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Deaths hundred plus days after vaccinations

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posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

Initially, it was most likely cowardice as opposed to malice. Now however, when there are so many world wide injuries, and they still aren't speaking out, that is now in the realm of sociopathic behavior.

Let me share something else with you that buttresses my argument. I will remain civil, though you seem bent on insulting anyone who opposes you (not a good look by the way.)

I have a long time friend who is a nurse. She went from working in one place to being a "traveler" shortly before Covid hit. At the time when it was at it's worst here in the US, she was working in Detroit. As you might imagine, it was a very unhealthy population they were seeing there. Lots of alcoholism, drug addiction, COPD, emphysema, kidney and liver issues, etc.

If someone was brought in that was already well advanced in their symptoms, THEY DIDN'T TREAT THEM. They didn't even attempt to save them. They would load them up with tranquilizers and pain meds, and let them die. These were mostly minorities, which one party says they are all about the minorities, but you wouldn't have known it from the way they were treated.

Her next assignment was in Memphis Tn. We lived in Germantown, so she stayed with us while she was working there.

If someone came in there with anything, a headache, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a fever, they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. They called them "rule outs." They would test them daily, sometimes for up to a week, hoping to get a positive diagnosis so that the hospital could get that government dick covid money. If they didn't have it when they came in, many of them did after because they were placed amongst people that had it. If they never got a positive test, they sent them home with a nice big bill.

Every day, the local news was screaming bloody murder about how the hospitals were overrun, no beds left, we're all gonna die, etc, etc. The reality was quite different. Her unit was a thirty bed unit. She was there for almost three months, and it never exceeded half capacity, and sometimes as many as half of those were the afore mentioned "rule outs."

My point is that NOTHING about covid is what we have been told.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

The links I provide are all legitimate but you did not even bother to look. Spain officials are the ones who found out about High ranking politicians, Dr's and rich folks buying fake vaccine passports.

All the other stuff you just babbled about was just childish deflection. We are examining the science and the documented trail of corruption.

The only good point you made so far or alluded to was about the long term ramifications of repeat infections of COVID and possible link to mortality stats.

The spike protein is the pathogenic part of the virus. There is some evidence that repeat infections may increase risks however, vaccines only compound these risks.
The vaccines turn your body into a factory of this pathogenic spike. There are several factors why the spike from vaxx is worse.

Your body produces much more spike from the vax than a natural infection.

There is no stopping mechanism where the is cannot be reverse transcribed into DNA. They only "said" it wouldn't but studies have now found that's not true.

The lipid particles get uptaken by fat loving cells such as cardiac tissue, brain tissue, ovaries and testes.

There's several more reasons but the adverse reactions mimic severe COVID infections symptoms, meaning that it's like having COVID x 10.

Those most vulnerable to spike are likely the ones having reactions to the vax plus those with allergies to PEG.

Those who already had COVID and then go get vaccinated are much more likely to have an adverse reaction.

Then you have vaccinated ppl getting repeated infections. Holy Spike !

Let's discuss what spike protein is exactly: it contains an HiIV segment and a prion like domain.

Let's just talk about Prions for a moment. Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier and several other top experts found cases of Prion disease developing in vaccined people within 1 week . There is no cure for this and it's an awful way to die.

Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases From COVID-19 Vaccines 1466.html?utm_source=andshare

Prion disease takes several years if not decades to develope.

This is an absolutely horrifying thought for what the future may have in store for humanity. The only good news is that Omicron does not appear to contain the Prion like domain yet the vaccines are still modeled after the origonal Wuhan strain.

I will be back to post links and cite my sources. Have a good day in your mental utopia.

edit on 2222b44Thursday000000Thursday000000 by SybiLulu because: (no reason given)

edit on 3722b51Thursday000000Thursday000000 by SybiLulu because: (no reason given)

edit on 5022b53Thursday000000Thursday000000 by SybiLulu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I have a long time friend who is a nurse. She went from working in one place to being a "traveler" shortly before Covid hit. At the time when it was at it's worst here in the US, she was working in Detroit. As you might imagine, it was a very unhealthy population they were seeing there. Lots of alcoholism, drug addiction, COPD, emphysema, kidney and liver issues, etc.

If someone was brought in that was already well advanced in their symptoms, THEY DIDN'T TREAT THEM. They didn't even attempt to save them. They would load them up with tranquilizers and pain meds, and let them die. These were mostly minorities, which one party says they are all about the minorities, but you wouldn't have known it from the way they were treated.

Her next assignment was in Memphis Tn. We lived in Germantown, so she stayed with us while she was working there.

If someone came in there with anything, a headache, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a fever, they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. They called them "rule outs." They would test them daily, sometimes for up to a week, hoping to get a positive diagnosis so that the hospital could get that government dick covid money. If they didn't have it when they came in, many of them did after because they were placed amongst people that had it. If they never got a positive test, they sent them home with a nice big bill.

Every day, the local news was screaming bloody murder about how the hospitals were overrun, no beds left, we're all gonna die, etc, etc. The reality was quite different. Her unit was a thirty bed unit. She was there for almost three months, and it never exceeded half capacity, and sometimes as many as half of those were the afore mentioned "rule outs."

My point is that NOTHING about covid is what we have been told.

This is alarming and goes to show that hospitals operate just like any other business, there is nothing special about a doctor or nurse, and especially not one that "goes with the flow" when they know what they're doing goes against everything it means to be a doctor especially their Hippocratic oath.

This country has turned into a medical tyranny, where medical authorities play the role of god, and any decision they make can never be questioned.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

Initially, it was most likely cowardice as opposed to malice. Now however, when there are so many world wide injuries, and they still aren't speaking out, that is now in the realm of sociopathic behavior.

Let me share something else with you that buttresses my argument. I will remain civil, though you seem bent on insulting anyone who opposes you (not a good look by the way.)

I have a long time friend who is a nurse. She went from working in one place to being a "traveler" shortly before Covid hit. At the time when it was at it's worst here in the US, she was working in Detroit. As you might imagine, it was a very unhealthy population they were seeing there. Lots of alcoholism, drug addiction, COPD, emphysema, kidney and liver issues, etc.

If someone was brought in that was already well advanced in their symptoms, THEY DIDN'T TREAT THEM. They didn't even attempt to save them. They would load them up with tranquilizers and pain meds, and let them die. These were mostly minorities, which one party says they are all about the minorities, but you wouldn't have known it from the way they were treated.

Her next assignment was in Memphis Tn. We lived in Germantown, so she stayed with us while she was working there.

If someone came in there with anything, a headache, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a fever, they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. They called them "rule outs." They would test them daily, sometimes for up to a week, hoping to get a positive diagnosis so that the hospital could get that government dick covid money. If they didn't have it when they came in, many of them did after because they were placed amongst people that had it. If they never got a positive test, they sent them home with a nice big bill.

Every day, the local news was screaming bloody murder about how the hospitals were overrun, no beds left, we're all gonna die, etc, etc. The reality was quite different. Her unit was a thirty bed unit. She was there for almost three months, and it never exceeded half capacity, and sometimes as many as half of those were the afore mentioned "rule outs."

My point is that NOTHING about covid is what we have been told.

I believe her. We were told there was no treatment. We sent patients home with nothing and told them to go to the ER when their lips turned blue. We know how to treat inflammation, we know how to treat blood clots, we know how to treat pneumonia but did absolutely nothing.

When Israel reported that something as simple as taking aspirin could reduce severe putcomes, the very same day the US media ran peices slamming aspirin and telling people not to take it.

This Nurse Testimony is powerful.

I truly believe they wanted to kill people.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: SybiLulu

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

Initially, it was most likely cowardice as opposed to malice. Now however, when there are so many world wide injuries, and they still aren't speaking out, that is now in the realm of sociopathic behavior.

Let me share something else with you that buttresses my argument. I will remain civil, though you seem bent on insulting anyone who opposes you (not a good look by the way.)

I have a long time friend who is a nurse. She went from working in one place to being a "traveler" shortly before Covid hit. At the time when it was at it's worst here in the US, she was working in Detroit. As you might imagine, it was a very unhealthy population they were seeing there. Lots of alcoholism, drug addiction, COPD, emphysema, kidney and liver issues, etc.

If someone was brought in that was already well advanced in their symptoms, THEY DIDN'T TREAT THEM. They didn't even attempt to save them. They would load them up with tranquilizers and pain meds, and let them die. These were mostly minorities, which one party says they are all about the minorities, but you wouldn't have known it from the way they were treated.

Her next assignment was in Memphis Tn. We lived in Germantown, so she stayed with us while she was working there.

If someone came in there with anything, a headache, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a fever, they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. They called them "rule outs." They would test them daily, sometimes for up to a week, hoping to get a positive diagnosis so that the hospital could get that government dick covid money. If they didn't have it when they came in, many of them did after because they were placed amongst people that had it. If they never got a positive test, they sent them home with a nice big bill.

Every day, the local news was screaming bloody murder about how the hospitals were overrun, no beds left, we're all gonna die, etc, etc. The reality was quite different. Her unit was a thirty bed unit. She was there for almost three months, and it never exceeded half capacity, and sometimes as many as half of those were the afore mentioned "rule outs."

My point is that NOTHING about covid is what we have been told.

I believe her. We were told there was no treatment. We sent patients home with nothing and told them to go to the ER when their lips turned blue. We know how to treat inflammation, we know how to treat blood clots, we know how to treat pneumonia but did absolutely nothing.

When Israel reported that something as simple as taking aspirin could reduce severe putcomes, the very same day the US media ran peices slamming aspirin and telling people not to take it.

This Nurse Testimony is powerful.

I truly believe they wanted to kill people.

They were also slamming vitamin D, and people were discussing the risks of excess vitamin D. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen considering most people are deficient in and it and it has amazing effects against Covid and any other virus.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

Initially, it was most likely cowardice as opposed to malice. Now however, when there are so many world wide injuries, and they still aren't speaking out, that is now in the realm of sociopathic behavior.

Let me share something else with you that buttresses my argument. I will remain civil, though you seem bent on insulting anyone who opposes you (not a good look by the way.)

I have a long time friend who is a nurse. She went from working in one place to being a "traveler" shortly before Covid hit. At the time when it was at it's worst here in the US, she was working in Detroit. As you might imagine, it was a very unhealthy population they were seeing there. Lots of alcoholism, drug addiction, COPD, emphysema, kidney and liver issues, etc.

If someone was brought in that was already well advanced in their symptoms, THEY DIDN'T TREAT THEM. They didn't even attempt to save them. They would load them up with tranquilizers and pain meds, and let them die. These were mostly minorities, which one party says they are all about the minorities, but you wouldn't have known it from the way they were treated.

Her next assignment was in Memphis Tn. We lived in Germantown, so she stayed with us while she was working there.

If someone came in there with anything, a headache, a stuffy nose, a sore throat, a fever, they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. They called them "rule outs." They would test them daily, sometimes for up to a week, hoping to get a positive diagnosis so that the hospital could get that government dick covid money. If they didn't have it when they came in, many of them did after because they were placed amongst people that had it. If they never got a positive test, they sent them home with a nice big bill.

Every day, the local news was screaming bloody murder about how the hospitals were overrun, no beds left, we're all gonna die, etc, etc. The reality was quite different. Her unit was a thirty bed unit. She was there for almost three months, and it never exceeded half capacity, and sometimes as many as half of those were the afore mentioned "rule outs."

My point is that NOTHING about covid is what we have been told.
Im going to ask this only once & then Im done with this insanity.
Do you believe that millions of doctors put their paycheck over their friends , family & countrymen.. in an organized repression of the real secret culling agenda of covid vaccines ? Yes or No
If yes … I have zero things in common outside of the air we breath .. if No then tell me your logic .
There is not enough money in the world if I were a doctor to destroy my own loved ones with a clot shot & don’t even start with “ doctors & their families got saline or fake covid passports ok ?

(post by MeatHookReality removed for political trolling and baiting)
(post by MeatHookReality removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

I used to live in a country where the government ran people over with tanks for protesting in support of democracy.

People protested, tanks ran them over. It was a simply equation.

Yet, and this might surprise you, the very next day more people came out to protest.

There were labor camps, reeducation camps, all kind of suppression and repression. Things that make Biden look like Donald Trump in comparison, and people still protested.

And this wasn't over the government supposedly injecting poison into the people to depopulate the world, this was just about having elections.

If what you are suggestion was even remotely true people would be speaking out and blowing the whistle by the thousand, because they care more about freedom and liberty than they do about all of the things that you think they are afraid of.

I cannot imagine an America in which so many people who have dedicated their lives to helping others would be cowed into submission like that.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

You are deluded it is not like there are historical comparisons, they were handing out Thalidomide like candy as a wonder drug for morning sickness until it wasn't, you seem to have a cognitive dissidence with all the rest of the recalled drugs, which would still be on the market being pushed until it was so obvious that these tested and trialed chemicals were withdrawn. All of them were okayed by the relevant authorities. The system is run on payouts.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: MeatHookReality

They are all cowed into submission under threat of losing their livelihoods...

I used to live in a country where the government ran people over with tanks for protesting in support of democracy.

People protested, tanks ran them over. It was a simply equation.

Yet, and this might surprise you, the very next day more people came out to protest.

There were labor camps, reeducation camps, all kind of suppression and repression. Things that make Biden look like Donald Trump in comparison, and people still protested.

And this wasn't over the government supposedly injecting poison into the people to depopulate the world, this was just about having elections.

If what you are suggestion was even remotely true people would be speaking out and blowing the whistle by the thousand, because they care more about freedom and liberty than they do about all of the things that you think they are afraid of.

I cannot imagine an America in which so many people who have dedicated their lives to helping others would be cowed into submission like that.

But there were protests.All over the world against the mandates. Just because you weren't paying attention doesnt mean it didn't happen. Italy protested for over 28 weeks straight. Canadian Truckers protested , the New Zealand tribes protested, Australians and on and on. You were made to believe it was just a minority of "racists" or whatever.

It was PHD's that argued the hardest. Many Dr's unfortunately believed the regulatory bodies like the CDC.

Americans have been spoiled and pampered for way too long and they're too busy with partisan ideology and hating eachother. There were many many cowards.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

At some point, the leaders of these countries all end up hanging from a lampost upside down.

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