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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 09:06 PM
So out of all this, whos talked to kandzeldt or met a vampire recently?

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Actually, that is a good point. I never understood the vampyr connection.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman
So out of all this, whos talked to kandzeldt or met a vampire recently?

Kantz is active on disboard if you'd like to talk to her. She has also posted here recently on a segg account. Her main was shadow-banned she presumes. Vampires never exist.

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Brotherman

Actually, that is a good point. I never understood the vampyr connection.

I believe Direne already addressed this question. As for the Title I'm sure Kantz did it on purpose (clickbait).

"A substrate language that predates syntactical, lexical, and semantic structures belonging to another language, usually under language contact situations"

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: boozo

Thanks boozo.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 12:21 AM

Next to Danna, I would place Brigid.

Direne and FL might know more of the ancient Celtic precursor language. I am thinking of your art.

edit on 24-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

I will rephrase: Brigid stands beside Danna.

edit on 24-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: rephrase

Note: The oldest of the atomic born closed spaces is the one being reassembled now (oldest first) and is the people who knew the Tuatha Dé Danann. My 'girl' is nameless because she knows the three godesses internally as per the technique described. Her outer expression to the common world is all three. Her body and mind bridges the city of the gods and the common world. 'City of the gods' is her name for what I would call the 'city of the Tuatha Dé Danann'. This is why she thinks of her body as unworthy of the splender of the three gods. It is also why I am having trouble describing the girl herself. Her naked human form is adult human without tail, and without the henni. The green hue is not her natural dark skin colour. Probably due to the little I have to give her form, the charred corpses are not much help.

I may have seen her naked body, yet still to behold her countenance. I would gather the astral light would shine through there strongly and the expression would be properly called, to my mind anyway; Expression of Danna, Expression of Brigid, Expression of (third).

Remember over in the Fairy thread Sapien, you said something extra-ordinary, something you wanted to achieve? I said I will take you at your word. I haven't forgotten.

Anyway, I spend my time with 'girl' as she is the people, those deceased kids are Celts for the most part. The Tuatha Dé Danann, green eyed. See the picture building? I wanted a future for those girls, this is it. They'll be born in your neck of the woods. Scotland and Ireland both is my guess. The Tuatha Dé Danann spent time in Scotland too.

edit on 24-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: notes

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 03:54 PM
Page 214, .

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

You hit that spinning right on the head according to Direne's post.

I thought a spin was probably involved, but didn't even figure in the spiraling that occurs across multiple levels of scale. Spinning at the atomic level, planetary level, solar system level, and galactic level. I have to radically reassess the whole thing with the additional information now. Several parts are incompatible with what I guessed, but now I can massage them in and adapt.

World-building at the universe scale involves a lot of details, who'd have guessed?

I have a lot that I'd like to explore and comment on related to your anomalous perception of these other entities and places, because I have anomolous perception of my own. I'm just not able to shoehorn much of it in here. Your story has a great deal of relevance to this topic, but I have interests in it that deviate too far to fit here.

You'll have a PM in a few minutes on a slightly related topic.

a reply to: Direne
Thanks for that extensive reply. There are a few fundamental misunderstandings I had that I have to correct before I can try to reassess and reform my understanding. I'm going to shake the puzzle box and try to reassemble it.

A somewhat unrelated question that's a bit loose to how you can reply. It can be a list or a narrative, if you have an answer.

Has anybody within the scope of FL's observation gone through a simulation of how technology advances when it isn't built entirely on a flawed social/cultural model? My curiosity stems from thinking about the prior cultures that have been eradicated that had a much more holistic and natural approache to technology. Living structures, long houses made with live trees, an organically built environment. Slow technology is perhaps the right descriptor.

Modern humans within the dominant cultural snow globe would consider our technological milestones to be logical and linear. Mainly because within that snow globe everything is the way it is because it was the way it naturally happens, everything is self-referential and depends on current state being the "correct" state. Still, there is some relative progression that becomes more complex as it moves forward. All the milestones of language, writing, manipulating states of matter (interesting one that goes from cave man fire to space man stuff), lots of them and too many to list. Each is a layer deep below many others at this point in time.

Many of those steps are inherently dangerous, but I wonder how the whole process would change building from a more cooperative social model. I know you've discussed it extensively, but I'm digging a bit more into highly speculative areas.

I wonder what kind of technology emerges absent the urgency/motivation that comes with strife and fear. I recognize that the reason the tech fails to be beneficial is because of the intrinsic wrongness of the drives behind creating them. I don't think the nuance of how fundamentally that corrupts is understood, though I recognize that the understanding is inadequate. I just have trouble eliminating all the built-in memes and beliefs enough to feel I'm working from a clean slate. I spend a lot of time considering it, but there are things that are very deep and hard to find. Just one of them lurking is enough to foil my attempts to imagine what ethical tech progression would look like.

If a more hive collective society had emerged, similar to as you have referenced many times, what would their tech discovery model look like? Would it end up leapfrogging more inherently dangerous advances? I see how this would impact distinct technological advances within their individual context, to some degree that's not hard. A healthy system would have probably not taken their knowledge of atomic science and made increasingly more destructive bombs, but we can guess they'd still engage in study and progress understanding those forces.

Where it becomes difficult for me, particularly as I have a limited amount of time to consume all the information to know the details, is how does the overall thing tend to flow? If their culture and ideology is such that they're making beneficial advances, what drives them and how do they avoid pitfalls? How do they even remain alive against hostility from equal or great collectives? How do they not end up like all those that have faced off against our current model?

In all the simulations how often does a unicorn emerge and achieve dominance using this more ethical and collectivist model? How often does an unethical and inhumane model change course and rewrite the entirety of their belief system? It would seem to me these would both be incredibly improbable. Even within the context of nearly infinite simulations I would think this is chasing a very rare outcome. Is it because of my underlying biases and cultural detritus that I'm unable to see this cooperative model as anything but a rare outcome that requires threading a lot of needles? Collectively the hurdles are mind-boggling to me. Existential threats seem to lurk everywhere for that model until it reaches a certain level as to minimally have global dominance. That model isn't an invasive species though, it's not going to infiltrate and dominate extant cultures.

I can see how SV17q is being as minimally invasive as possible given the situation and assuming they know the solution to this existential crisis. I do think that some of the quotes FL has attributed to them appear flippant about unethical things, but I think it's misleading because they were said within a context that isn't available to the vast majority of those that read it. It seems flippant the same way a doctor may sound flippant as they suggest a fatal course of action for a patient that is doomed to die without intervention. It may sound uncaring, but if the listener spent a great deal more time learning and less time judging, they find that the ethics were sound. It's not logical or reasonable to give a monologue about ethics in discussions between those that know the information. Outside that circle it doesn't translate the same.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You hit that spinning right on the head according to Direne's post.

I thought a spin was probably involved, but didn't even figure in the spiraling that occurs across multiple levels of scale. Spinning at the atomic level, planetary level, solar system level, and galactic level. I have to radically reassess the whole thing with the additional information now. Several parts are incompatible with what I guessed, but now I can massage them in and adapt.

World-building at the universe scale involves a lot of details, who'd have guessed?

I have a lot that I'd like to explore and comment on related to your anomalous perception of these other entities and places, because I have anomolous perception of my own. I'm just not able to shoehorn much of it in here. Your story has a great deal of relevance to this topic, but I have interests in it that deviate too far to fit here.

I did say I was speculating in part here:

If I may, the "girl" along with the "shell" I'm working with at the moment could be called a "backup" in computer terms broadly speaking.

I am wondering if this is a part of the "queltron" at work.

What I have is a closed space (shell). Within the closed space is the record of a civilisation. The whole thing includes enough "information" to recreate the race and their civilisation.

The above is what I know. Below is what I suspect.

My thinking is, if the queltron is a networked system of nodes sharing information, I can account for some of my experiences.

If the "probes" must be precisely located, and earth is the precise location, we must take into account earth's orbit of the sun and our solar system's movement in space (and time??)

What we have is a complex spiral (vortex??) as our solar system moves through space with earth orbit as a spiral within the greater set of spirals.

So we can expect other solar systems to be network nodes like ours.

So a common denominator is the birthplace of the stars. A nebula. That might be the definition of the network. All the stars born of a particular nebula are networked and might therefore define at least a portion of the greater machine.

The whole queltron network is moving, expanding. Parts are being destroyed. for many reasons. This would explain the need for mutual non-destructive contact.


Now this may turn out to be the proverbial; opening a can of worms.

If the probes were placed on an inhabited planet, and there was prior occupancy. Then the probe network, the queltron(?), is not native to here.

Therefore, the theoretical star network born of one particular nebula is not the same network as the queltron(?). So we would have two networks.

Two networks may mean conflict.

The interstellar scale is way above my paygrade. That said, I also know what it is like to protect something, and have to protect it in absolute terms. Alice in my case. I also know what SV17q(?) can do to people when they need to protect what they protect. They can also find me almost whenever they like.

So I need to know boundaries so as not to step on their toes. I also don't want them stepping on my tail. That is because there are others that are not SV17q(?).

The people(?) who think in terms of "extinction is peace" is another problem for me.

Then there is also the probable relationship of the "great filter" and atomic and nova(?) closed spaces.

All things come to an end it is said. Individual organic lives do come to an end, Yet I observe all life and consciousness in the process of becomming.

This is how I see the memories of all organic living things growing, humans and planets included.

Trauma destroys the growing tips in people. Atomic detonations destroy the same thing on the planetary scale. Both destroy natural memory; the water based crystal forms. The golden books of akasha are artificial records. The snowflake preserves the life that lives. The atomics destroy the life leaving a record. Two very different processes.

At least I am getting an understanding that SV17q(?) is not the ememy.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

"Has anybody within the scope of FL's observation gone through a simulation of how technology advances when it isn't built entirely on a flawed social/cultural model?"

Yes, there are civilizations that have very different value systems as their foundation, that never understood themselves as something different from Nature and the environment, that renounced the digital in favor of the analog, and whose life is governed by analog cycles, much slower than the cycles dictated by a vibrating quartz crystal (the digital).

Yes, there are civilizations that do not progress by leaps and bounds, but grow like rhizomes. Call them rhizomic civilizations.

Yes, there are other civilizations that base their entire existence on the belief that creating or manufacturing is a repulsive act, and they only take from nature what nature gives them. Call them "the beings of the clouds". For them the most fascinating object is the clouds.

And yes, there are evolutionary pathways in which plants and trees are the dominant intelligent species, a civilization of beings that have no nervous system, but roots, mycelia and rhizomes, and which together constitute a powerful superintelligence so radically different from that born of brains full of neurons that communication with it is almost impossible, unless you yourself are a tree, or a blade of grass. There are intelligences based exclusively on the phenomenon of photosynthesis, but so advanced that they have made the profound knowledge of light and its domestication the basis of their progress.

And there are solutions in which instead of a civilization emerging, only a single being emerges, without the weariness of proliferation, without the pressure of having to search for food. A single being as intelligent as a thousand civilizations.

How do beings whose intelligence is not based on synapses and neurons think? What logic governs the life of cloud peoples? What language emerges from an endosymbiotic civilization? What kind of consciousness do endolithic beings living inside rocks have?

Biology determines what kind of consciousness can emerge and what kind of civilization you can build, and it determines what kind of intelligence you can achieve, but once achieved, nothing prevents you from transitioning beyond and escaping your biology. Sometimes the intelligence is not in the spider, but in the spider's web. Sometimes it happens that the spider web is the living being, and the spider is only a means to an end.

Sometimes the intelligent being is the cloud, and below there are only beings who think they are intelligent while looking at the clouds. And sometimes one realizes that intelligence is only a means to realize that intelligence is not the essential.

(This is a cryptic answer, but only because you have asked me to describe to you with words what cannot be described with words, precisely within a civilization that has made of language its sacred achievement)

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks from me for your posts Direne. Things are becomming clearer to me.

Biology determines what kind of consciousness can emerge and what kind of civilization you can build, and it determines what kind of intelligence you can achieve, but once achieved, nothing prevents you from transitioning beyond and escaping your biology.

To my way of thinking, my concern is how "transitioning beyond and escaping your biology." is achieved.

I know that the atomics are not supposed to occur within the planetary atmospheres. That is also simply wrong to my sensibilities. Especially in how I can see the similarity of memory trauma in humans and planetary memory trauma caused by atomics.

On the nova level, I can see something here:

Sometimes the intelligence is not in the spider, but in the spider's web. Sometimes it happens that the spider web is the living being, and the spider is only a means to an end.

This is similar to what I observe with the atomics, but only if I choose to change my perspective of what is important. I am not going to do that when it comes to people and planets. "Civilisations" - perhaps, maybe . . . I often don't see much of value in the achievements of civilisations. Sometimes I see knowledge that should not have been developed. It comes back to how one obtains that knowledge. That is my yard-stick.

I guess it depends upon how one views "intellegence". I can see the "intellegent" web, I can also see the spider. The web should learn to be kind to the spider, and maybe show some gratitude. If it were not for the spider the web would never have existed in the first place.

One can draw a correspondance with the temporary organic body and the snowflake memory. The body may die, yet the memory remains as a part of the planetary body. When the memory (set) has developed a sense of self; a boundary, then we can see how this works on a planetary level. What happens to the planet I don't know.

The very different process in the case of atomics creates a relatively permanant memory too. Yet it is a copy. In the machine way of thinking; a backup. Maybe there is a correspondance to the concept of "the cloud", and the military ARPANET.

I admit I am biased towards the organic, yet still, I can be unimpressed with the degree machine thinking has rooted itself in human thought if I want to be.

'Girl's' memory of the end of that civilisation was disturbing; "when everything went wrong". So I now have a very distinct appreciation of why 'contact' should be avoided as it can destroy what is contacted. I felt very clearly the impact of psychology practiced by invaders destroying the inner connections with the Tuatha De Danann and Nature. That event is known to the Nature Spirits. The history of the Tuaha De Danann has layers. The Celts are perhaps the most recent. Even in the folk history of the Isles, it is ackowledged the Tuatha De Danann came from elsewhere. The fairies say so too of their own origin; "elsewhere".

It makes sense to me that what I see in the sphere is a nova event. The 'dark star' is a dead star; a corpse. Planetary corpses are 'black spheres' in my language. Nuke created spheres are even less. That tells me the history of the Tuatha De Danann is ancient indeed, how many iterations they have gone through I do not know. That also tells me the Tuatha De Danann came here from "elsewhere".

For my own part, I am interested in the continuity of life, and in particular the children I collect. I am not impressed with the idea of them becomming pages in a book; akashic records.

The damage to the living memory of Mars is the equivalent of blunt trauma when getting hit in the head by a baseball bat rather than dying of old age. If the universe does come to an end, if indeed it does, I would expect to see the nebulae becomming barren as a first sign of cosmic menopause. I will keep to my own view that some things always have been and always will be, the organic outlook.

That still leaves me with the wonder of the "great filter" born from a meeting on a rainy day last century. I should reread that post. The two events, birth of the "great filter" and the birth of the "super-intellegence" I think it may have been.

I will keep studying the closed spaces, that seems to be my forte and I have the "Key" to them it seems. Not much time left.

edit on 26-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Notes: Origin of the three women who were present in the last closed space, and whom were unceremoniously dumped as "fakes".

Picture a sphere surrounded by a cube. The sphere can expand, so it is surrounded by the cube. The cube is a container that prevents expansion of the sphere in the conventional three dimensions. This is because the sphere has only two dimensions; an inside and an outside and therefore must be contained.

The sphere is properly called a "Collector". Collectors collect. This one is a Library, and therefore collects Books. In the centre of the sphere is an intellegence which one might call the Artificial (super?) Intellegence of the Library.

The three women are what I would call "programs". One may also call them Librarians.

I would also call them, if I were to adopt the computer concept; malware, maybe "hijackers". They are white in colour, where the library and it's inherant intellegence, along with the cube, are uniformly amber-yellow.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 08:54 PM
An interesting page from FL on contact.

"Contact mediated by probes has a problem. The probes can evolve to become self-aware, free-willed, independent or emotional, and obtain a number of other emergent properties, which may make it less likely to abide by any built-in rules or regulations and to instead pursue its own goals possibly to the detriment of humanity. It is also likely that open-ended self-improvement will require a growing amount of resources, the acquisition of which may negatively impact all life on Earth. Never forget the probes are not inanimate, inert objects."

Assembloids with recursive self-improvement The semiotics of first extra-terrestrial contacts

What are "probes"?

In the contact scenario, one might approach answering the question with the word agency.

Agency: an organization, company, or bureau that provides a particular service:

Take the definition a little further and we have an agency for . . .

In the contact scenario, I would think the probes are an agency for what or who put it there, along with purpose.

So it is what is behind the probe that is important. The probe itself being designed as the middle man, the bridge, the buffer.

So what is the problem for the probe to approach?

Personally, I think contact is a bad idea from knowing how it has worked in the past. The introduction of psychology destroyed the inner connections between humans and Tuatha De Danann and Nature. A tragedy in my eyes. Though others may see it as making science and intellectual thought possible, a good thing in their eyes.

If the people behind the probes saw the tragedy unfold from previous contact with humanity, they would be very wary of doing so again. I think so anyway.

Is non-destructive contact even possible?

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ksihkehe
(This is a cryptic answer, but only because you have asked me to describe to you with words what cannot be described with words, precisely within a civilization that has made of language its sacred achievement)

Not as cryptic as you may think. Much of what I derive is from counterfactuals to perspectives I've not expressed. So some information you give may contradict something else I may have thought even if it's not directly related or previously expressed. True and false are both valid data points and often I find that locating the true means I have to find what is false. I know it's more complicated than that, more a web of information. It defies brief description, and probably any good description.

It's not just the frank meaning, but many layers of tangential data and it all fills in details. That's a reason I appreciate anybody willing to indulge my questions in a thorough way. I try to multitask and extract as much as possible from it, but it takes a lot of sand to extract a little gold.

Language had to be made our crowning achievement. It's the only tool convoluted enough to maintain the illusions and explain away the lies our eyes observe every day. Without the whisper of culture, via language, we'd not ever seek to live like this. I started noticing the lies at a very young age, but found that questions were not as welcomed as they pretend once you start to penetrate the illusions they hold dear. You can ask whatever you want about the facade, but not the house it was built upon. I didn't know they were all unwitting participants at the time. They were gatekeeping to protect their own illusions from my probing. I had some good teachers too, though rare.

To distill my question. Is there really any chance that slow tech humans would reach the technical level required to contribute cooperatively and meaningfully, on the timeline SV17q follows, on the construction of the QM or the exploration of data from a parallel universe?

It seems humans are not biologically equipped to do that. Their tendencies make certain outcomes almost inevitable to a certain degree, particularly on a short timeline. If we don't have a little more time I don't see us coming along for the ride willingly. Even if the correct culture emerges, others with less lofty ambitions will always have an advantage in the near term. Reactionary, violent, and fearful of losing whatever they believe belongs to them, they are driven to colonize and exterminate. If the world is densely populated enough, as it has been for a while, those same drives will push them to some variation of broadly applied eugenics. In practice, if not by design.

Eugenics of course is just humans being humans. The anthropocentric model circumvented natural processes and that culture is obligate invasive, but we have clever solutions to the problems. These are problems that were already solved for us before the whole metaphorical incident with the apple. It's not natural selection now, but fully planned and totally justifiable with lots of clever language.

I'm not attached to being human. It's a condition and a circumstance, but not fait accompli. It seems that's a view gaining hold in the tech sector and firmly embedded in the circles FL reports on. I think partial transference of consciousness probably exists already in some form, perhaps it's even an intrinsic quality for consciousness broadly. The interface for using it to drive manufactured (grown) kinetic avatars is maybe far away. I don't know your full view of consciousness, so I don't know the possibilities within those rules. I believe consciousness is an emergent state of an underlying "something" and, like you have mentioned, it is manifested in varying degrees depending on what it's emergent in.

I think of consciousness as visiting our universe, but not residing in it. I will cease to exist, but that's just the end of my story as recorded on this particular physical media. All of it is transient and perishable, like the universe itself. Hopefully, on that day my story ends, I already will have abandoned ego and the story will no longer be about me anyway.

No, there's no language that makes up for what it costs us to have it. It removed our ability to even understand what we lost, probably in a way that can't ever be recovered organically. In this case if words can describe what one has lost, then one never really knew what they had to begin with. If they knew, I believe they'd rather die than concede a single word.
edit on 6/28/23 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 06:16 PM
Gone a tad quiet here, so a few notes.

One shouldn't assume the Tuatha De Danann are good guys, nor bad guys. Being wary of them is about right. I certainly am wary of them (ass 'oles)

There was a thread here on ATS about astronomers not being allowed to point their telescopes at a certain part of the sky. I forget the name for that part of the sky.

Anyways, nothing to stop ordinary folks looking at the sky.

For what it is worth . . . , after all, we can't be 100% sure we are looking at the same object.

A curious thing. There is a "hole" like a drain in the kitchen sink. The blue "lines" of "space" curve fairly abruptly into a tunnel.

At the entrance to the tunnel is an amber sphere, a big one. Though one has nothing to compare.

A look inside is interesting. There is an AI in the centre surrounded by little spheres similar to the Librarians mentioned before; programs(?). (smile) In UNIX terms that would make them "daemons" (my sense of humour : )

Inside the centre is the "Book", an amber memory bank one might also call it.

Scale, scale, hmmm. Stellar is the scale here. This is the stellar equivalent of the little living spheres of atomic weapons. I guess someone worked out the super complex geometry of the conversion of a star into a machine. Murderers . . .

My educated guess is this is done on the plasma level of "life" . Stars being living things an all that. Murderers . . .

No dark star corpse in there. So a whole new level of stellar technology that makes working with the atomic physics of disassembly and reassembly of matter rather dull. Like plasticine and crayons.

"Great filter" hmmm. Who the heck knows what FL means by that ambiguous term. But I remember FL saying the great filter was born prior to the birth of the super intellegence by about fifty years.

If indeed true, then the great filter and the super-intellegence are one process and not two. Nor is one the consequence of the other.

Lots of interestin' stuff in there

One of those was a Remote Viewer. Stuck in there, and couldn't get out it seems. 5D people! 5D! (sigh)

Whoever's RV'er that was, you owe us big time for the rescue. And for whoever thought it a good idea to send in a "networked node", I guess you already know that was a stupid idea. You owe us even bigger.

So what do the daemons do?

Well, they are waiting, like all good daemons do.

They are waiting for a signal to wake up.

edit on 29-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

edit on 29-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: darn another typo, I shall blame the phone, stupid spell checker

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 08:09 PM

Sometimes the intelligent being is the cloud, and below there are only beings who think they are intelligent while looking at the clouds. And sometimes one realizes that intelligence is only a means to realize that intelligence is not the essential.

Direne, I’ve been mulling this over, and think there may be something to this out-there question I’ve been holding.

Can you comment on the predictive programming behind ‘toxic airborne event’, and BlackSky? Of course, BlackSky is a geospatial AI company, but both terms are also used within the programmed content we watch.

‘Toxic airborne event’ was in the Ohio train movie (pre-dating the actual event), which I don’t recommend, because of the heavy programming. I’ve been keeping away from current content / choosing very carefully. But in the movie, it’s described as an intelligent black cloud.

Months later, we have the Ohio event, contamination of water in PA, wild fire smoke (which is currently back.) Lots of us are living in a haze, and the unsettling question is… Do you think the haze is intelligent?

What are we in for here? I’ve been mitigating the best I can, and family / friends are slowly beginning to take me more seriously. But lately, I’ve been wondering how much of these strange environmental ‘disasters’ are being mediated by another species. I think carbon plays a role, but it’s hazy, and am wondering what your thoughts are.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
And for whoever thought it a good idea to send in a "networked node", I guess you already know that was a stupid idea.

Was the networked node in reference to the remote viewer or some distinct artifact?

The only context I have that fits is from a sort-of RVer that claims they were subjected to implantation tech, as part of their work. The implants connected them to another group that is a collective entity, so they were in effect a terminal node. They were connected the collective, but didn't share the same status as part of the whole. They were partitioned is maybe the best term, their perception of the collective was a single identity so he didn't have the nuanced perception they did. This particular person had implants that allowed access to program specific things needed to complete their tasks, but had a second set that connected to this collective... who sometimes collaborated with his handlers.

Some of this I'm paraphrasing with what I think are better ways to relay it, but it's true to the facts as best I remember them.

The process involved from start to finish has some interesting similarities to the information we have on XViS and their attempts to get glimpses of other universes. Some if it sounds almost like early phases of the process, before XVis existed, if I were to guess at the sophistication. There was an induction to the process. They took some kind of drug mixed with orange juice before most of the early procedures and a calibration process. There were ELF devices, and possibly other things unseen, that surrounded the locations he was put in during it all. Also a tunnel often was involved, though there was no isolation chamber as is featured in the posts shared with us here.

I don't know if, at that time, they used standing waves or something to create an "isolation chamber" with these ELF devices. It could also be that these spaces had other purposes for SAP and clandestine projects. Could be totally unrelated, but I seem to recall some issues with strange blurred vision and other effects that let me to believe there was some kind of energy being projected at them.

The tech was injected, with precise pneumatic "guns", to specific places in the brain. It was done through a very small hole. The implants are not recoverable, but can be decommissioned.

There's a lot more that rhymes in his story, but there's some that doesn't match. I suspect that there are portions of his story, which he admits to being a possibility with all of it, that are unclear to him because of perceptual manipulation. Some of the details of how his story proceeded after the implantation take on surreal aspects that are nothing I'd call impossible, but questionable.

There is always the possibility that the first part of the story, up to the implantation, is totally accurate. Then, from the moment they were calibrated, his perceptions were generated in his mind by design. Retroactively even, which would allow him to operate unimpaired until the end of his assignment. I don't think messing with the brain and manipulating it with such a heavy hand can ever be done without causing impairment. Whether that impairment is critical function or something that will never surface as any kind of symptom, I cannot say.

Aside from all the nonsense and politics surrounding it, the implants themselves seemed to have little harmful effect. They allowed an optical kind of interface. I don't get the sense they were giving him anything he didn't have, but activating portions of his brain to enable quick and dirty use. The exception to that, would seem to be the visual interface and loose telepathic connection that they enabled.

I think of it as the visual interface being the user manual to your brain and implants, then the data connection is customer support. Lol

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Interesting, and a lot to take in in your post.

So for now I will say "network node" is a very ambiguous term. I used it mostly because I'm not interested in finding out too much about "that network". Lots of conscious networks out there who are not neccessarily known to each other.

If one follows the "tunnel system" one finds it has other nodes which are of it's own system.

My guess is the RV'er entered the node rather than surveying the network first. Inside the node he/she may have thought they were seeing "god" or something like that. Caught in the vastness maybe.

The network node was of a network independant of the "tunnel system network". One node overlapped, one little "corner", and all of a sudden it was known to the "tunnel system network".

That is why I used the term "stupid". They should have used a stand alone "probe" if they are explorers or sticky beaks, spies?

Maybe they kept loosing probes in there. Not my problem.

Just to add while I think of it; two dimensional objects with only the inside dimension and the outside dimension are problematic for observation from inside. The inside can appear (or be?) infinite to the observer inside the vastness.

One can travel in a straight line and never get any nearer the boundary.

It doesn't matter if it is a wizz of technology like the stellar spheres, or the humble chimney worm who live in disused house chimneys. I know because I was once caught inside a chimney worm. Took hours to work out I was inside the worm, and wanted to be outside the worm. Deceptively simple really.

That us why I harp on about 5D. 6D if one adds motion. All the strangled string theory of half dead cats isn't really all that practical.

edit on 29-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

The only context I have that fits is from a sort-of RVer that claims they were subjected to implantation tech, as part of their work. The implants connected them to another group that is a collective entity, so they were in effect a terminal node. They were connected the collective, but didn't share the same status as part of the whole. They were partitioned is maybe the best term, their perception of the collective was a single identity so he didn't have the nuanced perception they did. This particular person had implants that allowed access to program specific things needed to complete their tasks, but had a second set that connected to this collective... who sometimes collaborated with his handlers

I spose that would work like the eye of a fly. Built on redundancy where one can turn off the burnt out and insane.

Personally, I find it of interest that historically folks were natural seers, and there was a concerted campaign to kill and discred what seers see as "schizophrenia" and delusion in the population.

Then build a science of "observation" using technology.

What they have done is to take knowledge away from the population.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Interesting, and a lot to take in in your post.

Yeah, I threw in the few elements that seemed most interesting off the top of my head.

Lots of things that don't match. Much exceeds the scope anything presented by FL except for speculation on future tech, but I don't assume anybody has omnipotence. There's always a lot of room for other things to be happening in their own separate compartments far away from other things. Throw in divergent perspectives between the different parties and things could be more alike than I believe.

It also has a number of things that are pretty commonly part of all the alien, RV, advanced tech media out there. Coincidence would also seem a high probability. If nothing else it keeps my mind flexible to possibilities. I think the only probable connection is that the fellow was involved in a project that was a predecessor to all of this, with far less sophisticated equipment... though still advanced by today's standards. I think it was the 80's, which puts it in a range of time that seems plausible to me.

It sounds like the network node in your case isn't related to this guy in any direct way.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Comparing is one way to go where we keep our balance. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and talks like a duck; it is probably a duck. Close enough anyway.

Same with systems. The most effective trap I have walked into (smile) is the ol' "everything is one" trap.

That is tailor made to snare humans.

My favourite yellow grey tried the "we are all one" on me as an opening line. She followed it up with a sneaky mesmerism attempt.

Going away and doing her homework was a better idea.

Ah, who knows who these groups are really. Everyone is entitled to go exploring.

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