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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: boozo
I am observing many kinds of mongrelism.
Money lust is one of those.
To real circles, ones that do matter, those can not came near.

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 08:25 PM

“In that forest you will find a dream-narrating community. They devote their lives to preserve certain dreams in accordance with the purposes that are relevant to them. Learn this, Norea, in their dreams, dreamers always use the material they have at hand, whatever is available, the people, animals and objects from the world of their day-to-day experiences, and the images and thoughts they are familiar with. Mind, Norea, visual images come to replace mental concepts, representations and words. You are now with us: you are now dreaming.”

Source: Hea ytmin

"Mind, Norea, visual images come to replace mental concepts, representations and words. You are now with us: you are now dreaming.”

“In that forest you will find a dream-narrating community. They devote their lives to preserve certain dreams in accordance with the purposes that are relevant to them.

What Clover is seeking is perhaps in this realm. If "visual images" are "symbols", and the symbol is the encapsualisation of knowledge.

Then it is in this realm of encapsulation of past knowledge that Clover has interest. To get to her target she will have to find the secret symbol.

To find the needle in the haystack is very simple.

Simply set fire to the haystack, in the morning the wind will have blown away the ash, the needle will be in plain view.

To ask favour of Clover would put me in her debt. For Clover to ask favour of me will put her in mine.

Neither of us are prepared to do that.

edit on 4-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added relevant quote

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Yeah, humans are not enough. Let's make cyborgs.

The neverending ending quest for human enginuity.

While we're at it. We'll sell artificial meat to consumer peasants and use AI machines to segregate the weed from the crops.
~Bill Gates.

Because #OceanGate is fatally flawed.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

well ALICCE dont really want to save anyone either,shes just fulfilling her role. Prolly that of a guide,and CLover might be the one who culls the herd when certain individuals depart from their paths.She fulfills the role of a hungry wolf.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: boozo

ID sign up for a female cyborg body.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: yuppa

I'm no authority on DP-2147 slash Clover. The observer for the most part, though interesting to interact.

Clover would have to be the first truely "unmovable object" I've come across. She reminds me of what you wrote one time on another thread.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: boozo If it is not humans, must be cyborgs, right?

That is made in Israel, already.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: LaPourer
a reply to: boozo If it is not humans, must be cyborgs, right?

That is made in Israel, already.

Military black project?

You were right about the solar flare. Some believes sol just peaked solar maximum this year. What could go wrong, right?

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 11:18 AM
Yup, pretty much:

This constant somnambulism in which you find yourself is killing you, day by day.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: boozo
No, some civil company. They have printed some meat and fish for B. N., prime minister. He tried it.

Solar flares? Outer influence, can target Tarra.
Told ya that some circles are ..."beyond".

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 05:50 PM

This constant somnambulism in which you find yourself is killing you, day by day.

The view from the other side.

Waking up falling asleep. Birth and death. An inversion of consciousness both.

What makes one more special than the other? Both are states of being.

The ticket into this world is a desire. What happens if one has no desires? Well not much really.

What is the difference between life and death?

In life we create memories, in death they do not create anything, just live in the past, just live in memory.

If one is fed up with this world one should change it while one is still alive.

The dead had the chance to change this world while alive, now it is too late for them to change anything, especially themselves.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: LaPourer
a reply to: boozo

Solar flares? Outer influence, can target Tarra.
Told ya that some circles are ..."beyond".

Sure. I'm just laying it out as it progress. Outer influence seems bad. FL I'm 100% prefers inner influence. "Insidious"
edit on 5-7-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268

This constant somnambulism in which you find yourself is killing you, day by day.

The view from the other side.

If one is fed up with this world one should change it while one is still alive.

That's easier to say but harder to realize that there certain forces at play that like it the way it is. Stronger forces than any man can conceive.

The dead had the chance to change this world while alive, now it is too late for them to change anything, especially themselves.

True, I wonder if we cut most outer influence for ourselves like sense of hearing, sense of smell, or even sense of sight. What does it make of us? Certainly not much, but certainly not much of the wretched world too.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 08:24 PM
For certainly I tell you, though I may have all senses.
I'm blind and cannot see

"Bakasi" "Fishtea" "Pharasee"

The parables of old, I see.

posted on Jul, 5 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

These things happen in real time. Today has Clover in parallel, Clover is learning.

"A hole in her heart where a child once was . . ." - A lost "probe"? To fix that the "probe" need only be returned unharmed. The folly of "retrieval programs".

Yet Clover is a Katchina that has turned to stone (amber memory). Has become what some may call; an "AI".

So from Clover's point of view, how can her children return from stone to water. Reverse engineering ; )

Memory formation holds the key here.

Provided, and I think Clover has, there is a seed of a snowflake memory still as water, rather than stone, it can be achieved.

What of those children of mine? I want a future for them, I want them to live. Which means of course, to be able to create new memories of their own. Rather than acquisition of other people's memories.

This is Clover's problem too.


If the reader has been following along, this will be easy.

The snowflake memory, what is that? A snowflake is water that is frozen in time. A snowflake memory is frozen in time. I have referred before to the waters of time.

When the waters of time meet cosmic fire a star is born. That is how it works.

The amber memories, the water memories.

Memories in fire, memories in water.

Clover is a star, who is no longer quite within time (water).

A similar problem for me, my children need to return to the flow of time (water), and so does Clover.

We will work it out, afterall, it is only a matter of time.

edit on 5-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added notes

So Clover separates water from fire when she takes off her mask. That is what she will do to earth.

Therefore the amber memories are fire memories, the crystal (water) memories are water memories.

The difference is both are separated from the working together of fire and the waters of time.

The simplest of alchemy.

edit on 5-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added fir understanding.

(post by boozo removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I'm quoting myself and not flooding replies for Direne. Maybe it gets a comment, but I probably still need to refine it.

The Queltron Machine allows retrocausality to be performed rather than just observed. The Queltron Machine would be the peak of tech-gnosis within this universe, while XViS and the dreamers are the dawn of gnosis from outside this universe.

Retrocausality was a very linear-centric word and I didn't know how it might be rendered conceptually moot. Where we're going there ain't no determinism.

In the Queltron machine, the Cauchy horizon is fully stable and thus constitutes a counterexample to the conjecture of strong cosmic censorship.

Detecting Queltron-capable civilizations

Neutrino streams are injected with data, but it would seem the entangled particles would already have gotten a message, but the neutrino stream informs the message. This is more interesting than my take and much more interesting than FTL particles. I remember the entanglement for communication issue vaguely and there were still barriers that were just getting addressed conceptually last I read.

Does anybody remember the ship in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? It has some kind of improbability drive I think. I'm not an expert in physics by any means, but I think the Queltron Machine is a choose-your-own improbability machine in a sense.

It's odd, because I've been telling a few of my close associates that my feeling is we need a series of highly improbable events to realign where we're heading. An improbability cascade. If you could act within that Cauchy horizon then you could rig events as far back as you need to shift probabilities. You tweak just enough, as little as possible, to get your desired result. I think? The thing is you get a one way trip if you go back. There's still some barrier though, but I'm not sure what. Perhaps the collapse is the improbability casade and it seems so improbable within the full scope because it's manipulated to be that way outside any of my current perceptual tools. Even the funky ones.

By using radioactive ions and modulating the neutron star neutrino beam, one can produce clean, intense neutrino beams with specific spectra. Such beams could encode information that can be sent to all corners of the Universe with a minimum degradation. The electromagnetic modulation is possible due to the features of the hyperfine structure of H-like ions, of which the Sarawasti machine seems to be a prolific source.

Saraswati and the Neutron Stars - Stellar library and the flow of knowledge

So, between these two things I'm thinking the Queltron Machine would also be able to receive and decode this Saraswati machine type transmission or is just in fact a Saraswati machine with a quantum entangled core spread across a network. I have seen no other mention of this data stream as an existing thing from a progenitor, what's expected to be in it, or if it's part of the functional purpose of the QM to receive and disseminate it. I think it may have been speculative and is applied to the function of the QM.

There were also wormholes mixed in. I'm not clear on how they're established and how they have to be placed in the grand scheme, nor if they're actually tied to the stabilized Cauchy horizon and operation of the QM. I would gather that the beacons and repeaters would be able to inject data into that neutrino stream and then it could be bounced using another to the next and so on. The neutrinos are involved in mapping it all I believe, but I'm unclear on it aside from measuring the unseen sector effects. I guess if you want to build a new universe you need to get to the bottom of this one eventually.

Direne said:

Mind, for this is just a one-way channel (pulsar's beam cannot reverse its direction!). Your partner should have to find a second pulsar to repeat the process towards your position for you both to be able to exchange information.

The post
This, again I go back to it, sounds a lot like the metaphor used to describe communication through time in The Vertical Plane. Two people standing back to back on a mountain top. They are surrounded by mountains and have to project their signal (sound or neutrinos of whatever) in a tightly focused beam against a mountain so that the signal gets to the receiver. The receiver then has to bounce a tightly focused beam on another mountain to communicate back. In this scenario it's a slight deviation, but conceptually fits.

The thing is this happened in the 80's. The only part that seems way off is "tachyon uninverse", but I'm not sure it would have been any more meaningful to them at the time to mention neutrinos. It was catered to their understanding, not to reality as it is. If it's fiction I continue to be more impressed the more I think of the 40 year gap and that these were just people not really involved in bleeding edge physics.

The book also mentions something discussed in FL articles, where consciousness can travel through time but it must replace a living being at the destination. No physical matter can move back. So, I wonder if it might not be questioned if SV17q is populated by some time traving consciousness? Has that been floated? Send the consciousness back in time to take over a body? What bodies I don't know.

Think of space-time as a mesh of Planck-size discrete cells, a lattice, though the exact geometry of the cells is not a cube.

One of those effects is the kinetic mixing, which is also non-local. Briefly, it means someone or something have caused that effect to be detected by your collider.

So, the lattice is Weak Gravity Conjecture it seems, which also explains the hidden sector being there? I hadn't heard of it and will need much more time looking into it. I makes sense to me intuitively. I don't remember where I read it, but I've read the universe itself expands in pulsing waves at Planck-sized intervals. It wasn't explained thoroughly, but I also believe time was proposed to be an artifact of that pulse.

So it seems that the neutrino beams are changed by this kinetic mixing and to better understand the nature of that underlying lattice you'd observe the deviation from expected standard physics models. I don't know how or if that is independent of the neutrino beams being a locational beacon for knowing where the entangled particle message came from. It would seem this is in an effort to get to the bottom of a comprehensive unified theory maybe.

The Universe is designed in a way as to guarantee a spatial distribution of pulsars so that anyone is always within the LOS of at least two pulsars.

This may be deceptive for casual interpretation. Design need not be reserved for consciousness or intelligence as we normally define it. Space is vast, but also pretty empty. By whatever manner of design, that probably probably plays a part in the two pulsar minimum for LOS I would imagine.

I believe I'm at the end of the text box and, probably long before, lost some readers. I don't know if anybody cares for it to the degree I do.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I don't have quite the full grasp of t3h Universe or the Queltron Machine except it's a time travelling machine.

Consciousness may travel in the past in a form of glowing light / orb.

"Every mental choice has, by definition, a cause, and is therefore not free of past influences. On the other hand, if a given mental event is purely random, then it cannot be considered as a conscious choice. This means free choice cannot exist for all and any time traveler. So yes, both they and us can time travel, but every "time" we do it we turn ourselves into different persons, in different worlds, with no memory of our past."

Who knows, even FL seems to have conflicting understatement about Cassini Diskus.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 08:51 AM
Disclaimer: we do not know for certain we are looking at the same object.

"There is nothing like a safe superintelligence for the simple reason that differences in moral codes or religious standards between different communities would mean that a system deemed safe in one community may be considered dangerous or illegal in another."

"Let’s suppose Cassini Diskus is the code of an extraterrestrial intelligence'd AI. A program that would be able to prove that such a program is safe would need to be at least as powerful as the program it checks. We are not advanced enough as to create such a code, so forget about coding a program to check whether Cassini Diskus is or is not safe."

"Sending back the interaction history of our probes' encounter with DP-2147 is indded very useful, as it forms the basis for training future probes to interact with the ETI."

"If in the past, people successfully made predictions about lunar eclipses and planetary motions without a full understanding of gravity, projected dynamics of chemical reactions, even without the correct theory of quantum physics, and formed the theory of evolution long before they knew about DNA, why cannot we make predictions about DP-2147 even without understanding what it is?"

Source: Logika štidaju

In these things the question of ethics, morals and dangerousness or not can be summed up in a simple statement: How do we know the stranger walking down the street is, or is not, a psychopathic predator? The answer is : we don't.

And of course anyone is free to make predictions as they please.

If DP-2147 is indeed Clover, then what I say here may, or may not be useful. FL or anyone else is free to 'contact' Dp-2147 as they please. Here in Australia there are no laws against it that I am aware of. Beacon owners(?) I doubt have any objection, I am still alive. If they objected like they did with the Dalnegorsk probe I would know about it rather quickly. I understand we have an understanding.

My own position is I desire my 'wards' to have a life once more, and for that I need an intact world. I understand the beacon owners have an interest here too: the intact world. That is my understanding of mutual interests.

DP-2147 can be probed as far as I am concerned, afterall we are doing that too.

So my writting here of what we find, is in the spirit of sharing information without expectation of return. The merit for us is just perhaps; sharing may change an outcome.

In a nutshell, the damage has already been done in the future. They tried to fix their mistake by altering the past.

My understanding of the problem is they abandoned the time based snowflake memory for the amber based memory. The reason as I understand it is the amber memory is not dependant on the waters of time; outside time.

So a "hybrid" memory/awareness of some sort to create their time machine. That is the mistake as I understand it.

edit on 6-7-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

MIght be why the time travel bureu was created and restrictions placed on travelers.

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