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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:21 PM

Communists are responsible for far more deaths than the real German NAZI ever dreamed of.
They still control China and other countries. Shouldnt we invade them?

PAAAA-REACH IT! Hitler was a novice compared to Stalin.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:21 PM
Protests in Russia against the invasion of Ukraine:

vs Putin's propaganda aimed at kids:

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Valhall
a reply to: McGinty

Okay...well, then nuke them all.

Problem solved. Just wipe Ukraine off the map because you can't understand why a President of a sovereign nation under siege wants a safe corridor for his people to exit. He's asking for fighter jets for his own air force so maybe he can provide that in some limited degree. This dude doesn't want to cause WW3. He wants some small remnant of his culture and people to survive.

Meanwhile, Mr. Roboto at the long table is acting like going out in a blaze of glory suits him fine!

ukraine would need airfields for that, and i don't think they have any left that are suitable for fighter jets.

and putin said that russia will consider letting them use foreign airfields an act of war, and that they don't give a damn at that point if you're in NATO or not.

as a result, poland said that it will NOT send jets nor let ukraine use its airfields. because, surprise surprise, we don't want russia to plant some nuclear mushrooms on our side of the fence.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Valhall

Then mao said "Hold my beer".

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

as a result, poland said that it will NOT send jets nor let ukraine use its airfields. because, surprise surprise, we don't want russia to plant some nuclear mushrooms on our side of the fence.

This is a bold-faced lie. Disinformation much?

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Valhall

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Tanks v civilians desperately trying to defend their country against an invading army?

And it's their fault?


it's the fault of their government.

civilians should NOT be allowed to use weapons they're not trained to use, so they won't hurt themselves or someone else on their side.

what's so difficult to understand? you sound like you either don't read what i'm saying at all, or you're just trolling.

SOOooooo, the U.N. maybe, should make it illegal for the citizens of a country to be freedom fighters? ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?

show me where i suggested anything like that.

what i said was just common sense. if they wanna play stupid, let them play stupid.

but don't blame russia if you happen to kill a bunch of civilians with your molotov while playing hero.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Valhall

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

as a result, poland said that it will NOT send jets nor let ukraine use its airfields. because, surprise surprise, we don't want russia to plant some nuclear mushrooms on our side of the fence.

This is a bold-faced lie. Disinformation much?

yes, you're spreading a sh.tton of disinformation.

straight from polish government

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Please catch up.

You have the sequence of events all scrambled.

Poland said no, because they were suddenly worried that they would soon need them to repel russians invading Poland.

russia said don't dare.

Then the U.S. offered to replace Poland's old russian fighters with MUCH better and slightly newer American fighters.

Poland then told Ukraine they could have as many old russian fighters as they want.

Ha Ha.

Ukraine just got a brand new air force.

And Poland too.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Yeah. How dare they resist.


posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Please catch up.

You have the sequence of events all scrambled.

Poland said no, because they were suddenly worried that they would soon need them to repel russians invading Poland.

russia said don't dare.

Then the U.S. offered to replace Poland's old russian fighters with MUCH better and slightly newer American fighters.

Poland then told Ukraine they could have as many old russian fighters as they want.

Ha Ha.

Ukraine just got a brand new air force.

And Poland too.

see the link i've posted above.

what you say is simply a lie.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: Valhall

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

as a result, poland said that it will NOT send jets nor let ukraine use its airfields. because, surprise surprise, we don't want russia to plant some nuclear mushrooms on our side of the fence.

This is a bold-faced lie. Disinformation much?

yes, you're spreading a sh.tton of disinformation.

straight from polish government

I did.

And know better.

Check the date, then catch up.

Check the Pentagon.

Check Poland's [whatever] site.

Ha Ha.

edit on 6-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: Valhall

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

as a result, poland said that it will NOT send jets nor let ukraine use its airfields. because, surprise surprise, we don't want russia to plant some nuclear mushrooms on our side of the fence.

This is a bold-faced lie. Disinformation much?

yes, you're spreading a sh.tton of disinformation.

straight from polish government

You're funny. I give you that.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Please hear this guy out.
Start around 5:00

edit on 6/3/22 by Movhisattva because: timing added

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

You DUMB #... I know you are suffering from cognitive bias, and simply can't accept the fact that your # nation with even #tier leadership is poisoning the world, even the EU.

DENY IGNORANCE - Biolabs in Ukraine funded by DoD CONFIRMED ffs.

DENY IGNORANCE - Article from 5 days BEFORE invasion suggests that a biolab in Kharkiv received smallpox from the US DoD, for weaponization.

DENY IGNORANCE - Nazism is clearly alive and well in Ukraine. Ukraines PM up until october 2020 was a nazi, in the open! He didn't even officially step down because of that... Zalensky even refused his resignation. It wasn't until Zalensky demanded an entirely new cabinet that the Nazi PM was removed.

Ffs, you wake up now. We need you to stop being so utterly blind and ignorantly loyalty to a specific side, just because mommy and daddy tells you to. LOOK AT FACTS... and stop reading the #ing mass media and stop watching tv.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Nah Hes right-
Your twitter link states 27 feb
Today Biden has a done a deal to replace polish planes so they can send their migs to fight in Ukraine.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: flice

Now THAT'S funny.

Keep digging that hole.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Would you have any comments about supposedly planned martial law in Russian, or the plan to move DNS servers within the Russian territory, or any thoughts on Denis Kireev for instance?
I see what's happening in Ukraine. I am really curious what's happening in Russia.
I so would like to hear the things from the real source, so?

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Movhisattva

The nutters supporting the invasion will just scream fake news.

I thought it was rather informative.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Movhisattva
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Please hear this guy out.
Start around 5:00

you may want to google a video of that guy being forced to say "slava ukraini".

if he was so ashamed of the whole invasion, why wasn't he cooperative back then?

also, nice reading from script earlier on. at best, they were forced and/or brainwashed. at worst, they're not even russians. you think ukraine doesn't do propaganda? it's all they're doing these days.

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Movhisattva

The nutters supporting the invasion will just scream fake news.

I thought it was rather informative.

I think it's the most important piece of information to come out of this #-show yet.

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