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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

No easy answer is there?

What is the alternative?
We let Putin invade anyone he wants to?

I don't want to see the UK dragged into any war with anyone.
But can we just sit back and let Putin do what he wants, to whoever he wants and whenever he wants?

Appeasement only emboldens the aggressor and delays the inevitable.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

But can we just sit back and let Putin do what he wants, to whoever he wants and whenever he wants?


Probably should have stopped him before this.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

If Wallace holidaying in Ukraine is evidence of British involvement and interference in Ukrainian affairs what does the presence of numerous Russian oligarchs with proven close links to Putin and other members of his administration have to say about Russian involvement in UK affairs?

Then we have the small matter of Putin sanctioned assassination attempts against his opponents on British soil.

It really is laughable.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Annee

Morally maybe....but practically how?

I've seen enough British soldiers return home in body bags in my lifetime, I don't want to see any more.

There's no easy solution.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Annee

Morally maybe....but practically how?

I've seen enough British soldiers return home in body bags in my lifetime, I don't want to see any more.

There's no easy solution.

Is there any practical?

He held natural gas over everyone's head -- from what I'm reading that isn't having much of an effect.

So, Nukes. At some point he has to be stopped. His own people are the ones who should stop him.

What do we do with the next Mad Man who threatens Nukes?

edit on 11-5-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Annee

I have plenty of questions but if I'm being brutally honest I have very few answers to them.

Obviously the preferred solution would be for someone inside Russia to retire Putin one way or doesn't seem very likely at present though does it?

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Annee

Obviously the preferred solution would be for someone inside Russia to retire Putin one way or doesn't seem very likely at present though does it?


And I'd say the same thing about my countries president. If he was threatening the world with Nukes -- I'd say take him out.

Where is the responsibility of the rest of Russia's government?

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

probably a mistype no one fields battleships any more they do have Kirov battle cruisers but dont think they have many of them left

As of early 2022, only Pyotr Velikiy was operational. Modernization of Admiral Nakhimov is ongoing and was reported, in 2021, to continue until "at least" 2023,[16] with the modernization of Pyotr Velikiy to immediately follow and last for about three years.[17][18] However, in early 2022, Sevmash CEO Mikhail Budnichenko stated that the ship would be delivered to the Russian Navy in 2022. The modernization of Admiral Nakhimov and her sister ship is to be extensive, with Admiral Nakhimov expected to receive 174 Vertical-launch (VLS) tubes: 80 for anti-surface and 94 for anti-air warfare, among other upgrades.[19] In early 2022, the Sevmash CEO noted that weapons systems for Admiral Nakhimov would include: the Fort-M (NATO reporting name: SA-N-6 Grumble) and Pantsyr-M (SA-22 Greyhound) air defense systems and Paket-NK and Otvet antisubmarine warfare weapons. It was also reported that the cruiser would potentially be armed with up to 60 3M22 Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missiles.[20]
so last one left floating hopefully she gets some visits from a few neptunes and sinks the bottom of the sea

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Annee

Where is the responsibility of the rest of Russia's government?

Same place as all those who Hitler surrounded himself with, and Stalin and Mao etc.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

But can we just sit back and let Putin do what he wants, to whoever he wants and whenever he wants?


Probably should have stopped him before this.

Like during his previous Ukrainian invasion in 2014.

edit on 11-5-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Just as a reminder the US and Russia actually have a border. At its closest point it is 2 miles.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 05:15 PM
link 689 russian battalion (ish) knocked out trying to cross a river they attempted to cross a river at donbas lost at least 32 armored vehicles and a tugboat

any water crossing in war is rare but this is a huge loss to the russians

and it seems the Ukranians pushed the russians all the way back to the border near belograd

Ukrainia n forces around Kharkiv, in northeastern Ukraine, appear to have pushed Russian troops east past Ternova, a settlement on the Russian border. If confirmed, the Ukrainians’ liberation of Ternova could mark an inflection point in Russia’s 10-week-old wider war in Ukraine. In late March, Ukrainian forces drove Russian invaders from northern Ukraine. Now it appears they’re driving the invaders from northeastern Ukraine, too. Heavy fighting continues around Izium, south of Kharkiv—and also around Kherson on Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. The Russians late last month briefly advanced around Kherson before stalling out. And Russian battalions more recently have captured a few settlements around Izium. But those Russian gains are in jeopardy owing to Ukrainian gains around Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million just 25 miles from Russia. As the Russian front collapses around Kharkiv, it could free up powerful Ukrainian brigades to push south, toward Izium, potentially tipping the fighting there in Kyiv’s favor.
so at least one force pushed off Ukraines soil
edit on 11-5-2022 by RalagaNarHallas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

and given Russian forces are now blowing bridges as they retreat says the Russian army is not so keen on advancing back into the areas that are now cut off. Even more so if they are getting tagged / losing lots of equipment / soldiers trying to cross bodies of water to advance.

Yes, blowing bridges will slow any Ukrainian advance but that is a double edged sword.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: RalagaNarHallas

and given Russian forces are now blowing bridges as they retreat says the Russian army is not so keen on advancing back into the areas that are now cut off. Even more so if they are getting tagged / losing lots of equipment / soldiers trying to cross bodies of water to advance.

Yes, blowing bridges will slow any Ukrainian advance but that is a double edged sword.

the ukes need to blow up the crimean bridges.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
the ukes need to blow up the crimean bridges.

It is on their list based on the info ive seen from interviews. Russia also knows that and according to Russia its the most protected bridge on the planet.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: yuppa
the ukes need to blow up the crimean bridges.

It is on their list based on the info ive seen from interviews. Russia also knows that and according to Russia its the most protected bridge on the planet.

True,but maybe a special ops team can use swimmers to set explosives under it.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 07:33 PM
* - Ukrainian forces have pushed Russian forces back across the border northeast of Kharkiv, taking the border town of Ternova.

The Putler youth

edit on 11-5-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

But can we just sit back and let Putin do what he wants, to whoever he wants and whenever he wants?


Probably should have stopped him before this.

Like during his previous Ukrainian invasion in 2014.

Ya Think?!?!

I remember being really pissed off that Crimea wasn't protected.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 12:00 AM
👉 Ukraine Biolab Update:

Russia Implicates Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, Obama, Soros, Clintons, Bidens, Rockefellers & Ukrainian Nazis 卐

Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine

I would like to recall that the term "biological weapons" includes biological formulations that contain pathogenic micro-organisms and toxins, as well as the means of delivery and use of said formulations.

While the priority for Ukrainian healthcare is socially significant diseases such as HIV, poliomyelitis, measles and hepatitis, US customers are interested in a completely different nomenclature: cholera, tularemia, plague and hantaviruses.

As a result of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, facts of work with the specified pathogens, which are potential agents of biological weapons, have been revealed.

It should be noted that the ideologues of US military-biological activities in Ukraine are the leaders of the Democratic Party.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: imitator

The biolabs were built by the former soviet union and were upgraded to assist Ukraine in dealing with pathogens etc from bio / chem weapons that russia left behind when the USSR collapsed.

The Russian mod has been pushing this bs for a few months now. It has been debunked several times.

However we are still waiting for Russia to disclose its evidence of "genocide" in east Ukraine, like they said they would when they held the UNSC president position.

Still nothing... still waiting.

edit on 12-5-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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