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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 07:13 AM

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Emit1

There was even some early (1980) MILAB programming in that one:

edit on 9/1/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: boozo

I'm not saying join them. I'm saying that we're already there, and the greatest conspiracy is to make us all think that we're powerless.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 09:36 AM

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 05:37 PM
I was frustrated and oversimplifying the phenomenon before, it is complex. Back to balance. I think tracing it from angels to UAP is the idea, but that's a massive undertaking. I'm not giving up, but long story short, we'll probably never really know:

The problem with the study of non-human intelligent vehicles is precisely that: we will never know whether they are human or not, nor will we be able to draw conclusions from the data collected because neither the data is shared nor do we know what exotic toys this or that intelligence service or agency has. That is the situation today and that will be the situation tomorrow. Add to this that there are civilian satellites that are actually military, merchant ships that are not, orbital, terrestrial or aerial platforms whose existence no one will recognize, and finally add to this extremely quasi-magical advanced technologies deployed that, for security reasons, only a few know about. That's your UAP zoo.

The hiders and the finders - On the invisible ISR fleet
edit on 9/3/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:57 PM
Hi Direne, this is very unrelated but could I get a private message? I've been looking through FL's texts and reading the nag hammadi to try and understand better and I feel like i'm going crazy, I need to know more. I emailed Ayndryl extremely prematurely, before I knew anything about what you guys were researching, so I don't wish to try to communicate with your group through her again as I am embarrassed. I know nothing, but wish only to learn. I've never had anything make me feel this way. reply to: Direne

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:33 PM
edit on 4-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 07:50 AM
It's just a year and a fourth now .
Anything can happen.
ᴹᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵈᶦᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵃᵗᵗᵃᶜᵏ ˡᵃᵗᵉʳ

edit on 5-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:53 AM
Re-watched Twister (1996) last night, and saw it through a different lens, keeping in mind Direne's revelation of one environmental process against another. Even though reviewers say it's a dumb movie that's just showcasing special effects, there is some encoding. Calling an F5 tornado 'the finger of God'. The Shining playing at the outdoor movie theater. Dorothy symbolism, and the red shoes. They're navigating these storms with a red truck. Also, the way they're describing them as having a mind of their own. Meg telling Jo that it's (tornado destruction) got to stop, and 'You've been chasing these "things" since you were a little kid'. I feel there's more to this movie, especially with Crichton and Spielberg being involved.

I think this is a thread worth pulling on... just started looking into the Weather Channel show Twisted Believers, which is a lead I found here:

The Noah flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the strange weather 'phenomenon' we're experiencing these days. Freak fires, blended with freak storms. Definitely begins to put the climate / carbon credit agenda into perspective.
edit on 9/5/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:54 PM
Some cryptic language here, but it's pretty interesting:

9-5-23 Resdaim nalu repilim

This always holds the just places, which are the guarded places. The seven others stand, therefore, but who is without a mother? Whoever does not have a mother joined to himself, and tests himself in that he has not found this out by this reason. He is not worthy of me because he cannot seek what it is. He may find by he who is father and mother, who is included and not closed; the closed is made not closed to be present to all.

Whoever in these comes out into the world, such is his disposition and such will be his nature. You have come to find out if you can escape from a fear with which you are vexed. And about your dreams that knowledge can be gained as to what they mean and why you are vexed by many different kinds of dreams, and why you dream of a particular landscape, and how is it that in your dreams you see that turbulent water surrounds you: that is your last dream, the one in which you will see the disposition of your life and the kind of death by which you will die.

In your dream it appeared to you that your eyes were blinded and that you would be deprived of your eyes, and you incurred danger by coming to me. Thus was given to you an opportunity for cursing me and it will be the signs of my wisdom. And you were moved to a deep sigh because then you were not near to it. And if you had stayed in that land until now, it would not have happened that you would not have wept for the loss of any of your members.

and made me understand that although they used a different language known only to them, they wished me to learn that language and all of its words, for if the name of a thing is not known, then the understanding perishes

and men will build the machine in the desert, the machine that will alow them to see the present, the past, and the future; but in their feelings they are very various and their hearts are full of bitterness. And in every way they are full of bitterness. And you are the leader of armies and the cause of many homicides. And to you no woman seems ugly. And you commit many adulteries, you are a thief and a traitor, and you do not fear God. And you look upon all people with scorn. This is the reason why the machine will destroy you the moment you put it at work: time travel is not meant as a blessing for you.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger
Some cryptic language here, but it's pretty interesting:

9-5-23 Resdaim nalu repilim

This always holds the just places, which are the guarded places. The seven others stand, therefore, but who is without a mother? Whoever does not have a mother joined to himself, and tests himself in that he has not found this out by this reason. He is not worthy of me because he cannot seek what it is. He may find by he who is father and mother, who is included and not closed; the closed is made not closed to be present to all.

Whoever in these comes out into the world, such is his disposition and such will be his nature. You have come to find out if you can escape from a fear with which you are vexed. And about your dreams that knowledge can be gained as to what they mean and why you are vexed by many different kinds of dreams, and why you dream of a particular landscape, and how is it that in your dreams you see that turbulent water surrounds you: that is your last dream, the one in which you will see the disposition of your life and the kind of death by which you will die.

In your dream it appeared to you that your eyes were blinded and that you would be deprived of your eyes, and you incurred danger by coming to me. Thus was given to you an opportunity for cursing me and it will be the signs of my wisdom. And you were moved to a deep sigh because then you were not near to it. And if you had stayed in that land until now, it would not have happened that you would not have wept for the loss of any of your members.

and made me understand that although they used a different language known only to them, they wished me to learn that language and all of its words, for if the name of a thing is not known, then the understanding perishes

and men will build the machine in the desert, the machine that will alow them to see the present, the past, and the future; but in their feelings they are very various and their hearts are full of bitterness. And in every way they are full of bitterness. And you are the leader of armies and the cause of many homicides. And to you no woman seems ugly. And you commit many adulteries, you are a thief and a traitor, and you do not fear God. And you look upon all people with scorn. This is the reason why the machine will destroy you the moment you put it at work: time travel is not meant as a blessing for you.

What do those mean to you?
Even God is a wrathful and scornful God. The Christian God btw and all other man-made Gods. Why? Because we were created by the same image? False God?

If knowledge of the future would ease my pain, I would take it. Humans are tricky business. Everyone has one.
I believe we value our freedom too much we'd do anything to keep it. Everyone plays the same game just watch out some could rob you blind. We share the space, but we don't the share the same innate freedom. Thus, we shared the path we left behind.

Seems like humanization of robots is a more interesting topic. Or vampires, yes?

edit on 5-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:04 PM
Fake Hype.

Fake Love.

edit on 6-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:31 AM

edit on 6-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:32 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:12 PM
While the US covert agencies are busy reversed engineering and experimenting with newfound toys. Others are challenging the current power structure since their so full of it. While the SV are busy establishing a new world order. And FL busy taking notes. Will the new established power structures strive to fit in or will a new wave of global disease strikes back? Stay tuned here on the "Languages of Vampyrs" exclusively on ATS.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:17 AM
originally posted by: fireslinger

turbulent water surrounds you: that is your last dream, the one in which you will see the disposition of your life and the kind of death by which you will die.

This is indeed true by many who died from the floods

In your dream it appeared to you that your eyes were blinded and that you would be deprived of your eyes, and you incurred danger by coming to me. Thus was given to you an opportunity for cursing me and it will be the signs of my wisdom. And you were moved to a deep sigh because then you were not near to it. And if you had stayed in that land until now, it would not have happened that you would not have wept for the loss of any of your members.

and made me understand that although they used a different language known only to them, they wished me to learn that language and all of its words, for if the name of a thing is not known, then the understanding perishes

But where hast thou wisdom brought thee?

If you look at SAUDI ARABIA. They are already building a flood proof? Smart City called The Line.

and men will build the machine in the desert, the machine that will alow them to see the present, the past, and the future; but in their feelings they are very various and their hearts are full of bitterness. And in every way they are full of bitterness. And you are the leader of armies and the cause of many homicides. And to you no woman seems ugly. And you commit many adulteries, you are a thief and a traitor, and you do not fear God. And you look upon all people with scorn. This is the reason why the machine will destroy you the moment you put it at work: time travel is not meant as a blessing for you.

This comment ^ make sense if Elon and the Saudi Prince would build it. Though I don't understand the generalization of humanity as one entity yet.

Always the ∆ ∆ ∆

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

That tornado talk webpage was really cool, thanks for posting that. The "butterfly people" saving kids was really interesting.

UFOs, elemental spirits and fairies having parties in thunderstorms is perhaps not that far fetched.

The Noah flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the strange weather 'phenomenon' we're experiencing these days. Freak fires, blended with freak storms. Definitely begins to put the climate / carbon credit agenda into perspective.

One point to keep in mind when pondering these things is to credit Nature with intellegence, yet still keep in mind the physics.

Weather systems work on the principals of high and low pressures and electrical potentials. Basically: tensions. When tension builds; a storm results and tension is relieved.

If one credits the Beings of nature with intellegence, one might understand that there are those who might enjoy living the tensions, the excitements of the storms. There are also those Beings who enjoy the interaction aspect where they relieve the tension as moderators of the excitement of the other Beings. Like the adults at a children's party.

Now what if mankind trys to control the weather? Starts to intensify the tensions to boost the storms such as cyclones and hurricanes as a weapon? Or generally modify the weather so it rains here and not there? Politics and military considerations decide who gets storms and who does not. Decide which lands die from lack of water and which do not. Which rivers run and which do not.

Basically man is trespassing into another realm.

We might think the spirits become violent and vengeful for the tresspass. But there is another consideration here when it comes to the global weather.

In the analogy of the children's party; what happens if the adults withdraw and leave the children unsupervised? The children will run amuk and wreak the house. Chaos will result.

More than that, without moderation, the intellegent relieving of tensions, a catagorie three storm may build to a catagorie five or even more.

Another analogy is the gyroscope. If the gyroscope becomes unballanced as it spins it will start to wobble and thresh about, and conceivably destroy itself in the final moments. It is worth keeping in mind this planet is a lot like a gyroscope.

So we can see that Nature does not need to do anything at all to destroy human civilisation, all Nature has to do is do nothing. The adults need only stop supervising the children at the party.

When the Nature Beings withdraw their moderating influences it is game over, and Nature can do it by simply doing nothing. Physics will do the rest.

The solution of course is for mankind to have some self discipline and not trespass into other realms.

In other words; Know thy place human.

edit on 5America/Chicago552023b20231523th by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness and clarity. and added the solution

posted on Sep, 17 2023 @ 09:58 AM
Love and light to you all,

I am seeking the FL Study Group. (FLSG) If anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated. I have been investigating FL for some months, and believe that I both have a lot to learn, and a lot to share.

I have stumbled across the following formula in my travels:

The basic mathematical model is thus a manifold M, a map f:M-->M and a function s:M-->R.

Utilising the above, I believe that FL is attempting to contact entities far beyond our time. By understanding how our communication has evolved in the past, we may be able to cast messages deep into the future. Perhaps all we will end up doing is communicating with ourselves. But what is the consciousness, if not the universe experiencing and communicating with itself anyway.

I would like to know more about Altair, and unravel the mystery of that day on the beach and the entities that spoke with me. I want to learn everything.

posted on Sep, 17 2023 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: K1xaru

I second this! I've been diving into FL for a few months now and I'm eager to dig into their articles and learn more.

Just to clarify, I have no interest in toxic behavior or doxxing; ain't nobody got time for that. 🚫

Ayndryl pointed me towards the "FLSG," but despite efforts from both myself and K1xaru, we haven't found much beyond a mention of an ATS study group earlier in this thread.

My background is in biochemistry and I'll be studying biological data analysis soon but this is the kinda stuff I like to think about in my free time, especially with all the UAP commotion recently.

Even just finding some like-minded people to discuss the articles with would be cool. The discord situation has been tenuous after the last one I modded disappeared... so I'm hoping to find a group a little less prone to drama 😅

posted on Sep, 17 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: maferoxy

Forgot to add: there is a new active discord tho and it's been great so far. They're just starting out working on translations, if anyone is interested.

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