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Putin is about to win a shocking victory

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posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Do you also believe that BS about them shipping out T62s to Ukraine?

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

Do you also believe that BS about them shipping out T62s to Ukraine?

As I said we will see...

You keep playing the if it is negative against Russia its all false, but if it is positive then it is all true game. I say lets just sit back and see what happens then we will know what is true or false. Then we can stop the "show me proof!" then when people do you say it is all fake. BTW did Putin sign into law or not to do away with the upper age limit to join? Seems you decided not to comment on that part.
edit on 30-5-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It was a straight forward question.

I am guessing that by your response that you think it is true.

I am not going to harp on you but FYI that video was shot sometime between 2015 and 2019 when Russia shipped T62s to Syria.

The 200 designations that can be clearly seen in the video which you can go back and watch wherever you first saw it is definitive proof.

Ghost of Kyiv
Snake Island x2
Video game footage
Evacuating Azovstal
T62 tanks

All, BS propaganda

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Elvicious1

"He singlehandedly forced the West to see their leaders true intent of global domination and control, not to mention absolute corruption"

1) Putin doesn't want domination and control?

2) He's invaded a sovereign country in order to dominate and control it.

3) Corruption?

4) There's an awful lot of his oligarch mates who have become billionaires out of corruption.

5) Some of you US folk are just blinded by self loathing

1) I wouldn't know. I'm not his friend and I can not read minds. I do, however, realize what his actions have caused concerning the mindset of most Americans. It merely reinforced what we knew from experience at the hands of our leaders.

2) Unless you are friends with Putin or a mind reader your comment is speculation on your part unless you have personal proof given to you by Putin which I'm more than happy to read.

3) An open ended question without context.

4) Without question. No more than any other country in the world, especially yours. Hence the term: "its a dog eat dog world". Socialism is no better than Capitalism, neither are Utopian.

5) How dare you question my love of self or for my God and country. I took 3 direct hits and 3 shrapnel, spilling my blood for this once great country. Your country pales in comparison. You seem to still harbor misgivings from having your arse handed to you in both wars between our countries, even though we were the first to extend the olive branch. Take your condescension elsewhere.... and by the way, who do come running to first when you're in a bind? The Warm Embrace of America. Don't worry. Well even bail you out of the mess you started after Rome. The World hates us but are rooting for us given the alternative. We owe Russia a debt of gratitude for opening our eyes. I, at least have the balls to state what is so obvious and what you attempted to obfuscate. Cheerio, mate.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: Elvicious1

It's all common sense.

But cheerio, matey.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

The ONLY shocking thing is the sheer incompetence of the Russian Military and how it has been hamstrung by corruption going right up to the very top level's of Russia's government.

What should have been a two week's at most total invasion and occupation failed because.

Conscript's with barely any training sent over the border with no notion of where they were to fight and invade the Ukraine.

Egg Packaging inside the Reactive Armour pouches of the Russian tank's instead of high explosives (paid for but the money was siphoned off somewhere and fake reactive armour was provided).

Cardboard inside the Russian Soldiers body armour instead of armour plates (paid for but once again somewhere along the supply line the money went into private individual and oligarch's pockets).

This level of incompetence not only cost Russia arguably most of it's casualty's BUT also put egg on Russia's face and made them appear weak to the GENUINE threat that Putin likes to ignore and that is CHINA, oh don't go thinking they are your buddies, they will only be your friends as long as it suit's them and they WANT your territory make no mistake about that, what is more they now know that even though India recently humiliated them in the Himalaya's they have a far more modern and dangerous army than Russia has and could TAKE your nation if they want it.

Remember most of those Ukrainians were trained by and even have officers whom were former Soviet Army officers and soldiers, there tactics are based on that training and it seems that they remembered it better than the Russians did, smaller army and even with there home front advantage they have hit well above there weight, even if they lose that lesson is now known by the world.

We are NOT your enemy's let's get that straight, no one here wants to invade Russia though we would like to see your leader get his sanity back AND for Russia to stop it's invasion, this is not the 1950's or 60's, this is not Czechoslovakia and this can only get worse.

Even if Russia defeats the regular Ukrainian army it can expect a continued guerrilla war that will last decades and cost more and more lives and fund's, it can expect international sanctions to NOT be relaxed and it can expect to at some point be stabbed in the back by China if it let's it's guard down there.

Face it this was a tactical and economic mistake and a damned stupid one at that.

Apparently your propaganda is telling the Russian people we are so hungry we are resorting to cannibalism and if that was not the case at times in Russia's own history it would be funny but it is in fact how far your media will go to LIE to your own people, you have NO free press, NO objective independent news and NO democracy any longer.

So Comrade your government may not call itself the New Soviet and it may be made up of corrupt oligarch's that ripped your nation off but you really are back under a totalitarian rule and your freedom, that of your kid's and there future is now GONE.

I really wanted someone to stand up to the evil that is loose in the world but sadly that is not what Putin is doing now is it.

Now admittedly we have some crack pot story's over here, some think that Putin is already dead and that is a body double, I don't buy that story but it is interesting, there theory goes that his inner circle know that they are for the chopping block and a coup would take place so they are hiding his death and using a double to stand in.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:41 PM
Maybe "shocking" to the misinformed people getting their information from the establishment. But it was pretty clear early on Ukraine is incapable of winning. Regardless of how much America and the biden administration draw out this conflict for their own personal/financial gain.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Nowadays when World state is as it is, it is good to observe when person has joined in ATS community, sadly it tells a lot what their state of mind and agenda is.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: dollukka


posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

i feel old when i look at my joining day... that was a year of Mayan calendar of impending doom... i guess Mayans were wrong or people who tried to understand it were. I personally think we are closer to doom than ever in this era.. thanks to Putin.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: nerbot

The anti-Russia brigade could have got away with it, except for the fact that those that went and saw the world cup over there, they blew it with that.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: anonentity


posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Robert Reynolds

originally posted by: nugget1

Do people not want to see, or do they just not care?

Just look at ATS nowadays - it's a different place. The world's a different place. Most people seem to stand for nothing.

The poster beneath you got stars for pointing out that you missed a letter from Zelenskyy's name. This inanity is common place, celebrated and considered worthwhile in a supposed serious discussion.

Personally : always stand, ( and sit ), for Nothin.

If one travels to the city of Ane, and arrives, are they thereupon inane ?

What else should we expect from a " supposed serious discussion " ?

Reading a thread like this, leaves me nowhere to go but inanity.

Page after page of Know-It-All-Know-Nothings posting their skewed views, with an attitude of truth and authority, rather that what they really are : beliefs, opinions, propaganda, and personal agendas.

There is nothing serious here, other that people snapping their suspender straps, and pretending to see clearly through their monitors, to know what is really going-on in the Uke.

Do you have any other ideas about what we might do, or how to act, when ridiculous yet opinionated folks ?

There are other ways of dealing with these attitudes in RL, but am perhaps yet to find better methods of dealing with it online, other than satire and inanity.

Just to be clear : am sitting at a computer, in Canada, and have no fricken clue what is in any supposed world leader's head, nor in their militaries.

For me : Putin(sic) is a local dish of fries, cheese-curds, and gravy.

Show me someone who ' Knows ' more about the Uke situation, who wasn't told everything they know by the MSM™, or some other tentacle of the Elitists™ ?

Other than that : it's all drunk-guy in the tavern talk.

" Ok, o, ok, ok oo : am gonner tellz ya what yer pro-hic-problm ish... "

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: anonentity

You should show that thumbs down to Putin and his culprits.. but no. I have not figured you out yet as your late replies for few months has been proPutin so it overwrote my previous opinion.. Well i have to admit i were wrong about you and it was dissapointment truly and a great learning experience that you never know who you are dealing with specially in ATS.

BTW Finns won World championship in Hockey. Even if Russia would be able to join even then Finns would have won anyway. It is a great penalty for Russia.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

The 200 designations that can be clearly seen in the video which you can go back and watch wherever you first saw it is definitive proof.

As I said lets sit back and watch how it plays out. There is false things said on both sides, but you also need to understand that is the rule of thumb for Russia pretty much all the time. It comes from the USSR and has really never gone away.

You also didn't answer my question as to whether Putin removed the age limit to join. How about a direct question then...Can a 60 yearold man join the military now in Russia?

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Grimpachi

So Russia didn't really want to take Kiyev?

Am I fabricating that?

What, they weren't really trying?

If Kyiv had surrendered they would have taken it but they had no intention of forcefully taking the city.

I have said this a dozen times on here and some still don't get it.

To take a city the standard military doctrine requires a 3 or 4 to 1 superiority of force. Ru forces in that area were never more than 1.3 o 1.4 superior to military forces in Kyiv.

They tied up Kyiv as Mariupol was stormed which prevented Kyiv from sending reinforcements. As I have said many times before the strategy employed is the same one they use in Syria.

Once victory in Mariupol became a foregone conclusion the forces around Kyiv pulled back and redeployed to the Donbas region.

“They attacked a hugely populated city, but they didn’t have any intention of taking it”

Either you lie, or you admit that their goal was to kill innocents.

There is literally no other option.

And you defend them

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
So any Country can invade because another country has crooked politicians?

America is doomed.

a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Only if that other country has a Hitleresque Nazi at the helm .
Oh , wait....
Maybe The US (not America, America is comprised of 2 large continents containing many countries) is doomed .
Look who we have at the helm .

You mean….vladdy Putin? Nazi extraordinary?

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

There is false things said on both sides, but you also need to understand that is the rule of thumb for Russia pretty much all the time.

Yes I know it happens in Russia. But now, Russia is far behind the propaganda war because the west has it down to a science.
There are no laws barring the government from targeting US citizens with propaganda. We have a government that is trying to set up a ministry of truth to verify their own lies and deceptions. We have a large section of our society in support of it. Our own government admitted pushing propaganda about mass graves in Mariupol. Their words were something like 'we wanted to get ahead of it before Russia did something like that.'

Russian propaganda isn't going to hurt us. It is mostly aimed at their own citizens. Likewise, western propaganda is aimed at us. I see people repeating lines about "soverign nation" all the time. They can't explain why they use the term with this conflict but not with all the others.

One of the first moves made was to cut off information and communication channels with Russia. It wasn't government-mandated. It was done voluntarily by corporations but only someone very naive would think it wasn't at the behest of the government.

That should have been a huge red flag for everyone but people just nodded along and said OK.

Propaganda and social engineering is far more sophisticated in the west. One of the things they have convinced the public of is it isn't as bad as Russia.

The devils greatest feat.

As for the 50 or 60-year-olds. I don't know. I heard something about it but not enough to make any claims about it. If it is true then... so?

UA is forcibly conscripting them. If Russia wants to open it up to volunteers why should I care?

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: nerbot

The anti-Russia brigade could have got away with it, except for the fact that those that went and saw the world cup over there, they blew it with that.

Nobody is anti Russia. They are anti-murdering-thieving-raping, invasions.

posted on May, 30 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Well think about propaganda war and its history.. USSR and today Putin is an excellent example what Propaganda is .. The deep understanding of Russian propaganda start with schooling youngs. Are you ok with schooling youngsters with false information of history and ideological idea of supermacy ( praise of Stalin who killed more people than Hitler ).
So are you ok that there is a nation who has gone through all this schooling ? A nation where people who has this kind of view of History and feel it is ok and good is not only staying in their home country but is living among us in western society. You should compare this to radical islam.. it is in your own doorsteps
edit on 30-5-2022 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

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