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Russia Ukraine Update Thread - part 2

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posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

ukraine was never going to be part of NATO though.They even said it was not a good idea,because of Putins threats.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

"Lula, 76, said Zelensky should have yielded to Russian opposition to Ukraine's moves to join NATO and held negotiations with Putin to avoid a conflict."

sounds pretty reasonable to me

Putin negotiate?

Yeah but there nothin to negotiate with when dealing with a colonialist NATO which sees as its primary aim to destroy Russia and plant a star apangled US / EU / NATO flag on the Kremlin.

Putin warned the colonialist west about moving into what he sees as Russias near abroad and was met with deaf ears.

All these mafiosa are as bad as each other yet the way certain posters see Zelensky as tastier than cream and Putin as puking as eating hot coals are very very blinded by the reality that both sides in this eatern European special operation are as rotten as tomatoe induced donkey sh*te

Politicians are what they are -- that's not the same as a madman.

This invasion is insane, uncalled for, and unnecessary.

Putin is a madman -- his own government needs to stop him.

and you state that as a Yankee on the other side of the world all the time your military has been surrounding Russia and undermining them any way possible since the cold war supposedly ended.

You must see there are two sides to this conflict?

There is no good and bad out there just a bunch of maniacs who want to control as much territory as feasably possible and that includes the Yanks as well as Moscow

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

"Lula, 76, said Zelensky should have yielded to Russian opposition to Ukraine's moves to join NATO and held negotiations with Putin to avoid a conflict."

sounds pretty reasonable to me

Putin negotiate?

Yeah but there nothin to negotiate with when dealing with a colonialist NATO which sees as its primary aim to destroy Russia and plant a star apangled US / EU / NATO flag on the Kremlin.

Putin warned the colonialist west about moving into what he sees as Russias near abroad and was met with deaf ears.

All these mafiosa are as bad as each other yet the way certain posters see Zelensky as tastier than cream and Putin as puking as eating hot coals are very very blinded by the reality that both sides in this eatern European special operation are as rotten as tomatoe induced donkey sh*te

Politicians are what they are -- that's not the same as a madman.

This invasion is insane, uncalled for, and unnecessary.

Putin is a madman -- his own government needs to stop him.

and you state that as a Yankee on the other side of the world all the time your military has been surrounding Russia and undermining them any way possible since the cold war supposedly ended.

You must see there are two sides to this conflict?

There is no good and bad out there just a bunch of maniacs who want to control as much territory as feasably possible and that includes the Yanks as well as Moscow

If even Anne sees putin as a threat you have lost the game.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:24 AM
Oh yeah that's believable Yuppa.........................
all the time since 2014 British Defence Secretary Benn Meddling Wallace has been visiting Ukraine to go on holiday / sarc

Wallace has been sent by TPTB to Ukraine every year since 2014 ! For what? To keep the pece? Total nonsense, Wallace has been up to no good as per usual and is effectively the leader of the Ukranian military, pumping weapons into the Nazi regime and traning Ukranian Nazis in Polands secret training camps. Supplying the Nazi regime with British weaponry to attack Russia any way they can.

Nazi supporting Britain, butbthat's fine if it means Russia can be attacked every which way they can since Victoria's Crimean War it been going on hundreds of years nothing new here at all

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Ukraines a pretty country. it used to be a vacation spot for those in the UK/britain.

YOu have nothing to back up your claims. Pride comes before a fall. Putins pride will lead russia to a worse fall than the berlin wall.

Unless you got documents,recordings,sworn testimony on the man,you got nothing but supposition and hatred for all westerners who spoiled russias conquest.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

"Lula, 76, said Zelensky should have yielded to Russian opposition to Ukraine's moves to join NATO and held negotiations with Putin to avoid a conflict."

sounds pretty reasonable to me

Putin negotiate?

Yeah but there nothin to negotiate with when dealing with a colonialist NATO which sees as its primary aim to destroy Russia and plant a star apangled US / EU / NATO flag on the Kremlin.

Putin warned the colonialist west about moving into what he sees as Russias near abroad and was met with deaf ears.

All these mafiosa are as bad as each other yet the way certain posters see Zelensky as tastier than cream and Putin as puking as eating hot coals are very very blinded by the reality that both sides in this eatern European special operation are as rotten as tomatoe induced donkey sh*te

Politicians are what they are -- that's not the same as a madman.

This invasion is insane, uncalled for, and unnecessary.

Putin is a madman -- his own government needs to stop him.

and you state that as a Yankee on the other side of the world all the time your military has been surrounding Russia and undermining them any way possible since the cold war supposedly ended.

You must see there are two sides to this conflict?

There is no good and bad out there just a bunch of maniacs who want to control as much territory as feasably possible and that includes the Yanks as well as Moscow

We are a global political world -- no matter how many try to claim we are not.

Who exactly is supporting Mad Man Putin bedsies Belarus?

edit on 11-5-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Yeah but there nothin to negotiate with when dealing with a colonialist NATO.....

How is NATO 'colonialist'?
The former Soviet nations and Warsaw Pact countries that have joined NATO have done so at their behest. They courted NATO, not the other way round.
And the reason they wanted to join NATO was because they feared Russia and its desire to reclaim those lands and impose Russian rule on them.

If Russia was more conciliatory and friendly towards its neighbours maybe they wouldn't have felt the need to seek NATO's protection.
Russia has shown its expansionist ideals time and time again.
Russia's whole approach to them is intimidating and inflammatory.

...which sees as its primary aim to destroy Russia and plant a star apangled US / EU / NATO flag on the Kremlin.

NATO is a defensive organisation who's primary purpose is to show a strong and united front against Russian aggression.
NATO has no desire to 'destroy Russia' - Putin maybe, but only because of his actions - any attempt to invade Russia would be shear stupidity.

Putin warned the colonialist west about moving into what he sees as Russias.....

What HE see's as Russia's....unfortunately for Putin the people who live in those lands most definitely DON'T consider themselves and their lands as Russian.

The thing is, when you threaten people they have a tendency to fight back.....and like a typical spoilt brat and bully Putin doesn't like being told No and people fighting back.

...yet the way certain posters see Zelensky as tastier than cream and Putin....

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

Nothing can deflect away from the fact that this war is Putin's doing; his decision to invade, no-one else's.
All the whataboutisms in the world won't change that.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

They been brainwashed by the western MSM NATO inspired machine that pumps all the crap into eastern Europe through the Voice of FREE Europe or whatever the BBC used to call it or was it the Yanks. They got brainwashed by the west post 1991 and all this for what? Brainwashing................... Indeed you FB plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad. Yoy like the Ukes and Yuppa and Anee and pretty much everyone else on this forum brainwashed, totally and utterly brainwashed. What's going on here everyone got brainwashed

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

. . . plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad.

Where did I say Russia was bad?

I said Putin is a Mad Man.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

. . . plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad.

Where did I say Russia was bad?

I said Putin is a Mad Man.

Not surprised after Yanks tried screwing him over for 20 year plus and UK been at it since Crimean War maybe before. Put yourself in Russia's shoes / Bod Dylan

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

. . . plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad.

Where did I say Russia was bad?

I said Putin is a Mad Man.

Not surprised after Yanks tried screwing him over for 20 year plus and UK been at it since Crimean War maybe before. Put yourself in Russia's shoes / Bod Dylan

You mean the entire world except Belarus? Some are neutral, but they sure aren't supporting Putin.

I have not said one bad word about Russia or its people.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Come on, Orbhunter.

The only one screwing Putin was Putin himself.

His paranoia has taken control of him and it will be his end.

Not other countries that joined NATO because Putin's Russia couldn't lose its 19th century colonial mentality regarding its neighbors.

No sympathy for him.


posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

. . . plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad.

Where did I say Russia was bad?

I said Putin is a Mad Man.

Not surprised after Yanks tried screwing him over for 20 year plus and UK been at it since Crimean War maybe before. Put yourself in Russia's shoes / Bod Dylan

You mean the entire world except Belarus? Some are neutral, but they sure aren't supporting Putin.

I have not said one bad word about Russia or its people.

Ha funny so funny as all those so called countries in your world are protectorates of TPTB that do exactly as they are told or I guess they gonna get a little bit of democracy through the hand of God coming their way

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Come on, Orbhunter.

The only one screwing Putin was Putin himself.

His paranoia has taken control of him and it will be his end.

Not other countries that joined NATO because Putin's Russia couldn't lose its 19th century colonial mentality regarding its neighbors.

No sympathy for him.


But its not Russians on the yankees Mexican or Canadian borders is it?

You must see it. You can't be that brainwashed by the MSM that surrounding Russia with Yankee colonies British too is not eventually going to get a reaction from the Russians at some point in time and that time is actually now.

Same policy used against Japan in the 30's and the oil embargo on them forcing them into war

Same old same old yet you just can't see it

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

. . . plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad.

Where did I say Russia was bad?

I said Putin is a Mad Man.

Not surprised after Yanks tried screwing him over for 20 year plus and UK been at it since Crimean War maybe before. Put yourself in Russia's shoes / Bod Dylan

You mean the entire world except Belarus? Some are neutral, but they sure aren't supporting Putin.

I have not said one bad word about Russia or its people.

Ha funny so funny as all those so called countries in your world are protectorates of TPTB that do exactly as they are told or I guess they gonna get a little bit of democracy through the hand of God coming their way

My world???

As in everyone except Mad Man Putin?

There's a God? He probably doesn't support Putin either.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

And there wouldn't be any Americans in NATO countries on Russia's borders (by request of those countries!) if Putin's Russia wasn't constantly threatening and launching actual invasions.

He did it all by himself.

Had Russia under his leadership interacted constructively with other nations as partners and not as wayward colonies, this situation would not have developed as it did.

Don't you wonder why Sweden and Finland are on the verge of joining NATO? It isn't because of Putin's diplomacy.

His big problem is that he can't accept the world has moved on since the fall of the Berlin Wall. But he wants it to be everybody's problem and that is unacceptable.

I see just fine. No need to waste tears on Vladimir the Paranoid.

edit on 11-5-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: Freeborn

The thing is, this isn't about Zelensky, its about the millions of ordinary Ukrainians who don't want to be dictated to by Russia and are being killed in their thousands. Its about the millions of Ukrainian people who have had their homes blown up, their country destroyed and have been displaced and are now homeless.

They been brainwashed by the western MSM NATO inspired machine that pumps all the crap into eastern Europe through the Voice of FREE Europe or whatever the BBC used to call it or was it the Yanks. They got brainwashed by the west post 1991 and all this for what? Brainwashing................... Indeed you FB plus Anee and Yuppa are brainwashed too following the nonsense you've taken in over the years from the MSM into Ukraine good Russia bad. Yoy like the Ukes and Yuppa and Anee and pretty much everyone else on this forum brainwashed, totally and utterly brainwashed. What's going on here everyone got brainwashed

Russia isnt bad,it just has a bad leader. I do not hate russia. some of the worlds hottest girls come from there. ANy nation with such pretty women isnt bad,just has bad leaders.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

They been brainwashed by the western MSM NATO inspired machine that pumps all the crap into eastern Europe through the Voice of FREE Europe or whatever the BBC used to call it or was it the Yanks.

So you are qualified to pass judgement on the millions of Ukrainians and other eastern Europeans that they are brainwashed, that their fears about Russia are misplaced?
That's despite them actually living in these countries and experiencing first hand exactly what it is like to live under Russian dominion and control?
That they are wrong to want to be in control of their own countries and not to be bullied and intimidated by Putin.

MSM has been lying when it has reported Putin repeatedly stating that he doesn't recognise their independence and that there is no such thing as 'Ukrainians' or Latvians etc?

That Putin hasn't sent troops into other countries and brutally suppressed them?

That Putin doesn't suppress all opposition to him at home in Russia?

That Putin hasn't repeatedly threatened to use first strike nuclear weapons if he doesn't get his own way?

That Putin lied and lied and lied about his intentions in Ukraine?

That Putin armed Russian Militia's in Donbas to provoke and harass Ukrainian people, to terrorise and attack non-Orthodox Christians and Jews?

That Putin isn't repeatedly lying to his own people about how the invasion is going in Ukraine?

That Putin tried to force his policies on non-threatening neighbours?

That Putin has come out with lame excuse after lame excuse to try and justify the brutal invasion?

I could go on and on and on, but what's the point, after all they are all MSM lies and propaganda aren't they?

And I'm 'brainwashed'?

Get a grip mate, you're far better than what you're showing at present.

I'm under no illusions about 'our' failings and the tossers who run our country.....but that has sod all to do with Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Just because I dislike them then doesn't mean I've got to automatically like Putin, his actions and all the bollocks and misery he's spreading.
I just don't get that 'logic' at all.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 01:54 PM
The UK has today signed defence pacts with Sweden and Finland so now if either get attacked by Russia before they can join NATO,the UK will then be at war with Russia.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine "opened a new chapter" in post-Cold War history, said Boris Johnson as he agreed defence pacts with Sweden and Finland.

The prime minister visited Stockholm and Helsinki to sign the agreements, which say the UK will come to the aid of Sweden and Finland if they are attacked, and vice-versa if the UK is attacked. 7

Sorry for being pessimistic but I don't see this going well-because if Putin wants to stop Sweden/Finland from joining NATO he may try to start something with them before they submit the applications..
I don't think you are allowed to join NATO if you are in a war.(not sure)
But if Putin does start anything-looks like us mugs in the UK will be at war with Russia.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Oh yeah that's believable Yuppa.........................
all the time since 2014 British Defence Secretary Benn Meddling Wallace has been visiting Ukraine to go on holiday / sarc

Wallace has been sent by TPTB to Ukraine every year since 2014 ! For what? To keep the pece? Total nonsense, Wallace has been up to no good as per usual and is effectively the leader of the Ukranian military, pumping weapons into the Nazi regime and traning Ukranian Nazis in Polands secret training camps. Supplying the Nazi regime with British weaponry to attack Russia any way they can.

Nazi supporting Britain, butbthat's fine if it means Russia can be attacked every which way they can since Victoria's Crimean War it been going on hundreds of years nothing new here at all

How long has he been Defence Secretary? Since 2014?!!!!!!!

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