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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:34 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:54 AM

CEO Matchup, Russian Cuop Detat, France Rioters, #OceanGate, and the massive AI scraping and major social media changes felt like too much. It was unreal. Unreal how we can be so blind. ++The alien whistleblowers, it's all blowing up in epic proportions.

Don't forget the DC incident, toxic haze leading up to July 4th, and the media hysteria over July 4th being the hottest day, ramping up climate (ahem, ET) initiatives.

Meanwhile, we just keep doing the same boring things, and not talking about any of it. Almost like a survival / self-delusion / preservation mechanism. Painful days. I call it rolling trauma.
edit on 7/6/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: yuppa

MIght be why the time travel bureu was created and restrictions placed on travelers.

They're gonna be out of a job shortly.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: boozo and fireslinger

It's pretty quiet in my neck of the woods. No TV, radio, or newspapers. Just ATS, and just a few threads. (shrug).

No riots, UFOs, coups, AIs in the appliances.

Hundreds of sheep walked past my front door AGAIN! Does that count?

I would think only a few people actually pay any attention to, or even hear about more than "what's for dinner?" from the kids, and the latest soap opera news.

"Aliens" and "gods" have been visiting people for donkey's years. Don't have to be nobody special.

Perspective ; )

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

Though come to think of it, last night everyone in the house (daughter and I) woke up at exactly the same time in the middle of the night. Odd monochromatic dream proceeded it too.

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yup, I get your meaning. It's pretty quiet around my neck of the woods as well. I can't complain.

But I did get hit with a toxic haze twice, so that's worrying. That 'toxic airborne event' programming I mentioned before.

So some of us are being affected within our own homes. And as you mentioned before, some have had their homes destroyed / had to vacate.

The process we're up against keeps closing in, and it's a very uncomfortable feeling.

I'm with you on the weird sleep / dreams. Recently had someone reach out, because they had a bad dream about me. Just to make sure all is okay.

These really are strange times.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Aye, but one can't do much about how the power plant affects the surrounding community. Same with the farmers, they use chemicals that waft over the landscape. Though not next to town.

I spose we can just minimise the intrusion by taking remedial steps. Turning off 5G on the router, etc.. Like the weather, we can't do much about the approaching storm except be prepared to wait it out.

Up north Western Australia, in the cyclone season, we used to stock up on beer and organise our lockdowns as "enforced partying" until the all clear.

Make the best of things with a little original thinking.

In all this UFO stuff, a common theme is "you are small and helpless", are we? We can just blend in with the population if nothing else.

There are also a lot of independant researchers in this world who are not exactly lame ducks. They like their independence, and don't like to see people getting pushed around, especially their own kindred spirits.

The government corporate technology is liked to be kept to themselves, denial is power. If everybody knows, the secret becomes normal. Everyone adapts to the new normal.

If Grousch is the public face of special interests, the question is "why", and the obvious answer is someone wants to introduce a new normal.

Who knows they may have developed an interface between organic life and plasma life based on the "Philadelphia principals".

Conversely, plasma life may have done exactly the same thing organising humans to develope the right technology.

I have heard the AU military has an interest in certain thunderstorms, especially off the coast.

Ball lightning is a temporary plasma "womb" that exists for a few moments.

The organic exploring the plasma, the plasma exploring the organic. Both sides need to develope "probes".

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: clarity

Maybe the interface between organic and plasma was the mistake made by the time machine folks. They took a liberty or two.

It makes sense that the means of destruction would be introduced before anything else is introduced. 'The "great filter"?

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: meh

what follows here is theory:

If it is indeed a plasma organic interface that lays as the root cause, my guess is there may be an analogy in Through The Looking Glass.

The crossing of boundaries.

Organic to organic is one thing.


If and organic crossed that boundary, I would expect to see a loss of emotions (astral) and memory processes that create the water snowflake (flower inversion form) would create memories differently in the subjects exposed. A "snowflake" of plasma maybe.

That new memory may theoretically exist within the planetary memory as an object. The equivalent of the seed dust mote in the centre of a snowflake that gathers moisture around it and freezes.

Such a thing inside the planetary memory would be a contaminant. A potential virus.

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I thought the complaints about the toxic smoke were mostly because the NE isn't really accustomed to it like the PNW and it's very different from what they're used to.

A very smart fellow on Twitter has done a fair bit of research on warming and I think has a very hard to refute hypothesis that it's mostly from the earth and not the atmosphere. The earth itself is heating beneath the surface.

An interesting thing about that is that the heat maps for that region in Canada match the fossil fuel deposits in a rough area.

He's suggested that the VOCs from those shale oil deposits, as they're heated from below, are being swept up in the atmosphere as part of the wildfire. This would account for the particularly acrid smoke.

I simply don't find it beneficial to discuss many of the topics anymore unless I see a place where I can offer something specific to a question or issue. The fanaticism over carbon while we inject toxic waste deep into the earth and let thousands of industrial processes use the environment as a pollution sink is just absurd. Want to stop pollution? Start using wood and glass and stop making everything out of plastic. Plastic went from a utility material to a substitute for all material.

The environmental movement and even academia has been captured by radical activists who are themselves merely corporate puppets without even knowing it. The academics long ago adopted a philosophy that if you have to lie or manipulate facts to get when you want then you should. They're are biased in their language and studies as the press is with their politics.

The world is changing soon. Where we go, what contributions I might make, are yet to be determined. Unfortunately the Western populace, particularly Americans that cheer for saving the world from the middle of their heaps of plastic they replace every six months, won't abandon their petty politics until they know what pain really is. I just don't see this getting fixed without the collapse that's coming. It's not just a financial crash or the loss or reserve currency, but the entire global political machine that the dollar enabled. It has to collapse.

There's nothing you can tell them to make them understand. It's got to be the hard way. They've become too delusional, support slogans and memes instead of science and self-discipline. They advocate conditions for prisoners that far outstrip the resource needs of an average person in the third world and yap about me eating meat. They don't see that if they really want what they say, then it will be painful for them in ways they can't understand. I can do it and my resource needs have been stripped already, but they are not going to be happy what happens to their yard full of cars and their stream of plastic novelties and their dumpsters full of food waste.

I sure hope SV17q or somebody, somewhere, is watching to make sure that nuclear options don't come to the table as the corrupt rulers of our corrupt government struggle to prove they're still very important and powerful. Like the corrupt ghouls don't have enough already, we have to be dragged into their coffins with them.
edit on 7/6/23 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I sure hope SV17q or somebody, somewhere, is watching to make sure that nuclear options don't come to the table as the corrupt rulers of our corrupt government struggle to prove they're still very important and powerful. Like the corrupt ghouls don't have enough already, we have to be dragged into their coffins with them.

Well said.

I would simply add that in the theoretical cloverfield scenario, I would hope Clover might show discrimination in what she consumes.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Wow, thanks for that info. Certainly adds another layer. If we bring it back to that black goo organism I brought up before, which can use oil / mold as a carrier, is this stuff being pumped into the smoke?

Highly speculative, I know. But I've been seeing some strange seemingly random black clouds outside my window. FL writes how the phenomenon can act through weather patterns. Could be something to all these freak storms and bipolar weather patterns.

But coming back to ground level, it could be that we're just not used to it. I'm also a more sensitive individual, always have been. More likely a combination of things though. This doesn't feel kosher, I think everyone feels it on some level.

Was sighing heavily, when reading about how we can't reach people, and the collapse being inevitable. My experience is what I call the 'rubber-band snap-back effect'. It seems like they're really listening, and begin to look deeper. A few days later, and it's back to square one. But on the positive side, I feel like they still remember that kernel of truth, on some level. And then something will shine a light on that kernel in the future. But you're right, this current system is built on blood and oil, backed by mountains of debt. It's coming down regardless. We just have to start looking for / building parallel systems. Oh man, so much easier said than done.

Also, you're right about the microplastics. I think it's doing all sorts of things to us, which we don't even understand yet.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 10:27 PM
Hydro-carbon life?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: yuppa

MIght be why the time travel bureu was created and restrictions placed on travelers.

They're gonna be out of a job shortly.

Thats a scary thought..considering the blocks in my head are monitored from time to time when i sleep. Another thing to worry about i guess.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

you mean the stuff from X files or the stuff from Phantoms?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: yuppa

No more monitoring?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: yuppa

No more monitoring?

Also no more anti stroke protection lol!!

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: yuppa

I would watch cloverfield part two, except it is on netflix : (

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:05 AM

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Both, the steganography / semiotics is everywhere. Been re-watching Spielberg's 2002 Taken mini-series, and it's in there as well. Totally missed it when watching years ago.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger
a reply to: yuppa

Both, the steganography / semiotics is everywhere. Been re-watching Spielberg's 2002 Taken mini-series, and it's in there as well. Totally missed it when watching years ago.

well at least the sentient oil isnt a megalamaniac like the one in phantoms is. That one prolly wants to be left alone more than anything.

The greys make use of the stuff they have for dna purposes.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:21 PM

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:35 PM
Just a few thoughts on "fire" (for want of a better word) memory, and "water" memory.

"Non organic" and "organic memory" works as synonyms too.

Don't mix them. Organic/organic, non-organic/non-organic is okay.

One needs to not create a second memory of fire within the water.

This go's for consciousness too.

In the Alice through the looking glass principal. Alice can cross the boundary because she is organic and shifting into organic.

Fire can cross into fire.

This goes for the personal boundary of self, and also the artificial looking glass. Looking is one thing. A fire Being (plasma?) can look across the boundary at the water Being, and visa versa. The two memories are created separately in separate Beings.

In the earth's memory one can find the old alchemists. Pre-Islamic lands. They tried to creat the hybrid.

What they did was to to get the fire spirit to consume an unborn human child in the womb. The idea was the alchemist, being the father, could control the hybrid.

The story of Aladdin's lamp, the genii in a bottle, is not a children's story by any means. It is horror itself. The "bottle" is a dedicated womb, the genii is the hybrid, it has a hybrid memory.

The hybrid looks into both realms, the fire and the water. Can work in both. A living tool for the alchemist.

That civilisation does not exist anymore for very good reason.

The "time machine" is as simple as a sphere. One swaps out the inside for elsewhere and elsewhen. The principal of a crystal ball.

A ball is a two dimension object, inside outside. So is a looking glass. Width X height, no depth. A surface.

A pond is a surface which exists between the water and the air. A looking glass, A wood nymph skating across the surface, butt up nose down, is looking into another realm and not the water.

Along with 6D, one needs to understand topology; surfaces.

And not get greedy for those things called "power" and "knowledge".

The words: know your place human come to mind at this moment, and those words were not directed at me.

edit on 7-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: enlarged

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