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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: Afinity99

Ukraine existed before russia historically.

I know in your revisionist history, with mention of 12 centruty with the name Ukraine but it has nothing to do with ulkrainians but a land denoted where people came to trade grain and other agricultural goods.

Your revisionist history is justified of course for who wants to believe in it.

The term ukrainian was interchanged of all these people of different people who went to do trade, it denoted trader people, people that do trade. So a polish guy could be called a Ucrainian because he went to sell stuff on the trade posts, he could be anything.
edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Afinity99

Are you still not seeing the 1938 hitler similarities?

Your post sounds an awful like his Vienna speech.

Weird how history repeats.

edit on 9-9-2022 by MidnightWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:42 AM
This is a older map.
Where do you see the name ukraine on the map. It does exist.

Here is a map to clarify.

The name Little Novo Gorod appears. Hinting to the little Russians that have been left outside the empire.
Novo Gorod has nothing to do with Ukraine and it is the original birth of the kievian rus (Russian people)
edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

The original Rus people are not even slavic, they are pure vikings who mixed with slavs once they came inside the area and established the Rus people as an entity.

The slavs are really the slaveni tribes and other such tribes of indo european descent, the veneti tribe.
The Rus people mixed with slavs.

I personaly don't like Slavic culture, I don't think it's healthy. But I can't decide on the people who have it, it's their culture, their customs, they decide.

Likewise you don't decide for others and make them join by force, if they want to part for you, then you should wave with your hand good bye as they "depart from you further and further away" like the people of Don will depart waving in majority with their hands as they depart from Ukraine.
edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:44 AM
Ukrainians might captured big fish :

Top Russian Commander of Invading Army Captured by Ukraine—Report

Time will tell if its Gen. Andrei Sychevoi

The person in video might had change uniform or something to try fool Ukrainians believe he was lower rank ?

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:58 AM
8 September Update

Key Takeaways

* Ukrainian successes on the Kharkiv City-Izyum line are creating fissures within the Russian information space and eroding confidence in Russian command to a degree not seen since a failed Russian river crossing in mid-May.

* Ukrainian forces in the Kharkiv Oblast counteroffensives advanced to within 20 kilometers of Russia’s key logistical node in Kupyansk on September 8.

* Ukrainian forces will likely capture Kupyansk in the next 72 hours, severely degrading but not completely severing Russian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum.

* Ukrainian forces are continuing to target Russian GLOCs, command-and-control points, and ammunition depots in Kherson Oblast.

* Russian occupation authorities continue to intensify crackdowns and filtration measures to curb Ukrainian partisans and pro-Ukrainian saboteurs.

* Russian forces conducted limited ground attacks across the Eastern Axis.

More at URL above.


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: Afinity99
Alaska used to be part of Russia too but what's more relevant than older history is the history going back almost three decades to 1994 when Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum, along with the US, UK and Ukraine. Russia violated the agreement they signed, in 2014, and again in 2022.

originally posted by: MidnightWatcher
a reply to: Afinity99
Are you still not seeing the 1938 hitler similarities?

Your post sounds an awful like his Vienna speech.

Weird how history repeats.
Others see the similarities and it's really ironic to hear Putin talk about De-Nazification when he does so many of the same things Hitler did. Clinton noted similarities between Putin and Hitler, which Oliver Stone brought up to Putin during his interviews between 2015-2017:

The Putin Interviews

And of course Clinton's not the only one who can see the similarities:

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 04:43 AM
After a month or so of relatively static front lines, Ukraine seems to be making some progress in the last couple of days.
I think their strategy in Kherson is to continue to render the Dnipro river impassible, cutting off Russia's supply lines, to starve the Russians of ammunition and food. Then if the Russians are forced to swim back across the Dnipro river to avoid starvation, Ukraine will lose a lot less soldiers then if they try to remove them all by force. Russia keeps trying to build pontoon bridges and use ferries but those too are under attack.

What surprised me more than the progress near Kherson in the south, was the progress in the Kharkiv region in the northeast:

Ukrainian general says huge gains made in lightning counteroffensive

KYIV, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Ukraine has recaptured more than 700 sq km (270 sq miles) of its territory in the east and south during a lightning counteroffensive, a Ukrainian general said on Thursday, offering the first official assessment of the operation.

The gains, if confirmed and held, would be a serious blow for Russia, which Western intelligence services say has suffered huge casualties. They would also represent a big boost for Kyiv, which is keen to show its Western backers that it can change the facts on the ground by force and deserves continued support.

Some of the biggest gains appear to have been made this week during a surprise Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region of northeastern Ukraine, which saw Kyiv's forces make a sudden and deep thrust behind Russian lines.

Denys shows the territories suspected to be liberated on a map, but we will have to wait and see if the gains can be held.

edit on 202299 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 04:50 AM
So Putin who is trying to play agent 007 and not carpet bomb teverythin is Hitler, okay man.

I think Zelinsky the jew fits this, remember hitler was a half jew and went against own people hated his mother.
A jew killing other jews, and zelinsky is doing the same here re killing the jews by honoring the natzis under the ultra nationalist umbrela.

Putin just wants to take the land backs and create a new buffer for Russia between Nato and them.
He is going to use these lands as sort of buffer zone that is fuzzy, not part of Russia yet Russian oriented.

Tho it is not my problem who wins, it is a concern for people who live near Ukraine because this might set off a bigger wave and I'm not willing to die for JOE BIDDEN, nor for URSULA.

Joe is a dirty man, so we can only hope Russia wins and things go back to normal, because this may force things otherwise towards other direction and I don't want to die for AMURICA, to fight their war and die for biden, so Amuricans don't have to fight so others have to fight for them.

They got lists with people below 40 years of age a few months ago, and they gave them to Nato, with able people who can fight. They can call you if your country is directly involved in war.

Did you look at his face, at Biden face, he is a girl, he looks like a girl. A girl that created all these problems. That is crazy.

Who is Ucraine, I don't care about Ucraine, for me it's Nothing, it's just Rusian left overs really taken by others.

And Zelinsky the Zelot, who does he think he is, to create all this circus where thoulsands die for him to scream on tv Like Hitler.

Look at his nervous tone, that is hitler, You won't see putin like that, raging on tv.

edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: Afinity99
So Putin who is trying to play agent 007 and not carpet bomb teverythin is Hitler, okay man.
Did you not see the photos of what Putin did to Mariupol? Hitler only killed about 10,000 there but Putin has killed over 20,000 there.

Russia Has Killed Twice as Many in Mariupol as Nazi Germany Did

Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko said the death toll among its civilians has already doubled the amount caused by German Nazis over a two-year stretch during World War II...

"In two years, the Nazis killed 10,000 civilians in Mariupol. And the Russian occupiers in two months - more than 20 thousand Mariupol. More than 40,000 people were forcibly deported," Boychenko stated. "This is one of the worst genocides of civilians in modern history. The Russian army is purposefully and ruthlessly destroying our city and its inhabitants."

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Wow. If it is Sychevoi, that would be the commander of Group "West". There are only three such groups engaged in the Ukraine War, making him a high level commander of operations there indeed.

I don't envy his family.


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

If it is Sychevoi , it must be quite fast surprice attack from Ukrainians , that he did not have time to get he`s ass out from there ?

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

If it is Sychevoi , it must be quite fast surprice attack from Ukrainians , that he did not have time to get he`s ass out from there ?

Might have been trying to rally his troops up by the fighting.


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: Afinity99
So Putin who is trying to play agent 007 and not carpet bomb teverythin is Hitler, okay man.
Did you not see the photos of what Putin did to Mariupol? Hitler only killed about 10,000 there but Putin has killed over 20,000 there.

Mariopol, the city where ukrainian soldiers took positions in people's apartments, I remember that, shooting from the apartament flat. Yep.

These soldiers in mariopol were mostly part of the Azov Batalion, untra nationalistic unit.
What do you want the Rusky soldiers to do if they are getting shot from the balcony of some guy, they are going to open fire back at the apartment block.

These people are the problem, and Zelinsky is the problem, the Russians will sit down and talk if Ukraine backs off from the "stolen lands"

It's very simple in my view, why do you want these lands when the people living inside of them don't want you, you are never going to have peace. The problems will go on and there is no solution, War will rage on, next year and so on.

It's going to totally reck Ucraine that I predicted will happen, total financial termination plus WW-II like infrastructure scenery.

It's just a matter of time before Russia may start taking out infrastructure in Kiev

I see now these people coming in my country, there is a refugee shelter half a kiometer away from me with Ucrainians.
These people are shocked if you look at their faces.

Why would you put these people thru such an event. They are just regular people.
Zelinsky thinks he has the soul authority to take these people to hell as he stands against the Russians to prove that he is "Brave"
The Brave Zelinsky and the new Age only where the Brave can exist, all others are inferior.

He is just following his masters, he is just a puppet for the show that will take us to a new "Brave World"

He is a Natzi Jew just like Hitler was, Natzi and a Jew, so the chief of the natzies is indeed a Jew, it is always a Jew.

To unravel the mystery of the Fuhrer’s roots, the Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders teamed up with Marc Vermeeren, a historian who has written extensively about Hitler and his ancestors. The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

This resonates along with rumors before any test was done that Hitler mother was indeed a Jew.
Hitler hated his mother they say, and hated him self, as they call it "self hating jew"
edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

You are not aquinted with jew history, the lion jew always attacks the other jews in the north, he wages war against them and hates them, they want to get away from him but he always finds a way to keep them captive. The Judah hates the other jews, he is a Bolox babilonian mix.

Zelinsky the lion jew, he thinks he is kind David that wages war on the jews because he is Babalonian ha ha ha.

So it is with the people of don bas who don't want him.
The kingdom of king solomon and king david wages endless wars against the Jews, captured them, tortured them, broke their will, made them to submit to babilonian ways
So they fled in the north but there he made campains to go against them, the Lion went after them to subdue them and make them live "like brave people"

Can you see him rage on TV and his attitude, it's of the same people, he is of the Judah and will bring destruction to the people of Ucraine.

edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2022 by Afinity99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:35 AM
Not everyone seems to be happy about mad vlad

Deputies in St. Petersburg suggest State Duma charge Putin with high treason

Municipal deputies for the Smolninskoye District in St. Petersburg plan to submit a petition to the State Duma (the Russian parliament) to charge Russian president Vladimir Putin with high treason for unleashing the war in Ukraine. Deputy Dmitry Palyuga announced the intention on Twitter.

According to Palyuga, “the majority of deputies in attendance supported the decision.” In conversation with The Insider, he specified that seven out of ten voted in favor of the initiative. According to its sponsors, Putin’s actions since the beginning of the “special military operation” fall under Article 93 of the Russian Constitution, which stipulates for the president's impeachment based on charges of high treason or other serious crimes brought against them by the State Duma.

The president's decision to attack Ukraine is “detrimental to the security of Russia and its citizens”, the petition reads, because the Russian army is losing its fighting-fit units and its servicemen become disabled. The authors of the petition also point out that the withdrawal of foreign players from the Russian market and the “brain drain” accelerated by massive emigration are bound to leave a dent in “the Russian nation's economic wellbeing”.

The deputies also underline that NATO is pushing its frontiers eastward, contrary to the announced goals of the special operation, while Ukraine is receiving state-of-the-art weapons. “While the Russian president declared the demilitarization of Ukraine as one of his goals, we are witnessing the opposite happen.

This is not to say that we stand in full support of the goals declared by President Putin, but even in his own terms, he is harming Russia's national security,” Palyuga explained to The Insider. “We want to let people know that there are deputies who are opposed to the current policy and who believe that Putin is harming Russia. We also want to let them know we are not afraid to speak out.” We really need your help! Subscribe to donations!

Oh Vlad.....what have you done
edit on 9-9-2022 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:19 AM
Here is a video from the Sun (so take it as you will) but it sure looks like Sychevoi. You can even make out his mole on the left side of his face.

a reply to: Kenzo

edit on 9 9 2022 by SgtEsquire because: Fixing link

edit on 9 9 2022 by SgtEsquire because: Fixing link

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: SgtEsquire

It does look like about him , and if true it could effect the minds of Russian troops, lowering motivation even further from allready low ...

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:35 AM
Ukraine making "verifiable progress":
edit on 9-9-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:37 AM

Brig. Gen. Oleksyi Hromov, Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said Thursday that Ukrainian forces had pierced Russian lines around Kharkiv in the north and pressed more than 30 miles beyond. In a matter of a few days, they have liberated at least 20 settlements, Hromov told the Kyiv Independent news service.


edit on 9-9-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

That can't be right.

I have been told many times by some posters on here that Russia is winning glorious victory?

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:50 AM
Russian Tank driver apparently runs over and kills own Colonel in protest of bungled war:

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