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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I believe the fed is going to adapt crypto.

The fed was created in 1913. Perhaps you are right. #Suicided
edit on 22-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: boozo
Shahzada Dawood Director Dawood Hercules Corporation
7/42Annual Meeting of the New Champions of WEF

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

Although, some type of cosmic structure is probably necessary.

The reason is that to use the Queltron Machine you need beacons and repeaters, and those beacons and repeaters must be placed in specific planetary bodies. One of them happens to be Sol-3. The problem is that Sol-3 is an inhabited planet, with its own civilization. I assume they've found this problem before, and I guess their only way ahead is to build their beacons and infrastructures without disturbing the local indigenous technocivilization. I'm sure the last thing SV17q wished was to contact the locals, but given the locals are putting the planet at risk, they've been forced to intervene.

I appreciate your prior reply and am glad the FL and SV relationship ambiguity is eliminated. Ten years is a long time for a stain to persist, even if it's no more real than Lady Macbeth's damned spot.

Since I got one in a row right, I'll be brave and take a stab at expanding my knowledge of the Queltron Machine. My habit of reading the reference materials for FL articles, even if I've already read them, is slowly cementing the foundation I can build other things on. Forgive semantic errors. This is almost impossible to convey to somebody that doesn't understand any of the mechanics. I also don't fully understand it and lack certainty on some of the underlying science, so I am poorly equipped to even discuss it with those of you that know. To be fair, I don't think there is any source that is authoritative about the underlying science.

The Queltron Machine is a distributed network of beacons and repeaters that, together with a more conventional communication network, allows for transfer and broad dissemination of data that comes from event horizons not yet crossed? I don't know if you consider the present an event horizon, but it seems to fit as an expanding 3d curve in my mind. Concentric waves, maybe pulsing at Plank time. We merely perceive our existence balanced in such a way as to always be tangent to that expanding curve or arc. This is ignoring the simulated nature of reality and instead remaining within this self-contained "instance" of reality.

The beacon placement is not necessarily based on the material characteristics of certain planets, but requires specific positions relative to the others? I would guess some variant of placement on three axial planes along a golden spiral would maintain ratios for the purposes of calculating the where and when of data received. It's not relevant if there is proximal receivers of data, but the beacons have to be distributed in a particular way. I'm sure the algorithms are breathtakingly complex, but also elegantly simple with sufficient information to appreciate how it works.

My perception is that the Queltron Machine depends on the expanding and collapsing universe model, with FTL particles (tachyons or some exotic subatomic or pseudoparticle) being exploited for information used toward moderating future outcomes from the present. Since the entire expansion and collapse is in relative time, some perspectives might view the entire process as "complete". The information may appear to be out of time for us, but from the perspective of the FTL particles the process was entirely linear. Time, in this model, is an artifact of existence and so long as some perspective maintains linear continuity it doesn't violate the rules of the system.

Information doesn't care what time it is and it either exists or doesn't, completely independent of time. The Queltron Machine allows retrocausality to be performed rather than just observed. The Queltron Machine would be the peak of tech-gnosis within this universe, while XViS and the dreamers are the dawn of gnosis from outside this universe.

When you call them beacons, is it a little different from how people might think of them conventionally? They aren't broadcasting a message directly to other beacons or receivers, but are entangling FTL particles as they pass? It's less like a radio signal going from sender to receiver and more like a letter in a mailbag that gets hooked by the train as it flies by the depot? That's a dated reference and is obviously not a great metaphor relative to the speed of data transfer.

The Queltron Machine is exploiting existing data streams, when it's all said and done. It's inserting data into the stream, but not developing a new medium for it. This is as detailed as my knowledge allows me to guess and it only makes sense through the foggy lens of my incomplete information. Whoever creates or controls the Queltron Machine is the spider that sits in the middle of a very intricate web of time, with every tiny vibration relaying information back. Humans, particularly the current mean "progress" of humans, are little more than flies trying to figure out how to read those vibrations while trapped in the web.

The end goal, long after deciphering the signals, is for the flies to figure out how to enable a future existence beyond the web and their own certain demise.
edit on 6/22/23 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe
Models consistently forecast collapse after 2050, with a peak around 2075, largely based around climate change impacts within a fossilized geopolitical framework,...
Does not work that way.
Outer influence.
U all have earthly/earthcentric perception of how things work.
They do not.

edit on 22-6-2023 by LaPourer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

What Direne says about this might be enlightening for understanding the "machine".

The Queltron Machine is a distributed network of beacons and repeaters that, together with a more conventional communication network, allows for transfer and broad dissemination of data that comes from event horizons not yet crossed?

If I may, the "girl" along with the "shell" I'm working with at the moment could be called a "backup" in computer terms broadly speaking.

I am wondering if this is a part of the "queltron" at work.

What I have is a closed space (shell). Within the closed space is the record of a civilisation. The whole thing includes enough "information" to recreate the race and their civilisation.

The above is what I know. Below is what I suspect.

My thinking is, if the queltron is a networked system of nodes sharing information, I can account for some of my experiences.

If the "probes" must be precisely located, and earth is the precise location, we must take into account earth's orbit of the sun and our solar system's movement in space (and time??)

What we have is a complex spiral (vortex??) as our solar system moves through space with earth orbit as a spiral within the greater set of spirals.

So we can expect other solar systems to be network nodes like ours.

So a common denominator is the birthplace of the stars. A nebula. That might be the definition of the network. All the stars born of a particular nebula are networked and might therefore define at least a portion of the greater machine.

The whole queltron network is moving, expanding. Parts are being destroyed. for many reasons. This would explain the need for mutual non-destructive contact.


Now this may turn out to be the proverbial; opening a can of worms.

If the probes were placed on an inhabited planet, and there was prior occupancy. Then the probe network, the queltron(?), is not native to here.

Therefore, the theoretical star network born of one particular nebula is not the same network as the queltron(?). So we would have two networks.

Two networks may mean conflict.

edit on 22-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 10:38 PM
Sapien, an interesting development that supports the Celtic triskele connection to my shell and the "girl" within.

Nukes capture a portion of the planetary aether into a closed space. The planetary aether can repair itself.

I have a general match for my shell with a earth planetary location. I'm gonna keep the exact location unknown to myself by not looking for it further.

That says the girl's civilisation is from here.

Remember the stories of the Tuatha De Dannan?
edit on 22-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: BIG GRIN

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

"The beacon placement is not necessarily based on the material characteristics of certain planets, but requires specific positions relative to the others?"

When you create an entangled particle, you can control in which direction the particle will go. When at the other end you detect the entangled particle, you know from which direction the particle came. But neither the sender nor the receiver knows from which precise location along the path was the particle sent, or received. You can also make hundreds of particles become entangled and act as one unified object. In order for the receiver to know from where was the particle sent you need to signal the position of your lab with a beacon. The beacon just emits a neutrino beam which the receiver can intercept and compute its source. Thus, the Queltron Machine works as the generator/detector of entangled particles, while the neutrino beacon acts as an indicator of where the Queltron Machine is located.

"It's not relevant if there is proximal receivers of data, but the beacons have to be distributed in a particular way"

Yes, that's correct. However, in order for the beacon to be received from whatever point in space you happen to be located, it must rotate. This guarantees the receiver will always receive the beam the moment he/she/it happens to be in the light-of-sight (LOS) of the beacon. Think of the beacon as a pulsar.

"The Queltron Machine allows retrocausality to be performed rather than just observed. The Queltron Machine would be the peak of tech-gnosis within this universe, while XViS and the dreamers are the dawn of gnosis from outside this universe."

The Queltron Machine is basically a high energy particle collider. Particle colliders are fitted with detectors that serve to display particle physics events by making particle tracks visible. You usually run software that converts the data into graphical objects that are displayed in the event display for easy inspection. Every particle interaction leaves a unique event geometry. In case you find a consistent difference between the expected geometry of an event and the one detected, you can be sure you have discovered a new phenomenon, or a new particle, or a new channel of decay previously undocumented. But if the geometry shows a consistent deviation, and if that deviation is not part of the "standard" events, you can be sure you are facing some kind of interaction with the so-called hidden sector. One of those effects is the kinetic mixing, which is also non-local. Briefly, it means someone or something have caused that effect to be detected by your collider.

"When you call them beacons, is it a little different from how people might think of them conventionally?"

In a way, yes. Assume you can somehow modulate a pulsar beam by injecting in it some consistent pattern when the beam arrive at your location. The beam will be modified, and that deviation in its characteristic features will be incorporated into the beam, which then continues its path, where it can be intercepted and decoded by your partner so that it can extract the information you injected into the beam. Mind, for this is just a one-way channel (pulsar's beam cannot reverse its direction!). Your partner should have to find a second pulsar to repeat the process towards your position for you both to be able to exchange information. The Universe is designed in a way as to guarantee a spatial distribution of pulsars so that anyone is always within the LOS of at least two pulsars.

"They aren't broadcasting a message directly to other beacons or receivers, but are entangling FTL particles as they pass?"

Yes, roughly. I mean, there are no FTL particles. Entanglement refers to a property of the object, and not the object itself. This guarantees relativity theory remains intact: no object can travel faster than light.

"The Queltron Machine is exploiting existing data streams, when it's all said and done. It's inserting data into the stream"

The Queltron Machine is used to produce/receive kinetic mixing effects to be used as a communication means in a vast Universe for partners to exchange information. Unlike other properties of a particle (such as spin, for example), kinetic mixing only manifests at certain distances (this is due to the fact that space-time is not a continuum, but rather a discrete lattice with each elemental cell measuring Planck's distance. The time needed to traverse a cell is one Planck's time unit (some ten to the minus 43 seconds).

Think of space-time as a mesh of Planck-size discrete cells, a lattice, though the exact geometry of the cells is not a cube.

"The end goal, long after deciphering the signals, is for the flies to figure out how to enable a future existence beyond the web and their own certain demise."

The end goal is to guarantee existence and preservation of information after the Universe collapses and a new one is born. Knowledge must be preserved in order to be able to continue advancing to total knowledge. A universe does not live long enough to be understood, nor to understand itself: several big-bangs are needed. But when a universe collapses, everything in it is reset, the counter returns to zero, all information decays with it. Unless you can transmit it to the next universe in the last ten at least forty-three seconds you have to do so,

It does not matter which species achieves it. What matters is that whoever succeeds can recreate all the knowledge of all the species that once were, and this is a task that requires the cooperation of each and every species, regardless of which one survives.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I have just learned that cloning is entirely possible and I must dedicate my ass into this for this is a God Complex in contrast to a lot of ignorant mobs, ripping off webs, like those on disboard servers.

King of Clones

My impression: Amazing progress, but with great progress comes great responsibility hindsight 20/20.

As usual with any breakthroughs we must be wary of the jealous snakes that hiss around trying to turn down real-time scientific progress. And most of all, never go overboard. #OceanGate learned the hard way.

a reply to: Direne
Nabuang Ra ka oy.

Input > Output
edit on 23-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer


Nor much out of those, either.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Okay, imagine cloning Hitler

Or Giselian 😁🥳

I'm selling it to Christians. Find me Jesus DNA. We resurrecting the Lord. :]

"Healing for everyone"
edit on 23-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Okay, imagine cloning Hitler

Or Giselian 😁🥳

If "mommy" hugged me any more... I'd go to war...

Just my opinion of course.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: boozo

Many had ideas about "Sang Real". Did not ended well.
edit on 23-6-2023 by LaPourer because: s

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: LaPourer
a reply to: boozo

Many had ideas about "Sang Real". Did not ended well.

You could give an example?

Jesus 1
hwang 2
Hitler 3?
edit on 23-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:30 AM
edit on 23-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: boozo
Terms "nuclear exploration", "biological examines", "physical experiments" and so on are all "ideas" about "Sang Real", how to get near it, how to exploit it , but it ends like this:

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: boozo
1. Never existed, archetype
2. Do not know
3. "Contactee"

I am just reading one "report".
Navy Insider.

edit on 23-6-2023 by LaPourer because: j

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:57 AM
So, it's Hitler then.
Time to resurface Hitler. 😁🥳
a reply to: LaPourer

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: boozo
He died somewhere around 1996. .

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Direne

Direne, if we perceive the lattice universe structure as a system that’s being managed by an incomprehensible intelligence, do you think that the intelligence is storing an information cache of all universe history? It would just be a question of accessing that. But to us, it looks like the cache is consistently being cleared. That’s most likely where the Queltron Machine comes in.

I remember an FL post, where SV17q denies further research into reincarnation. Now it’s making sense.

What if reincarnation of universes, retaining all past experiences and exponentially evolving through them, is how we escape The Great Filter?

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 09:03 PM
Comments on Reincarnation.

There are two kinds of memory I've encountered.

The first Is a memory that grows like a snow flake. Almost identically. It is blue. The arms becoming branched. Living humans have these, so do the dead.

Normally when we practice an art, we become proficient and an entire arm can be, say music, or martial arts. These are our inherited talents.

In the presence of trauma the growing tips become translucent and blackened. The black is misery. Like smoke.

This I have studied extensively. I had to to fix trauma in the kids. To fix the destroyed growing tips of children's memories.

When the church tortured people for witchcraft, the process of conversion is a psychological based process designed to create an aversion.

This aversion shows as a darkening of the tips of the snowflake memory.

The objective was never to save anyone by recant and convert. Recant and convert is betrayal. To force the betrayal of friends is one of the worst things one can do to someone. Do you see?

The earth also has a snowflake memory. It is round like blue coral. The life on the surface, all of the organic life is creating the earth's memory as they live.

The memory of Mars is damaged severely in comparison. It is perhaps a fifth or less of the earth's. It was once round as a ball, now it is only a part. Say the north and east, just a primary branch where there was once many.

The second memory is the "book". They are glowing golden yellow to my eyes. Generally one life us a page. A civilisation is a book. The citizens each a page. These books are treasures to the dead churchmen and other groups such as occultism.

These books are hoarded in the buildings and movement is kept secret. I call them akashic type records. They are artificial things.

In the atomic type sphere was one of these books. The memory of the civilisation. The three women's treasure they will never get back from me. I can find the people's memories in the earth's memories.

"Reincarnation" is not a sure thing. People do get culled. Culling is not a natural process, in humans it is deliberate.

So we have natural memory, and it is both individual and planetary. As we become more self aware as individuals, a portion of the planetary memory becomes self aware. We grow a boundary of self within the planetary memory.

Then we have the books. I have much more work to do there to understand the "genesis" of these things. Atomics seems the way forward.

If these artificial memory books are truly born of atomics, and reside within an artificial sphere, that is the artificial creation of a copy of a civilisation.

There are thousands of these sphere here on earth.

The question is; someone is creating something artificial, who are they, what are they creating and why.

edit on 23-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness clarity and enlarged

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