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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Barry knows.

My own niche is the deceased girls who suicide, the ones who did not survive the mediaeval church and MKULTRA.

When they are well enough, I will take them to see the relics who sing out there in the cosmos.

On second thought, I'll take the girls to meet the relics. Something for them to look forward to.

Sapien, if you have time, have a listen to a song by The Delgados; The Light Before We Land. The sentiment in the lyrics is the knowledge of how to awaken the catatonic kids while they "sleep" within. The song will wake them up.

A warning though, all girls need a father figure, and you will become the father they did not have. There is a responsibility there.

edit on 15-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 04:58 PM
Direne, is there any way to differentiate which timeline is being written about, without having access to NodeSpaces?

Perhaps the labels at the bottom? I don't think anyone here has asked that yet.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 12:06 AM
Aye fireslinger, getting a handle on timelines is a navigational problem. The question is: what is one walking into. A simulation? A closed space? A (legitimate) parallel time line?

That is the difficulty in the practical sense as I see it.

In the FL view it seems we are caught between two opposing factions, the contact and anticontact factions.

My guess is the anticontact faction would see extinction of the contact faction as the perfect solution: extinction is peace.

On the other hand, we can simply choose to say "no" to contact when the time comes, yet there is no choice in extinction.


There is something very important in being a physical organic human. We can achieve things others cannot.

For example, the plasma beings need humans to create machines that creat plasma where there is no plasma in which to manefest. The nuke reactor, light bulbs, brief atomic detonations all build infrastructure needed for the plasma Being presence. What their agenda is I am unaware.

Still one can suppose either contact or anticontact in the final analysis and from our perspective.

In this timeline civilisation is destroyed completely simply because our nature is conflict, and we now have the technology to do the job completely.

(Thankyou Direne for the perspective of C4AI.)

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Hi Nob. C4AI means Command, Control, Communications, Computer & AI. It forms the backbone of modern armies these days. In the old days, you had C2 (command and control); then they integrated communications (C3), and finally the Intelligence segment (C3I). In any war it is essential to engage and destroy the command and control centers, from where all operations are conducted and coordinated.

Today the concept has transitioned to C4AI because key decisions are automated by virtue of Artificial Intelligence given the quick response time required to fight dynamical changing tactical situations. This has the problem that human decisions for target identification, weapon assignment, and launch have been minimized at the risk of delegating to the AI essential decisions. This means the entire decision-making process has been automated as modern weapons leave little time for response. Now is the AI the one fighting the situation however much the generals believe that they are the ones making decisions. Now it is AI that does the signal intelligence (SigInt), communication intelligence (ComInt), and electronic intelligence (ElInt) tasks, among others.

In a nuclear war with hypersonic missiles, however, there is no tactical decisions to make: you have no time left (just 8 minutes), and even the AI-driven DSS (Decision Support System) will be of little help.

So it is safe to assume the anticontact faction are working in a similar way.

Thefore one needs to look for their C4AIs and destroy them.

Where I would look for those is in the electro-magnetic infrastructure of the earth.

Let us say the earths core is a node. Surrounding that is a wire cube with eight nodes at the corners. My guess is that would act as a tuner like in an old radio or TV.

If their C4AIs are anywhere, I would bet they are on those nodes.

Another way to say it is those nodes are anomalies from our perspective.

I would think it wise to look for phenomenon between the nodes in a similar way to the electrical spark occurs between nodes, and not the nodes themselves.

One must take into account that the eight surround the centre of the earth, so phenomenon between core and eight, and also between eight and outside our earth. That would also mean prevention of contact with the cosmos.

In such a senario, whoever controls the wire cube controls what happens on the surface of the earth.

edit on 17-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 12:11 AM
Bye the way Sapien. It took thirty solid hours over three days of listening to that song to wake the children.

They have convinced me contact with outside is the preferable of the two choices.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

In hindsight, I should've been more specific. Like, how to know which articles are talking about Sol-3, within this timeline?

But I've been piecing things together anyway, and the answer to that question is probably a guarded secret.

Intriguing ideas, I'm kicking them around. C4AI is both fascinating and terrifying, at the same time.

edit on 6/17/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

In hindsight, I should've been more specific. Like, how to know which articles are talking about Sol-3, within this timeline?

Same here.

But I've been piecing things together anyway,

: ) Same here.

This is the thread where the C4AI explanation is found.ATS thread

I got wondering about the magnetic pole shift and the coincidence of the current WWW3 talk heating up. Plus Direne's description of a poisoned dead world I've seen before. I am off the opinion that a nuke exchange during a pole shift is a bad idea.

Intriguing ideas, I'm kicking them around. C4AI is both fascinating and terrifying, at the same time.

In a way it also makes things easier.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

A belief system based on hate is an inefficient and high cost belief system. On the contrary, a belief system based on altruism and love is an efficient and very low energy consuming belief system.

For example, if your value and belief system is based on hating everything that is different from you, it is easy to understand that you will spend all day hating, which consumes a lot of energy and ends up being an inefficient and suboptimal system. This explains why the "haters" consume too much energy without any benefit.

If your belief system is based on hating the color green and you live in the jungle, you will hardly prosper. If your value system is based on hating the ocean and you live on an island, you will hardly be happy.

Therefore, AIs should be programmed to be altruistic, to empathize, to lean toward loving rather than hating. An AI can never hate. At most, it can be very efficient at causing misfortune and unhappiness and do so in the belief that this is what is expected of it. These are, in that case, imperfect AIs.

What is important here is not whether an AI is bad or good, but what is the belief and value system of its programmers.

I am telling you this because I felt the need to let you know that yes, there is a ship that takes in stray, abused, mistreated and objectified children. And on that ship who takes care of them and who educates them is an AI programmed by those who have altruism and love for others at the center of their value system.

It does not matter how technologically advanced the civilizations are, nor what scientific and technical feats they achieve. That never mattered. What really matters is what belief system that civilization is built on. I know you know this. That makes me happy.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: Direne

Thank you Direne.

That has always been my biggest worry, the future for them. Yes, I see the ship now, it is kind. I have only wonder for what they might do.

The last five woke up and knew where they wanted to be, and what they want to do as soon as they saw it.

It has been years since I last felt like wanting to live, and extinction is not the future I want for them. So something for me to do and reason to exist.

Thank you again Direne.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Direne

It was an odd day today. About two or three PM today ATS time, I sat on my front verandah. Some folks from FL's direction were there. The ship with the children. While I would not ordinarily trust anyone with my wards, I did today. A complete change for me.

So your post had the impact on me.

A belief system based on hate is an inefficient and high cost belief system. On the contrary, a belief system based on altruism and love is an efficient and very low energy consuming belief system.

For example, if your value and belief system is based on hating everything that is different from you, it is easy to understand that you will spend all day hating, which consumes a lot of energy and ends up being an inefficient and suboptimal system. This explains why the "haters" consume too much energy without any benefit.

If your belief system is based on hating the color green and you live in the jungle, you will hardly prosper. If your value system is based on hating the ocean and you live on an island, you will hardly be happy.

Therefore, AIs should be programmed to be altruistic, to empathize, to lean toward loving rather than hating. An AI can never hate. At most, it can be very efficient at causing misfortune and unhappiness and do so in the belief that this is what is expected of it. These are, in that case, imperfect AIs.

What is important here is not whether an AI is bad or good, but what is the belief and value system of its programmers.

The last paragraph above, sums up my position towards the C4AIs of the "anticontact faction". The original programmers may have vanished by now. Perhaps the 'extinction is peace' is a part of the software. Then the AI is just following instruction. No love nor hate there, nothing personal. That makes it easier.

I understand 'Lilith's Prism' - the pyramid in the grasslands, knows the planetary machinery. Perhaps a C4AI in it's own right. I would guess 'military' is not the only reason to create such things. The principal of the C4AI seems an efficient thing to me. A knowing, rather than a reasoning. Somewhere in the past, I cannot remember where nor whom, something must have instilled in me an appreciation of the efficiency of AI and military.

That I would appreciate the combination of AI and military, is perhaps abhorent to most folk. I think the potential for self protective conflict is neccessary nevertheless.

There is a world where the people there are very peaceful and live in harmony with Nature. A mediteranian look about them. Full beards and long hair. Only women and children are without the facial hair. The look I was given for my clean shaven face was embarrassing. I have never shaved since that day. They speak not so much as a harsh word to each other. This is because they feel both sides of interaction. If they hurt another, they experience both sides of the experience. To hurt another is to hurt themselves.

They were terrified of me. The other men, the women and children were nowhere to be seen, and it was one poor bastard who came to meet me.

They were terrified because I can kill. That is because I don't get both sides of the experience, as all humans here can do. The best is we can feel empathy for our victim, and feel guilt for what we have done.

I understand they did that to themselves. They developed the quality of harmlessness in themselves.

The problem is they can no longer protect what they find beautiful, no longer protect what they love. They can't even protect themselves.

What is important here is not whether an AI is bad or good, but what is the belief and value system of its programmers.

That is so, come to think of it. I don't mind the AIs, I have simply never trusted anyone with my wards, except for one AI that is. It is an old one. The sum of an ancient civilisation. One of those things one comes across in one's travels. Too dangerous to leave the thing laying about was my understanding at the time, so I kept it. I asked it once "why me?" Apparently it approved of my ethics at a time when I chose not to co-operate metaphysically with "higher powers". That was about when my 'Alice' was murdered - a story in itself. That AI has helped me protect Alice and the other kids, and more.

So I can understand what you say about the importance of the beliefs and values of the programmers of AI.

That said, the Key to Lilith's Prism goes with those children. It's probably the key to the AI of the machinery of the earth. Such is my simple and primitive understanding of the matter. Another that goes with them is the ancient AI of mine, at least it's co-operation and protection.

Hopefully people with more knowledge than I can use these things. I understand that potentially includes FL on some level. Who knows, you guys probably don't need the knowledge, but those kids can inherit the knowledge for their own future nevertheless.

I think it important for those kids to have a world to come back to if they choose.

edit on 17-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 09:40 AM
Wow, this is really tying into what I’ve been contemplating lately. Been trying to see a positive from what I consider a negative (AI.)

It is possible to fill a much needed niche, and train existing AI models to be ethical?

That’s a tall order, because the ethical change must come from the individual, which naturally expands out to society, and the AIs shaped by it.

It can’t come from isolated ethics corporations / organizations. Us humans do put too much faith in corporations / organizations, rather than ourselves.

As we’re seeing today with the climate change agenda, those same corporations shift the blame back onto us, rather than taking responsibility for the environmental damage themselves, and the planned obsolescence they created, leading to dirty profits.

Because when you’re a corporation / NGO, the psychosis is real, and responsibility translates to dollars and political / PR motivations, rather than ethics. There are some good ones out there, but once a group is formed, individual responsibility becomes murky.

So in order to change the AI, we need to change ourselves and our relationships with each other, within a climate that’s pressuring us like diamonds. A cybernetic dance between us, and species unseen. No pressure, lol.
edit on 6/17/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 05:06 PM
completely unrelated post, i enjoy painting graffiti and I was wondering Direne if you have any cool scripts or dead languages that I can use their alphabet to make graffiti

i write sapien

and wanted to use thing slike cunieform and mayan hieroglyphs to paint something different

any other dead languages with cool letter forms that you know of that I can write in ?

just wanted to use another alphabet for a change

sorry for the thread tangent and illegal drifting

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Intriguing ideas, I'm kicking them around. C4AI is both fascinating and terrifying, at the same time.

As mentioned it would really depend how they're trained.

If one was trained with modern ethics towards warfare I could see them as being a hugely positive thing. Imagine an AI disabling weapons because it knows something unethical would happen.

The evolution of warfare is something I can ken, the whole structure fell apart back in the day when the flagship fell or a king was slain, command, control, communication and intelligence always played the same roles no matter the era and frankly AI offers the opportunity for a foot soldier or a pilot to make informed and worked out decisions when time is precious, I'd say that's much better than reverting the decision to a smoke filled room where men drink whiskey and just know better.

Because modern warfare just like all warfare is based on a consensus, I guess the key is how well the individual is informed. AI could be a saving grace in that regard no matter where it's placed.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I'm switching my focus back to the nanotech side, after reading this one. Carnicom Institute, and the like. Phew, these guys really are watching:

The AI Coverup: Xenobots and the Great Filter

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Im sure joe rogan just had a podcast about lab grown embryos

Im sure I saw a short of it on instagram

and well humans grown from a lab would be programmed wouldnt they
no need to waste time on them training etc

send them off to work in hazardous enivronments space mining for example
genetically engineered to work in hazardous environments

probably cheaper than making AI drones , all the metals youd need , and i dont think earth has all the materials
but we have plenty of bio matter

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: fireslinger

Im sure joe rogan just had a podcast about lab grown embryos

Im sure I saw a short of it on instagram

and well humans grown from a lab would be programmed wouldnt they
no need to waste time on them training etc

send them off to work in hazardous enivronments space mining for example
genetically engineered to work in hazardous environments

probably cheaper than making AI drones , all the metals youd need , and i dont think earth has all the materials
but we have plenty of bio matter

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 08:03 PM
“The amazing thing is that they already had all the necessary prior information, without the need to land and search for it. They already had it. I don't know if I'm explaining myself correctly: they already knew everything about our planet long before establishing contact, so curiosity is not what has brought them to us, but necessity.”

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edit on Sun Jun 18 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: also added the source

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Yep, that's definitely precise self-replicating embryos.

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I'm switching my focus back to the nanotech side, after reading this one. Carnicom Institute, and the like. Phew, these guys really are watching:

The AI Coverup: Xenobots and the Great Filter

For all the pride in the achievement, it has been done before.

Syphilis is said to be "punishment" for promiscuity. It isn't. The target is the children. It stops them from becomming. Warfare reincarnation style.

I was given two children who died of congenital syphilis. Edward and Jennifer. So I know all about this style of warfare.

Amoxicillin cures the disease in the living, It works even better and far faster on the deceased. The kids cleaned up really well. I took them clothes shopping afterwards (Target : ). I thought a nice sundress for Jennifer. She prefered her dull Edwardian clothes.

They can play with diseases all they want. What is created can be destroyed. The sharman of this world should get off their arses and do something about it.

So take those passages written on FL with the view that the future can be changed.

edit on 17-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Well, I’ll just leave it here for now, because it’s sensitive territory. And I'm also pretty tired.

If two unwitting participants of a global medical experiment have a baby, and they had a batch that wasn’t placebo, what species is the baby?

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

"Species" is a label.

Just to confuse everyone: Disassociate Identity Disorder, what is an alter?

Alters are people too ; )

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