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Dr. Anthony Fauci - FULLY VACCINATED will not occur until THREE Injections of Covid Vaccine.

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posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: TTU77

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: TTU77
a reply to: chr0naut

The vaccine is composed of 99 percent graphine oxide which is poisonous and reacts to 5G frequency bands. Plans within plans.

Graphene oxide is yellow in liquid and brown as a dry powder.

Graphenea Graphene Oxide

The normal wavelengths of the 5G spectrum is between 1mm and 10mm. An efficient dipole antenna would have to subtend 1/2 of that wavelength to pick up the radio signal, and that antenna would be visible to the naked eye.

Something small enough to be injectable would not be able to interact with a radio signal of such a wavelength.

The vaccine replaces broad spectrum natural immune system with specific antibodies only for original COVID virus. The immune system is compromised!!!! This is wildly dangerous. If the worlds powers didn't worship money, this would never be considered to vaccinate the entire population with an experimental vaccine on a virus so deadly that one needs to be tested to know one has it, or is so safe that it needs to convince the people the vaccine is safe. Now they want to force the "unvaccinated" with economic warfare. Sounds more and more akin to mark of beast territory.

Graphine Oxide is 3 carbons, elements combined, so 6 6 6, and goes to the brain!

So, how would the Pfizer vaccine be a clear liquid if it was 99% graphene oxide, made predominantly out of carbon?

See videos of people being magnetized after the vaccine shot. Wake up people!!!

Graphene, made of carbon, is non-magnetic.

Everything in your post is wildly untrue.

Do not conflate graphene with graphene oxide, which can magnetic.

I'm not.

Regardless, how then can you explain arms becoming magnetized after the vaccine if you are so convinced there aren't any funky magnetic nano particles in the vaccine.

Because the stuff posted online about the injection site being magnetic, is fake.

How could a few milligrams of a clear injectable liquid have enough magnetism to stick 'phones, fridge magnets and keys? (and have you tried to pick up keys with a magnet, BTW)?

Also, graphene itself, even though carbon, can also become magnetic by removing some atoms. I'm no material engineer, but I'm still highly sceptical of this entire situation.

No, carbon doesn't become magnetic by removing some carbon atoms.

The chemistry would have to include metals to be magnetic.

As to why it is clear, I don't know,

I know of no magnetic material that isn't quite dark in color, and opaque at room temperature.

can only imagine that 99 percent of the material in the vaccine, aside from the liquid, is the graphene oxide.

Or the 99% figure is as BS as the rest of the story?

Regardless, some things are still unclear since some sources say the vaccine is only 1ml, if that were the case, even if it were iron, that wouldnt be enought to be magnetic, so something weird is going on. Can anyone confirm the actual dosage size, which would need to be multiplied by 3 now I guess, haha.

I have had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and, as expected, there was no sign at all of even weak magnetism (tested with a magnetic compass, which is a far more sensitive test than keys).

Another source, graphene isn't magnetic, but it is an element and elements interact with other elements and therefore has the potential to change its properties.

Lol, graphene is not an element, it's molecular.

It seems simply hydrogen atoms can make graphene magnetic.

Yes, hydrogen is a metal, but the amount of magnetism it could possibly add is vanishingly small.

Water is two thirds hydrogen, go and pick some up with a magnet.

Hydrogen atoms can induce magnetism in graphene and be used to create a uniform magnetic order across the 1D material. That is the finding of researchers in Spain, France and Egypt, who also demonstrated that it is possible to atomically manipulate hydrogen atoms on graphene to control the local magnetic state.

A reason why they would graphene oxide:

Well we seeked for evidence from web full of deleted data and videos due to the newly appointed sentinels of the worldwide web , namely The Fact Checkers .

The invention patent belongs to the field of nano materials and biomedicine and relates to a vaccine. In particular to the development of the 2019-nCOV coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine.

The NEW Corona vaccine contains GRAPHENE OXIDE , carnosine, CpG ,and new Corona virus RBD binding carnosine , CpG and neocoronavirus RBD on the backbone of GRAPHENE OXIDE To summarize it is a novel corona virus protein receptor binding region to provide a strong support for prevention and treatment of the novel corona virus.

Wow, now it is nuclear, and recombinant too! With body-building additives like carnosine to build muscle fast...

You do realize that those 'sciency' sounding words, in that sequence, that you quoted above, don't even make sense?

As for the diode and 5G, dude, graphene oxide is affected by the magnetic field of 5G, this is pure science that isn't debateable. Please provide otherwise.

5G is a radio communications standard. It has as much magnetism as the beam of a flashlight.

Note: to get releveant information, use duckduckgo. Google is completely whitewashed

Both DuckDuckGo and Google are internet search engines. They aren't themselves relevant and factual information. If you want to search for "the sugar plumb fairy", they will show lots of results, even pictures and photographs.

If you want to learn something credible, do a science class or read a textbook.

edit on 11/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Antenna Rx and Tx. Aerials only Rx.

a reply to: chr0naut


But I used the terms interchangeably, because, physically, they are exactly the same thing.

Or are you now suggesting that they are injecting an entire radio set into us?

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 05:42 PM
Major Update and Analysis 9.17.2021

Vaccines reduce to less than 75% effectiveness after 6 months, and the FDA has determined that a Booster shot is NOT needed.

Three Shots Not Needed says the FDA:

Sounds like we've been in a Pandemic of money payouts and election fraud over the past 19 months.

A cool $5 Trillion worth of payouts!

Barely-lethal Covid-19 was the excuse.

Democrats feel the Suicides, Alcoholism, Family violence, intentional Senior Deaths, were just acceptable losses.

originally posted by: carewemust
Thursday, September 2, 2021

An announcement today from the most powerful and influential U.S. government health advisor in our nation's history.

WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden, defended the administration’s decision to recommend coronavirus vaccine booster shots and said that three doses of an mRNA vaccine, not two, would be the new standard of full vaccination.

President Trump was afraid to fire him. President Biden loves him. What POWER does Dr. Anthony Fauci possess?

Are we to assume that after the 3rd injection of Covid-19 vaccine, the human body will be immune to severe Covid-19 sickness for longer than the 8 months of immunity provided by vaccine injection number 2?

Surely there must be a SCIENTIFIC REASON why Fauci said 3 shots will get the job done, instead of 4 or 5 or 6. Right?


posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 12:39 PM
Thank-you ATS colleague CrankyOldMan for your global perspective!

More at:

America needs to see a little more sickness in Vaccinated Individuals, but we'll come around too. Hopefully sooner, rather than later, to minimize the suffering.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 11:59 PM

A New Covid-19 info video was placed online today. The best segment is the 34min40sec mark until the end. Lots of new information, including intelligence pointing to the Chinese military creating Covid-19 as a Bioweapon. The big question...Did it escape the Wuhan lab by accident due to negligence, or was it released on purpose.

The mysterious involvements of the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and the USA's Dr. Anthony Fauci, are also explored.
Based on evidence continuing to come in pointing to of a Chinese cover-up, we will most likely (I hope) begin to hear calls for nations to boycott the Winter Olympics, starting in Beijing CHINA, just 5 months from now....Feb 2022.

edit on 9/28/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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