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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Or a more spooky thought... what if we're the parallel Sol-3, and the original is out there somewhere?

This 2011 movie Another Earth is incredibly trippy. Makes me wonder if Brit Marling is an initiate of sorts. She was also in that revealing series The OA, and IMO, is too B-list to be MK'ed.

That looks interesting,

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yea, I can relate to understanding these concepts in your own home grown fashion. Only way to do it, by sharpening your intellect / intuition, and always working on balancing the two. Classical academia won’t get us very far, we have to live in the fringes. I’ve learned more through my own will than anything else. Although of course, all forms of relationships are teachers as well.

I bookmarked Forbidden Planet, looks like a wild ride. And BSG of course is a classic. Highly recommend Another Earth. They even play on the ‘initiate disguised as a janitor / lay person’ concept. I often wonder how many masters or ET beings we unknowingly pass by.

So how about this concept… Each sphere has many dimensions of existence, and something like a nuke affects its non-corporeal existence. What if the infamous eighth sphere Steiner disclosed, was the product of an ancient nuclear war, or some X-tech that had similar implications? Mars of course would tie into that, given its steganography through time.

Last lead for now, checkout this Joseph Farrell discussion. I might even subscribe again to hear the full thing, it’s fascinating. His latest research discusses plasma beings, and how when we set off a reaction like a nuke, we’re bound to get their attention. He didn’t mention this timeline, but I made the connection… 1945 detonation, 1947 Roswell. And it just kept escalating from there:

You alluded to the plasma connection here:

The "spheres" exist. The ones created by nukes are closed spaces that are theoretically infinite inside. They are carved out of a planetary aether. They are also alive and graze on fallout or isotopes. They are aware/intellegent enough where one can herd them to places with more food.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I used to read a lot of Theosophy and Steiner as a kid, but none of that prepared me when steeping out alone. Those concepts feel more like intellectual sandboxes (in the computing sense). Aye, trust one's own instincts.

Another Earth I'll watch, the romantic notion of someone doing something extraordinary for love is appealing. Forbidden Planet has the sum of an hugely advanced extinct civilisation putting all their knowledge in what might now be called AI.

So how about this concept… Each sphere has many dimensions of existence, and something like a nuke affects its non-corporeal existence. What if the infamous eighth sphere Steiner disclosed, was the product of an ancient nuclear war, or some X-tech that had similar implications? Mars of course would tie into that, given its steganography through time.

Dunno, maybe. I haven't really pursed the existance of these "dimensions/spheres" beyond the 5 dimensional model. Now that you mention it, Steiner's eighth spear may tie in here. Though one must keep in mind with Steiner; he had his Masters (of the wisdom). The only real reason I know of the 'extinction is peace people' is they found me. That was in relation to Mars as a home for orphans and all that entails. The three spheres on mars are a problem that has to be solved. Those people won't be in there forever, and they made their position very clear.

LaPourer mentioned that the Martian souls(?) were "transfered" to earth. My kids fit that description and have returned home. When and how the biosphere of Mars met its end may very well have been caused by some ancient interplanetary war. The concept of atomic war fits in there somewhere, I can find only three spheres on Mars from atomics. Yet at the same time there are thousands here on earth. I lean towards the earth as being the historical atomic aggressor. I think Mars may have fought in different ways.

The 'extinction is peace people' are able to find me, so it is sensible to assume they can find other people. How long they have been doing it is a question here. Thay are a potential candidate for the group(s) Forgotten Languages says is terra-forming earth for a replacement species. The complication here is the 'extinction is peace people' work through proxies. So who is working for (old) Mars? I would not put it past the 'extinction is peace people' to use social engineering and developing (wrong) technology here on Earth to get us to extinct ourselves from within. That may, or may not, fit in with Steiner's eighth sphere. Perhaps Ahriman is of old Mars? That would suggest Ahura Mazda is "Earth" and Ahriman be "Mars" symbolically speaking.

There is also the possibility that another neutral(?) group is watching all this and is planning for what to do when everyone (mars and earth) is dead.

Last lead for now, checkout this Joseph Farrell discussion. I might even subscribe again to hear the full thing, it’s fascinating. His latest research discusses plasma beings, and how when we set off a reaction like a nuke, we’re bound to get their attention. He didn’t mention this timeline, but I made the connection… 1945 detonation, 1947 Roswell. And it just kept escalating from there:

Farrel is discussed here on ATS from time to time and KPB talked of plasma Beings. I know of a young schizophrenic lady who talks of plasma beings watching her from the light bulbs. Schizophrenic folk can see things most folks cannot. Easy to dismiss the schizophrenia as an illness - "nothing to see here, move along". Yeah right . . .

Coincidentally, Forgotten Languages wrote of intentionall introducing technology such as LCD screens that have certain effects upon people. The replacement of the old incandescent light bulbs with the new ones might be worth thinking about. Mercury vapour globes and the rest may produce plasma? I don't know.

I guess that if one creates a suitable environment, something will come and live in it. Our power grid might be one example. I know the nuke reactors have something building a geometry around the cores. I don't know if it is unseen assistance stablizing the process or not. Very heavy beings they are. My own instincts say the geometry is (also?) creating a network. Maybe someone is just putting in place a kill-switch of their own.

My instincts say that probably all of earth's technology is internally compromised in these ways. I don't think that is a bad thing in itself. Depends on who is doing it and why. It would suit me just fine if it were a fail safe to turn things off should a military or corporation try to "aquire" the moon and Mars for themselves.

edit on 10-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

I may as well add: The principal of dreams as (temporary) 5 dimensional shared interactive closed spaces, shares basic principals with the 5 dimensional spheres born of atomic detonations. In practice the atomic ones are artificial, whereas the dreams are naturally born of the consciousness of living beings. That suggests to me the technology of creating artificial life via atomics and artificial intellegence via computing has the creation of the artificial Being as it's goal. The nature of such a Being would depend on what was caught in the initial atomic detonation. Concievably one might be looking at the 'spirit' of a civilisation that is captured. Warships come to mind here. A few of those out there. Cities in the sky . . . ?

Anyhow, that is above my paygrade. Most things are when one does not get paid anything at all : )

edit on 10-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 07:13 PM
Thread is quiet, so I'll waffle on a tad. Atomics and plasma are interesting subjects, and the "alien" meme is popular here on ATS at the moment.

The Vedic wars where the devas fought the Asuras is said to be a war where atomics were used. Shiva turns into his many armed form and Oppenheimer sees a bright light in New Mexico.

The blue folk with many arms . . .

I was once lent a Vedic cow dung burner by a well meaning newage lady. It came with a bag of dry manure. The idea is each morning at sunrise one would perform a ritual. Say a prayer and burn the manure which would fertilize the garden.

I use the Biodynamic method and wasn't keen on using the vedic in case the two systems were not compatable.

So the dung and burner sat on my front verandah unused. I forgot about it.

One day I sat outside and a rather annoyed little blue fella with many arms was sitting on my verandah rail above his burner. I got told off for ignoring him. Anyway, he explained how he can manefest in the cow dung smoke and fertilise the garden.

He knew and talked a lot about physics/alchemy/fire, or whatever one wants to call it. He wanted to get my interest.

Long story short, he did a good job of convincing me his folk knew all about atomic weapons. So the Idea that Vishnu could do what the Vedas say would not surprise me one iota.

He stayed a few weeks until I returned the burner. He still visits occasionally.

Now let's go to plasma. Tesla invented the plasma light glob and anyone who reads ATS knows he loved electricity.

Where would one meet plasma Beings? In plasma of course.

Some say Tesla got his info from "aliens". What about plasma beings?

Like the little blue fella with many arms, one has to create the conditions for them to manefest. Tesla did that.

I would suggest they would encourage Tesla to make all sorts of things where they could manefest. For them plasma is a window into a realm they could prieviously only intrude upon in conjunction with thunderstorms.

Now plasma lights are common, street lighting and probably in our homes. Plasma has a constant presence in our modern cities.

So cow dung smoke and plasma have something in common, one can meet "alien" Beings in both.

edit on 11-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

Anyhow, that is above my paygrade.

I made a decision today.
i will leave CT world.
Let those who do have money handle stuff connected with it.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

will leave CT world.


ATS is a treasure trove of interesting things. The CT is just one aspect.

I always like this quote from Hamlet:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Dare I ask, who are the ‘extinction is peace people’? Think I know what you’re referring to… a Mars or Phaeton (thanks LaPourer) remnant, terraforming Sol-3 for their own occupation.

Three spheres is intriguing, since that’s the number for creation.

Nice connection on the lights possibly housing plasma beings. I haven’t thought of that. But driving home today at dusk, I noticed the purple lights sprinkled along the highway, as if they’re following a test template. Highly disruptive to human physiology, which disrupts dreams, which disrupts contact. I actually do agree with Direne’s perspective on contact. We have to choose very carefully. But I do criticize their methods.

They are afraid of something, that’s for sure. Something big has chosen us, that to them, warrants total perception management of the population, in all forms of light. And as I’m typing this, I realize that I can never convey this to family / friends. They’re all in their own worlds, walled off, unknowingly traumatized by the chain of engineered events. And if we’re struggling to understand here, how can they even begin to understand? Just have to keep being the best human you can be, and leave the reality bending stuff to communities like this one.

Interesting take on sky cities, I always wondered about those things. Seemed like something that was suppressed fast, like xendra portals. What if they’re also seeing us, faded in their sky, a captured civilization?

Just had another idea. What if the Mars / Phaeton group is trying to come in through terraforming, eventually occupying, and SV17q is a group countering that process, via their own geoengineering? A geoengineering war, with humanity in the middle.
edit on 6/12/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Who are "the extinction is peace" folk?

They were the ones who backhandedly congratulated me with the words: you have done nothing more than averted peace.

"Old Mars".

I have the suspicion they have done a lot of things here.

One would also expect something like them here too. - Some old war.

My position is just making a home and future for some orphans. So one naturally comes across people like "Old Mars".

Whoever "transferred" them here put them in the position of vulnerable to further culling. That is done through trauma. The medieval church were experts. The idea is to use trauma to create an aversion to living. Make memories so painful they are never again remembered.

I've found the deceased ones who are the equivalent of cowering in a corner in catatonic stupor.

More work for me to do.


Who are the good guys and bad guys is as clear as mud. Who is behind them? Who knows.

edit on 12-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: clarified

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Interesting, well regardless of the top of the pyramid, I'm a bit concerned with the ground level of all this. How these wildfires will continue to affect us. Keep thinking back to this statement from Direne, back on 274:

Dated October, 2017, and October, 2020. Wildfires contribute to climate change, which in turn contributes to wildfires. It is a circular self-destructing behavior typical of a collapsing technosphere.

It sure feels like something was activated. Doesn't make sense that humans are solely responsible for a collapse like this. Wildfires = more dryness = more wildfires. Been seeing stories pop up about other fires, volcanoes, natural phenomena. UFO narrative is ramping up even more. Would be nice to have some more unconventional info on all this.
edit on 6/12/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Direne would probably know.
edit on 12-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Indeed, but I have a hunch that without a clearer picture of the relationship between contact / no contact groups, which she understandably can't reveal, we get a narrative of collapse being the fault of humanity.

I mean, we are a messed up species, for sure. But if there are many species in play, then the blame is shared.

But I am grateful that Direne provided the names of those two advanced pre-Egyptian civilizations. So we can attempt to trace it back, and learn more about the cycles.
edit on 6/12/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Aye, caught between the pro and con. Self proclaimed I bet too. Maybe both sides see them selves as "do-gooders".

Who are they to decide . . .

Which two civilisations? I missed that.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

pg 267

The Egyptian civilization was preceded by two much more advanced and complex civilizations. The Neolithic civilization of the Nabta Playa, and the civilization of the Seven Cities of the Disk. You will find a lot of information about the former, but about the latter the information is scarce and confusing. The cities of the disk are sometimes referred to in the Bible as the “cities of the plain”. Sodom and its sister cities were located in the large oval-shaped, fertile plain just north of the Dead Sea called simply “the Disk”. The entire disk was destroyed during a confusing catastrophic unexplained event.

The entire Nubian desert and the area of the disk cities was a zone of struggle between those who wanted contact and those who opposed any contact.

You should take the opportunity to visit the pyramids of Meroë and the Temple of Mut (both in Sudan) to feel what the civilization of Nabta Playa was like. But be warned: the chances of you making it out of your trip alive are slim. In addition to the area's Islamic terrorist groups, paramilitary factions, corrupt national army, poisonous snakes, chronic lack of water, and mountain pirates, you will have to survive the effects of a treacherous landscape, and the greatest enemy of all: the SUDV virus, also known as the Sudan ebolavirus.

As for the cities of the disk, you can travel to the area, too, though you should know the area is home of MERS, a viral respiratory illness endemic to the region that’s associated with a 40% fatality rate. If you manage to get rid of the disease, you can reach the Black Forest, and visit The Invisible City of Drizza, near Jebel Qurma. It is the most hostile and desolated region there, a highly inhospitable place. That's where the Diskus was found, a most complex artifact. You can also visit Azraq Oasis and get baffled with artificial the stone structures which represent astronomical data, including a beautiful star map of Deneb Algedi. You'll know you've reached the exact spot when, inexplicably, your nose and ears start to bleed, your thoughts become thick, your legs go limp, and you fall flat on your face on sand that cuts like razor blades.

By the time you want to realize what has happened, you will already be with Eleleth. That's what it's like to visit forbidden areas.

edit on 6/12/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 03:08 AM
Also, this is surprisingly deep, and fun :-)

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: fireslinger


You'll know you've reached the exact spot when, inexplicably, your nose and ears start to bleed, your thoughts become thick, your legs go limp, and you fall flat on your face on sand that cuts like razor blades.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

will leave CT world.


ATS is a treasure trove of interesting things. The CT is just one aspect.

I always like this quote from Hamlet:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Nothing for me in it any more. Have seen what i wanted.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Fair enough, I can understand the sentiment.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

having a look around that area, lots of interesting things

what is this

31.77515259261582, 37.48344593958314

looks rather odd

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I suggest giving the location a miss if the Sudan. Let's just simply say the coffee is terrible.

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Nice find, that cube-like thing from a Sept 2020 image is strange. It does seem out of place.

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