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Deaths hundred plus days after vaccinations

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posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
That doesn't fit the theory that the vax is a culling tool for those who have taken it.

Now you are shifting goalposts.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
No that's how you make it sound.

No, that is what saying "people who got vaxxed are going to die from it" is saying.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:25 PM
I am seeing the same thing here in New York City. Traffic in the am seems to be extremely lite to nonexistent certain of day and even. The weekends I see my mexicans who aren't getting the vaccines, more in high volumes. Also teh covid 19 van and medical buses have stopped and disappeared.
a reply to: visitedbythem

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: daskakik

No, that is what saying "people who got vaxxed are going to die from it" is saying.

And who said that? Are you imagining things now?
edit on 25-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
And who said that? Are imagining things now?

The OP:

The conclusion does seem to imply that after vaccination the immune system is unable to handle subsequent infections.

It is also the basic theory behind those not wanting to take the "clot shots".
edit on 25-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: daskakik

It is also the basic theory behind those not wanting to take the "clot shots".

WTF there is no theory. It sounds more like a landing from which to
spew a useless argument.

And if that's how you read the OP it still doesn't have a damn thing to do
with what I'm saying.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
WTF there is no theory.

Yeah, sure.

It's simply becoming increasingly evident that a very wealthy group of people want a large portion of humanity dead.

And if that's how you read the OP it still doesn't have a damn thing to do with what I'm saying.

Well, it seems to fight rather nicely with your quoted words above.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I try not to theorize, and just try to stick to the facts and real-time data, which seem to be legitimate sources. We are obviously looking at something which is unfolding but pointing in one ominous direction. People do die all the time from many causes but statistically in predictable numbers. For instance, doctors in Ontario will die but when they do in such numbers after a booster, the real issue is skirted around and ignored because of a political agenda, and not investigated as medical science would indicate. Just puts a spotlight on the problem
Only one Doctor died .. Dr. Hannam .
The other 3 listed are bogus & is a internet bullsnip fake news piece.
Your approach is sound when dealing with news & media, but this 4 Doctors dying young in a short window is all fantasy created by anti-vax people.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Good day sir

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

So all the memos from their employer stating the deaths is false?

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

You seem to be so unknowledgeable of what is happening around
you that it looks like border line insanity. And stop calling this line
of thinking a theory. Scientific theory hardly applies to one of the
specific possibilities of what is happening in OUR world as we speak.
And frankly you're pretending that I'm the only one seeing these
monsters for exactly what they are is disingenuous at the very least.

You are being delusional if you think you can just write off a possible
cause of what we see happening in the world cross the board and not
just on this topic. See your out right dismissal of the truth and protecting
the lie simply makes it all much easier for you. It guarantees you there's
nothing you can do about it. If what I'm saying is true then we have to
do something about it. And that's what makes you pee your pants.
You're 55 yo old enough to know better. What the hell do you think
"The Great reset" is? Hello this pandemic fake ass crap is a part of it.

If you don't want see it that's your problem. If you choose to leave the door
open to constant bull crap. That choice is yours but don't try to tell me
I'm ridiculous for seeing the truth in this ridiculous joke of a world.
When doing so makes you the very definition of ridiculous. You can
pretend you know what's happening all you want. You're only fooling
Yes … a British comedian turned political pod/video caster is exactly were I would start if I wanted the truth … lol lol sarcasm on my part .
Ill ask you a simple question: How do you suppose that powerful men/families from throughout the World are going to get along long enough to agree upon resetting the whole World ????
You do realize that history is on my side in this question.., because Zero powerful men/families get along very well with each other as history shows us.

The most powerful men on Earth are battling each other for supreme domination. There is an inborn safety switch inside of all psychopaths that makes them destroy each other when they cross paths .
God’s way of keeping a check & balance on top predators.

The closest thing Earth has ever had to a NWO was the Roman Catholic Church , but the Church has little power today.
Every time one of the Elites make a play for World changes, the other Elite predators go hunting.
Klaus , Soros , Gates , Musk , Lee’s etc etc will always be tore down by other Elites… That is why we don’t have a NWO already.

Why have not Great White sharks killed & dominated all or most sea-life with numbers & brutality ???
Well… it’s, because they attack each other when they mate , their young are eaten by other Great Whites & when not doing that .. they are gnawing & killing each other over hunting grounds… that’s why they can’t dominate it all . Algae control the oceans.

Musk , Gates & Bezos could not partner together to make a birdhouse without battling each other .
Now ask the Krupps to join together with the Rothschilds & Klaus Schwab’s WEF ..??? Lol lol
You would have more success selling thermal underwear in Death Valley.

Now China as a hive machine of communism, threatens even Russia… and it is China that poses the largest threat to Earth currently in my opinion.
There is no NWO reset … and if people talk that way , it is pure theater.
Learn to stand on your own reason or mine , but when everything is a conspiracy.. nothing is a conspiracy.

Your mind , actions & internet should be used on building yourself into a more whole person.
Enjoy your life & stop dreaming of the devil behind every door , because that is darkness & repression in reality.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Why would I have to look for the devils they
make them selves obvious enough.

Well not to everyone. So you go ahead on your
path to being blind sided by the truth. I'll continue
preparing for it Even as ridiculous as that may seem to
an intellect such as yours.

Oh and thank you for liking me!

edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MeatHookReality

So all the memos from their employer stating the deaths is false?

Show me one local news source reporting in Canada on the other 3 doctors death’s .
There is nothing out there but 2-3 crank websites that say little to nothing. It is a made up bs story .
If it was true .. Fox , OAN & Newsmax would be all over this story like a bum on a Bologna sandwich.
Until a major news outlet or local news outlet mentions the other three … it is just 4chan crap .
I just heard Michael J Fox the actor died .. today lol.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

You seem to know about the kool.-aid drinkers up there in Davos known as the World Economic Forum yet you appear to have never once actually sat down and listened to anything they say. You would have answered your own rhetorical questions by now.

They have a book out and a Documentary. They're quite proud of their delusions of Marxism and the transhuman 4th industrial revolution.

Here is Klaus's right hand man, "Dr" Noah Harari, not a medical Dr mind you. He spends an awful amount of time being very distressed about what to do with all the "useless humans" after AI makes human workers obsolete. He thinks drugs and video games could be a solution but he just really seems upset about so many useless people.

And here is the Davos crowd all butthurt about Dr's speaking out about their mass experimentation and their plans to use AI instead of actual people in healthcare.

The Kool-Aid drinkers plan to automate all of your jobs and turn you and your friends into commodities that they can gamble on at Wall street and this is called Human Capital Markets. They aren't content with your social media data,. They want you to have implants and be a part of their ", internet of bodies"
There they can track, trace and record all of your biometric data.

See, they don't actually NEED any of you anymore according to their crack fueled fantasies. So throwing out a bunch of experimental drugs isn't exactly far fetched when you actually sit down and listen to these people. They think they will be Gods

You really do need to keep up.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: TWS1969
a reply to: Mantiss2021

They don't was us all dead, just less of us and more obedience

But they are only killing the obedient ones. So less of us and less obedient. How does that benefit them?

The trouble is that the obedient ones, are nearly 100% from highly urbanized environments. That means they are dependent on the high population level to survive. They wouldnt be able to function in a low population world.

Theyre not looking to control the population by battle of wills. They want to use Bidens "F16's". A small but well equipped army them and us, and subsist by collecting tribute from a fortress somewhere.

Leading masses of weak willed morons is how they get there. But they cant collect taxes from morons. They're not defiant but they are weak willed and pathetic.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Why would I have to look for the devils they
make them selves obvious enough.

Well not to everyone. So you go ahead on your
path to being blind sided by the truth. I'll continue
preparing for it Even as ridiculous as that may seem to
an intellect such as yours.

Oh and thank you for liking me!
If you can present better logic based on history or how the current Elite deal with each other in a different manner than I outlined for you … Im all ears ?
You know Musk , Bezos & Gates all mutually hate & compete against each other right ? They are quite public with their dislike’s & battles with each other.
Those 3 would never share a plane , table or idea with one another.
If you don’t accept my logic .. then present your logic of & proof of how the Elites all conspire together.
The evil elite don’t have time to work together , because they spend a great deal of time & energy protecting themselves from one another..
Musk is engaged as we speak of a power grab over another Elite group with Twitter. In the end one will be destroyed in this Twitter battle .
The evidence of a NWO does not reside in the Elite’s behavior towards each other ever … nor through history.
It has always been a race to be the one & only cannon builder on Earth … problem is you need to fight every other cannon builder to do it .
If the Elite could get along, they could have us all in chains … but they don’t, because they fight each other over the type of chains they want to use .
It is ok to breakaway from the lies you are told by the left & the right ..
As animals it is every man for himself & under God it is your own life you must give up to truly be free of slavery.
I don’t want to argue with you .. but I hope my words reside in your mind outside of opposition .
I don’t want you to believe what I do , I just want you to understand that there is a path that leads out of the bramble patch of conspiracies… You just need to start clearing your own way through it .
You can’t use my path or CNN’s , Trump’s nor Biden’s.
Your in America & you are on your own in this Wild West .
Good night & keep thinking

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I cant, all I know is that they will cover it up to the best of their ability, when this nurse died they covered it up until someone searched out the obituary. These tragic deaths were covered up. How many nurses have you heard about that have died shortly after the vaccine.?
Loads of nurses have died after the shot, the only place it gets posted is in noncorporate sites, this is just a page. Tiffany Dovers was the poor girl's name and on this page is a posting about how hard to find out that she had
You might even be right I concede that, but have a look at this, it might be a psyop. He phones up the company to confirm if they are dead or alive, We know one is dead but they just say he is on indefinite sick leave.

edit on 26-7-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2022 by anonentity because: adding

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: St Udio

Very interesting. Parasites move in after a wave of destruction to keep that destructive current going as all that emotional energy is just food. We see this happening in places like Portland. I would be interested in reading your posts on the egregore parasite.

I've just started reading the book. "Revolve" by Aaron Franz. Here is some food for thought:

TextThe most basic of human relationships are now being put so that all other natural social groups will be destroyed by default. If you target the most basic foundations of life, then the consequences of your attack will be far-reaching. Before creating something new, you must first destroy the old. This is the method by which artificial creation works. Destruction itself is symbolized in the dissolution and putrefaction stages of alchemy."....

"Most macro-scale rituals happen over time. This is a simple logistics issue. Because of their breadth, mass rituals can't always occur instantaneously. Even large conflicts such as wars require some build up before a mass blood sacrifice can occur. War is a ritual? Yes, a very bloody and violent one. It involves much death, but from it new life emerges"

"It is concerned with the power of the collective mind. By harnessing a massive group of minds, the hive would have great power. Transhumanists explain this as a heavenly thing, a way to gain god-like intelligence. The dissolution of the individual is necessary to see this death and rebirth ritual through. It is the way that the dawn of the New Man arrives. Transhuman mystics want to see the literal death of Man (the human being as we know it) so that he may be reborn as the posthuman New Man.."

" The reason why end times propaganda has taken many different forms is to facilitate the ritual initiation of the New Man. We are being made compliant in a project aimed at bringing about our ultimate demise. Understand that this ritual is to take place at the macrocosmic level. We aren't talking about one person. The death of humanity is all part of an enlightened plan to rebuild the entire world into a more immaculate creation. Man himself is to evolve with civilization. These two things, the individual human, and the greater society of which (s)he lives, are to become one thing: one god-like hive mind intelligence, one new gender-neutral collective of animated matter. A fiery rebirth would bring in a whole new macroscopic creature better in every way imaginable. This birth is really something to contemplate."

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Well lets start here so you can look over what's currently trending on twitter
look it over good that's right scroll! It appears even twitter and you tube
are no longer censoring the truth.
edit on 26-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: SybiLulu
a reply to: MeatHookReality

You seem to know about the kool.-aid drinkers up there in Davos known as the World Economic Forum yet you appear to have never once actually sat down and listened to anything they say. You would have answered your own rhetorical questions by now.

They have a book out and a Documentary. They're quite proud of their delusions of Marxism and the transhuman 4th industrial revolution.

Here is Klaus's right hand man, "Dr" Noah Harari, not a medical Dr mind you. He spends an awful amount of time being very distressed about what to do with all the "useless humans" after AI makes human workers obsolete. He thinks drugs and video games could be a solution but he just really seems upset about so many useless people.

And here is the Davos crowd all butthurt about Dr's speaking out about their mass experimentation and their plans to use AI instead of actual people in healthcare.

The Kool-Aid drinkers plan to automate all of your jobs and turn you and your friends into commodities that they can gamble on at Wall street and this is called Human Capital Markets. They aren't content with your social media data,. They want you to have implants and be a part of their ", internet of bodies"
There they can track, trace and record all of your biometric data.

See, they don't actually NEED any of you anymore according to their crack fueled fantasies. So throwing out a bunch of experimental drugs isn't exactly far fetched when you actually sit down and listen to these people. They think they will be Gods

You really do need to keep up.

Thousands of men before them have had all the same ideas & plans … problem is that powerful men hate each other & have never worked together.
That is why there has yet to be a NWO , because they are to busy fighting each other .
Musk , Gates & Bezos could not agree on the day let alone build a birdhouse together, because top predators feed on one another.
Hell… 10 relatives who love each other could not run a business without sooner or latter fighting & division would take hold .
Now try telling the Krupp & Rothschilds to partner up for mutual benefit … lol lol
Carnage & Morgan would not ask on their deathbed’s
for help from each other.
When everything is a conspiracy.. nothing is a conspiracy.
The Elite need us .. just like the Great White shark needs algae … without us small organisms, the whole system dies & the Elite know this .
Break out of the self imposed prison you have yourself in ..
There are billions on NWOs inside of all our heads & it is that selfishness that keeps any one group from having all the power .
Nature is balanced in the same way through instinct as us humans know we want to dominate it all if we could .
There are middle class & poor groups that try to push their ways upon all as well .
It’s called domination .
When Mike Tyson was knocking everyone out , he did not stop after he had all the belts now did he ..?
He kept going until he was defeated & broke.
The Elite waste most their time , money & energy trying to best their rivals .. not partner with them ?
Why did Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd not join forces to become the greatest super mega band of all times ?
Ego is why & the Elite are Ego personified.

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