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Dr. Anthony Fauci - FULLY VACCINATED will not occur until THREE Injections of Covid Vaccine.

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posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: Freenrgy2

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: carewemust

I guess people aren't dying as fast as they figured they would. Gotta get some more poison into them, mutate them, just make a mess for the rest of us to clean up later.

When actively and publicaly, they state population control, sterilization and death as their goals using "vaccines," why would you think they are actually stating multiply, reproductive rights and life?

Cheers - Dave

Source for any of this or just a nonsensical and nonfactual rant?

People are dying from the jab by the tens of thousands so far, ending up with life threatening and other adverse effects by the millions so far (VAERS, Yellow Card, the WHO's own site, etc). Of course I only know 20 people who have died between 22 hrs and 2 weeks after the jab (just got back from the funeral for the 20th person, nice lady, 52).

Call it the extrapolation of data and evidence, because there is a lot of data and a lot of evidence :-) Why, did you get the jab? Getting nervous?

Cheers - Dave

No, they are not.

You know 20 people dead?! Really?

Sounds to me that you are quite the jinx.

Yes, 14 friends and clients, 3 at our local legion, an tribute artist, a friend of a close friend and a friend's mother.

You should have seen me in South Africa when I worked in R&D and the field for the military and CI.... No repeat offenders ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:58 PM
I’ll bet there will be a forth shot. Anyone taking odds?

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Freenrgy2
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

So you don't have a source. Got it.

Why did I get the jab....I believe they are safe and it might very well safe my life or the life of a loved one. My wife has MS (fully vaccinated) but I still want to do all I can to protect her.

The only thing I'm nervous about are the number of people like yourself that will use any excuse to not get vaccinated, thereby prolonging the pandemic, which could result in many more variants that make whatever protection the current vaccine offers null.

I have had the alleged magic covid, so has my wife, had the serology tests as well just to make sure, so actually our natural immunity is better than your experimental jab alleged immunity (which is in trials until 2023). Although I do see huge increases in cases and deaths in Israel. Good luck ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: Freenrgy2

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: carewemust

I guess people aren't dying as fast as they figured they would. Gotta get some more poison into them, mutate them, just make a mess for the rest of us to clean up later.

When actively and publicaly, they state population control, sterilization and death as their goals using "vaccines," why would you think they are actually stating multiply, reproductive rights and life?

Cheers - Dave

Source for any of this or just a nonsensical and nonfactual rant?

People are dying from the jab by the tens of thousands so far, ending up with life threatening and other adverse effects by the millions so far (VAERS, Yellow Card, the WHO's own site, etc). Of course I only know 20 people who have died between 22 hrs and 2 weeks after the jab (just got back from the funeral for the 20th person, nice lady, 52).

Call it the extrapolation of data and evidence, because there is a lot of data and a lot of evidence :-) Why, did you get the jab? Getting nervous?

Cheers - Dave

No, they are not.

You know 20 people dead?! Really?

Sounds to me that you are quite the jinx.

If you think that's bad, the surgeon general of the United States stood by and watched 10 of his close relatives die from covid-19.

The highest ranking doctor in the land!

We are so screwed if we do not flush certain critters out of Washington dc.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I posted multiple sites. The only one that requires subscription was NYT. For some reason they let me view the article.
I'm also supplied quotes from those articles.

I was responding to your post which posted only one site,

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I can view that site just fine. No prompt for membership or login.


posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Zitterbewegung

Link not working for me but never mind.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
a reply to: chr0naut

Viral Vector uses the technology developed for gene therapy. Scientists are using the same technology to work like a vaccine in that it ultimately creates and immune response to the spike protein.

The J&J Viral Vector vaccine is not gene therapy.
The J&J Viral Vector vaccine is using the technology developed for gene therapy to deliver DNA into the nuclei of cells to promote creation of mRNA that then leave the nucleus and in the cytoplasm the ribosomes create the spike protein.

If the J&J entered the nucleus and modified DNA, it would, by definition, be a gene therapy.

But it doesn't enter the nucleus or modify DNA, so it isn't a gene therapy.

Nor does it require the DNA to make the mRNA. The mRNA is already in the vaccine. The mRNA does not need to enter the nucleus for translation to the spike protein in the ribosomes, which are in the cytoplasm.

Translation - NIH

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
a reply to: chr0naut

"Viral vectors are promising tools for gene therapy and vaccines."

A hammer can be used as a handy tool, and for murdering someone.

This does not imply that every hammer is a murder weapon.

edit on 3/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I'm not saying it's a dangerous tool. I'm just informing people what it actual is so they stop calling the vaccines gene therapy.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

"Viral vectors are promising tools for gene therapy and vaccines"

gene therapies use viral vectors
J&J vaccine use viral vectors

The use the viral vector is used the same way in both cases. To deliver DNA into the nuclei of cells.
That is the whole point of a viral vector.
In the case of J&J vaccine the DNA delivered to the nuclei lacks other pathogen genes required for replication. (see link below)

"Gene therapy
Main article: Gene therapy

Gene therapy is a technique for correcting defective genes responsible for disease development. In the future, gene therapy may provide a way to cure genetic disorders, such as severe combined immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis or even haemophilia A. Because these diseases result from mutations in the DNA sequence for specific genes, gene therapy trials have used viruses to deliver unmutated copies of these genes to the cells of the patient's body. There have been a huge number of laboratory successes with gene therapy. However, several problems of viral gene therapy must be overcome before it gains widespread use. Immune response to viruses not only impedes the delivery of genes to target cells but can cause severe complications for the patient. In one of the early gene therapy trials in 1999 this led to the death of Jesse Gelsinger, who was treated using an adenoviral vector.[2]

Some viral vectors, for instance gamma-retroviruses, insert their genomes at a seemingly random location on one of the host chromosomes, which can disturb the function of cellular genes and lead to cancer. In a severe combined immunodeficiency retroviral gene therapy trial conducted in 2002, four of the patients developed leukemia as a consequence of the treatment;[3] three of the patients recovered after chemotherapy.[4] Adeno-associated virus-based vectors are much safer in this respect as they always integrate at the same site in the human genome, with applications in various disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. [5]

Main article: Viral vector vaccine

A live vector vaccine is a vaccine that uses an organism (typically virus or bacterium) that does not cause disease to transport the pathogen genes into the body in order to stimulate an immune response.[6] Viruses expressing pathogen proteins are currently being developed as vaccines against these pathogens, based on the same rationale as DNA vaccines. The genes used in such vaccines are usually antigen coding surface proteins from the pathogenic organism. They are then inserted into the genome of a non-pathogenic organism, where they are expressed on the organism's surface and can elicit an immune response.[clarification needed]

Unlike attenuated vaccines, viral vector vaccines lack other pathogen genes required for replication, so infection by the pathogen is impossible. Adenoviruses are being actively developed as vaccine vectors. "

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:00 PM
CanSino, AstraZenca, Sputnik, J&J all use viral vector. If memory serves, CanSino made the world's first viral vector vaccine in 2019, used for ebola.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

" Adenoviruses

Adenoviruses are DNA viruses with broad cell tropism that can transiently transduce nearly any mammalian cell type. The adenovirus enters target cells by binding to the Coxsackie/Adenovirus receptor (CAR) (Bergelson et al.,1997). After binding to the CAR, the adenovirus is internalized via integrin-mediated endocytosis followed by active transport to the nucleus, where its DNA is expressed episomally (Hirata and Russell, 2000). Although adenoviral vectors work well for transient delivery in many cell types, for some difficult cell lines such as non-dividing cells and for stable expression, lentiviral vectors are preferred. The packaging capacity of adenoviruses is 7–8 kb." rs.html

"An adenovirus vaccine is a virus that has been altered so that it can't make you sick, it can't replicate, it cannot integrate into your DNA, so they take out some really important parts of that virus genome."

I don't know how I can spell it out more clearly for you. You are wrong.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Only a moron would celebrate affliction or death of someone trying to protect themselves or to be as immature to have a pissin' contest over who's immunity is better.

Good luck is right. You're going to need it with that arrogant attitude.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Freenrgy2
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Only a moron would celebrate affliction or death of someone trying to protect themselves or to be as immature to have a pissin' contest over who's immunity is better.

Good luck is right. You're going to need it with that arrogant attitude.

Awww, did I hut you widdle feewings. If you want to take that attitude, I can do more, but I won't.

You really don't have any form of long lasting immunity. Do even know what you took? Do you know how Antigen Specific Antibodies and Antigen Non-Specific Antibodies work? Do you even know what is in the shot? Did you do any research or did you just listen to the talking heads, the actors, on mockingbird MSM?

With what you got in that jab, you will need a shot every 6 months to a year for the rest of your life. I find that obscene and horribly sad. Your life is now held hostage by the whims of pharmaceutical companies and governments. In order to try and stay alive, you will have to appease your masters or die without the next shot. Or if you piss them off, maybe they will just turn off your bank cards before the next shot, who knows. The new reality these assclowns are pushing is a totalitarian dystopian nightmare and if you don't want to be bigger slave than you are now, you had better wake TF up. Otherwise, this is what you are leaving your kids and their kids and their kids, etc., the nightmare.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 9/3.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: Zitterbewegung
a reply to: chr0naut

"Viral vectors are promising tools for gene therapy and vaccines"

gene therapies use viral vectors
J&J vaccine use viral vectors

The use the viral vector is used the same way in both cases. To deliver DNA into the nuclei of cells.
That is the whole point of a viral vector.
In the case of J&J vaccine the DNA delivered to the nuclei lacks other pathogen genes required for replication. (see link below)

"Gene therapy
Main article: Gene therapy

Gene therapy is a technique for correcting defective genes responsible for disease development. In the future, gene therapy may provide a way to cure genetic disorders, such as severe combined immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis or even haemophilia A. Because these diseases result from mutations in the DNA sequence for specific genes, gene therapy trials have used viruses to deliver unmutated copies of these genes to the cells of the patient's body. There have been a huge number of laboratory successes with gene therapy. However, several problems of viral gene therapy must be overcome before it gains widespread use. Immune response to viruses not only impedes the delivery of genes to target cells but can cause severe complications for the patient. In one of the early gene therapy trials in 1999 this led to the death of Jesse Gelsinger, who was treated using an adenoviral vector.[2]

Some viral vectors, for instance gamma-retroviruses, insert their genomes at a seemingly random location on one of the host chromosomes, which can disturb the function of cellular genes and lead to cancer. In a severe combined immunodeficiency retroviral gene therapy trial conducted in 2002, four of the patients developed leukemia as a consequence of the treatment;[3] three of the patients recovered after chemotherapy.[4] Adeno-associated virus-based vectors are much safer in this respect as they always integrate at the same site in the human genome, with applications in various disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. [5]

Main article: Viral vector vaccine

A live vector vaccine is a vaccine that uses an organism (typically virus or bacterium) that does not cause disease to transport the pathogen genes into the body in order to stimulate an immune response.[6] Viruses expressing pathogen proteins are currently being developed as vaccines against these pathogens, based on the same rationale as DNA vaccines. The genes used in such vaccines are usually antigen coding surface proteins from the pathogenic organism. They are then inserted into the genome of a non-pathogenic organism, where they are expressed on the organism's surface and can elicit an immune response.[clarification needed]

Unlike attenuated vaccines, viral vector vaccines lack other pathogen genes required for replication, so infection by the pathogen is impossible. Adenoviruses are being actively developed as vaccine vectors. "

Did they tell you that when gene therapy is applied, when it reaches critical waste mass and/or critical energy requirement thresholds that not only are cytokine storms created, but also sepsis/massive organ failure as the ATP/ADP cycle collapses which produces cachexia as well. I looked at this for over 20 years, as I have an HLA 4B27 auto-immune disorder. Research, modeling and simulations may not produce real world results, but they do give direction as to what could very likely happen when an mRNA/rDNA therapy is applied.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 9/3.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

(post by Freenrgy2 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:25 PM
There has been and is still an ongoing split between those saying...

It's a Gene Therapy.
It's a mRNA Vaccine.

or any combination of the two?

Moderna, Inc.

Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism. In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain. The number and design of the clinical trials and preclinical studies required for the approval of these types of medicines have not been established, may be different from those required for gene therapy products, or may require safety testing like gene therapy products. Moreover, the length of time necessary to complete clinical trials and to submit an application for marketing approval for a final decision by a regulatory authority varies significantly from one pharmaceutical product to the next, and may be difficult to predict.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It's a fuzzy boundary because although these so called vaccines are not meant to alter DNA they do use the same mechanism to get the DNA into cell nuclei.

Except in the "vaccines" we are told the DNA is lacking genes to multiply.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Now that I think about it. The mRNA vaccines are indeed using genes for therapy even though they are not altering DNA.
So I guess, by definition, it is gene therapy.

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