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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

AYee mate

nothing recharges my batteries more than having a wee fire outside
and watch the dancing flames
listen to some nice music and have a wee beer or a whiskey
with your family

that primal stuff that just brings you back

my family are over visiting from Canada so im off to my parents to visit them and my sister just had her daughter
so time to go visit all the new babies
spend some time with my family

and forget that there is a terrible world right outside just over the next hill so to speak

ahh well
love to you and your family and everyone else in our wee thread we have here
hope you are all safe and sound

Sláinte Mhath

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:21 AM
Apparently we don't need alien tech we're so much better than them because they're already proving it themselves..

I encountered a lot of indolent creatures to conclude humans are bad. Money is crucial.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 05:13 AM
This is what those drugs do to people.

And they generally don't care.

I hope everyone this world goes to hell. Ridiculous Cult.
edit on 25-7-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:44 PM
Multiple articles from FL decrypted, according to this Reddit post:

Very interesting stuff!

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 02:05 AM
Hello guys. I remember this forum from many many years ago. I entered a couple of times here but my English was so bad at that time that i was just unable to understand anything.

Anyway, I have seen this morning a Reddit post and I have spent all the day reading about FL. I read the first 13 pages of this thread, from 10 years ago! When OP and other people said FL were vampires.

Then I jumped to the last 5 pages and I am completely lost.

Can a pure soul please give me some insights (a little little summary maybe?) of what you have discovered about this people?

Thank you and all my gratitude to all the people that has commented on this thread.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 06:08 PM
Hi Folks, my first post here on ATS after lurking for years over various ATS threads, this one being my favorite. To keep it short - thanks to all the contributors for keeping it alive and to Direne for thought provoking insights.

As it would appear we are at the moment in slow-burn mode in the thread, I figured it is as good a moment as any to try to chime in. Full list of topics I'd like to further discuss would take me hours just to spell out so I will limit myself to few random thoughts that are popping now into my head.

@Direne - if you'd be inclined to let know your thoughts on any of those - I will be much obliged

1) The Nabta Playa and Cities of the Plain (Disk) civilizations representing one of the playing fields for contact vs non-contact parties - I believe you mentioned that on the former the information is ample and scarce on the latter. What I found out is that in fact the info on Nabta Playans is scarce and on the cities of the plain is non-existent
Perhaps the problem is my google-fu being too weak.

The Nabta Playans are riveting enough even with scarce information with their construction of astronomical observatories preceding Stonehenge by as much as Stonehenge precedes us (in fact it seems that most of the remains we have from them are related to observing the skies). On top, it seems they might have been the "parent" civilization to ancient Egypt.

Cities of the plain - seems the Book of Jubilees mentions some city names (though I think it is 5 instead of 7) but hard for me to judge if it is an offshoot of other sources (old testament?) or independent corroborating source.

Would you be able to recommend some further reading on both civs?

2) The SV groups - if I got you right the proposition made was that they originate from outside Sol-3. But they would still need some associates down here to carry on their work I would think - should that be the case - would those individuals be doing the SV work through conscious decision or manipulation? Should SV groups be interpreted as a party independent from both Giselians and the makers of the probes from Deneb Algedi direction?

Do you think there exists an organic Sol-3 movement with global reach and influence aimed at getting the planet back on track? I would think, despite all their flaws and conflicted interests, the IC and tech billionaires would be the natural candidates to try and wrestle back the power from oligarchs and corporations. Sad if it does not exist (putting for a moment aside the obvious counter-question: why I do not do it rather than waiting for salvation from others...).

3) I believe you have made a comment on other occasion about an event which happened to Sol-3 but in a different timeline (I think it was the part discussing Zipporah). Could you please share more color what does it even mean "different timeline"? Would this be in one of Mr Everett's many worlds? Different place or time in our universe (which I guess assumes at least some level of cyclicality of the events)?

4) For isolate languages like Basque or Sumer - what is the story here? Probably hard to answer this in a one-size-fits-all manner but I was wondering if the likely explanation is that those groups were simply isolated enough for a long enough time, or other peoples speaking languages from same language group died out or were absorbed by other cultures or perhaps there is more fantastic story about their origins?

5) Both you on this here forum and the FL website more generally seem to be drawing quite heavily from the Gnostic tradition. Is that so because you believe that it reflects our past most accurately (symbolically or literally) or do you just consider it an apt metaphor to discuss topics of interest on this thread?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: maferoxy

Thanks for that. I read the reddit post. I havent read the linked decode though. It seems to be a zip file.

care to post the contents?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: AureEntuluva

Yeah, the writings on FL have the gnostic feel to it.

Though the gnostic framework, to me at least, is a relatively recent and closed construct designed for a purpose. An "architecture" in the computer sense that FL likes so much. Very much suited to becoming absorbed into a collective.

The knowledge architecture of the Sidhe (fairies) is a totally different thing by comparison.

So too is the knowledge architecture of the People of the Scales who are older than both the gnostic and the Tuatha de Danann (fairies).


i would add that the People of the Scales say there have been three invasions so far. The fourth invasion is to come.

The nature of the invasions is the architecture of knowledge it seems from what I can gather. Lilith's prism, the pyramid in the grasslands, was one such occurrence.

In FL's computer analogy, I might venture to say it is the installation of a different operating system for human being. like going from UNIX to windows.

Not everyone likes the idea of these invasions by outside 'folk', there is opposition. That is because the new will try to destroy what is here already as has happened with the fairies and magic, and what happened with the People of the Scales.

The invaders destroy rather than live and let live.

edit on 31-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: Papanicolaus

a little summery

Others have a better idea than I. perhaps they might chime in with their perspectives : )

It seems to me that the folk of FL are very intelligent and talented people who are a stand alone community.

Their purpose seems to be within the realm of knowledge, both past and present. if I were to make a guess; I would guess they know something is coming and it probably wont be pleasant for mankind.

I would also guess from that that FL is preparing while giving out clues on their website at least to change the outcome.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I would perhaps say that the People of the Scales are of Elemental ways and knowledge.

As an overlay, the fairies are magical beings and magic is their ways and knowledge.

In comparison, the coming of religion, gnosis and occultism is human centric. Intellectualism in comparison to the Scales and fairies.

The next invasion will probably separate humans from Nature completely.

If I were to venture an opinion on the "alien agenda"; it is to cause the separation of mankind from our now forgotten planetary community through the agency of intellectual isolation.

Different architectures of being.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: AureEntuluva

1) "the info on Nabta Playans is scarce and on the cities of the plain is non-existent"

Please use Google Scholar and look for "Nabta Playa" and "Cities of the Disk". For the cities of the disk the usual anglo term is "Cities of the Plain"

2) That's correct.

2b) "Do you think there exists an organic Sol-3 movement with global reach and influence aimed at getting the planet back on track?"

Yes: the people, as a whole. SV17q's role is not to save the planet, but to force a shift in paradigm from "national security" to "planetary security".

3) Yes, and no. Everett's many-worlds interpretation requires those many worlds to be causally disconnected from each other. "Different timelines" in the context you mention refer to the fact that events are differently perceived by observers depending on their reference frames; in other words, events are this or that way depending on the speed the observers move. It is raining "here" depending on the speed you move when observing the event. That's just Relativity Theory. But relativity theory didn't speak a word about consciousness because at the time it was postulated consciousness was not considered a factor to take into account. Only later, by the hand of quantum mechanics, did the observer and whether or not he/she is conscious entered the realm of physics. And only recently did researchers realize that what is or what is not conscious should depend on the speed (or frame of reference) of the observer.

According to this, consciousness is just a byproduct of the speed at which one moves, and reality is just a speed-dependent effect. If you change your frame of observation, events look different, and they are equally real. You can watch a car crashing against a wall and not crashing at all, depending on the speed at which you make your observation. You cannot move at all speeds simultaneously, hence the demise of the car would depend of the speed at which you were moving when making the observation. In a given timeline, the car crashes. In a different timeline, it does not. This, as you see, differs in a subtle way from Everett's theory.

4) Approximately 7,139 languages are spoken globally. Of these, around 20% are considered to be language isolates, meaning they have no known genetic relationship with any other language. It is not a low number, and it is high enough to destroy the mysticism about language isolates. Actually, all languages are born from a language isolate. You don't need a language to exist for another language to emerge. Language emerges due to a neurological condition in humans, a condition you cannot escape if you are human. Birds fly because they have wings; they do not have wings to fly. Wings here are a pre-requirement for flying. With language the situation is just the same: you don't have a language because you are human, you are human because you have a language. A human language, that is.

5) We draw from gnosticism because that is a school of thought that first considered natural language as a hindrance to learn about the world, and because it was the first school of thought that realized Nature communicates with symbols and metaphors which are more powerful and transcend language itself. Gnostics often view language and speech as part of the flawed material realm, implicated in the limitations, deception, and confusion that exist within this earthly existence. For gnostics, language is seen as a barrier to spiritual understanding since it limits the ineffable nature of ultimate truth. Language is essential to understand humans and their actions, but humans are only a small part of reality.

Hope this be useful to you. Worry not, the day shall come again. Indeed.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268

Yeah, the writings on FL have the gnostic feel to it.

Though the gnostic framework, to me at least, is a relatively recent and closed construct designed for a purpose. An "architecture" in the computer sense that FL likes so much. Very much suited to becoming absorbed into a collective.

hi NewNobody, if Gnosticism is a recent construct I guess the same could be said about other abrahamic religions? I was thinking that perhaps the differentiator for Gnosticism might be that it assumes more "human-like" (for lack of a better word) motivations of divine beings, compared to contemporary philosophies.

The invaders destroy rather than live and let live

As Henry Adams put it - chaos was the law of nature, order was the dream of man. Everything eventually makes place for something new I guess.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks Direne, that is helpful and appreciated.

SV17q's role is not to save the planet, but to force a shift in paradigm from "national security" to "planetary security"

in effect - does not seem too far from "putting the planet back on track" even if the mission statement is entirely different
But I think I get it. We need to do our job same as others need to do theirs.

This, as you see, differs in a subtle way from Everett's theory.

It most certainly does. Reinforces as well the point that our world and reality we experience is a product of our cognitive framework, as objectively, the car finally either crashes against the wall or it doesn't, regardless how much time it takes for a given observer to resolve.

t is high enough to destroy the mysticism about language isolates

Mostly yes
Even if language is inextricably linked to being human, I think the consensus is that there was still a proto-language (or maybe more than 1?) and proto language groups (proto-indo-european etc.), cascading down to specific languages. Or in other words, languages do not pop out into existence suddenly but are building on the previous link in the chain. So I think my point is that for Sumerians living in the vicinity of fertile crescent in the region which for all we know was at the time the center of human activity on Earth, end up speaking language not resembling any of the surrounding languages. But I fully accept that the reasons could be prosaic (e.g. different migration patterns, cultural drift, absorbing other groups into Sumer culture etc.)

Gnostics often view language and speech as part of the flawed material realm.

Understood. Makes me think as well about the great story of the tower of Babel where Yahweh decided that the optimal way to torpedo the ascent to greatness of his beloved children is to give them multitude of languages. Or perhaps it was the optimal way to disrupt the project without killing the builders.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: AureEntuluva

'ow yer goin' mate. (as we say in Aussie)

I only call gnosticism "recent" by comparison. The fairy folk ancestral memories go back further than the earth.

Direne's definition of gnosis is superior to mine; I look at it from a distance not wanting to go there. People who actually practice(?) would know better than I. I can quite agree as soon as language (words) are introduced, one is no longer seeing what is.

Still, half the fun of being human is in the illusion. Sitting cross legged and alone on some mountaintop probably isnt much fun.

My remark of invaders not living and let live is more the view of the fairy folk and the 'People of the Scales'.

They remember what happens when humans gain something new. The arrival of psychology destroyed the inner links to what we might call gods.

One might say psychology changed the architecture of knowing and knowledge in the human. Instead of knowing directly, we now read books and listen to hear-say.

Wait . . . .

That sounds just a tad like gnosis : (

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 06:03 AM
I'm not sure if it's been discussed, although I am sure it has been.
But I just ran the heading of one of those pics posted in the very opening post on this thread, through ChatGPT .

Me: Cassini Diskus - "S44" thru Sienna (hypergreen channel) - Processed by DSS 65

ChatGPT: "Cassini Diskus - 'S44' thru Sienna (hypergreen channel) - Processed by DSS 65" appears to be a description related to an image or data processing involving the Cassini spacecraft and DSS 65. Let's break down the components:

1. Cassini Diskus: "Cassini Diskus" likely refers to the Cassini spacecraft, which was a space probe sent by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) to study the planet Saturn and its moons. Cassini was launched in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004. It conducted numerous scientific investigations until its mission ended in 2017.

2. S44: "S44" seems to be a specific reference or identifier related to the Cassini mission. It could represent a particular observation, data point, or image acquired by Cassini during its mission.

3. Sienna (hypergreen channel): "Sienna" is likely a color or wavelength channel used in data processing or imaging. The "hypergreen channel" suggests that it is a channel that is sensitive to a specific range of wavelengths corresponding to the color green.

4. Processed by DSS 65: "DSS 65" likely stands for Deep Space Station 65, which is a ground-based radio antenna used to communicate with spacecraft. The mention of "processed by DSS 65" indicates that the data or image from Cassini's S44 observation through the Sienna hypergreen channel has been processed or analyzed using the facilities of DSS 65.

The description appears to be related to the acquisition and processing of data or images from the Cassini spacecraft's observations. It likely refers to a specific scientific or imaging task performed during the Cassini mission.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 02:05 PM
Ah! You're still posting here. Good to see that. Do you guys have any information on possible outcomes of 2027 and 2030? Those two dates have been pinging around in my subconscious, though I don't really know why. I'm wondering if any of you have the same intuition or actual data to support it.

Thanks for any info!

Also to anyone reading, the reddit post DID NOT decrypt any articles. My bad for sharing it.

a reply to: Direne

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: maferoxy
Ah! You're still posting here. Good to see that. Do you guys have any information on possible outcomes of 2027 and 2030? Those two dates have been pinging around in my subconscious, though I don't really know why. I'm wondering if any of you have the same intuition or actual data to support it.

Thanks for any info!

Also to anyone reading, the reddit post DID NOT decrypt any articles. My bad for sharing it.

a reply to: Direne

They have global disease by 2025 so you don't have to wait that far flung back 27 or 30.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 08:30 PM
My suggestion is the "globalist agenda" as thought here on ATS, or even the plans of SV-whatever are not fait accompli.

They have yet to deal with Nature, the fae and the People of the Scales; the non-human unseen world as of yet. The non-human unseen world has not been subjugated, they have only voluntarily and temporarily withdrawn. The reason I know this is explained within two posts here in another thread.

It is only within the minds of humans that this is a human centric world.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Papanicolaus
Hello guys. I remember this forum from many many years ago. I entered a couple of times here but my English was so bad at that time that i was just unable to understand anything.

Anyway, I have seen this morning a Reddit post and I have spent all the day reading about FL. I read the first 13 pages of this thread, from 10 years ago! When OP and other people said FL were vampires.

Then I jumped to the last 5 pages and I am completely lost.

Can a pure soul please give me some insights (a little little summary maybe?) of what you have discovered about this people?

Thank you and all my gratitude to all the people that has commented on this thread.

The quote "What if in your dream you plucked a flower and you woke up holding the flower in your hand" is just metaphor.

Every full moon is lovers moon. But if you're alone it's #Solomon
edit on 2-8-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 01:35 AM
Hey Direne, I’m wondering if you can comment on this one.

If we perceive religions as being metaphors for an astrological story, then this attempt to block the sun begins to make more sense. Anthroposophy believes that our entire solar system emerged from a massive sun, and will one day be engulfed by that sun.

Is the haze an SV17q process, to diminish the Sun’s influence on Sol-3? Begins to get deeper when contemplating solar deities being blocked.

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