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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 06:25 AM
This thread of mine seem to make sense now,

Disease X is actually Elon's X

Hey Direne, I’m wondering if you can comment on this one.

If we perceive religions as being metaphors for an astrological story, then this attempt to block the sun begins to make more sense. Anthroposophy believes that our entire solar system emerged from a massive sun, and will one day be engulfed by that sun.

Is the haze an SV17q process, to diminish the Sun’s influence on Sol-3? Begins to get deeper when contemplating solar deities being blocked.

We tend to not believe in gods because they usually make the wrong decisions. Like mental asylums for example. I also learned that Hitler was a sickly individual that is constantly on drugs to push through his frantic delusions in a grandest scale.
I believe Musk is no different from him. This time it's X.

All it takes is an individual. Worse, a group of them.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: boozo

Yea, I could've been more articulate there, have a lot going on lately.

What I'm trying to say is, it's possible that this geoengineering is partly to modulate the sun, and whatever is behind the sun.

About the X steganography, I'd like to recommend Dark Journalist, who helped me make sense of it. Seems to be a tracking mechanism for ancient Atlantean / pre-Atlantean tech. Some of these guys are searching for it... Epstein was, Musk is. He named his kid 'X Æ A-12'. It's wild, he's using the steganography. Now this thing with twitter, although people forget that paypal was initially, but he got vetoed on that one. The royal we who are running Musk want twitter to be the new payment gateway, with their own CBDC:
edit on 8/7/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yah, DJ seems to be right into X. I've come cross the X myself, but didn't know of DJ's connecting it to "illuminati".

Snooping about a temple in India, I found a dungeon below the temple dedicated to the snake gods, the Nagi.

Nagi = female, Naga = male.

The Nagi was chained by ankles and wrists to the walls in the X fashion She was in her human form. She also has a half snake half human form, and a full snake form. Got out my old medical bag and let her go.

Seeing huge snake smile at the thought of revenge is truely a wonder.

Seen X also in the Temple of Apollo which is said by some people her on ATS to be opened in the future by CERN. The fella in there had pieces of him missing. Skinned alive anong other things.

Yeah, a trademark.

From the study of the X in these temples one understands there is a process employed that is designed to split the victims into three parts.

The "black", the "red" and the "physical" part we might call the cobra snake.

I originally thought the Nagi was a Kali god when she was originally chained in her human form. It was after I let her go did she turn into a snake.

edit on 7-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos and enlarged

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Oh for sure, the X is everywhere. Really makes you question this 'controlled hallucination' we're living in.

According to DJ, it began with a pure intent through mystery schools, and was later bastardized by the defense / aerospace industry.
edit on 8/7/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I would add the word "neutered" to controlled and hallucination.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 09:52 PM
Has the Vonyich manuscripts been mentioned in this thread?

Do any of the FL people have any comments in regard to the manuscripts?

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: kangawoo

From memory I think it has, but cant remrmber where, sorry : (

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Just noticed this old thread from 9 years ago.Remember what I have said about atomics.

According to DJ, it began with a pure intent through mystery schools, and was later bastardized by the defense / aerospace industry.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: kangawoo

It's a manuscript by a botanist apparently.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

What do you make of the 'nuclear is good' messaging lately?

Oliver Stone on Rogan, basically saying that anti-nuclear programming was seeded into our entertainment and news, which is true. We have nuclear powered submarines, but they aren't touted as an innovation. Instead, it's just something that exists in the white world, without much mention or reproduction for cars / homes / etc.

At the rate things are going with the current UAP psy-op, black budget energy tech will never be released. So if it's true that nuclear is safer than we've been told, it may be a good option.

I'm not falling for it just yet, but have been contemplating. It does make some sense. Still have to watch Stone's documentary Nuclear Now.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

People are entitled to an opinion. What is he in the scheme of things? The stone fella.

To keep within the thread, the nuclear question is FL's "great filter" (whatever that ambiguous term means). The literal lay implicstion is that the "great filter" is "a big filter".

What do filters do? They filter obviously. But filter what exactly from what exactly?

The story Direne described has the "filter" born of a meeting on a rainy meeting. The subject of the meeting was atomics.

The other birth mentioned in the post was AI.

The linking of the birth of a "super intellegence" to a "filter" hss implications. The obvious one to me is the filtering (separation) of the organic from the inorganic by means of atomic fire. A similar thing to creating inorganic life in the stars.

Now that is something that is not supposed to happen within a planetary envelope.

However, our current atomic age is probably the third time. I judge that by studying the "closed spaces born of atomic detonations". This latest is the third crop of closed spaces. In total, between one and two thousand closed spaces exist here on earth as of now.

The closed speces born of atomic detonations are artificial life which could be conceivably used as containers for a civilisation.

It was said in the Crowley thread I linked to a few posts ago that Jack Parsons and an actress conceived a child during some ritual and sacrificed the kid in a nuke test.

So we can get an idea that atomics is a lot more than just flattening cities and boiling water. Advanced engineering tools for creating dimensions (closed spaces) to build cities in I spose.

This is also the third time.

Back to studying nukes I guess.

edit on 8-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 07:39 PM
So let's put atomic born closed spsces into perspective.

Using the 6D model of length X width X height X inside X outside to give 5D, plus motion for 6D we have containers that exist in a greater spece. We will call the greater space 'the common world'. The common world is the one us folks live in. planet earth.

Shsmbala is one of those closed spaces, Olympus, and so on probsbly so Agarthea is probably one parked at the north pole.

Where do UFOs come from dimensionally speaking? Probably a 6D space. Hanger doors opening in the sky? Guess what.

Thing is, conjecture aside, a nuke detonation will disrupt the geometry. Just have to detonate a nuke close enough. Not as easy as all that, these closed spaces can move. Nukes are not the only way to destroy them.

Interplanetary a few of them, but not interstellar.

Not all are freindly towards each other by the way.

Them aside, we live in the common world, and they need us more than we need them. They can afford to destroy civilisations but they have run out of planets.

edit on 8-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

edit on 8-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typis and neatness

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268

Them aside, we live in the common world, and they need us more than we need them. They can afford to destroy civilisations but they have run out of planets.

Sorry if you or anyone else has already explained, but why do they need us? If they have run out of planets, but can destroy civilisations, wouldn't they have no issues with getting rid of humans?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: wellhello
Hiya wellhello. The "they need us more than we need them" is from my observations over the years. Peoplee live quite happily in pre industrial society.

My context was in line with the idea that us humans are an industrious lot of workers who build technology. In the case of atomics it is we who build the reactors and bombs that are needed to exploit geometric space.

Someone brought up the concept that there was a planet between mars and jupiter that is now rubble. Mars has radiation signatures that a scientist pegged as a cinsequence of nuclear devices.

Who else is left that can build technology of the nuclear variety.

My suggestion is they need workers to do what they will not or cannot do themselves.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Probably the kamma from realizing attacking Japan with them was a bounce back on the sender instead of hitting Japan and the meltdown of a plant there is the dis-info to disprove that when probed.

There were many people visiting it at the time from around the world so upon exit of there not knowing... only ignorance of the above as truth the result until knowing otherwise.

The burned shadows have been seen experienced and declared people in such a flash as the graveyard sort of dirt or origin of their birth in having to return there and not remain there.(common vampire theme in crossings)

On that return appeared as alien or hostile when none of them ever pushed said button or allowed such an attack making them a neutral party.

In other words blasting individuals into some reality in-betwixt the two as a psycho-pomp sort of quasi existence and yet real reality seems to have been the real side effect in those experiencing it as life and others as a mere phenomena. The term Psychopomp came after the effect of feeding the volcano Pompeii all that were seen as undesirable to society. When it erupted? I suppose it would have been the same as something reaching critical mass in todays language.

Learning from that Pompeii such things as Australia as history was seen as more Human or less problematic than getting invaded by the innocent seeking revenge. However Australian Aborigines(could see the Arboreal-pole from there meaning South) are likely the only one's that can see it and say those first prisoners likely took awhile to be seen as people instead of phenomena speaking an alien language as hearing things not things and seeing things not the things known as they were manufactured... as anomaly

The only other thing as note that Pompeii gave birth too was psychology whereas before it was just philosophy if so inclined to ponder it based on all perceived after work ended and contact minimized or easily put meditated upon.

Humans being each others phenomena known and unknown still goes on this day classification of that effect as known and unknown does as well and each so called generation only a re-hash based on more complex attachments than food shelter removal of waste and sleeping not a past life... Meaning the recall of past lives is that easy and prisoners not in a general population from isolation likely experience it more than most others if they can drop the mental charges and play writing of any defense while contained there in.

edit on 9-8-2023 by Crowfoot because: clarity/sp.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: wellhello

My suggestion is they need workers to do what they will not or cannot do themselves.

Thank you, and interesting. I wonder if it is a case of "will not," why that would be? Disregarding danger to themselves. If it is something they could do themselves, it would seem risky getting others to do it for them.

So then they would need a labour force if they can't do it themselves. This will probably sound naive, but I wonder why they want, or need, to create seperate spaces to live in?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: wellhello

Another posters avatar looked like the black bookmark on some threads so investigating that posters icon; It led me to something inline to what you are asking.

A tank supplier in WWII had a new model and when the government said nothing wrong with it; They got someone on the inside to fit the new model not being contracted; to be recruited to work in the old model or basically make the old model and operators; cannon fodder as the new crew specs until the contract was accepted and the old phased out... with the bodies damaged used to show what kind might be received in the new model if so struck. which means the new model; other than crew sizes just as vulnerable, making it moot other than; the desire to have a different model of tank as petition being contracted; which they came up with and weren't being asked for... the denial by competing militarist means; hey hey we will buy it if the government currently contracted wont... aka falling under arms sales with those that have; a sharing policy, but not the same military aka allies.

So buyer beware obviously; In such a case had no effect at all.

In the future; one should probably, just realize on signing up? Effect of that signature; from now and until you, not having any future for you and your family will remain as cause unknown... In other words: Welcome to the military; You've been redacted.

edit on 9-8-2023 by Crowfoot because: sp

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: wellhello

Who knows for sure except them. That the inside of a closed space is isolated from time might be a reason.

My criticism of the ascended folk interfering in the common world is they should get off the lazy asses and help out here. One might say they are physically challenged to use a PC term.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Thanks for your reply, Crowfoot. I'm not sure I understand you right, but what I got was pretty much 'just because we want to and can.' I'm pretty simple minded, and really don't see the point of always wanting more or better, if what we've got now is good enough. Sigh.

a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I suppose that would be a good reason. I wonder what goes on inside those closed spaces though? If there is no time, at least not how we perceive it, how does anything change? I feel like that would get boring pretty quickly, ha!

I get very confused by the "ascended" word, maybe I think there's too much new agey stuff attached to it?
But, if they are physically challenged, it would make sense they need help with physical things. But why the need for physical things in that state? Boredom? Dissatisfaction?

I should add, if they need help, why not simply ask in some way?

edit on 9-8-2023 by wellhello because: Addition

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: wellhello

Hate being circular it will make the rounds thinking there is a we and that a we have something until it fails, then not recognizing it also had greed as the motive to do that as a self then do the same thing looking for a we to be it or try to give rise to jealousy not recognizing it as a self either but the motive to divide and conquer.

So when a self cannot see it's own hate, greed and jealousy and put an end to it... There are those that practice that and do the mistake then is trying to do it for another.

The saying "we" is got a match? I heard we are mostly water.

Then the next we bends in really close and whispers carbon based.

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