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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: sapien82
I remember one phrase on FL-of all the possible ways to die-you chose the best -to live!

Despite the fact that we are taught from the cradle, as Direne said - food, and you are not welcome here...
our hatred of our neighbor is guided by one thing-fear of death. But we don't know what death is - why then should we be afraid of what we don't know?

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: kirass

I believe SV groups are doing the right thing despite sinister over a retarded God that answers to everyone that calls including "Hypocrite Criminals".

I need "proper resolute". I don't want to live with Hypocrite Criminals for the rest of my life. Based God, good luck with that.

Listen to Mr Camacho for goodness sake.

edit on 24-8-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: kirass

LMAO, we know exactly what death is.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: kirass

Well, Direne is a proven clown. Apparently lacks understanding of life worse than Death.

Cradle of light my ass.

posted on Aug, 24 2023 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: kirass

Well, Direne is a proven clown. Apparently lacks understanding of life worse than Death.

Don't worry about bravery. Our civilization is already at the cradle of Death itself.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: kirass

Exactly the abusive devil they are. Letting them deduce you by food and territory. Guess what? They use those exact people they describe cause it helps with their agenda. Which is purely satanic. Don't let them. I'm convinced their group is purely Satanic after all.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 05:43 PM
Disheartening is what it is.
A few months ago after becoming really tired of mass-media, I started reading: FL and a lot of older books. And I started reading between the lines.
It is clear there exists very advanced research and technology. However it is not for us because "humanity is not ready". But apparently some feel they are ready and use this knowledge for unimaginable feats and, since they are human too, for unimaginable crimes.

Ruled by the "lobbyists", ruled by ruthless desire for money and power, it is the pathocracy that creates our wants and needs. Pathocracy creates divisions between people and nations. Pathocracy creates the progressing dehumanization.

It is disheartening for the people who are "ready", the moral and empathic people, to realize what we could have been an what we could have achieved by now.
And here we are, humanity stuck in stasis forever. Forever scrambling to pay the bills, slaves of our want, slaves of our manufactured anger and fear, slaves of the massive money stream to our revered "rulers" the untouchable psychopaths who create ever more deception, chaos and oppression.

You see who is the threat, and not the "aliens"?

Habitus in sempiternium, discens in aeternum.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 07:37 PM
*My bad, double post*
edit on 8/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: rietcatcher

Yup, I'm also starting to see the 'alien' threat as a control mechanism. Shifting our origins to some ET creation is incredibly dis-empowering.

It's just the angelic hierarchy, which us humans are a part of. So why is our military mind so afraid of it? Not to mention burning coastal areas, so private interests can swoop in and control the land rising / ancient Atlantean tech that Cayce predicted.

The perception of it changes, as our does. If we perceive it through a high tech fear based reactionary lens, that's how it will reveal itself.

I think we're looking at a dimensional mirror, which we have to make peace with, by making peace with ourselves.
edit on 8/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 08:26 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I think there's a lot between the lines here:

The real conspiracy is simply to convince not the public, but the decision makers, that extraterrestrials exist. What the average citizen believes or disbelieves no longer matters. What matters is to create a majority of senators and congressmen who believe in extraterrestrials. That is our job here. Only then can we deploy nuclear weapons in space with the blessing of the politicians. Do you get it now? We assume the risk that there could be a catastrophic accident, and that is why we need to disguise our project behind the curtain of a civilian project: the DRACO project. We can always admit that an experimental NASA spacecraft whose propulsion is based on a nuclear thermal engine has crashed in a medium-sized city, but we could never confess that a military nuclear satellite has fallen on a city. Never.

They have run out of ideas. It is very difficult to convince the civilian population that the next war will no longer be in a remote place where bombs always fall on others. In the next war, bombs will fall on your city, and some of those bombs will be radioactive. You might want to prepare a scenario in which a nuclear-powered alien spacecraft crashes into a medium-sized city. This way we kill two birds with one stone: we make the population aware that the possibility of being bombed is real and that they should assume it, and on the other hand we blame the aliens for any nuclear incident. I'm just joking, you know.

Technological risks require society to perceive the relationship between technology and technological disasters as unavoidable. But when it comes to nuclear military technology no one wants to hear about accidents, so having nuclear missiles orbiting over our cities is not something people are going to approve of. It's funny that if it were alien spacecrafts, no one would care whether or not those spacecrafts were powered by nuclear engines. It's as if anything extraterrestrial is better viewed in the eyes of the public, and that's precisely what we have to take advantage of. So yes, get ready to hear news about alien spacecrafts... powered by nuclear engines.
edit on 8/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: rietcatcher

They have the means so they do as they please.

Some disboard folks are making some interesting connections. Especially with the "face-eating" aliens on Peru which is obviously disinformation and part of the "truth supression".

It was revealed that they were interested in trapping as many of those those UAPs/UFOs on Mars after successfully replicating the required environs on Yulara Event. And discovering a "new universe" MonkaS.

Let's assume that Akrij has everlasting life; if such were the case then the entity needs not fear a cessation of its existence and we should not be perceived as a threat. And though we cannot ascribe human features and aspirations to such an alien being, we can draw some parallels with all we know about biological beings here on Earth.

It is a fact they can curve space-time and visit us. But instead of asking how they do it, let's ask why they do it. Why they do what they do? What are the rules of their behaviour? Direct observation is not possible and, on the other hand, the mere contact with them leads to insanity. They are inexpressably alien, that is, they are alien beyond words. Nothing in our neural conformation is ready to meet them vis-a-vis.

Direna must be absent when this was posted.

self-preservation is our ultimate priority, and that is something they seem to fully understand.The message they sent seem to point out that there is a fate worse than death for us, and that we need to understand this. Preservation of one's culture leads to a drive for knowledge. This Akrij made clear on several exchanges.

(Yulara Simulated Event)

Yulara is a turning point. We have for the first time learned of a new universe, where the laws of nature differ from ours. Now is time for us to redefine all of our notions of reality. If we deny the new reality we must become insane. Mind, our reality itself is intact, it does not change. But our perception of it must change.
edit on 26-8-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 06:02 PM
I highly recommend the documentaries by Adam Curtis: The Trap, The Century Of The Self, You Have Used Me As A Fish Long Enough, All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace etc.
Regarding directed energy, I stopped reading about it. It just became too frightening: they can erase and manipulate your memory from a distance with microwaves...

posted on Aug, 28 2023 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: rietcatcher

Do you remember how they used to warn us not to get too close watching the television because it might be harmful to us. Well now it's in our hands. 😂. All the radioactivity around us.

I bet the TPTB will force a collapse then introduce new technologies. (Optimistic future trajectory) Possibly made of alien.

I remember Nikola once said,

If you want to find the secrets of the Universe
Think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

I noticed that FL often draws scenarios that are likely in the future. But most likely, we are opened by inserts of encoded messages - already with English expressions.

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: kirass

Perhaps, but I'm not buying the future ET scenarios anymore. I think it's all disempowering disinfo, and this is the closest thing to the truth that FL has posted, after I mentioned the angelic hierarchy here. Along with Direne's / FL's revelations about environmental conditions, and trying to mask PSVs as weather phenomena. Storms are being used in some way.

But even this is misleading, as if we aren't already angels (humans / persons). They're just talking about advancing up the hierarchy:

They live in a place where they can make their wildest dreams come true. Thus, they live committing all kinds of sins and outrages, all kinds of perversions, abandoning themselves to their passions and their basest instincts. At a given moment, already satiated, they wake up. It is then that we descend from the stars to gather them up and welcome them into the heavenly community, now cured of themselves.

This, Norea, is the place where your people fall asleep and dream for a lifetime that they are alive, a lifetime in which they commit abuses, excesses, perverse acts. This place, Norea, is the earth.

An angel is neither created nor born. An angel is the final result of a long process in which one learns that the physical is a hell in which lasciviousness, immediate pleasure and power are three addictions that must be renounced. And at the very moment one learns that, the prison door opens

Meanwhile, our tax dollars are paying for acts of desperation, and a world that's been locked down for decades, over an ET threat with a scientific materialist layer:

We try it as a desperate measure, a way of trying to explore the dimensions of the inner as a means of communicating with others, those others of whom we know nothing.

when all sensations have been annulled, when you are totally alone with yourself, isolated from the outside world, inside the deprivation tank, in the dark, submerged in water mixed with trehalose and enriched with oxygen that allows you to breathe without the aid of any apparatus, when you are like this for hours, everything changes; it is in this altered state of consciousness that invades you that contact with others is established. It is a contact that changes you radically.

We need to revert back to the mystic's mind.
edit on 8/30/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:08 PM
In a nutshell, we are not designoids.

We have latent power that's been deliberately suppressed, due to an erasure of true history, and not everything is our fault.
edit on 8/30/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 11:11 PM

This, Norea, is the place where your people fall asleep and dream for a lifetime that they are alive,

Not to stay here and get caught up with the pros and cons of the mystic/gnostic mind. However think carefully about the quote above.

In particular the perspective.

That is the perspective of someone who is not alive talking to someone who is alive.

What that person is telling Norea is that the pain experienced in life is just a dream. The implication here is to cheapen life and suffering therein.

That sort of thinking allows people to do terrible things because they think: "life is just a dream".

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

My case is hardest one. They've set me up for the most
wicked and twisted fall. Some theory suggests we are a slave race locked and isolated on Earth with continued reincarnation to serve these Luciferin entities.

The crux of the matter is very ugly of course.
One could bring justice but instead the whole plan now is to end the whole chapter of humanity. Dark dark entities.
Dark dark entities.

Imagine a curse so dark it creates a black hole.

Extinction Level Event
Saying your life is scripted is already a dark dark flag from a dark dark entities for sure.

My life was created perfectly for the hardest fall.

🎵 Oh it's you I watch TV with 🎶 MonkaS


posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: boozo

Guess I was a bit cranky the other day. Have to meet the truth halfway, rather than all or nothing.

Seems we're in the midst of three forces of creation: Ahriman, Christ, Lucifer.

Ahriman is all around us: the tech we consume daily, the opium inside our screens. The wars we fight, digitally and IRL, for reason we don't fully understand. Ahriman is unreality. The idea is not to become a Luddite, as I once thought. But instead, we need to integrate that tech in a healthier way (into reality), and not be consumed by it. That's the challenge we face.

Christ has been reduced and bastardized, so we have to dig for that influence. But it's really common sense stuff anyway, and permeates everything if you let it. Integrity, empathy, kindness, and so on. Realizing that we're part of a whole. If we start peeling those pesky stickers off our plastic containers, maybe they'll actually be properly recycled. No need to kill a spider, when you can let it outside. The spider understands that you're taking it outside, and won't enter uninvited again. Maybe your coworker / family / friend needs an encouraging word or two. That kind of thinking.

Lucifer is the individualistic scientific materialism we see everywhere. Who cares if my neighbor doesn't get the goods, at least I do. It's taking empathy / genuine community, and inverting it. These days, we have a forced definition of community, with controls coming through it.

I'm willing to accept that there's an angelic hierarchy, like Ezekiel described, which shares a dimensional space with us. As well as a possible ET threat outside of that hierarchy. Perhaps the hierarchy is helping us face it?

But that said, the threat is dis-empowering, and keeps us in a fantastical state of limbo. That, along with this false CIA disclosure circus we have going, and decades of ET programming, is why I find it hard to maintain that belief. I mean, it's called programming for a reason...

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Aren't an angel a light being?

An angel is neither created nor born. An angel is the final result of a long process in which one learns that the physical is a hell in which lasciviousness, immediate pleasure and power are three addictions that must be renounced. And at the very moment one learns that, the prison door open

There could be an angel hierarchy, but I don't think it's an easy task.

And I think that includes giving up your life.

Hard pill to swallow. Indeed.

It's undesirable once you get there.

But if living life conditions is already powerless might as well join them, right? ❌ wrong.

I mean who and what decides this? I don't really care.

I believe on your way you'll meet the worst types of people and decides either they will die by their own foolishness or try and help them.

The worst part (You'll always come off as the villain).
As deemed.
edit on 1-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

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