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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: boozo

Come on, boozo, I have already said what I think about that: a civilization is either compassionate or it ceases to be a civilization. But here the example of the Amerindian tribes or the aboriginal stronghold of the North Sentinel Islands is relevant.

Is the civilization of humans compassionate because it does not help these aborigines, or is it compassionate because it helps them? Can you help without imposing? Can you help without contaminating the ideas of those you help? And if we choose to respect them and not intervene, should we warn them when we know that a tsunami is approaching their island and will sweep it away, or should we continue to watch without warning them?

To complicate the case further, suppose you have to place a GPS repeater on that island to ensure that you can save lives of ships in distress in the Indian Ocean, and there is no other place to place the repeater. Do you stop placing it there just because you adhere to the no-contact policy? And if you finally choose to place that repeater, have you not culturally and absolutely contaminated those aborigines?

You always have the option of placing it so that they do not notice it, in a covert operation, and concealing its presence. But then you would be like SV17q: a secret group that places strange artifacts on the sly and never leaves living witnesses. See, the decision is not an easy one. To contact or not to contact is never an easy decision, but when it comes to saving lives I would understand SV17q's decisions, and I would understand if you put your GPS repeater on that island to save the lives of sailors in the Indian Ocean.

Selfishness also has its rules and limits, as does altruism.

edit on 21-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:09 PM
I always have the option to leave this place too. Full of Perverts, Corrupted, Selfish, Deceitful Bastards.

It doesn't really get better with people like you. You can already see how America is just sexually imbecile with its government. Mother of All Deceit. I wonder if Russia bombs Murica it would make a better place for everyone else.

The possibilities are endless. Yet with the mother of all deceit. Everybody is just as good as dead.
Lies. Lies. Lies. are all I see. Never an ounce of healthy Truth.

Perhaps Kantz was right. You just kill everything sacred with your deceitful nature.

The Serpent is the worst enemy. And it speaks volumes about you and murica.

Perhaps murica still thinks it is the leader. Yes, the leader of imbecile, psyops, and warfare. Which perfectly represent 100% of the Hostile ETs that scourge the Uurth.
edit on 21-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: boozo

Irrelevant. Talking about Kantz, go to the discord server and see what she/he has to say about you... something like you are a tiresome and bitter person, I think. See? Not everything is a lie.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: boozo

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Direne

I am tiresome because I always run errands for the military. Which are by the way; trained to kill. Freedom? Baby

Does all the data you have under Défense label came from IC?

Though the only information that may be relevant to me is how do the humans of 31st came to use the Queltron Travelling Machine whatever you call it.

And where did you gather this information? IC as usual?

Ayn gave me something years ago. Though it has no personal use for me, it is still nationally related. Whatever you make of it.

edit on 21-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Ze Link, for some reason, won't open.

From what I gather "The elites is a swarm"

Well, gather the coordinates and ready for launch.
edit on 21-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 06:10 PM

We dumped the 3 women. It is quiet in here, I can't hear the cacophony of human thought I usually do. The thought silence is always a nice change.

It is a her. She knows I am a "he", and refers to the closed space as "him". Children are important it appears, she said "I can have children" and I saw her green belly, she has smooth skin and a navel. Has two arms, two legs head and torso. So not far from humanish.

Uses the term "I am", so self aware. Is aware of herself, me and the closed space as three spacial things. "You are in the position of god to me." So familiar with gods and relates in terms of 5D.

Today she is content and knows happiness. Loves The Delgados too.

Oh, and last night she said I was "warm". So she is within my warmth body, and therefore within the space of the physical body.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added last paragraph.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:34 PM
Notes for those following:

She is chirpy today, and educating me on society.

She is certainly human looking under her armour. Though the green hue is there. The armour is armadillo designed. A very tall conical "hat" and long tail. Where she is green her armour is gold. I have seen similar in photos of old temples from Asia.

She thinks her body is ugly, and only showed me once. Only when creating children. She does not like the men, she has to serve them (as well as god).

She is a soldier(?)

"There are only three gods!" I am firmly informed.She was selected at birth to serve a god. The god is within her as she is within me. A consciousness that speaks to her as she does me.

The armour is the god's likeness. So she is between the god and the god's "manifestation" armour/clothing.

I thought about the ones I saw with low foreheads and big eyes with the dreams along the spine who are networked in the living machines.

"The are deformed, and taken away" (when born).

My comment: a very structured society where everyone has a place serving one of the three god's.

The three women are not gods, she looks at them as fakes.

ETA: you're right Sapien, the triskele. Though the three swirls are gods, I was laughed at when I thought of the triskele represented three aspects of one "god".
edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added ETA

A sadness. "psychology" briefly passed through my mind. Her response was sadness and "We were happy, and then 'they' came and changed everything. Then the end came.

Her memories are not only her own from living her own life life. She has them all.

So not an "alien" per se. A very different culture. Her "protector" may or may not be exactly the same thing as FL's "great filter", yet the atomic end of civilisation is there.

edit on 21-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added note

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 11:17 PM

The men were brutal and administrative. They served only one god; a fourth. The women who were "soldiers" defended the city of the god's.

"When 'they' came, they changed everything and got rid of us."

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 01:57 AM
Actually, I'm not sure what she is. Maybe some changes so we can communicate? Separate from me now. Learning time.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Direne

You're not revealing as much. Good job, that's part of your job.

Does sv17q has anything to do with the missing Submarine Titanic?


edit on 22-6-2023 by ViniVidiVici because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: ViniVidiVici

I doubt it , just a couple of people who took a risk of going deep into the sea , accidents happen
if your doing stuff like that you know the risks
sometimes people die

look how many experience divers go missing all the time
they know the risks and its part of the excitement I guess

the sea is unforgiving , Id imagine more people die at sea than anywhere else

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Titanik was taken down with explosives for U.S.A. banking system takeover.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: sapien82

A little more of the "girl's" homeland lore. The City of the Gods she refered to was a women's secret they protected from the menfolk. As such, in their view the men were "brutal" and "administrative" because they did not know the splendor.

The menfolk had their "fourth god". The ladies know the three, and didn't consider the men's "god" of any value.

I called it a "fourth" because, well, it is an internalised "god" that speaks from within. However, I can say the same for what I internalise within me. When the girl is inside me I am in the position of god to her because I envelope her and am "all". Same when I am inside her, she becomes "all".

How or if this relates to the old knowledge here, I don't know.

If you remember what I said about the pyramid I ended up calling Lilith's Prism, I was inside Lilith at the time. She showed me the pyramid and the green eyed girl. Similar principal.

edit on 22-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added last sentence.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I read in a book on mummification " the cult of the Immortal" that the Titanic had onboard among other artifacts heading to private collecters in the USA
a sarcophagus stolen from a tomb in Egypt and the sarcophagus was taken from a tomb which was protected by a curse
and that ill fate would befall those who would attempt to steal it and its treasures.

Anyway the whole diver millionaire gone missing is simply another media distraction for the masses to fuss over whilst they do something underhanded elsewhere.

How exactly does the sinking of one shop bring about the takeover of a bank on land ?

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: sapien82

FED owners....

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

What do you mean? The Old Titanic? The Submersible Titanic has its millionaire CEO drowned with it. I've learned a lot of fun facts like:

"The wife of Stockton Rush, the pilot of the missing Titanic tour submarine, is actually the great-great-granddaughter of two first-class passengers who died on the Titanic, according to records."

Sightseeing turned tragedy.

"In 1912, Thomas Andrews, the Man who designed the Titanic Ship sank with it.

111 years later, the man who designed the Titanic Submarine #OceanGate Titan sank with it in 2023 at the same spot."

It's actually 3 multimillionaires and 2 billionaires. #Suicided
40$ controller.

Now this may seem like the culling of elites. I'm sure they're already onboard a Giselian Spaceship.

I'm sure you're referring this one:
edit on 22-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

More fun fact:
Father son duo on board
"He works with his family's Dawood Foundation, as well as the SETI Institute - a California-based research organisation which searches for extra-terrestrial life."
edit on 22-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

What do you mean? The Old Titanic? The Submersible Titanic has its millionaire CEO drowned with it. . #Suicided
40$ controller.

People opposed to creation of FED.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: boozo

More fun fact:
Father son duo on board
"He works with his family's Dawood Foundation, as well as the SETI Institute - a California-based research organisation which searches for extra-terrestrial life."

Conspiracy Alert!


Social change through education

edit on 22-6-2023 by Peeple because: add

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 10:52 AM
Haha. Here's the full background. Straight from WEF(World Economic Forum)

Shahzada Dawood
Vice-Chairman, Engro Corporation, Dawood Hercules

Shahzada’s Dawood joined the Board of Engro Corporation in 2003 and currently serves as the Vice-Chairman. He has over two decades of experience in corporate governance and the transformation of industries, including growth and innovation opportunities through mergers and acquisitions of diversified public-listed companies across textiles, fertilizers, foods, and energy. Shahzada is a leading voice in the institutionalization of key international networks and contacts. He aspires to a sustainable future and believes in inclusive business models involving low-income communities building value chains along business interests. In line with this, Shahzada serves as Trustee on the Boards of both Engro Foundation and The Dawood Foundation. In addition, he is a member of the Global Advisory Board for Prince Charles’ Charity, Prince’s Trust International. In December 2020, he also joined the Board of Trustees of the SETI Institute. Shahzada serves as Director across Boards of various industries, including investment holdings like Dawood Corporation (Pvt) Ltd, Dawood Hercules Corporation Ltd, and Patek (Pvt) Ltd. Shahzada holds an M.Sc. in Global Textile Marketing from Philadelphia University, USA, and a LLB from Buckingham University, UK.

If I'm not mistaken, Vice-Chairman of WEF.

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