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Saving UKRAINE is NOT Worth a War Between the USA and RUSSIA.

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posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:42 PM
Nothing to do with Ukraine. Everything to do with Syria. Guessing we will see a new offensive by mercenries in Syria very soon.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: Valhall
I suppose I have become a hard right Fascist, but traditionally I would have been a moderate Republican. I feel that our government has become an ever more corrupt bureaucracy that continues to erode our rights. I was/am a Trump supporter, and I have followed the Q thread since it began ( probably enough for most to write-off my opinion)... please know that I did not like him early in the primaries, but his policies and effective leadership won me over. The screams from the left is what eventually gave me a profound appreciation for his brashness. Honestly, I am just tired of the hypocrisy and double standards from the left

edit on 6-3-2022 by onthedownlow because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2022 by onthedownlow because: Typos and bad autocorrect

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: glend
Nothing to do with Ukraine. Everything to do with Syria. Guessing we will see a new offensive by mercenries in Syria very soon.

They released that their regime change in Syria isn't going well. So now they are pushing for two fronts in Ukraine and Syria.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: SirHardHarry

Unfortunately you are so invested in your argument that you can't step back. Back on task... I believe Putin is to invested in his attack on the Ukraine, probably no way for him to save face even if he wins

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Valhall

I am with you there, Valhall and BTW nice to see you around.

I have been in both sides D and R, but right now, I really do not want a second Trump term, once is done it should be a new face, now one thing is for sure, I do not longer like what the D has become and the people they have filling their party with.

America is still the same nation, but the politicians have change on us a lot and to tell the truth they do not care anymore about the people that vote for them is all about the global agenda, or whatever that maybe this days.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: carewemust

What you meant to say is that Putin is actually a nutball, is deliberately killing humans who are not combatants and who really don't matter, just to save your own shock and awe in your disbelief of what is happening...when it is, all the while Putin entertains airline hostesses at the 'Gremlin'. please feck off from this site for good.

BTW, any ensuing war, will not necessarily be limited to USA and Russia as from now, given the nature of people like Putin, and bosom buddy, Trump. People all over the world, are seriously disturbed over what is happening...any guess why?

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
get ready suckers --- oil just hit $125 🤓

The U.S. says it's now "considering" cutting back on purchasing Russia Oil.

Oil price is soaring again. Up from $125 to $131 @ barrel over the past 2 hours.


"The Buck Stops With Me. I agree, Let's go Brandon!" - Joe Biden

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Just wait until Putin gets a wild hair up his a$$ and claims Russian has a right to Alaska because Russia got ripped of in the deal, and can’t have a piece of nato that close with US missiles based in Alaska.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Alaska is a state, so nope that is never going to happen, no in our life time Putin maybe a communist Tyrann but his stupidity does not goes that far.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: marg6043


Hope your right.

150 Years After Sale of Alaska, Some Russians Have Second Thoughts

Mr. Putin, asked about Alaska during a call-in show in 2014, said “we don’t need to get worked up about this.” At the International Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk, Russia, on Thursday, however, he said that American activities in Alaska could destabilize world order. “What we do is contained locally, while what the U.S. does in Alaska, it does on the global level,” he said, calling the American development of a missile system there “one of the most pressing security issues.”

By the way. This is how crazy Russia is.

I hope it’s an onion piece?

Russia’s Supreme Court rules that the USSR did not invade Poland in 1939

Then on September 20, 2015, Russia’s ambassador to Venezuela Vladimir Zayemsky claimed that the Soviet Union did not invade Poland on Sept 17, 1939 and that it was in fact Poland, not the USSR, that collaborated with Nazi Germany. He wrote that “the alleged invasion by Soviet forces of Poland in 1939 is a lie” and went on to claim that although Poland was the first victim of WWII, it tried to be “Hitler’s faithful ally” in the period before the War. “It was Warsaw’s pro-fascist stand which made a treaty of cooperation between the USSR, Czechoslovakia and France impossible”, he alleged. The same offensive attempts to rewrite history were presented by Russia’s ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreyev a few days later, speaking on Polish television.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Some things ARE worth fighting for.

This ain't it.

but what about all those hot ukrainian women?

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Oppositeoftruth
No war, agreed. In fact, as this conflict progresses I find myself questioning motives more and more. I really don't think Putin wants war, but he will go to war if need be. He's definitely the 'bad guy' in all this. I do not however think that we've even remotely been told the truth about anything. It seems like both sides are willing to loose a lot of citizens, and the people backing Ukraine like soros and Pelosi all the people whom I personally trust least, have some stake in this that we don't understand.

Something is very out of place, because "Blood Thirsty Manic" Vladimir Putin and his "massive army of destruction", have only killed 364 civilians (1,123 total "casualties", which includes the injured), according to United Nations officials.


People inside the "peaceful" USA have killed more than 364 over the past 10 days.

nice link.

but you see when "every life matters" -- each of those 364 civilians is actually worth 100x their own weight!

"if it saves ONE life! we should intervene!" ONE LIFE!

oh...but if they haven't taken the clot shots, they don't matter. keep them locked up.
edit on 6-3-2022 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 11:28 PM
So many wars have been fought over resources. Of course, they're always presented to the world as 'saving the country form tyranny. What resources might Ukraine have that would be worth fighting a war over?

Ukraine belongs to the leading mineral-raw countries of the world with a wide range of minerals. Ukraine - 0.4% of the Earth’s surface and 0.8% of the world’s population - has about 5% of the world’s mineral resources.

More than 20,000 deposits and manifestations of 200 different minerals have been discovered in Ukraine. Of these, 7,807 deposits of 94 types of minerals are of industrial importance. Ukraine holds one of the leading places in the reserves and extraction of iron, manganese, titanium-zirconium ores, non-metallic raw materials.

Coal, oil and natural gas, iron and manganese ores, native sulfur, rock and potassium salts, non-metallic building materials, mineral waters have the greatest economic importance. The deposits are located in different geological regions of Ukraine.

[]][editby ]edit on 70000001111America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: fix

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

He's been making that claim for 30 years.

Which is extra absurd since RUSSIA was literally begging us to take Alaska at the time.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

I joked with a friend that I am sick of Europe dragging Australia and New Zealand into world wars. Moreover, the broader strategic situation is closer to your argument than emotive or America First 2.0 dogma. The endgame for Putin is not Ukraine but employing military force to restore the pre-1989 borders.

After Russia invades western Europe, the U.S. withdraws military assets from other parts of the globe, and Chinese military planners watch the situation unfold. So China takes advantage of the weakened defences and invades Taiwan.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:41 AM
Is Senator Marco Rubio covering for Ukraine planning to "doing something" to goad the U.S./NATO into taking direct action against Russia?

Rubio Tweet:

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: vonclod

"It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell."
-William Tecumseh Sherman

I believe it! I never served, so I can only imagine. I certainly have respect for those who endured. When I was just in my teens, I did the army cadet thing, an engineer core, I liked it, was considering joining the military. Life changed though.

I think it would be extremely dangerous to get more involved, no telling whats going on with Putin, a complete wildcard.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: smurfy
a reply to: carewemust

What you meant to say is that Putin is actually a nutball, is deliberately killing humans who are not combatants and who really don't matter, just to save your own shock and awe in your disbelief of what is happening...when it is, all the while Putin entertains airline hostesses at the 'Gremlin'. please feck off from this site for good.

BTW, any ensuing war, will not necessarily be limited to USA and Russia as from now, given the nature of people like Putin, and bosom buddy, Trump. People all over the world, are seriously disturbed over what is happening...any guess why?

There are people of UN-SOUND MINDS attempting to push NATO/US into a confrontation with Russia.

Poland says it's "fake news" that the country will send fighter jets to Ukraine for fighting Russians.


Who is it that got this rumor started? U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken?

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: carewemust

All the Worlds a Stage Infested with Bad Actors Lately . I think this " Play " "Please Cry for Thee Ukrainians " will be a Flop at the Box Office . The Writers of that Script Lack Original Talent along with Really Bad Press.....

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: carewemust

All the Worlds a Stage Infested with Bad Actors Lately . I think this " Play " "Please Cry for Thee Ukrainians " will be a Flop at the Box Office . The Writers of that Script Lack Original Talent along with Really Bad Press.....

Doin the best I can.

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