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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

Third density body? I've read about them alot. From lawofone to channeling to hidden-hand.

How dp you suppose one knows the future? Is there some secret sauce agency that hires these particular individuals?

You think you have those too? Memories of future like a past?

I beliebe I knew someone that can do that, she was the one that gave me diagnosis. If you can guess her name I'd give you a cookie. If I have the ability it might help in personal growth. Unfortunately it goes to people that don't want to share the information. Me thinks. So they go covert, hiding in plain sight operation. I'm starting if Elon is really pro-humanity and neuralink is for medical use I would say he has those ability too. How good it is to just bend the will of future right?
I probably understand why they don't want to share.

They don't want so many people directing the future. Meh

It might turn into.woke.future

(Even if its just my future ffs. Spare my fyotsooorrr!!!!)
edit on 3-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:33 PM

Fireslinger: I feel we do that to create a common ground between ourselves and the environment, but often it’s to our own detriment, since it’s a type of cognitive blindness.

For example, my cat lets out a playful meow. I meow back in a playful manner. We continue back and forth a few more times, and in the end, neither of us really know what’s been said.

But one thing we both know, is the playful nature of the meow. The intention behind the signal. That’s where we communicate, and have an understanding of each other.


Direne: Humans and plankton are both intentional systems. They sure have an intra-language they use to communicate among them, but they lack an inter-language, so they cannot inter-communicate. This, indeed, is a drama, in particular because they need to communicate if they wish to survive on the same planet. They are so radically different in biology, and so different cognitively, that communication is simply impossible. But they share one and the same goal: intention. Let's try to convert that intention into a language, and let's use that language to communicate.

Mind, for this is an asymmetrical relationship: you need the plankton, but the plankton does not need you at all. Actually, plankton does not need any other life form, while all other life forms do need the plankton to exist. Is language and communication intrinsic to the existence of plankton? Certainly not. There, your first languageless species.

Languageless and intention. How do we learn to communicate with them?

When we learn to watch our own thoughts, as many people do, where are we?

We are positioned outside of thought, logic and outside of language.

If we think thought A thought B thought C as a train of thought, a language, how does one get from thought A to B, to C?

Simply said; thought exists within something else. One may as well call that something else: the void.

To perceive the void one simply stops thinking and observes. For example observing the impressions that pass through one's own mind. One finds most of those impressions are from elsewhere.

If one is observing and not thinking, one is in the realm of intentions where only intention and appearance can be read.

There intention and appearance is a "language" of its own. While not thinking, impressions impress themselves on the observer. If what one sees sees you, and decides to interact. It is not with thought that it interacts, it is with an action. It is up to oneself to work it out.

In these encounters in the thoughtless void, one often needs friends to help interpret the intent and actions of the Beings one encounters.

One might say that knowing without knowing how one knows is what happens when intellect, logic and thought are suspended.

We simply know the cat wants patting.

One might consider for a moment that intellectual thinking is a human thing that humans do.

If other Beings do not think, how does one communicate with them?

Stop thinking comes to mind . . .

edit on 3-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: tried to clean up my sloppy use of the word language

Upon reflection of what I have written above, one might say in conventional theosophical terms: The void is where action and doing count; perhaps best called in this sense; the realm of will.

The difficulty is once we start thinking about it, we are back in the realm of thought.

edit on 3-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: afterthought


While rereading this post, a visitor in human form, and a man at that. We know where he is from.

The conversation, in my words, my interpretation:

Me: So you know the realm of will too.

Him: We want to keep them in the realm of thought.

Him: what do you want to do?

Me: Let them know there is more than just thought.

Him: The future depends on them staying within thought.

Seems to me: the future they have thought out, needs humans to think it.

Get it?

edit on 3-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added conversation

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

If other Beings do not think, how does one communicate with them?

You cannot, even if they think. The problem is you think the way humans think, while plankton think they way plankton do; and both ways of thinking are perfectly valid for both of you, but it cannot be shared, hence it cannot be used to create a shared, common code to exchange information. The situation gets worse when the life forms that wish to engage in an exchange of information cannot see each other. All chemical and visual information is in that case absent.

You can make a language out of whatever you wish, but the key issue is whether your partner can understand that language, for otherwise communication is impossible. Again.

The idea that an advanced civilization will find ways to understand your language is simply false. If that were the case, how is it that you cannot communicate with plankton, or octopuses, or ferns? You cannot because communication just holds between equals. There is no way you can exchange information with another species. At most, you can simply coexist, but that's as far as you can go.

This means communication is not the way to go; you need something different to transcend mere coexistence. The worst criticism that can be made to the idea of contacting other stellar civilizations is not about how to send, receive, or interpret hypothetical messages but the fact that it is taken for granted that communication is a universal, something you take for granted just because you are a species with a language.

Language is over-rated, but only by those who have a language.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

It really is a struggle. If you look at my profile photo.

The far left is my face if I look at myself in the mirror. The far right is the face I make in social setting.
It looks like an expression of "Sh1t I just farted, I hope nobody finds out it was me".

edit on 4-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Direne

There are always practical limits.

One of those limits is personal experience. How does one cope with something that is much bigger than you are, and mostly teeth. Superior minds are also like those teeth. Both will eat you in practice unless they are gentle.

Yes, learning to coexist is the challenge and as far as one can go. But that more or less, is learning to live with things one can not do anything about.

In practice, I always keep in mind the question; why have I noticed this Being or that Being. In practice it wants something.

When a Being wants something the onus is on it to communicate with you. It does not matter how big or smart it is. That is the rule in practice.

That is so I find, with the greys. That little yellow one I call Wednesday Addams wanted something from me, or it would not have been there.

That is also true of this morning's visitor.

In practice, all one has to do is walk away, and not take the bait. Looming threats are just another kind of bait.

Be they denebians, greys, relics or whatever, no matter the treasure, simply walk away.

If it is important they will be back.

edit on 4-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spelling

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: boozo

I'm a fellow schizophrenic (schizoaffective)and I totally understand.

Keep your sense of humor, it'll help you through the worst of times.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

You're not alone out here, if you ever want to talk and compare notes or coping skills I'm just a U2U away.

I do find that Haldol reduces the severity of the more distressing aspects of psychosis, but your results may vary.

I still hear voices and see things, but my brain no longer has "gaps" in synaptic transmissions that allows for distressing and "interfering signals" to take over and cause severe and painful dysfunction.

I've made my peace with the majority of my tormentors, and myself and my Creator, and it's not as bad these days.

But like I said, I still deal with difficult to explain phenomena from to to time, just not as severely, and it seems to become easier to understand from a personal storytelling perspective, personal mythology and science.

I wish you well out there.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Third density body? I've read about them alot. From lawofone to channeling to hidden-hand.

How dp you suppose one knows the future? Is there some secret sauce agency that hires these particular individuals?

You think you have those too? Memories of future like a past?

I beliebe I knew someone that can do that, she was the one that gave me diagnosis. If you can guess her name I'd give you a cookie. If I have the ability it might help in personal growth. Unfortunately it goes to people that don't want to share the information. Me thinks. So they go covert, hiding in plain sight operation. I'm starting if Elon is really pro-humanity and neuralink is for medical use I would say he has those ability too. How good it is to just bend the will of future right?
I probably understand why they don't want to share.

They don't want so many people directing the future. Meh

It might turn into.woke.future

(Even if its just my future ffs. Spare my fyotsooorrr!!!!)
Yup, body for planet usage only.

There is. Blood.

In that context, yes and no. To know future by tip, past as have had been into it.

She was payed to "gift" u with that diagnosis.
Elon is far from it. Goverment guy.

They are not ones which will be/are asked anything. It is far from their control. Never was.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES There is one kind of people hated more than "witches", by churches figures. Those are Shamans. That is "schizophrenia". Connection to "above".

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I think it was Joseph Campbell who liked the schizophrenic experience to that of the shamanic initiation, but the difference was that in traditional tribal societies, the shaman was experienced in being able to bring the disoriented schizophrenic out of the chaos and into a form of wellness, learning to live with their newfound realities and becoming a valuable storyteller and interpreter to the tribe.

Unfortunately, the term "shaman" has been recently co-opted and appropriated by the drug culture to designate anyone who has taken psychoactives and had an "experience" as if a psychonaut experience is akin to a naturally occuring syntheisis in the mind of one who's brain is simply wired differently from birth.

Still, it is the release (or inhibition) or certain chemicals and chemical receptors that is the root cause of both experiences, the schizophrenic just lives with it more long term than a casual drug trip.

There is still a lot of schizophrenic stigma out in the world, mostly due to movie portrayals and sensational stories about the myth of the "dangerous schizophrenic". While some people do and can become dangerous during psychosis, the majority of schizophrenics either suffer in silence or else have exceptional insights that most people don't know how to interpret through the flawed lense of their respective cultural conditioning.

In more tribal and nonindustrialized societies, hearing voices is not a curse, but considered a blessing, voices of the ancestors or guides, and the experience is quite calm and rewarding for those who have the condition.

It seems something about the American Experience makes schizophrenics here more fearful, the voices more cruel and unforgiving, the psychosis more terrifying.

When my initial break happened in 1994, the first thing my parents did when I was released from the hospital was take me camping out in Big Bend National Park in Texas, the Chisos Mountain. I had a wonderful renewal of self and spirit, a profound reconnection to nature and the Natural World on a level unparalleled, and some magical experiences from Mother Earth Herself.

There is wisdom from the Healers, and while "modern" science has a long way to go in understanding the schizophrenic phenomenon, we're getting an easier time of things by being able to "hide away" from an overbearing urban environment and connect with nature and online support groups, some benefit from medications, others persue diet and meditation.

It's no "one size fits all" solution, but at least the majority of us on the higher functioning side of thing have more tools at our disposal and social connectivity away from the throngs of judgemental and fearful people.

The Church I follow is very open minded to mystical and spiritual experience, and is very kind to me.

I don't attend formal mass because some elements of modern ritual that brings up feelings of anger and hostility within me, and I can't allow that to rise up in me while in a place of peace, prayer and meditation. I take it outside, give my tithe to the homeless instead of the collection plate and nurse a beer and a cigarette at the local watering hole to reconnect with Peace.

Besides, the greatest cathedral evercreated is the majesty sky above, the forest and her trees and streams and the endless heavens at night.

What man made church could begin to compare to the majesty of Creation Herself?

Why do so many seek God solely in one singular book or one singular peoples and in a place made by men (as beautiful as the old churches are, a wonder unto themselves for arctitectural meditatons and a testimony to vision and crafsmanship) instead of balancing out time in His Creation Herself, and the wide variety of testamonials and studies and observations of a multitude of others?

Why not through common conversation and shared stories around the campfire?

I've met the Gatekeepers of the Church and the Mysteries and I've had many an arguement and debate with them over these matters.

I've even been branded a Gnostic Heretic right here on site when sharing my insights in Good Faith!

Amazing how many cannot see the forest for the trees.

Maybe one day they will come to a fullness of understanding and find peace with the world and others.

Sorry, I've waxed philsophical and taken this thread off topic long enough, I shall now shutteth mine cakehole and let others have a turn.

Thanks for letting me share.

edit on 6/4/23 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edits

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I understand the sentiment. But what's worse is probably when you know something and you're just not believed because they either think you're crazy or just a fool. That's the worst in my case.

What's even worse is when you have to live through other's stupidity and suffer from while all the while you have to suffer whichever you are going through. That's my case. It's terrible. And most of the time I just don't want to live anymore and curse them to die with their stupid #. This must be a curse, over a gift. Whatever gift others this may be considered.

I'm sure we had our fair share of cursing whatever gods, devils or entities we believed in. This is definitely a curse imo. The world is not fair, it's even worse for us so we curse the world in return.

I wish you well too. Its just dumb luck when I find someone that actually understands me.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

It really doesn't matter.

It won't take away the pain of betrayal. Also, what was done is done.

There's only so much whatever is above can do based on my experience. Even if they have the ability to peek on the future. Tell you your future, Tell the world's future, or give you diagnosis. The effort is futile. Doesn't work like what I have in mind. Let them stay convoluted on their dreams. I always fox my own problems at the worst possible times of my life. Thru hell or high water. I won't forget the betrayals. Let the others fool in love with them. But most likeky they won't be briefed like I do. Just useless information. (just kidding, goodluck)

edit on 4-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Direne

Can you describe what communication via entropy would look like? I'm thinking DNA mutations that something (possibly SV17q) is tracking.

You mentioned that there are contact and no-contact groups. Speaking of SV17q, can you reveal its position on contact, and / or elaborate on this contact schism that exists?

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: boozo

It's entirely possible to understand what mud is without wallowing in it forever or expecting others to live in it with you.

The only real fairness built into the world is that we get to choose how we respond to it.

When people offer you a hand you can either use it to climb out of the mud or use it to pull them down into it too. FL and its membership have little to do with your choices in that regard.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

It really doesn't matter.

It won't take away the pain of betrayal. Also, what was done is done.

There's only so much whatever is above can do based on my experience.

Its just dumb luck when I find->you meant when u were guided

Be-trayal? Be Tested? Yea, u were.
It does matter.

Pain is only temporally, victory is forever.

Considering Experience. If u would only knew how many would like to incarnate to Tarra, now, u would not believe.

I think it was Joseph Campbell who liked the schizophrenic experience to that of the shamanic initiation, but the difference was that in traditional tribal societies, the shaman was experienced in being able to bring the disoriented schizophrenic out of the chaos and into a form of wellness, learning to live with their newfound realities and becoming a valuable storyteller and interpreter to the tribe.

hearing voices is not a curse, but considered a blessing, voices of the ancestors or guides, and the experience is quite calm and rewarding for those who have the condition.

I had a wonderful renewal of self and spirit, a profound reconnection to nature and the Natural World on a level unparalleled, and some magical experiences from Mother Earth Herself.

Shamanism as "forgotten language", is not as such at all. It remained inscribed in blood, so as to be preserved.
"Shamanic illness" is a call, and when u are not permitted to express your self-> anger, natural body reaction(some knew/know that very well). They dumb u down with poisons, to disable u, and those from church to brainwash u. For u, came early, probably, without someone to guide but your parents did well, and u were instantly healed just by transfer into the nature. Fastest curing in history, one might say.

Considering "hearing voices", there is one other source-> DEW. Somewhere from your surrounding, not far, is the "source for those voices".

On people that do have such a gifts, envy comes from community, and/or family.
And as u can see, to connect with the answers, there is nothing they can do about.

There are those who do follow re and incarnations.

edit on 4-6-2023 by LaPourer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

"Can you describe what communication via entropy would look like?"

I'll try my best, but I feel that discussion would be more appropriate in a particle physics forum. However, I can give you a succinct explanation of the key concepts from which you can seek additional information.

The key concept from physics is that of "kinetic mixing/vector portal scenario"; this concept must then be modulated with the principle that states nonlocality is a universal property of the universe, regardless of how and at what speed quantum particles move. Then, you need to learn the no-go or no-communication theorems, which state that, within the context of quantum mechanics, it is not possible to transmit classical bits of information by means of carefully prepared mixed or pure states, whether entangled or not.

This means there is no way for anyone in this Universe to send signals faster than light, and that the use of the entanglement trick won't work to transmit bits of information to the other end of the Universe; however, it also means you can cause kinetic mixing detectable effects at the other end of the universe. Therefore, accepting these principles, the scenario is that you are required to communicate with another civilization located in the far end of the universe (both in space and/or time) using solely the kinetic mixing effects, and praying to your gods for the other beings to be able to detect these effects. The effects are weak, almost undetectable, but definitely real. To detect them you will have to push your particle accelerators to the limit and disentangle the photographs of the traces detected in the collisions, discard all those known to you, discard instrumental noise, discard detector errors, discard thermal noise and, finally, what remains will be a faint signal: the signature of a KM effect.

The KM signature will be unique for each experimental setup, so you will have to work out an alphabet in which each KM signature is unique. That done, you run your experiments. At the other end you will detect the different KM signals. If you manage to create a pattern, they will know that those KM signatures are artificial, have an intent, and that someone or something is trying to communicate. You can use dark photons as they can couple very weakly to electrically charged particles through kinetic mixing with the ordinary photon and could thus be detected. This is a non-trivial experiment because your dark photons must have a specific kinetic mixing strength to spontaneously convert to a Standard Model photon.

That's how communication looks like between advanced civilizations, roughly speaking. Yet I feel this explanation won't satisfy you. My bad.

As for SV17q's position regarding contact my view is the issue is not whether to contact or not, but when, with whom, and why.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: boozo

I've been through hell and back, been a public pariah, endured ruthless treatment from nurses, painful forced injections that simulate death, four point restraint, violent and painful brain epilepsy, more inpatient stays than I can remember and overly physically aggressive police interventions when in a confused and vulnerable state.

Then there are the delusions, the mind control, the various agencies and paranoia, the occultic groups and non stop harassment.

The hallucinations, tactile and far too close for comfort.

It gets better with a support team, a trusted therapist, coping mechanisms and antipsychotics to slow the brain down enough to tend to the aformentioned.

The drugs can take some time to find the right combinations, I've experienced simulated death from some on the market, weight gain, confusion, lethargy and every horrible side effect listed until they finally landed on one that works for me.

Please never give up, it does and can get better with time and practice.

If you ever want to talk, I'd be more than happy to help in whatever way I can.

I've been there, and made it out alive.

Don't give up.

edit on 6/4/23 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edit

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: boozo

I've been through hell and back, been a public pariah, endured ruthless treatment from nurses, painful forced injections that simulate death, four point restraint, violent and painful brain epilepsy, more inpatient stays than I can remember and overly physically aggressive police interventions when in a confused and vulnerable state.

Then there are the delusions, the mind control, the various agencies and paranoia, the occultic groups and non stop harassment.

There is one kind of people hated more than "witches", by churches figures. Those are Shamans.

edit on 4-6-2023 by LaPourer because: vid

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

"Can you describe what communication via entropy would look like?"

I'll try my best, but I feel that discussion would be more appropriate in a particle physics forum.

That's how communication looks like between advanced civilizations, roughly speaking. Yet I feel this explanation won't satisfy you. My bad.

As for SV17q's position regarding contact my view is the issue is not whether to contact or not, but when, with whom, and why.


30 000 000 (meters per second) =
108 000 000 kilometers per hour

Happened/ing, direct line, explained.
But, u still have not answered one ? that was pointed, also directly, why would u like to contact ETs?
What would that mean for U?

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Direne

No worries Direne, that’s more than enough of a lead, thank you.

So structured information itself can’t be sent, but kinetic mixing detectable effects can be generated, which is a sort of signal metadata that can potentially be read once it's properly encoded?

Fascinating, I’ll have to look into this a bit more.

As for SV17q's position regarding contact my view is the issue is not whether to contact or not, but when, with whom, and why.

I’ve actually been seeing your point with increasing clarity. An ant would never consider deliberately making contact with a human. There are too many unknowns, and the human is much larger. There's also nothing of value that a human can offer an ant, and there's a high probability that the ant would be squashed.

We have enough ETs on Sol-3 already, some of them good. Let’s come to terms with that first.
edit on 6/4/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Direne

That sounds to me like an interest in eavesdropping upon interdimensional communications. I can understand that.

As for SV17q's position regarding contact my view is the issue is not whether to contact or not, but when, with whom, and why.

What SV17q actually is, I am not sure. Maybe the ones who are/were directly above the satellite dish at New Norcia Western Australia, operated by the European space agency. They have neat tricks.

If so, then I am well aware of them.

What makes the "when, whom, and why" important? Especially the "whom". I am presuming here the "whom" are individuals, rather than organisations.

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