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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Fierce Resistance In Ukraine Is Causing Russia To Rethink Its Strategy

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 03:59 PM
* - .@MorawieckiM: What is happening in Ukraine is not an ordinary war, aggression of one army against another, it is slaughter against civilians, women, children and the elderly. Humanitarian convoys are under attack, which is barbaric

* - .@MorawieckiM: We will appeal to cut off access to European ports, cut off trade with Russia by road or rail, and treat the sanctions as seriously as possible, this is the only way for Russia to withdraw from its aggressive policy

* - At least 14 missiles for Iskander missile system could be transported near Rechitsa. This afternoon, the transportation of at least 14 boxes, which are used to transfer Iskander missiles, was spotted on the M10 highway from Rechitsa (Gomel region) towards Gomel

* - Adviser to the Ukrainian President: The progress of the Russian forces has practically stopped in several regions due to their lack of the necessary resources

* - Heavy smoke over Bucha-Irpin'-Hostomiel amid violent battles

* - 1 month since Russia started devastating war, UNGA (with resounding majority-140) just adopted a resolution Humanitarian Consequences of Aggression against Ukraine demands to stop the war

* - Financial Times, citing sources: America plans to supply Europe with 15 billion cubic meters of liquefied gas by the end of 2022

* - Rescuers working on the site of shelling of humanitarian aid delivery point in Kharkiv. Parts of Uragan missile with cluster ammunition recovered

* - 11 Russian civilians from a ship sank near Odesa were exchanged for 19 Ukrainian sailors from rescue ship Saphir

* - Russian army shelled lyceum, boiling room and culture center in Kyrdany village of Korosten district. 5 houses destroyed, 13 damaged in Rakivschyna village

* - Sailors from Snake Island returning to Ukraine. They were exchanged for Russian POWs(10 to 10) - Iryna Vereshchuk

* - "We will continue to impose costs until Putin ends this unprovoked war against Ukraine," says @SecBlinken in a statement

* - Russian shelling damaged high pressure gas pipeline in Derhachi town, Kharkiv region. Residents were asked to turn off gas to their houses immediately

* - Burning Russian Landing Ship at Berdiansk visible in satellite imagery from earlier today. Also visible are the two other Ropucha class landing ships, one sailing in circles. Various tugs and smaller craft rushing around

* - NATO's Supreme Allied Commander has activated the alliance's chemical, biological and radiological "defense elements" out of concern that a possible chemical attack by Russia may spill over Ukraine's border

* - Allies "called on China to refrain from supporting Russia's war effort," including by providing economic or military support. "Beijing should use its significant influence on Russia and promote an immediate peaceful resolution." - Stoltenberg

* - Stoltenberg: Allies agreed to provide cybersecurity assistance and equipment to help Ukraine protect against biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear threats - including detection, protection and medical supplies, and training for community contamination and crisis management

As a reminder -

Just so people know and understand. Information from war zones can become confusing as there will no doubt be info released from the players (on both sides) involved that might not necessarily be true.

As such take everything as a possibility and NOT as absolute truth.

The very first casualty in a war is the truth and all warfare is based on deception

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 04:02 PM
As predicted, Russian media is gaslightning the atrocities Russia is committing in Ukraine. Actually, they are using the bombings to mud-sling Ukrainians. The propagandist blame the so-called „nationalists”, not the Russian military, which started the war.

Video on Twitter. It is in the Russian lang. Don't know how's your Russian. I am revising mine at the moment.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: wordforword
Seriously, did they not take into consideration that they can't physically control Ukraine response to their actions. How delusional they can be.

How delusional are they? They thought Ukraine would fall quickly, giving a time frame of 3-5 days. This would explain why Russian forces were running out of supplies/ammo/equipment.

Russia made the same mistake in Ukraine that the Nazis made when they invaded the USSR - "give it a swift kick and the whole rotten mess will collapse". Because of that shortsightedness / arrogance Nazi forces did not have proper clothing when winter set in or proper supplies for the army groups involved.

It is because they do not learn from history, they are too arrogant for it. Instead, they write their own take on the 'events':

NBC News, 2015 Nov

The government of Russian President Vladimir Putin has stoked fears that it is resorting to Soviet techniques to stifle criticism by rewriting the country’s history text books.

Putin asked historians in February to develop a plan for a new history curriculum that would produce a single history free "from internal contradictions and ambiguities" that would cover the many difficult events in Russian and Soviet history.

Next curriculum of Russian schools be like:

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 04:29 PM
* - US, allies discuss anti-ship missiles for Ukraine: US official

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 05:02 PM
Some good news for the end of the day:

In Mykolayiv region, Ukrainian army has pushed Russians back to Kherson region. Fights there are intense, but successful for the Ukrainian Armed Forces — Vitaliy Kim, the head of Mykolayiv Regional State Administration


Aleksey Arestovich reports that #Russian troops tried to take #Chornobaevka for the tenth time, but the assault again ended in failure.


The Ukrainian army reportedly recaptured Lukyanovka, east of Kyiv, destroying three tanks and 9 Infantry Fighting vehicles in the process.
This is an important counter-offensive, as Lukyanovka is on the Russian supply line to Velyka Dymerka, near Brovary.

This would suggest a whole leg of the Russian offensive/units that were fighting in Velyka Dymerka and near Brovary either do not exist anymore, or are likely surrounded.


Video link. Guys that took out Russian tanks might be Americans or Canadians from foreign voluntiers.

Irpin has been almost completely liberated, the Ukrainian military continues fighting for Bucha and Hostomel.


And the cherry on the top:

Captain Farid Chitav and 11 his subordinates from Russian National Guard (Росгвардия) refused to go to Ukraine. Their regiment from Krasnodar was ordered to Ukraine and they objected. They said that they don't have a foreign passport and thus can't cross Russian border legally.

They said that crossing Russian border without a foreign passport (you need for travelling abroad) is illegal and constitutes a felony 322 УК РФ. Thus they can't go. What happened to them? They were all fired. Now they are suing their commandment for firing them illegally


edit on 24-3-2022 by wordforword because: added video link

edit on 24-3-2022 by wordforword because: Moving link.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 05:07 PM

Denazification on Ukraine: operational summary (March 24, updated)
24.03.2022 20:15

20:12 As a result of the fighting in Kharkiv, fires broke out in Alekseevka, columns of smoke over the area.

Denazification on Ukraine: operational summary (March 24, updated)
19:03 Fighting near Kiev: A powerful fire and a huge column of smoke.

18:57 Denazification of Ukraine continues. In Kherson, employees of the Russian Guard detained two accomplices of the Nazis.

18:21 All liberated cities are receiving humanitarian aid from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Including to Melitopol, and to Berdyansk, and to Mariupol. These include food and building materials.

16:37 Information is being received from various sources that the Russian Armed Forces are storming the positions of Ukrainian militants in the area of ​​​​the city of Slavutych, Chernihiv region.

16:09 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published a registration card confirming that exactly 30 Ukrainian laboratories located in 14 settlements were involved in full-scale military biological activities in Ukraine.

16:04 The Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed a scheme for the movement of biomaterial from US laboratories in Ukraine around the world.

15:15 Today, there are over 25,000 casualties in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The total losses of the National Guard and the State Border Service exceeded three thousand people.

14:37 The daughter of the mayor of Kupyansk was kidnapped by the SBU, her father receives threats of reprisals against her. The reason is simple: Kupyansk came under the control of the RF Armed Forces without a fight.

13:30 Russian troops began to occupy the city of Slavutych (Kyiv region). Earlier it was reported that a Ukrainian checkpoint was shelled there.

13:27 Local residents write about a very strong blow to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the metro station Akademika Pavlova in Kharkiv.

12:20 Russian military artillery shell “Krasnopol” destroyed the Ukrainian air defense system

11:55 Russian T-72B3 tanks are moving in the Kherson region.

11:54 The Russian military destroyed another 13 launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems in Ukraine with high-precision weapons.

11:45 Experts of the RF Armed Forces have discovered new facts proving the involvement of the United States in the development of biological weapons components in Ukraine.

11:15 Since the beginning of the special operation, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 257 drones, 202 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,572 tanks and other combat vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

10:50 Russian military shot down two more Ukrainian drones overnight.

10:50 Russian aviation hit 60 Ukrainian military facilities overnight.

10:33 Russian army units have completely taken control of the city of Izyum, in the Kharkiv region.

09:00 The Russian military brought humanitarian aid to the residents of Chernihiv. They were delivered food kits, hygiene products, baby food, and bottled drinking water. In addition, military doctors conducted a medical examination, provided first aid to those in need, as well as handed over the necessary medicines.

09:00 Russian military cleared mines in the Kherson region and found more than 12 thousand explosive objects in the agricultural land of the region.

08:30 Several explosions thundered in the port of Berdyansk, after which a fire started.

* – prohibited in the Russian Federation

LDPR military summary: situation on contact line (March 24, updated)
24.03.2022 20:33

LDPR military summary: situation on contact line (March 24, updated)
20:28 From February 24 to March 24, 369 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered to captivity on the territory of the DPR.

20:05 The air defense of the DPR prevented a terrorist attack by Ukrainian nationalists on Donetsk, destroying the Tochka-U shopping mall in the air.

19:40 Since the beginning of the current day, Ukrainian militants have fired 295 shells to the DPR, using mortars with a caliber of 120 mm, artillery with a caliber of 122 mm and the Grad MLRS. 12 settlements were under fire, 12 residential buildings and five infrastructure facilities were damaged.

19:40 Since the beginning of the day, seven civilians of the DPR have been injured under fire from Ukrainian Nazis.

19:40 Today, the forces of the People’s Militia of the DPR destroyed 32 Ukrainian invaders, two firing positions of D-30 howitzers, one ZU-30 anti-aircraft gun and two armored vehicles. One tank and one BMP were captured.

19:40 Today, five servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine voluntarily laid down their arms and went over to the side of the DPR.

19:13 Ukrainian Nazis are shelling the Kirovsky district of Donetsk. There are reports of fires in residential buildings.

19:13 Ramzan Kadyrov said that the administration building had been vacated in Mariupol.

18:29 Ukrainian Nazis opened fire on Yasinovataya in the DPR several times during the day. 25 private houses were damaged by shelling. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

17:38 The forces of the People’s Militia of the DPR in the suburbs of Mariupol detained and neutralized a Ukrainian sabotage group. The militants broke out of the city in a police car, but they were left by the Cyclone unit of the DPR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

17:32 The Kirovsky district of Donetsk is under fire from the Ukrainian Nazis.

15:36 On one of the streets of Mariupol, a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was found. She lay right in the middle of the yard between residential buildings.

15:08 Since 2014, 91 children have been killed in the DPR as a result of aggression by the Ukrainian Nazis – the Commissioner for Human Rights in the DPR Daria Morozova.

12:50 A powerful explosion thundered near Slavyansk. The blow was struck at an unknown target near the Seversky Donets River.

12:47 Kiev Nazis fired at the village of Mikhailovka in the DPR, firing six 122 mm shells at it. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

12:46 Ukrainian troops fired at the ventilation shaft of the mine named after Skochinsky in the DPR, two people were injured.

12:44 Kiev militants fired at Donetsk, firing eight shells of 122 mm caliber at it. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

12:12 Photos from the mobile phone of a militant of the 36th Marine Brigade, confirming the presence of Ukrainian nationalists in one of the schools in Mariupol.

12:10 In Donetsk, civilians were injured. The man was injured as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian Nazis.

12:08 In Artemovsk, on the part of the DPR occupied by Kiev so far, a large weapons depot of the DPR was destroyed at night.

11:30 The People’s Militia of the DPR published documents according to which, back in 2015, Georgian mercenaries asked to be enrolled in the Azov National Battalion*.

11:29 For 35 days, as a result of hostilities in the DPR, 62 civilians were killed, another 466 were injured, among the victims were children.

11:25 As a result of artillery shelling on the territory of the Donetsk settlement (LPR), a residential building was destroyed, and 4 housing constructions were damaged.

10:30 The armed forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the temporary location of the national battalion in Lisichansk (LPR).

10:30 Over the past day, 325 Ukrainian shells were fired across the territory of the DPR. Kiev militants used Grad MLRS, 122 mm ar

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: wordforword

Guys that took out the tanks might be Americans or Canadians from foreign voluntiers.

The one being interviewed is British. He has a Union Jack on his jacket, below the cross belts.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: wordforword

Guys that took out the tanks might be Americans or Canadians from foreign voluntiers.

The one being interviewed is British. He has a Union Jack on his jacket, below the cross belts.

If we are talking about thi s video, I think he's James Vasquez. American. His Twitter.

The video capture:

This village has been Russian occupied for a month, they terrorized the people and took their food. Today we entered, took out 7 tanks and countless Russians thus liberating these people

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 06:27 PM
seen a few clips with Americans today; hadnt seen much before.

American volunteers in #Ukraine got he’s 50 cal from a #Russian Tank


See new Tweets




"American volunteers posted a video after a successful battle with Russian forces in the village of Lukyanovka, #Kiev/#Kyiv region." #Ukraine

American volunteers fighting in #Ukraine’s Foreign Legion liberate a village in the #Kyiv region that has been occupied by the #Russians for a month.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: wordforword

I love this quote from Vasquez:

“I kind of feel like I’m on an awesome very dangerous vacation,” he said. And in another tweet: “When I need to amp myself up for battle, I just think about the most punchable face on the planet… Tucker Carlson.”


posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 06:51 PM
Mariupol is expected to be under Russian control within the next day if it isn't already.

Twitter and youtube are taking down accounts and channels showing Ukraine defeats and videos of Ukraine's human rights abuses. Telegram is the only source I am seeing that you can get information of such.

Link to one suck channel. Some stuff is grizzly. Such as a recent post showing that some degenerates have taken to using Russian corpses as props standing them in poses and reports of using them as furniture.
Also keep an eye out for reports/videos of Russian soldiers abusing civilians. They will likely be 3 second clips.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 08:28 PM
Here is a french journalist reporting on the russian advances towards Ukraines capitol. He interviews ukrainians on what they are seeing and what they are going through. This journalist was i the same area the American journalist died from Russian snipers in Irpin.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Erno86

This is interesting as well its Russian troop intercepts since they dont use secured coms we can follow the battle including war crimes they are commiting

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 09:50 PM

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Hey do you have a link you can provide to your sources / updates?

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

From the same source I post every day news front

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: Xcathdra

From the same source I post every day news front

Apparently I missed it when you named / posted your source. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 02:16 AM
24 March update.

Key Takeaways

* Russian forces entered central Mariupol on March 24 and continued to take ground across the city.

* Ukrainian forces conducted a successful attack on Russian ships docked at the occupied port of Berdyansk, likely sinking a landing ship and damaging or sinking another.

* Ukrainian forces did not retake any territory in continuing counterattacks northwest of Kyiv but forced Russian troops onto the defensive.

* Ukrainian forces repelled renewed Russian attempts to advance toward Brovary from the northeast and complete the encirclement of Chernihiv.

* Russian forces continue to shell Kharkiv and struck a humanitarian aid delivery point, killing six and wounding 15.

* Russian forces secured several minor advances in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in the last 24 hours.

More at URL above.


posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 04:05 AM

Twitter link


Russia accused Poland on Thursday of trying to destroy bilateral relations by expelling 45 of its diplomats, and said it would respond harshly.

The Russian ambassador said Poland, which said on Wednesday it was expelling the diplomats on suspicion of working for Russian intelligence, had also blocked the embassy's bank accounts.

The Russian foreign ministry said the expulsions were "a conscious step towards the final destruction of bilateral relations, the dismantling of which our Polish 'partners' have been systematically carrying out for a long time".

Just repercussions, Russia. Nothing personal.

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