way over dementia, which has been in the top spot since 2016, and COVID-19, which began adding to the death tally in the province in a big way in 2020.

In 2021, ill-defined and unknown causes of death snagged the first spot with 3,362, up from 1,464 in 2020 and 522 the year before that, according to statistics from the Government of Alberta.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Hahaha see doesn't matter if it was Waller Cronkite your cog dis won't
allow you to accept the tons of people sharing what's happening.

You're convinced there's some world wide conspiracy against vaccines
even with the knowledge of censors involved. That's ridiculous right
there by itself amigo. Even with Fauci himself admitting just recently
you have been lied to in regards to that crap you let someone put in
your body. What do you do just ignore that too. How do you just blow off the
constant barrage of whistle blowers. That's gotta be tough. It's not my
fault I had the brains to stay away from this crap. Don't you think if this
was a real pandemic it wouldn't come at us like a three ring circus
full of lousy jokes bullsh1t and lies? In a real pandemic you wouldn't
have to fight to hold on to sanity with lie after lie being exposed.

Thread after thread right here on ATS. That must be nerve racking
as hell anticipating the thread that finally leaves you with no way
around the fact that you made a bad decision. Being such a trusting
soul instead of defending yourself. Victory is still up on you tube
so they must not be able to boot her off for some crap reason. Any
way I hope you realize I would love to find out I'm completely
F#$^ED up and wrong. Not just for your sake but for everyone's.

Nothing would make me happier. It sucks that neither one of us
can have peace of mind. And who's fault is that? Doesn't that
say a whole bunch right there? So I think I'm done here. Good luck
in all this and I'll see you around. Hopefully you were where they
sent a placebo if things turn out wrong for you. Just remember this
one truth. Empathy, it's what sets us apart from the psychopaths.

edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Hahaha see doesn't matter if it was Waller Cronkite your cog dis won't
allow you to accept the tons of people sharing what's happening.

You're convinced there's some world wide conspiracy against vaccines
even with the knowledge of censors involved. That's ridiculous right
there by itself amigo. Even with Fauci himself admitting just recently
you have been lied to in regards to that crap you let someone put in
your body. What do you do just ignore that too. How do you just blow off the
constant barrage of whistle blowers. That's gotta be tough. It's not my
fault I had the brains to stay away from this crap. Don't you think if this
was a real pandemic it wouldn't come at us like a three ring circus
full of lousy jokes bullsh1t and lies? In a real pandemic you wouldn't
have to fight to hold on to sanity with lie after lie being exposed.

Thread after thread right here on ATS. That must be nerve racking
as hell anticipating the thread that finally leaves you with no way
around the fact that you made a bad decision. Being such a trusting
soul instead of defending yourself. Victory is still up on you tube
so they must not be able to boot her off for some crap reason. Any
way I hope you realize I would love to find out I'm completely
F#$^ED up and wrong. Not just for your sake but for everyone's.

Nothing would make me happier. It sucks that neither one of us
can have peace of mind. And who's fault is that? Doesn't that
say a whole bunch right there? So I think I'm done here. Good luck
in all this and I'll see you around. Hopefully you were where they
sent a placebo if things turn out wrong for you. Just remember this
one truth. Empathy, it's what sets us apart from the psychopaths.
In have zero mrna vaccines in me pal .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

What has the government done to win your die hard faith and loyalty? They lied to you over and over again. At first they said if you got the vax, you could go back to your normal life. They said you would not get COVID. I have the screenshots and recordings.
Then they said you could get COVID but you wouldn't transmit it. They had fully vaccinated people scared to be around Unvaccinated ppl.
Then they said, you could catch COVID and transmit it but you wouldn't go to the Hospital or die..then Omicron hit-.

The numbers of Hospitalizations and Deaths between vaxxed and unvaxxed became indistinguishable so you know what they did? They dropped the subject over to Russia and the CDC stopped publishing the data.

Why is it such a stretch to the imagination that they are also lying about the safety profile? Let's look at what we do know.

VAERS is designed to capture safety signals. It's not an accurate reflection of real adverse reaction numbers. When the safety signals went through the roof - with about 30,000 deaths- over a million adverse reactions, The CDC said it was irrelevant data. Then, cases on the VAERS started disappearing.
The only other safety monitoring is the VSAFE data which nobody has any access to. It is still sealed.

Because of my profession, I had to keep up with the science. I spent hours every single day being privy to this #show and I do have all the relevant studies, screenshots and information so I ask you: what can I help you with here to help you be informed so that you truly have informed consent and can make an educated decision for you and your family? Let me know and I will gather it for you.

If you want to talk hard numbers, Matthew Crawford has generously recorded his meticulous process on everything COVID related. He is currently working with Attorney Thomas Renz on the DMED case. This is where the military health record database was tampered with to hide adverse reactions. His current estimates on vaccine related deaths after combing through all cause mortality data is no less than 100,000 deaths in the USA.

If you have a hard time believing his math, you are in luck because Steven Kirsche is offering a 1 million dollar reward if you can prove Crawford's math wrong and yes, he's serious. You should know that Crawford is a math prodigy of sorts

If you're asking yourself "where are all these vaccine injured people at then?" They were all ruthlessly sought out and pulled off of social media. The vaccine injured weren't even allowed to talk about their suffering or with each other. I monitored groups that were yanked and I watched it happen.
You can read their stories here.

Regarding the Davos Crowd- you are correct about the infighting. When you look at Russia and China, they parrot the exact same talking points as the WEF but yet here we are duking it out with eachother. I don't think they will be successful at their New World Order ultimately - but we still have about 10 years of rising Authoritarianism before that falls apart. Thanks to Bill Gates, medical tyranny is a part of v that.

Just look at the WHO treaty they want every one to sign which gives the WHO the power to override national sovereignty to dictate health policies. This is an organization that will have to justify it's existence by turning everything into an "emergency" - They just declared Monkeypox a global emergency.
edit on 3222b44Tuesday000000Tuesday000000 by SybiLulu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

In have zero mrna vaccines in me pal .

Hey there's some good news! Surely you can forgive my not
exactly misguided semi probing assumption. But on the other
hand what the hell are you worried about then? Where is your
dog in this fight? Curious.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:42 PM
Did you make that up? Can you send me a link or provide info on where you got that? Thanks

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:47 PM
400 days in..still here assholes!

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 02:21 PM
Oops! Last post was an error. These were my words as a reply to MeatHookReality and not his statement. It's too late to edit..

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