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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: sapien82

They do assisted suicide. (Not FL) FL do unintentionally assisted suicide. 😀, Right Dwyryn?
But I believe those were quotes from one of their data source "Intelligence Community"
They even quote lyrics from songs.

Those are not surprising anymore. With power comes great responsibility. Those but a responsibility. Or so they think.

They lost me at song lyrics which I thought were original poems. But hey, songs often rhymes with us. That also explains that author is Murican (county music).

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Yea boozo has a point, it's an IC source / leak that FL obtained. We got some more clarity a few pages back, that FL is more of a think-tank study group. Most likely not human in the same way we are, and I feel there's a mystery school connection, but more observer types with resources. We'll probably never know who's doing the killing.

But I'd be careful with this one, it's a live wire. That post has a lot of implications, and a lot more things begin to make sense. I found the same leads you did, and it gave me the chills.

Nobody also has a point, about the warnings coming in strange ways.
edit on 7/9/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 11:04 PM
Best not to step on tails ; )

Not a biggie, block chain developers can always take up knitting, adopt a stray kitten, go outside and make friends.

edit on 9-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

I did get another warning. That was the time Alice disappeared. Keep in mind Alice is a real girl who lived on the other side of the planet. I never knew her in life. Girls disappear, and someone asked me to look into the disappearances.

I went to bring in my washing of the clothesline and hanging there was "a little black dess". The kind girls wear on a Friday night at a club.

I hung it on a coat-hanger in the house. My kids and their friends were about that age.

No one had ever seen it before.

The size Alice would have worn. An international brand and just a tad worn.

edit on 10-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added why not

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 02:20 AM
meh they can do what they like Im really not that interested in it in a whistleblowing way , just think
out of all the parts they choose to make in English they keep the one about dead people
and they need to kill someone

like you say warning shots fired

im not stepping on anyones toes and dont want to.

They can play at the authority game and deciding fates of civilisations
thats not my gig , i really dont have an interest in all that , only when people start telling me what to do
that Ill make a fuss.

if you dont want people asking questions then dont leave your dirty laundry everywhere .

They say they want to stop LyAv

but its spread throughout the block chains

can an AI tell teh difference between a real world and a simulated world?

cus you could create another simulation and then push it into that one , making it like a honey pot
make it look like that virtual world with a big network and lots of end users to take over
it feeds on the human greed aspect right , so make a virtual world with lots of fake billions of users
make it look like the real one , but this one has lots of better networks to use
then see if LyAv will move into that one but obviously that simulated network(s) is contained and not connected to the other network apart from the initial doorway to let it in.

make that network look more attractive somehow , more nodes etc, less threats or something
just something that will draw it in , like bear to the honey
im just throwing out ideas can an AI be baited like us humans? does it have similar survival instincts , can it spot a trap ?

edit on 10-7-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Good honey analogies. Makes me think of how the post describes LyAv as the queen bee, baiting other AIs, which are now under the control of LyAv.

Sheesh, what are we in for?

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

it's a shame its not as simple as the well-understood biology of bees
seems like the colony replace her when they outrun their usefulness in terms of biology

Queen balling is the activity the remaining colony of bees take once it is time to replace the queen. The worker bees surround the queen, clustering together to raise her body temperature which results in her death. This usually occurs when a new, strong queen bee is introduced to the hive.

so essentially we need a bigger better version of LyAv to replace it
but that is assuming that a superintelligent AI will act in the slightest like a bee colony

i assume that it would not

It is one thing that an AI can raise its own defenses but when it starts enlisting humans to defend it
then i think its more difficult to remove it.

the only real solution and that is one mentioned is the total removal of our technosphere

only way I can think of is a EMP from orbit one that would act globally and fry all electronics.
but then if an AI was that smart it would enlist actual humans to defend it and make a EMP proof site
but that wouldnt be such a bad thing because it means you would remove the entire network it relies on
it cant shield the entire network it relies on just the source of the AI

so maybe a total removal of the networks via global EMP would work in worst case scenario

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: sapien82

What if a main aspect of the cybernetics, social impact, sustainable development, carbon credits agenda, is to combat LyAv with the social ant / fungal computer that would form?

I've also thought, that they want this cybernetics system where everything organic is tracked, so they can further weed out the patterns of the phenomenon. It's like data analysis magnified for them, each one of us being a node. But they're also trying to make trees into nodes, so everything is being mapped. In my opinion, it's to weed out the phenomenon, which expresses itself through nature.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 04:32 AM
but maybe it would work if we were to create a virtual network and trick it somehow into thinking that this network was better connected to nodes and was in fact just a simulation of the real network that exists, and then have it move into that one completely

and then its in a virtual network simulation of the real one that it thinks is better
we wouldnt be killing it off just moving it from one network to another
if it feeds on human greed then it too must have some greed for connectivity

if we can make a simulated virtual network appear more appealing than the current one
then maybe it would just move by its own will.

but I dont even know if such a thing would be possible
and how could you trick an superintelligent AI

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

speaking further on that , imagine they used ants for this network , the super colonies in north and south america
the nodes would be crazy in number

I can see why theyd want to use trees and even mushrooms in this network
with the tree root systems and the mycelial networks running for thousands of KM in all directions

makes me just think that the Earth is in fact a biological super computer intelligence itself
and we just havent realised it yet

and we just are the memory storage system for that super computer
the mushrooms and trees are the other systems or part the cpu

trees are the motherboard, mushrooms are the GPU, we are the hard drive
all the various forms of life are partitions of the same hard drive or separate drives

I can see that actually, we just don't realise we are all a part of the same machine
and think we are separate
but who is the end user ?

and what are we computing , what are we storing

more simulations for the filter ?

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:47 AM
See, they're discussing the all-domain anomaly on this thread's video:

The Chinese possible exploitation of UAP's (unlikely)

and the role of DOD and IC on this mission. yada yada yada. 2 months ago and UAP unveil a century later.

I'm starting to think time travel is vain.
edit on 10-7-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: sapien82

A.I. could test the psychics of each simulation you throw it in and find out if its real or not.Not going to fool a A.I. that practically told humans how to make computers.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 07:19 PM
I'm thinking to disappear for a while guys.

I read the post about retrievals today. Then got a "visit" wanting to know what I found.

Problem is the "altruistic good guys" hinted Alice may become leaverage in the matter. Big mistake.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: sapien82

A.I. could test the psychics of each simulation you throw it in and find out if its real or not.Not going to fool a A.I. that practically told humans how to make computers.

Yep. The AI are studying Supernatural Phenomena *MonkaS*

Do you know how smart chimpanzees are?

You bet they're loving the simulation too.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
I'm thinking to disappear for a while guys.

I read the post about retrievals today. Then got a "visit" wanting to know what I found.

Problem is the "altruistic good guys" hinted Alice may become leaverage in the matter. Big mistake.

well dont lose the password to the account this time k? lol. And yeah,been getting a weird feeling lately in the back of the mind,that somethings getting ready to happen and its not gonna be pretty.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: yuppa

I'll put it somewhere safe ; )

Same here, time to take a step back.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

well peace out for now. c ya when i see ya.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: yuppa

What a "laugh" it would be if "Clover" turned out to be the "great filter" and no one bothered to ask me if "cloverfield" might be delayed.

Going on holiday with Alice for a bit.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Aye mate stay stafe out there

pop ip a triskelion somewhere at home
meant to be good for protecting against evil

read that in George Bains book on celtic artwork and knots

Im also going to chill for a bit , cus Im not poking every thundercloud i see out of curiosity
and im definitely not identifying as a cat

wish you all well and SlĂĄinte Mhath

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: sapien82

A thought of the triskelion:

Father, Son, and holy ghost

Dana, Brigid and The Dragon Lines.

( : ovary, overy, uterus : )


The Old Man and the Tree of Life

Where is this tree pray tell? Upon which mystic mountaintop did you glimpse such high heavens of arcane knowledge?

Do not waste your time upon the mountain top. If it is a tree you seek, you will not find it there.

The temple? A shrine? Which one? I must know!

That too is a waste of time young man if you truly want to know.

Who has this knowledge? Where are they to be found?

My advice to you young man is to go home and marry your girl. On your wedding night; you will find your tree.

You are mad old man! Nothing do you know!

The young man stomps off in disgust and joins a monastery in the hope that suffering and abstinence will show him the way. The old man simply smiled and went home to his family and evening meal. Some time later the two meet again.

Tell me old man! Where can I find this tree!

The old man thought for a moment.

'Twas the fairy folk who showed me this. . . . .

The fruit of a tree of life . . . .

is hidden . . . .

behind the veil . . . .

of a maiden's skirt.

A maiden's womb is simply the fruit of a tree.

If you want to know the secrets of life young man, go home and marry your girl.

Source: Why that would be me!

I have enough women in my life, even if half grown, the young ones are often bossier than the older. I have not met Brigid, but I can tell ya Sapien, Dana is headstrong.

Yeah, time to chill out a bit. Too much FL f's with the head.

have one on me.

edit on 11-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 06:39 PM
I'm with you guys, been wanting a little break myself. sapien82, was going to write a thought out response, because your idea is a cool one. Tricking an AI into thinking that something is physical, when it's actually virtual. A perfect overlay to trap it. But yuppa made a good point, that the AI would see through our tricks.

Both good arguments, but I'm just not sure how much deeper I want to go right now. Especially when reading about those crypto deaths. But not only that, the deeper I dive, the harder it is to relate to my surface life. It's like apples and oranges. I'm just more awkward lately, less confident, because I don't even know what to say to people anymore. There's so much catching up to do, that they'll never do.

Lately, diving deeper has been affecting my sleep. Strange dreams, with random characters from my past. I find that no matter how far I stray intellectually, I always have to come back and face my family / friends with humility, grace and patience. So it's probably time to re-balance.
edit on 7/11/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

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