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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Aye ye are right they are here in the now with me , needing help
so best to focus on what I can actually see and work with now
rather than trying to think about what I cannot fix


posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Same here. I'm not a people person, so I help where I can.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Direne

Hello I'm that guy who was doing that to FL. My apologies for that and I won't do it anymore. When I saw FL website it was like discovering something big because all these UFO news and stuff and I thought we found something else which is very precious. My attempt to do that was because I thought the FL would be very popular and anyone would take down the website and I wanted to contribute to revive it.

I understand I have done a big mistake even you claim that the website is not forbidden being copied I will not continue. Thank You for stating this, letting me know that there is something wrong. I'm a very understandable person and I understand your POV so I will not continue anymore. Hopefully the website stays for a long time.

Best Regards,

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: thecowmilk

Those are nice words, SuPerCoW, but they are a lie. This is what you wrote in the discord server just two minutes after posting your excuses:

If anyone one likes copying the web locally i will deliver the instructions lol

@серков wanna do that bro?

I think you didn't understand my message. My message was that if you know what you are doing, go ahead. But if you don't fully understand what you are doing, be cautious. Cautious, because most cover images in our site are Base64 encoded; cautious, because we do that for a reason; cautious, because you use Linux and python scripts, which is all a malicious software needs for the opcodes in those images to be activated.

And cautious, because portions of those Base64 encoded images resolve into webassembly code (by virtue of the scripts we use, coded in Grains programming language) that can execute commands under Linux.

Please, take an entire evening to think about my words; do refer to someone familiar with programming languages, do contrast with others my words, and if you decide to go ahead I'll be at last happy any harm that happens to you will be will be solely and exclusively your fault.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Direne

Anyone can do what I did and that doesn't mean I'm associated with them. I haven't continue nor will I continue and it's more because of you guys concern and site protection. What I said again in that server was purely just sarcasm and I didn't mean that and even though I know what I'm doing I will not proceed. If you detect anything similar take my word that it isn't me.

If you want, join in the convo in discord if you like.

Best Regards

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: boozo
Scientists eye lab-grown brains to replace silicon-based computer chips

Chips are fast approaching physical limits. Replacing them with minibrains might be the next step forward.
Artificial intelligence is the tech catchphrase of the moment, but it may soon share headline space alongside another wild new computing field: organoid intelligence (OI), aka biocomputers.

Computers, simply put, are running out of space—at least, computers as most people know them. Silicon-based chips have long been the standard for everyday usage, but most experts agree that electronics makers are quickly approaching the physical limit in both the size of transistors, as well as how many can fit on a surface. Merging organic matter with electronics is a promising new avenue for advancing beyond these constraints, including organoid intelligence.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: sapien82

seems like the beings you encountered could be described as guardians and are like the triple goddess

the triple goddess

the maiden the mother and the crone perhaps?

could this be the reason we have the triskele , the three doors , three spirals , and the reason so many cultures share the same three symbolism?

I think you're onto something here Sapien.

The triskele.

You know the Celts and the mythology there. I'm not dismissing the knowledge. Moreso I am on new ground here, and being very cautious.

One keeps in mind that the children of the Celts are a focus that the invader church took a lot of trouble to cull.

The demographics of the medieval church's victims are primarily females between about seven years and fourteen years and from the Isles. My dead kids.

So in a nutshell: they killed off all the potential female seers.

The church promotes a 'trinity' without a female aspect. We also have the demonisation of the women: original sin, Lilith, etc..

Inside the 'weapon' (of mine) are three females that survived and who are 'designers'. That they have a record of the history of the destroyed civilisation tells me they are akin to FL's "programmers" who design civilisations with the purpose of designing something that does not collapse and also sidesteps something called the "great filter".

Now, I know the destroyed civilisation did away with the females, the womenfolk. The menfolk decided the women were not needed anymore.

The civilisation the three women created went off the rails and did away with women.

Enter the "great filter" pre-emptively.

So inside "the weapon" (my tentative term for "great filter") we have the three women, a history book, and a dim star.

The star is hollow like the pictures of a supernova. A shell of luminous gas. Just a description.

We also have a "dark star" as I call them.

Now, this is where we drop the astrophysicist's view as inappropriate rather than wrong.

So far, the women are going to be released eventually without their history book. One needs to be wary of them. The reason they wanted me to read the book is so the knowledge would get out in some way. I would take the book outside of their "confinement". We don't want that.

More work to do. The dark star is next.
edit on 20-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

Let's put the definition of FL's "great filter" aside and use the 5 dimensional model and atomic detonations creating closed spaces. We will also take this to a stellar level.

The is a great familiarity with the interior and a cold sphere born of atomics.

The dark star and the dim luminous star were once alive and whole. The dark star has this sphere's equivalent of children's corpses(?). So very familiar ground for me.

The luminous shell is 'life'.

So we do exactly the same thing we did to wake up the catatonic human kids. We sing them a song full of appropriate sentiments by The Dalgados (as silly as that may sound : )

If the expanding shells of supernova stars have a real correspondence here, then the trans-spermia theory may have some foundation.

So may the concept of "seeding planets".

edit on 20-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: plodding along

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

A little more. The corpses were all burnt to a crisp.

Now, I know European researchers discovered that the old kings were buried under mounds located over uranium deposits. The radiation separated the subtle anatomy.

Probably so the king's subtle anatomy was separated instead of decaying. The king could continue to watch over his people. Probably the same principal of the Egyptian Ka.

Something of similar principal happened here inside this closed space. The closed space wants it's surviving children given a second chance at living.

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: LaPourer
The possibilities are endless. If higher civilizations just enjoy all types of torture on lesser civilizations, it's already estimated we only follow a single trajectory. All talks and bull#.

Can't help higher civilizations are only after their own interest. (100% precise)

Dr. Greer is definitely 20% ree and 80% wrong on ET hypothesis.
edit on 20-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: boozo

From what Direne said SV17q (I think I got that right) were basically protecting something important. So humans are a complication to work around in their scheme of things.

The "programmers" seem to be running their own "simulation". I think that is of a consciousness overlay type. People don't have to buy into that.

As far as SV17q goes, I'm of the opinion if one doesn't threaten their project, they won't bother me. A gentleman's understanding.

Lots of room for cooperation so everyone benefits. I reckon anyway.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Sv17q are basically here because of their own interests and didn't want to disturb the locals but were forced to intervene due to misbehaving on this planet. And I find FL is on the same footing with sv17q. Either wipe the human race or intervene. Their only option. There's no "help" coming. I'm sure you've seen that post by Direne. They're just the same as us. Selfish bastards. Can't go any further from that conclusion.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: boozo

No help comming. I quite agree Boozo.

However . . .

Direne has also suggested that the simulations are still crashing because they can't work out yet the right formula. Problem one.

The "great filter". Why does it act and destroy? Personally I doubt the filters are abstract concepts born of the philosophical mind.

How to sidestep the filters. Problem two.

I think both problems have the same solution.


"They" will probably never so much as acknowledge a mistake on their part. However, even hyper-intellegences still think inside the box.

Bet they figure the male intellect is superior to the intuitive female intellect.

Bet as soon as a civilisation reaches the point of scrubbing the females from civilisation the great filter is born.

"They" can do the maths for themselves I am sure. They can run a quick simulation that doesn't erase the female and maybe the great filter won't show up.

If their simulations all work on the premise of equality as a base, the male female is probably in the program.

Try changing that programmers.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

I'm betting that that one little detail, if overlooked, and indeed the reason things go to crap, SV17q will be unimpressed with the programmers if nothing is adjusted pronto.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spanners

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 02:06 AM
What does a Great Filter do? He adjusts us to his own sieve.We still have all the tools to counteract and develop our own strategy.
No one can help us, because humanity, I believe, is the most powerful force in the universe - that's why everyone is trying to divide us and put us to sleep. I suspect that our goal is to blow up the universe to discover what's out there-simple curiosity.
That is why more effective measures are already being taken-although no one is sure of the result.
Xenobots and Great Filter
edit on k09Wed, 21 Jun 2023 02:09:58 -0500am5858 by kirass because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: boozo

Come on, boozo, I have already said what I think about that: a civilization is either compassionate or it ceases to be a civilization. But here the example of the Amerindian tribes or the aboriginal stronghold of the North Sentinel Islands is relevant.

Is the civilization of humans compassionate because it does not help these aborigines, or is it compassionate because it helps them? Can you help without imposing? Can you help without contaminating the ideas of those you help? And if we choose to respect them and not intervene, should we warn them when we know that a tsunami is approaching their island and will sweep it away, or should we continue to watch without warning them?

To complicate the case further, suppose you have to place a GPS repeater on that island to ensure that you can save lives of ships in distress in the Indian Ocean, and there is no other place to place the repeater. Do you stop placing it there just because you adhere to the no-contact policy? And if you finally choose to place that repeater, have you not culturally and absolutely contaminated those aborigines?

You always have the option of placing it so that they do not notice it, in a covert operation, and concealing its presence. But then you would be like SV17q: a secret group that places strange artifacts on the sly and never leaves living witnesses. See, the decision is not an easy one. To contact or not to contact is never an easy decision, but when it comes to saving lives I would understand SV17q's decisions, and I would understand if you put your GPS repeater on that island to save the lives of sailors in the Indian Ocean.

Selfishness also has its rules and limits, as does altruism.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: boozo

Come on, boozo, I have already said what I think about that: a civilization is either compassionate or it ceases to be a civilization. But here the example of the Amerindian tribes or the aboriginal stronghold of the North Sentinel Islands is relevant.

Selfishness also has its rules and limits, as does altruism.
You wanted to know, so i will tell U. When Europeans first time came to North America, that was at the begining of 12th century. They landed on shore, and some were kiled by natives, for no reason. Upon landing, no contacts were made. That secret was kept as such for some time. When some others learned about that, they came there with prejudices that there live savages from which you can only expect behavior as such, that they will kill u.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Isn't it funny the delgados are from Glasgow where I stay?

one thing I remember about the Picts and the Celts, Im sure that they gave the impression that the males were the leaders in order to hide their true line of succession from the female bloodlines

if the enemies came knocking they would take away the kings and kill their sons, leaving the real leaders
the women and the bloodlines intact
Then when the Christians came to reform pre Christian Pagan Britain from Lunar and Solar worship
Glasgow was founded by St Kintegern/Mungo and before he converted to Christianity he worshipped the moon.
females as well in ancient Britain were also snubbed out by trial of fire by the church for being witches etc.
and they had a lot of plant knowledge.

As for the not needing males or females, it reminds me of the Kybalion, that everything in nature has its opposite, its pole and its reflection. male female, ying yang, positive-negative, the principle of polarity.

As for contact no contact and civilisations and the great filter didn't Direne say if one fails then we all fail
as in that, we need to cooperate in order to save the many, as in one for all and all for one.

So contact no contact really isn't an option and that contact will need to occur in order to cooperate
but how to cooperate if one can't understand each other's language?

what is the universal language:? music, art?

arent we damned if we do and damned if we don't? don't we have to think about the worst possible outcome?

I think trying is the least we can do, and what is the saying "god loves a trier"

I met an archaeologist who said that the oldest known graffiti in the UK is the cup and ring marks made on stones
across the entire island chain.
I have no idea what they are trying to convey or what they are for, but I know they have meaning
the standing stones also have meaning, they are important because they were made to last
in a material that can withstand time and weathering so they are important

maybe aliens and humans and other species just need a bit of time to figure out the meaning
but the message must be made durable, it must be set in stone

Im guessing that we need the universal "symbol" "expression" "saying"
for we come in peace

is it the triskele?

in my book by george bain about celtic knots and art
the repeating triskele spiral linked was used to ward of evil
maybe the triskele is that symbol ?

edit on 21-6-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Isn't it funny the delgados are from Glasgow where I stay?

Wow! That song is so in touch with the sentiments, and that girl has a lovely voice. I first heard of the Delgados as an opening on a Japanese series called "Gunslinger Girl". Coincidentally about the tragedy of cyborgs in the Italian government service. Children as assassins.

one thing I remember about the Picts and the Celts, Im sure that they gave the impression that the males were the leaders in order to hide their true line of succession from the female bloodlines

And the Sith and Sidhe are generally females as far as I know.

As for the not needing males or females, it reminds me of the Kybalion, that everything in nature has its opposite, its pole and its reflection. male female, ying yang, positive-negative, the principle of polarity.

I had forgotten about that. Now male and female can be said to exist as potential. An analogy is in the car battery with positive and negative poles. The electricity exists as potential untill it manefests. Short out the terminals with two bits of wire and sparks fly.

So we have two potentials which create the manefest third. Triskele?

Now what if we took away one of the two potentials?

That might help account for the three "programmers/architects".

As for contact no contact and civilisations and the great filter didn't Direne say if one fails then we all fail
as in that, we need to cooperate in order to save the many, as in one for all and all for one.

Yeah, I remember. But the info on the nature of the "great filter" is annoyingly almost non-existant. I remember Direne say it was born on a rainy day. Interestingly, I think that day was the birth of atomics from memory.

So contact no contact really isn't an option and that contact will need to occur in order to cooperate
but how to cooperate if one can't understand each other's language?

what is the universal language:? music, art?

Obviously, the universal language is music, and the Delgados in particular ; )

On a slightly more serious note Direne mentioned there are those things out near Saturn that sing.

arent we damned if we do and damned if we don't? don't we have to think about the worst possible outcome?

I always think in worst case senario. Extinction count?

Im guessing that we need the universal "symbol" "expression" "saying"
for we come in peace

is it the triskele?

in my book by george bain about celtic knots and art
the repeating triskele spiral linked was used to ward of evil
maybe the triskele is that symbol ?

I think the triskele is very important, but maybe we handball the contact stuff to FL. If The Delgados are playing at a glascow pub, a few pints sound far more interesting ; )

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 05:37 AM
well sound seems to be a very important aspect for life in general

I think all animals use sound and hearing for survival
so you would assume that aliens use sound as well (if they evolved in an environment where there is atmosphere to carry sound waves)

and given that everything in the universe is a vibration
of frequencies

tesla said "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"

so sound must play an important role
animals and humans range between 16Hz to 130,000 Hz

but what about life that doesn't exist in an atmosphere where sound cant physically be heard
what of plasma beings, or noncorporeal beings, do they hear sounds
What if they have no hearing organs?

or do they detect the vibrations in a different way?

One thing about music for humans is it connects us in ways that can transcend cultural boundaries and language
but the outcome can be subjective, as the meaning may vary from one listener to the other
and can be interpreted subjectively. However, the overall jist remains, is it a somber piece, a happy piece?
Does it feel uplifting?
Again these are all linked to human emotions and since we have no baseline with which to compare to "alien emotions" or even "Alien music" then we have nowhere to really begin.

Maybe aliens have a better start than us, maybe they heard our music first.

Yet we haven't detected any of their sounds, or have we?

but I think generally if music can bring humans together from different ethnic backgrounds, and different cultural backgrounds then why wouldn't it work with aliens?

I cant imagine alien music to sound that vastly different given that we need foundations to make music
time signature, rhythm , polyphony, timbre, pitch, melody , harmony, tempo, dynamics
So surely that must exist in alien music

did we get it all wrong , are aliens visiting just because they love Blues and breakcore?
and they hate pop music

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: sapien82

but what about life that doesn't exist in an atmosphere where sound cant physically be heard

I think that the whole universe is based on vibrations, including the cosmos, but there are isolated zones that we call the abyss - probably these are architectural workshops for the production of vibrations.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: sapien82

did we get it all wrong , are aliens visiting just because they love Blues and breakcore?

John Mayall maybe, but I am not going to thankyou for "breakcore".

Well, all the formal classical music structure used by the old masters aside, I can only say anything authoritive about The Delgados' The Light Before We Land. That song I have had success with in regards to deceased catatonic human kids and trauma. And now using the song on what I found in the "sphere" which is definately not human.

The lyrics are important:

In cases such as these I'd like a hand
Don't wake me up without a master plan
With silence I'm becoming fragile
Don't you understand?
When things that once were beautiful
Are bland

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

In truth there is no better place to be
Than falling out of darkness still to see

Without a premonition
Could you tell me where we stand?
I'd hate to lose this light
Before we land

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

Before we let euphoria
Convince us we are free
Remind us how we used to feel
Before when life was real

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

I think one needs a real appreciation of trauma and what it can do to you. In the lyrics is a very intellegent way to approach someone who doesn't want to wake up, yet also would like someone to help them. To make everything all better.

So we have a number of children who died in a manner that put them into catatonia. They just huddle in a corner blocking everything out.

How does one get through to them?

As a background, I gave the exercise of using the memory of holding a very small child and remembering the feelings of protectiveness that arose from the event. One substitutes a target patient for the original child and relived the memory for a short time. Do it to a kid watching TV and they will turn and look at you.

So instead of the memory of holding a small child. One uses the Delgados' song with all the intellegent sentiment of the lyrics. What is evoked in one's own consciousness when one is moved by the song.

One then sings to the target while feeling the sentiment of the song. I did it over and over for days. 3 days it took to wake them.

So one creates a closed space with them in it and fills it with the sentiments of hope and someone there to help. When they wake up, they will look to you.

So a translation from song to feelings that envelope the distressed.

The kids are human, so they are familiar with the emotions and respond.

That is the principal.

Since we are using sentiments and feelings, we are working primarily in the realm of feelings, the astral. We are not using intellectually structured language such as English or Italiano. If our non-human has an astral of it's own, and feels dispair, pain and hopelessness as negative emotion, and protectiveness and love as positive emotion, our non-human should respond as we expect.

That is communication.

but I think generally if music can bring humans together from different ethnic backgrounds, and different cultural backgrounds then why wouldn't it work with aliens?

I think you're right there Sapien. Instead of sound vibrations in the air, we could use emotions instead.

I find the Delgados created exactly the right song fore me to translate into emotions to "talk" to trauma empathically.


On a side note; my father used to play the classics on a grand piano in a church in the city. Just a regular hour each week. He would get perhaps a dozen or so living people who would come and listen.

So plenty of sitting room it would seem.

If one shifted to seeing the deceased, every seat was taken. All the dignitaries of Perth were regulars. Arch bishops, governors and other well to do folk.

Live classical music is so very rare these days.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: : )


A few minutes before editing expires.

So how does one re-assemble a Being that has been separated by an atomic or nova event?

Easy really. The physical organic body knows very well the processes of catabolism and anabolism.

Catabolism is what happens when you digest food and the molecules break down in the body for use as energy. Source: google.

Anabolism centers around growth and building — the organization of molecules. In this process, small, simple molecules are built up into larger, more complex ones. Source: google.

So the physical body knows the processes of disassembly and assembly. An autonomic part of our consciousness.

Radiation(?) gamma rays? will separate the subtle anatomy in living things. Yet the event also captured within a closed space the separated anatomy. Well most of it anyway - enough.

In the closed space is what is needed to re-assemble at least one Being of the species. The green and the blue hues in the darkness are consciousness. The corpses the blueprint of form. The closed space is alive in it's own way and cares about what it saved within itself.

So what is needed is someone to provide an intellegent and feeling closed space within which to reassemble what was disassembled. To put it bluntly and clinically: an intellegent anabolic chamber. "it" is awake now.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added update

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