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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

As you can plainly see Schrodinger's "Cat" and Maxwell's "Demon" are still in effect.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

WOW gravity defying felines.

That is super cool Crowfoot.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

cats are actually matrix breaking beings
they are literal cheat codes

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Cats also have eyes like greys . . .

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

So do dentists and surgeons

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Gawd, dont remind me of the disectors (shudder).

I wonder. . . .

Direne, would you be kind enough to say something of the Closers.

My understsnding is they are akin to Watchers in the gnostic scheme of things.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Hearers are the thing I am very familiar with moving chastity to the location of speaking out loud... When not necessary to do so. In nearly eight years of that in my little hermit hole? Those beings are very annoying that travel by it almost as much as the watchers that travel by color and patterns.

For instance a demon sort has abused a family dog name long gone old and dead and people still attached to it for no reason. The koan who is dragging that corpse there is too many to count.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

That teminds me of the "little ones" who like to warm themselves by sitting around the fire. They will sometimes poke the embers when the fire dies down.

The "fire" of course being man.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 08:43 PM
DP-2147 is in the news again.

how exominds communicate with us

edit on 9-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

“For every “I am X” state in which the Self finds itself, there is always another “I am “I am X”” state that the Self is pushed into, if it tries to formalize the state “I am X”. And the reason is simple: in order to formalize the current “I am X” state, the Self must think about it, but by thinking about it, it becomes that new thought, so it takes the new form “I am “I am X””, which replaces the very state that the Self wanted to formalize.”
Source: FL URL above.

Sounds like looking into the void between two thoughts to me.

“if the data we wish to explain are irreducibly first-personal, then any third-personal scientific approach cannot adequately describe our explanandum, let alone provide an explanation. At best, it can give us an account of the third-personally observable phenomena that are correlated with first-person experience; but that’s not the same as explaining first-person experience itself.”
Source: FL URL above.

Seems they are saying "contact" needs to be done in the first person, and not in the detached science fashion.

“The location of each subject’s conscious experiences and dreams is not the world as such, but a subject-specific first-personally centred world. The first-personally centred worlds of different subjects can be viewed as distinct first-personal realizers of a shared third-personal world. If the third-personal world admits more than one conscious subject, then there can be many first-personally centred worlds, which are all real and parallel to each other. For each subject, one such world is present.”
Source: FL URL above.

"There are many parallel first-personally centred worlds, all of which are real, but only one of them is present for each subject. There is only one dream per dreamer, regardless of the number of dreams. And to dream all those dreams you need to be all the dreamers one by one. Unless you find a way to dream of a dreamer, and dream what that dreamer dreams.”
Source: FL URL above.

Dreams are enclosed spaces: a 6 dimendional shared interactive dreamscape is where one meets "exominds". For that you need a dreamer to consciously create it, and invite "it" to join you.

“If we ever do carry on a conversation with intelligent extra-terrestrials, it will essentially be in one of the following three ways: 1) we can somehow learn their sign system(s), 2) they can somehow learn our sign system(s), or 3) we can co-construct some novel sign system(s) together. In SETI, the first option seems most likely, whereas in METI the second option seems most likely. The third option seems to require some rudimentary success in the first two options, since it is hard to see how two parties could co-construct a novel sign system without a minimal prior grasp of each other's meanings. In any event, the learning curve that all three possibilities must travel can be made less steep by correct anticipations: the more our messages resemble what exominds expect, the less they will have to work to understand us.”
Source: FL URL above.

Stop thinking about it and look into the void. You will find them there if they want to be found.

edit on 9-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

An interesting insight here Crowfoot:

The only other thing as note that Pompeii gave birth too was psychology whereas before it was just philosophy

I am reminded of what one of the three godesses; Dana, Brigid and the third lamented and which destroyed the inner knowledge. It was said that it was the coming of psychology.

Pompeii was the Roman Empire, which of course invaded the lands and in particular the Isles. One can suggest that the Roman empire shfted from military conquest to civic administration to religious conquest probably beginning with Augustus Caesar. Religious conquest being the Church of Rome.

It historical fact it was the Church that destroyed the inner life of the Isles and put to the torture and death women and female children seers. The effect of which is to teach the fae that the church can destroy what the fae hold dear. A terrible thing to do.

The withdrawal of the fae, and therefore Nature from humanity is the consequence.

If some of the UFOs and similar phenomenon are of the fae, it follows that contact with them would threaten the separation of humanity from Nature. Perhaps this is why we have the MIB, the Closers, and others to maintain the separation of human and the fae.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

now that really makes me wonder why the Roman empire didnt get much of a result from their conquests in Scotland or Ireland

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: sapien82

now that really makes me wonder why the Roman empire didnt get much of a result from their conquests in Scotland or Ireland

I spose it depends on what the objective is in the long term. Scotland and Ireland are littered with churches today. The spiritual demolition occurred a thousand years ago. The church above Glastonbury Tor shows the church's interest. Relative positions are important, the church(s) is above the tor, and not beside, behind, before nor below.

Depending on one's point of view, one might say that the militaristic Roman empire is what allowed the Roman church to spread and become the long term "spiritual" occupation. The orders of the Roman church include the jesuits and others which are rather militant. The Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, and Englanders took the church to the four corners of the earth.

So we have Pompeii (Crowfoot's birthplace of psychology - I don't doubt his insight by the way) destroyed by a volcanic eruption.


St Michael's Church was destroyed by an earthquake on 11 September 1275. According to the British Geological Survey, the earthquake was felt in London, Canterbury and Wales, and was reported to have destroyed many houses and churches in England.

Source: Wikipedia Glaston . . . .

Who are the enemies of the church if not the Nature Beings, fairies and fae?

An important place:

The Tor seems to have been called Ynys yr Afalon (meaning "The Isle of Avalon") by the Britons and is believed by some, including the 12th and 13th century writer Gerald of Wales, to be the Avalon of Arthurian legend. The Tor has been associated with the name Avalon, and identified with King Arthur, since the alleged discovery of his and Queen Guinevere's neatly labelled coffins in 1191, recounted by Gerald of Wales. Author Christopher L. Hodapp asserts in his book The Templar Code for Dummies that Glastonbury Tor is one of the possible locations of the Holy Grail, because it is close to the monastery that housed the Nanteos Cup.

With the 19th century resurgence of interest in Celtic mythology, the Tor became associated with Gwyn ap Nudd, the first Lord of the Otherworld (Annwn) and later King of the Fairies. The Tor came to be represented as an entrance to Annwn or to Avalon, the land of the fairies. The Tor is supposedly a gateway into "The Land of the Dead (Avalon)".

Source: Wikipedia Glaston . . . .

The Templars had quite the interest in what is below Glastonbury Tor by the way. I will wager the "Holy Grail" never belonged to christiandom in the first place.

edit on 11-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added: "Crowfoot's birthplace of psychology - I don't doubt his insights by the way" - credit where credit belongs.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

its interesting that St Kintegern/ Mungo supposedly laid out Glasgow along ley lines, and that every cathedral and church lies on a ley.
and as do the standing stones.
St Kintegern / Mungo was supposedly a moon worshipper before converting to Christ
according to Ludovic Mann
what do you make of Schiehallion, any special insight into that? it think I may have asked you before
but it's meant to be the stronghold of the fae in Scotland.

also, what are your thoughts on Iona the early saints were all over Scotland and Ireland laying the foundations.
so volcanic plugs have a lot to do with the leys and you will find a church or a castle along every single one.
From Dumbarton castle in the west to Edinburgh Castle in the east

there is definitely much more going on here just trying to map the pieces together though.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I talk to the native Australian folk occassionally about these things. Once they understand that one can "see" as they do, they are quite open about some things.

One of the things we spoke of one day was the roads. I drive each day between my little town and the larger one nearby, where I work they is a location where the native ancestors cross the highway This happens at certain times.

What one "sees" is the seasonal movement of the tribe. Men women children and dogs all walking as they did before the white fella came . They follow the same paths every time, the paths worn bare by use.

When the white fella came to West Australia, they settled on the banks of the Swan river. The "explorers" didn't survey break new ground through "virgin bush". What they did was simply follow the well worn dirt tracks that were already there. Later they just widened the tracks and built the bitumen roads.

What the white fella doesn't realise is many of those tracks link sacred places. The sacred places are linked by the paths between them. The ancestors move through the spirit paths that link the sacred places.

So it is basically the white fella's lazyness that contributes to modern roads following the lines like an overlay.

I remember reading in The Fairy-Faith In Celtic Countries (W. Y. Evens-Wentz) of the seers recounting seeing the clans ridding to war with their neighbors regularly at certain times and places. Principally the same thing as here in Aussie.

So the lesson here is we don't pay too much attention to the roads we see with our physical eyes. Never underestimate people's lazyness ; )

This applies in magic too. When at the end of the spell the instruction says to tip the bowl of water out on a cross roads, they don't mean any cross roads will do. What they mean is the crossing of the spirit paths. One would release the captured spirit in the bowl of water back into the spirit lines for example. The same with the custom of hanging criminals on cross roads. They idea is the criminal's spirit would get lost in the spirit lines and never return to the village. Spirit lines = the fairy roads.

So we look for the standing stones first, and the physical roads second. The British Dowser Society did some survey work on this subject, they would know a lot. An indicator is books written by people of the British Dowsers probably hold merit.

Your mention of the volcanic plugs and the churchs and castles along the lines that connect the plugs is a sound indicator of validity.

From memory you and a friend were going to look at Schiehallion.

My educated guess is there are a few layers, overlays, to see through to find the treasures below. What the christians built is one of those overlays.

ETA: This is probably better spoken of in the Fairy thread, a tad off topic. Though over at FL, I see they have been posting about the Celts of late.

edit on 12-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added ETA

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 08:06 AM
I believe the emergence of FL and certain SV groups was the sign we just entered the Clown Era.

The Disease X I was looking at all this time was a bunch of clown pathogens that infected the fabrics of reality and successfully infiltrated the minds of hominids.

Silent Invasion we should be wary of.

And it's extremely pathetic how they're straight up mocking us.
edit on 12-8-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
DP-2147 is in the news again.

how exominds communicate with us

“For every “I am X” state in which the Self finds itself, there is always another “I am “I am X”” state that the Self is pushed into, if it tries to formalize the state “I am X”. And the reason is simple: in order to formalize the current “I am X” state, the Self must think about it, but by thinking about it, it becomes that new thought, so it takes the new form “I am “I am X””, which replaces the very state that the Self wanted to formalize.”
Source: FL URL above.

Sounds like looking into the void between two thoughts to me.

“if the data we wish to explain are irreducibly first-personal, then any third-personal scientific approach cannot adequately describe our explanandum, let alone provide an explanation. At best, it can give us an account of the third-personally observable phenomena that are correlated with first-person experience; but that’s not the same as explaining first-person experience itself.”
Source: FL URL above.

Seems they are saying "contact" needs to be done in the first person, and not in the detached science fashion.

“The location of each subject’s conscious experiences and dreams is not the world as such, but a subject-specific first-personally centred world. The first-personally centred worlds of different subjects can be viewed as distinct first-personal realizers of a shared third-personal world. If the third-personal world admits more than one conscious subject, then there can be many first-personally centred worlds, which are all real and parallel to each other. For each subject, one such world is present.”
Source: FL URL above.

"There are many parallel first-personally centred worlds, all of which are real, but only one of them is present for each subject. There is only one dream per dreamer, regardless of the number of dreams. And to dream all those dreams you need to be all the dreamers one by one. Unless you find a way to dream of a dreamer, and dream what that dreamer dreams.”
Source: FL URL above.

Dreams are enclosed spaces: a 6 dimendional shared interactive dreamscape is where one meets "exominds". For that you need a dreamer to consciously create it, and invite "it" to join you.

“If we ever do carry on a conversation with intelligent extra-terrestrials, it will essentially be in one of the following three ways: 1) we can somehow learn their sign system(s), 2) they can somehow learn our sign system(s), or 3) we can co-construct some novel sign system(s) together. In SETI, the first option seems most likely, whereas in METI the second option seems most likely. The third option seems to require some rudimentary success in the first two options, since it is hard to see how two parties could co-construct a novel sign system without a minimal prior grasp of each other's meanings. In any event, the learning curve that all three possibilities must travel can be made less steep by correct anticipations: the more our messages resemble what exominds expect, the less they will have to work to understand us.”
Source: FL URL above.

Stop thinking about it and look into the void. You will find them there if they want to be found.

Sounds like looking into the void between two thoughts to me.

Dwelling in that space is an interesting place difficult to do as the first taste of it is often mistaken for many things... It isn't until one stops chasing that dragon knowing yesterdays rain isn't tomorrows rain it comes back rather quickly. Staying calm silent and just gaining wisdom of that space is the important thing... Where it is every moment from waking to sleep. In Japanese folklore there is a cute demon known as Satori which can be encountered there; That echos thoughts... Not having any? You easily can hear the thoughts of others as it echos them... Why a demon? It also echoed all of yours before you knew it existed.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Aye Crowfoot, staying silent, yet thoughts and feelings flow.

If not mine who's are they?

Why am I so angry?

Is that anger really mine?

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I'm angry too, think we all have every right to be.

Working harder than ever, for what? Trying to maintain your integrity during a collapse is exhausting.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

pain or no pain is as far as it is wise to go as feeling... anything else is an illusion, a drama, an entanglement.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Ahhh but that is a different thing fireslinger. That was my answer to the question of the "demon" Satori.

In the silence of the void are lots of voices all talking at once, it depends on where you are. Some of those voices are in pain.

The cacophony of mankind includes the emotions of mankind, and not just thoughts. I also feel the non humans too.

So the question here is is it me who is suffering, or someone else?

If not me, then why am I suffering?

If not, the practical thing to do is find the one who is suffering and help them.

ETA: what I am saying is; not all thoughts and emotions are ours. We presume they are. Often it is other people's baggage we pick up thinking it is our own.

Life is hard enough, why take on extra loads.

Anothrr reason to beware of collective thinking. Comminities often think and feel as one. The Japanese probsbly have a philosophy on simply that.

edit on 14-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

To keep on subject. Whatever I encountered when looking towards DP-2147 can be found in the cacophony, the background noise. One has to learn to filter (listen).

Isolate, and see if there is pain. If one can relieve the pain, one has probably made a friend.

edit on 14-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

edit on 14-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

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