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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: just4fun
How the hell can you even say they are not trying to avoid civilian casualties?

Easy. By intentionally shooting civilians, that's how they're not trying to avoid civilian casualties.

Those crazy a$$ Ukrainian Civilians keep launching themselves at russian bullets.

Never seen anything like it.

Rock and a hard place. Dont fight and they probably get shot for treason to make an example of. This is going to go the ritual sacrifice route for the forced civilians. Tragic stuff

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: agenda51

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: agenda51

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: just4fun

Not about russian nukes you didn't.

Cause you think putin has the ability to use more than a handful of them before russian glass appears out of nowhere.

Dont forget the submarines. Pretty sure those would be at ready to launch status right now. I could be wrong though

We don't discuss American Submarines.

Sorry about that..... went back and fixed it. I meant Russian subs.

I knew what you meant.

Do you know what I meant?

I guess not... I think I know where you are coming from now though. Figured it was my sloppy typing.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: agenda51
Tucker trying his best to preach de-escalation right now.

Do you have a problem with de-escalation?

Were you hoping for the opposite?

Hell no. I am hoping for it. Scorched Earth is bad for everyone.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:17 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:18 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:21 PM
What’s with this hilarious one sided “Ukrainian reporting” just Russia getting “their asses kicked”?

Doesn’t Russia control the Ukrainian airspace right now? They accomplished that within hours.

edit on 28-2-2022 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:23 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Imhere
What’s with this hilarious one sided “Ukrainian reporting” just Russia getting “their asses kicked”?

Doesn’t Russia control the Ukrainian airspace right now? They accomplished that within hours.

Do they control the airspace? MSM been saying different... which probably means Russia is in full control. Maybe I am on a delay.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Just heard a rumor that the russian stock market isn't planning on reopening due to some kind of Anonymous problems.

Well played Anonymous, well played.

Now please half the ruble again.

Some of us want to make some bill gates money.

Imagine what we could do with that.


(post by agenda51 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: agenda51

originally posted by: Imhere
What’s with this hilarious one sided “Ukrainian reporting” just Russia getting “their asses kicked”?

Doesn’t Russia control the Ukrainian airspace right now? They accomplished that within hours.

Do they control the airspace? MSM been saying different... which probably means Russia is in full control. Maybe I am on a delay.

russia 'controls' a very narrow band between high altitude systems and Stingers.


Poor russians.

Didn't know someone quietly helped Ukraine upgrade some OLD russian systems.

(Not the U.S. or NATO)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:34 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:52 PM
The cam from Lviv has been quiet these past few days but tonight there has been at least 15 military vehicles roll through the past few hours, 6 of them within the last few minutes. Hard to tell what they are. Some looked like fuel transport, but that's a guess. Too dark to tell if Ukrainian or Russian.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: jedi_hamster

* - Canada unfreezes bank accounts linked to 'Freedom Convoy'

* - Trudeau Lifts Emergencies Act Just after Extension

The Canadian government announced Wednesday it will revoke the Emergencies Act after invoking it only nine days ago, acknowledging that there is no longer a crisis of civil disobedience with truckers protesting the cross-border vaccine mandate that requires such sweeping federal intervention.

So as not to derail the thread this is the last canada post I will answer. We can take that discussion to one of the canada threads if we wish.

from your own link: "the vast majority of assets". NOT all. there are news reports newer than that pointing out that not all accounts were unfrozen.

but sure, take it to canada thread and take your BS with you.

Sorry you were proven wrong. But by al means keep your bs contained to just this thread.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Imhere
What’s with this hilarious one sided “Ukrainian reporting” just Russia getting “their asses kicked”?

Doesn’t Russia control the Ukrainian airspace right now? They accomplished that within hours.

No really they did not.. Russia has claimed numerous times in the past 4 days they have air superiority and yet all evidence points to the contrary.

If you want Russia reporting then feel free to post their headlines. If not then dont bitch because no one is posting them. Oh and the President of Ukraine was not killed and the President of Ukraine did not flee the country - both lies courtesy of Russian propaganda.... err news.
edit on 28-2-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:06 PM

The White House is closely monitoring the Russian military convoy that, according to new satellite images released by Maxar, has reached the outskirts of Kyiv and appears to be more than 40 miles long.
Multiple officials told CNN they are not only concerned by the size of the convoy, but also by the increase in violence, civilian casualties and indiscriminate killings in recent days.

40 miles long? Good gawd, that's not good...
edit on 28-2-2022 by WeDemBoyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I dont think its an anon problem. More like Russia is trying to stop the free fall of their currency and markets. This was from today -

Russia's Stock Market Won't Open Monday

Russia's central bank said Monday that the Moscow Exchange wouldn't open for stock trading, the latest move to contain the financial fallout from President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

It also said derivatives markets would remain closed. The central bank added that the operating hours of the exchange would be announced Tuesday morning.

Russia's financial system has been rocked in recent days by an onslaught of Western sanctions. The Russian ruble plunged to a record low in the European morning. The MOEX benchmark for Russian stocks slid last week. Before its afternoon decision, the Bank of Russia delayed trading in other financial markets.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: frogs453

There was shelling taking place on Ukraine units that were only 9 miles from Poland's border.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:15 PM
* - Internet connectivity has collapsed in Sievierodonetsk, the acting administrative centre of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine

* - Russian troops are trying to storm Kherson. The enemy is advancing from the airport to the Nikolaev highway and the ring near the refrigeration plant

* - Another Russian attack on Irpin, Kyiv region, repelled

* - Taiwan sends 27 tons of medical supplies to Ukraine, the Taipei government announced on Tuesday. The statement emphasized that the Taiwanese authorities are lending a hand as a member of the "democratic camp" in the international community

As a reminder -

Just so people know and understand. Information from war zones can become confusing as there will no doubt be info released from the players (on both sides) involved that might not necessarily be true.

As such take everything as a possibility and NOT as absolute truth.

The very first casualty in a war is the truth and all warfare is based on deception

edit on 28-2-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2022 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: Imhere
What’s with this hilarious one sided “Ukrainian reporting” just Russia getting “their asses kicked”?

Doesn’t Russia control the Ukrainian airspace right now? They accomplished that within hours.

No really they did not.. Russia has claimed numerous times in the past 4 days they have air superiority and yet all evidence points to the contrary.

If you want Russia reporting then feel free to post their headlines. If not then dont bitch because no one is posting them. Oh and the President of Ukraine was not killed and the President of Ukraine did not flee the country - both lies courtesy of Russian propaganda.... err news.

Where is President of Ukraine?

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