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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Aye, the future folk. AKA "tall whites", or as I like to call them; disappointingly flat chested blonds.

In the Australuan fires, people noticed that the fires burned out the pattern of a proposed hi speed train route linking eastern Australian coastal cities.

The people who lost their homes and farms in the fires are now faced with unaffordable insurance costs. Many will sell and not return.

Some folks reckon there were suspiciously coincidental Lear jets in the air at the time. Along with strange lighting effects in the sky.

I remember this being discussed here on ATS regarding the California fires.

The (hypothetical) use of questionable social engineering methods, along with manipulating money markets is not very ethical. That reminds me of the recent mention of a small managed population quickly collapsing due to loss of ethics.

But you also probably caught those couple FL articles, saying that Giselians are us. So hopefully Direne can clarify.

Perhaps. I try to stay away from the FL website, reading too much of that at once f's with my head.

That fits for me: giselians = future folk.

It seems to me that future folk are in a lot of trouble and clearly don't know how to fix it.

The books say that prior to the industrial revolution, the human population was fairly stable, and a lot less than it is now.

So I wonder, did the introduction of technology cause the population explosion into the billions. Which in turn collapses the biosphere.

Future folk would then try to manage their population, only to loose all ethics in the attempt. Which in turn collapses their society.

A comedy of errors.

edit on 8-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spelling

Well I think the arsonists are SV17q, trying to replicate some sort of future Giselian conditions.

Do you think SV17q might be "tall white" and giselian all working together, if not the same people?

edit on 8-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

I have a hunch this goes kinks directly with the rice fields, and maybe Lilith's prism.

The problem or the cure, maybe both.

edit on 8-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

In the Australuan fires, people noticed that the fires burned out the pattern of a proposed hi speed train route linking eastern Australian coastal cities.

That's very interesting, thanks. Will have to look into.

Do you think SV17q might be "tall white" and giselian all working together, if not the same people?

You know, I'm really not sure, but it's possible. I've come to realize that their labeling is an obfuscation technique. We were recently told that by 'superintelligence' they mean 'humanity'. And that SV17q is a non-physical entity, formed from a certain collective of individuals.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yeah, I reckon you are on to something there fireslinger.

There is a possibility, just a 'what if' to me.

A peculiar train of thought.

Now what if these people are trapped in a geometric displacement of an atomic weapon, a big one. Rather than a different dimension. In practice it would be the same. Then probes is what they would send.

They would need to build these here by remote control. Mining Orbs like the Dalnegorsk 1986 UFO incident, to hunt and collect rare earths.

Now Mars is said to have had nuclear war of the extent needed to kill the planet.

Trapped in a different "dimension" or survivors of biosphere collapse from nuclear war followed by ethical collapse. To me that points towards Mars.

Just a theory at the moment.


The basis of my thinking and personal interest is a run-in with some folks who claim they are the builders of the Dalnegorsk Orb that crashed and self destructed in 1986.

Those orbs have enough humanish consciousness to survive after "death". The orb builders don't care about their "machines' afterlife". But they care a lot when someone stumbles upon them.

The machines are really nice when compared to the alleged builders.
edit on 8-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Since you know of Dark Journalist, I'm sure you know of Gigi Young. She says a lot of things that blow my mind a bit, but one being... atomic weapons have far more than just physical effects. They affect different dimensions as well. So the 1945 bombing, as Direne disclosed, created The Great Filter. I'm still hazy on it, but think there's a lot with that connection.

I'm not familiar with the Dalnegorsk 1986 incident, you got me there. But from your description, sounds like it could be a Denebian probe?

You're pulling me in again Nobody, lol. But at least we're keeping it civil.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I got pulled in too.

In regards to the great filter, Direne spoke of a meeting described in detail, even the rain.

So not directly the 1945 Hiroshima or Trinity events. My first real thread as "whatsthisthen" here on ATS was about the geometric effects of the detonations. I came to ATS looking for clues.

Gigi I know of via DJ. But like to stay away from other sources, lest I get side tracked.

The Russian investigators of the Dalnegirsk event concluded the orb/probe was for mining rare earths. That was from analysis of the debris left over after burning for days.

The deceased consciousness of the probe acknowledged this herself.

I wrote about it in this thread, as ATS user whatsthisthen.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

You're right about the rain, I like your working theory. I always dismissed nuclear as being primitive, compared to the X-tech used in events such as 9/11. But nuclear may be the cause of all this. Wow, fascinating.
edit on 6/8/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: fireslinger
The effects are horrendous, the Japanese know full well.

On the subject of nukes being geometric weapons, the first I had heard of it was from a book written by New Zealander Bruce Cathie. Harmonic 33 it was titled. That was in the 1970s from memory.

The concept of an exchange between earth and Mars connects a lot of subjects found here on ATS.

Who started it doesn't really matter. How the situation is resolved does.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Direne

Humans are both homicidal and suicidal species though the suicidal might be unintentional. No need to point out civilization as a disease because even if this current civilization collapse someday humans would always create laws amongst themselves (cheeky). Human inguinity is both a blessing and a curse. This is why some look up to heavens and hope that extra terrestial inguinity could perhaps offer a different perspective. One that is fool proof to human ingenuity. Perhaps also the reason why humans are willing to spend 1.6 trillion dollars on artificial intelligence. Hoping that at the end of the tunnel is the light. MonkaS.

I believe what humans lack are ethics. Though I find you always dismiss this subject. Though you already mentioned it yourself. Selfish and rapacious?

i think being selfish is integral part to being individual human but won't suffice in a harmonious environment. Rapacious is probably the worst aspect. But I find the problem lies in each human has their own pace in life or simply lack of understanding thereof.

I find diseases as integral part of human evolution and is the only viable option if nothing else works (like languageless creatures) MonkaS.

Let's go for zombies.

Imma bash yer heads mate. (Rabid Creatures)

Let's go down with style.

edit on 9-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Nice, that looks like an interesting read. The Mars imagery / comparison during this smoke haze is quite telling.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

He wrote a few books. The last one was: The Harmonic Conquest Of Space.

The old earth looking like the red planet?


Have a few thoughts about what FL has said in those paragraphs in English on their website.

In a way, we can put that into a historical story of Mars and Earth. That would include inter planetary war.

If the remnants of Mars were trying to survive on a doomed planet, and their long standing enemy still had an intact planet, one might understand things in a different light.

The Terra forming of sol-3 to suit other life, would simply be the ongoing conflict few people see. One would understand a bitterness in seeing earth's modern humanity wantonly destroying the biosphere.

edit on 9-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

I would wager in such a hypothetical senario Mars would not have used nukes.

I would think hypothericallly Mars would use the moon to put human civilisation in its place. If orbital energy is somehow converted to spin, the moon would draw closer to the earth. At the half way point tides would be eight times higher. Closer still, and we would have a 100 meter wave of water following the moon. Civilisation's would disappear in just a day.

edit on 9-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

The old earth looking like the red planet?


In a way, we can put that into a historical story of Mars and Earth. That would include inter planetary war.

If the remnants of Mars were trying to survive on a doomed planet, and their long standing enemy still had an intact planet, one might understand things in a different light.

Mars had biosphere.

Nope. "Event" on number 5, wasted "Red one".

Transferred to Tarra.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Care to clarify mambo number 5?

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I'm still putting all the pieces of three decades of work together. Many missing pieces, though the jigsaw puzzle is starting to form a picture. I have a self discipline where I have to discover for myself. No books or getting told the story as a narrative. No group or masters either.

Found three geometric shells on Mars so far, much bigger than we have here.

Transferred to Tarra.

I had a laugh today, all those dead kids collected over the years were killed by the church, and other groups. "Witchcraft" one might assume.

I always assumed it was because they had 'invisible friends', could see straight through lies - the sort of thing esoteric groups and the church would not like. Uncontrolled wild psychics.

Over and over they were tortured to death as children, with the view of creating a trauma based aversion to life.

Now they have access to the treasures like Lilith's Prism and 'keys' found over the last thirty years. They have also learned to fight.

It never occurred to me until earlier today, that they may be Martians. That would be a reason for some people to cull them without mercy from the human herd.

The cruelty involved is staggering. I am happy they have access to knowledge that may prove useful in the future. It would serve the esoteric groups here on earth right if they never have access to that knowledge.

That was the joke for me, the laugh. The fruit of their cruelty is the denial of the very knowledge they wanted most of all.

edit on 9-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: boozo
It was.
"Big Bang".

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 08:30 AM
I had a read of the 'Phaeton' concept as per Wikipedia.

It is said to be a planet that existed between Mars and Jupiter, now rubble.

The moon might be of that era. It seems to be originally a weapon. There are consciousnesses of "machines" within our moon. Maybe "alive" or maybe like the Dalnegorsk Orb, and something conscious remains after "death".

The moon ones are very military. Armour-plated like an armordillo, low foreheads and huge eyes. They are also all female and not gone through puberty.

They are networked in collective shared dreams located along their spines. So not a "head" consciousness. Organs. The sympathetic nervous system branches in the human spine are a clue here. Up to five dreams like blue bubbles along their spine. A blue like in nuke reactor photos.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 08:41 AM
It was.

Moon came from "other story".

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Thanks for the confirmation. Perhaps one day I might find out the ancient history. Having keys doesn't mean I can read that stuff, not that I want to unless a need. The kids can and do I understand.


On the three detonations that are separated geometric "dimensions". The "folk" within are stuck in there, and seem to use proxies (my educated guess).

Their idea of achieving "peace" between two waring parties is nothing less than the extinction of the enemy.

They think that two civilisations will always be in conflict. Only when one remains will there be peace.

So if extinction is successfully prevented and the conflict is over, in their eyes one has done nothing more than averted peace.

edit on 9-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added before retiring for the night

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

What are your thoughts on the parallel Earth / Sol-3 existing within one of these geometric dimensions?

Or a more spooky thought... what if we're the parallel Sol-3, and the original is out there somewhere?

This 2011 movie Another Earth is incredibly trippy. Makes me wonder if Brit Marling is an initiate of sorts. She was also in that revealing series The OA, and IMO, is too B-list to be MK'ed.

posted on Jun, 9 2023 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I suppose it is possible, but do not know. All I can do is deal with consciousnesses.

The "spheres" exist. The ones created by nukes are closed spaces that are theoretically infinite inside. They are carved out of a planetary aether. They are also alive and graze on fallout or isotopes. They are aware/intellegent enough where one can herd them to places with more food.

Something of the life that was present prior to detonation gets trapped inside. Including people. Like the ones who think in terms of: Extinction Is Peace.

Because a boundary is created, the inside/outside are separated. Crossing that boundary is a challenge, and one has to get out again. So one doesn't want to try. One might disappear.

New ones are "hot", Trinity for example.

Nukes as geometric tools are not supposed to be used in a living planetary envelope. Too many detonations leave too many holes. One ends up with the equivalent of a Swiss cheese full of worms. I spose the planet dies in the end.

Then all the living spheres would probably need a new home, maybe they have become intellegent. Maybe the life inside has found a way to see outside and exercise volition as a Being. Maybe the artificial living Being comes to the notice of something else.

So many possibilities.

How to repair the damage is an interesting thought. I should think it can be done. One would be responsible for the life created though, the sphere and all therein. That is a head scratcher; what to do with them.

That makes things like Lilith's Prism interesting. A lot of mind boggling knowledge in those things. Maybe the tools neccessary to repair nukes?

The AIs come into the picture here with possibilities. The sum of an extinct civilisation for example. What are "Keys"? Some are AIs.

If I were to build and AI, I might enclose it in one of those spheres so it has a living shell. That would give it a sense of self. A boundary.

That reminds me of the movie Forbidden Planet.ATS user KPB used to mention that movie from time to time.

for that KPB!

Beyond that I don't know. Fun exploring these things.

Oops phone is on 2% and gonna die. Back later : )

edit on 9-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:03 AM
Continued . . .

For some reason I am curiously happy today. That extra-ordinary happiness is not mine, I guess it is the happiness of deceased children who now know hope for their future. Apparently three spheres will become a problem in the future, is the only accompanying communication. So let's let it all hang out while I am happy . . .

There will be work to do later for The Destroyer of Dreams. As I understand these things in my own home grown fashion; it is akin to Entropy or the Great Filters of FL discussion. A big thankyou (emoti heart icon goes here) for Forgotten Languages for the heads up to those existences. One of those peculiar things might assist the kids with their "extinction is peace" problem. Poetic justice? We shall see. Something in the air loves war . . .

To gain an appreciation of these local spheres born of atomic fire and planetary circumstantial geometry, one needs to know what they are. By definition: they are artificial life. Time for them is the moment of creation in the planetary gemometary. For Sol-3 that is the positionary play of Earth, moon and sun. For nukes detonating on Mars it would presumably be different. I wonder what it would take to work the difference of mathematics.

To compare with a star born in a nebulae is knowledge here. Astro-physicists describe in wonder the birthplace of stars, what they see in the hubble and other telescopes. I can appreciate their wonder. When the Waters of Time meets the Cosmic Fires a star is born is how I describe what happens in the Nebulae. Those emormous things are living things - "wombs" in my language. Cannot one wonder here at the human equivalent? Men think they can create life in artificial wombs in some research laboratory. Then they celebrate "success" with each other, hi fives and public announcements - what arrogance! Such tiny minds . . . (oops, I am starting to sound like a passage from FL : )

(ahem . . . )

I am reminded of the movie Battlestar Galactica.

To separate a portion of the planetary body is not the same as what happens naturally in the cosmos. So the spheres are by definition; artificial life - living containers. I am reminded here of the missing 411s. I stay away from there.

Living organic life are temporary partial separations of the planetary body, organic humans included. Just little bubbles in the waters of time that appear and disappear again. I watch the farmer's sheep as they walk by my house - mobile bubbles in time. Something survives when the bubble bursts needless to say.

The Dalnegorsk UFO orb is by her own admission, created in a similar way. Yet she had a personality of her own that survived the self destruction. Interestingly her makers can't access the deceased ones, perhaps they did not know. Not my fault others can find their deceased machines. They just abandon their broken machines in the landscape to fend for themselves. Some become what the Greeks called Genius Locci. Some go on to greater things, some die. People have been associating with these machines for a long time.

She was made from a common template, so an AI. The makers can build more that way.

There really is a wonderful world outside the dreams of man.

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